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"Daddy, I've finished my part so what will I get as a payment?" Jessica said coquettishly towards the middle age man on the screen.

"Did you let go of his friend?" The man asked instead of answering her.

"Of course I let him go since he didn't want him to be involved. But that Raebin guy didn't seem worried at all and just went back to the hotel room. It's still in the same hotel, I remind you. And where's that guy?"


Jessica's eyes twitched slightly, "Really? He's sleeping?"

"Yeah, he went to eat a lot and he was also tired due to the jet leg thus he fall asleep in the car."

"I don't know if he is fearless or just doesn't give a damn. But whatever, I'm busy. The guy who helped me kept on pestering me to go on a date with him. Since I'm in a good mood, I might say yes. If I'm annoyed, I might just punch him on the face. So bye Daddy and don't forget to buy me a new pink diamond."

After the phone call ended, the middle age man with grey hair and grey eyes looked at the tall man standing not far from him and asked.

"Where is he?"

"Still sleeping. In the room. We asked him if he wanted to continue sleeping. He said yes. So we let him use one of the guest room."

"It's fine. You can go. When he wake up, take him to the dining room. Let him eat before I meet him."

"Yes, master."

On the other hand, the young man inside the guest room who previously looked like a docile drowsy lamb was currently staring at his phone screen.

"Damn, even an emergency call is impossible."

There was no signal what so ever which means he couldn't contact the outside world at all.

"007, scan the entire place. How many living beings can you detected?"

[Scan complete.]

[Living beings detected: Humans]

[Number: 159 people]

Jason's eyes twitched the moment he heard it. This world isn't a fantasy world thus would it be possible for one man to beat up a hundred something men all by his own? 

Obviously not. That is not even considering of those men were armed or not.

However, he already sensed that whoever it was that wanted to meet him, that person didn't seem to have any intention to harm him seeing how the bodyguards had been so patience with him the whole time.

He's the one feeling a bit like a fool for acting childish.

After two hours, the silent room was suddenly greeted by a knocking sound from the door.

"Sir, are you awake yet? The dinner is ready."

Sure enough, his guess wasn't that far off. The one behind the door sounds even more respectful than those bodyguards who brought him here.

"I will take a bath first," Jason replied.

"There is a few sets of clothes inside the wardrobe. You can use them. I will wait for you outside so just opened the door when you're ready."


As he expected, all the clothes perfectly fit him as if they were all really prepared for him.

After he finished changing, he opened the door and standing in front of him was an old man around in his 60s wearing what seemingly look like a butler outfit.

"I will guide you to the dining room."

"Will that person who wanted to meet be at the dining room?" Jason asked.

It's been a few hours so when would they meet?

"No, master will be waiting for you in his study. Before he meet you, he wanted you to eat first."

Jason raised his eyebrow and couldn't help but think of something, "Isn't it easier to dissect a corpse that have empty stomach?"

The butler who was previously expressionless looked at him with a slightly shocked face but it didn't last long and his face turned expressionless once again.

After that they tacitly didn't say anything until Jason was guided to a room where there was only two people inside it.

[No other living beings detected.]

Jason was curious about the identity of the man who seemed adamant in meeting him that he even resort to kidnap him in broad day light.

[Identity unknown]

Unfortunately the person's identity couldn't be detected due to him not being involved with the plot at all.

Staring at the widely open door, Jason remained rooted on his position and didn't want to step inside. Seeing this, the butler couldn't help but say, "Master is waiting inside. Before that, can I ask you to give up your weapon? This is a normal procedure."

"What weapon are you referring to?" Jason asked seemingly clueless.

The butler frowned, "How many weapons you have on you right now?"

"A normal handgun full with bullets, two daggers and a thin cutter. So which one you want?"

The butler sighed and said, "Just give me the gun and you can keep the rest."

"You're oddly amiable," Jason sounded sarcastic but he actually being sincere.

If it was him, he would definitely broke that person's arms and legs and just left his mouth be the only organ he could move.

After wasting time with the butler, Jason stepped inside and went directly to a lone couch and sat down leisurely. He didn't even bother to greet the two middle age men inside the room who were blatantly staring at him.

None of them say anything for awhile until the man who was previously holding a few pieces of papers while sitting across of him started to open his mouth.

"Jason Ray Jung, 26 years old. Born on October 6, 1997. Adopted by a pair of infertile couple and was raised by them until they died after being killed by a serial killer when you're 15 years old. After that your life wasn't recorded in any record. You seem to vanish just to appear when you're 17 to become a trainee and took the college entrance exam. Already finished compulsory military service at the navy base and is married to a businessman named Zheng Roufeng."

The man paused before he continued, "However, a few months ago you started to suspiciously move around and searching for records from the hospital where you were born. Why is that?"

The man's grey eyes looked like a snake staring at his prey. It looks intimidating but Jason didn't feel anything and just hummed quietly while thinking on what to say.

He didn't know who the man was so he didn't feel the trust or obligation to tell the man what or why he did something.

Seeing Jason remained silent, the man wasn't angry, "Are you trying to search for your biological parents? Why so suddenly?"

Jason stared at the man and he suddenly remembered about what was written in Jun Sooyoung's diary.

'There was a man who instructed Jun Sooyoung to sign the birth certificate. And now this man appeared.'

"I was in a car accident a few months ago and almost died. When I was recuperating, I suddenly felt that life is too short thus I've been thinking what I want to know or do before I die and one of the thing I wanted to know was knowing who my parents are. It just a random thought but when I started investigating, many things just didn't add up."

"What do you mean?" The man asked.


Jason told the man about Jun Sooyoung, Cai Yun and even the third unknown woman that he couldn't find no matter what he do.

"Jun Sooyoung and Cai Yun are not my mother so it must be the third woman. If I can find my mother, I can definitely find my father. That's what I'm doing. I don't think I'm breaking any law."

The man was silent for a while before he took a deep breath and said, "This guy is a doctor. Let him take your blood. Don't ask any question and I also have my reason why I did this. I will promise you that I meant no harm."

Seeing the man's grey eyes, Jason's couldn't help but felt a sudden premonition in his heart but he only nodded his head, "Ok."

"You need to stay here for three more days and we will send you back in one piece after that. Don't worry about your friend. He's fine and we already informed him that he will see you again in three days."


After his blood had been extracted using a syringe, he didn't stay in the room much longer and went to look around, which he was allowed to.

"You can go anywhere you want as long as it's inside the mansion."

"Ok, I will listen to owner of the house," Jason decided make himself at home.





While Jason was dealing with an unknown forces, Kim Raebin couldn't help but wanted to curse when he saw the name on his phone screen.

[Zheng Roufeng]

Knowing that he couldn't avoid this guy, Kim Raebin answered the phone right away, "Hello, Mr Zheng?"

"Boss Kim, why can't I reach Jason's phone?"

"Oh, it's because he had to go the shooting set and the connection over there must be really bad. Is there anything you want to inform Jason?"

"Oh it's nothing. I just want to tell him that I already started to move our stuff to the new house. I will start to unpack so Jason can come home to a neat and clean house. Tell Jason to call me as soon as possible when he's reachable."

"Ok I will relay your words to him. He might be unreachable for three more days so I hope you can understand."


Kim Raebin let out a breath of relief when the phone call ended. Knowing that Zheng Roufeng was also busy with his own thing, it might took him a while to sense something was wrong with Jason.

While Kim Raebin was waiting inside the hotel room, Zheng Roufeng couldn't help but sense something was amiss but he soon forgot about it when he saw the box containing his mother's belonging.

It was the only thing left by his mother since those things were stored in an acquaintance's house. That acquaintance even forgot about it until Zheng Roufeng came to take it back.

There was a camcorder and a pictures album. Inside the album were his and Jason's childhood photo.

When Jason was still small, the Jung couple were busy with work and often asked Zheng Roufeng's mother to look after Jason and Zheng Roufeng who was the only son was happy that he got a little brother out of nowhere.

Zheng Roufeng's mother, Zheng Liya liked to take their pictures and even record their shenanigans once in a while.

Zheng Roufeng looked through the album and even saw his mother's handwritten notes on the pictures. Fortunately there wasn't a single picture of the Jung couple because if there is, he would dispose the picture immediately.

He didn't want Jason to remember all those bad memories.

The older they got, the lesser pictures they had taken together since the Jung couple rarely send Jason to Zheng Liya anymore with a reason that Jason was busy with extra classes.

"Is that you Mr Zheng? You looked really innocent," suddenly a man said to him.

Zheng Roufeng turned around and saw two figures entering his house leisurely and despite their relationship weren't that close, Zheng Roufeng didn't mind them much.

"I really feel grateful for Mr Zhang to sell this house to me. I really liked the location and design."

"Well, no one in my family will be living here and I'm the one who design this house. Since Mr Zheng is generous with the price and also my business partner, I'm more than honor to sell it to you," Zhang Aiming said before he sat down on one of the chair, followed by his nephew Gu Xin who was walking behind him silently.

"So what are your plan to bring down Gu Xihuai and why should I believe you when I don't see any reason to?" Zhang Aiming asked straight to the point.

He wasn't an idle person so there was no way he would come meet Zheng Roufeng at his house for no reason. Plus he was bringing Gu Xin along to pressure Zheng Roufeng a bit.

Zheng Roufeng didn't care much about Zhang Aiming's bluntness, "Don't you know that before marrying your sister Zhang Arin, Gu Xihuai had another wife and a son with her?"

Zhang Aiming nodded before he suddenly understood what it meant, "Of course, I know that much. Wait, no way? I thought that boy died in an arson incident?"

"Well, that boy is alive and well in front of you right now. Is that enough reason for me to cooperate with you?"

Zhang Aiming frowned. He knew Zheng Roufeng had no reason to lie and he couldn't help but glanced towards Gu Xin who was sitting beside him.

Gu Xin looked dumbfounded which is understandable. How would anyone react if they suddenly found out their supposedly dead half-brother was actually still alive and appeared in front of them to casually dropped such a bomb.

Glancing at Gu Xin, Zheng Roufeng said, "Don't need to be so guard up against me. My surname is Zheng not Gu so I will not take what is yours. I just want that bastard to get the retribution he supposed to get."

Zhang Aiming thought for a while before he said, "Well, we can cooperate but try not the affect the eldest Gu Xinhai since the Qi family is behind him. His wife is like a mama bear with claw of steel so try not to cross her."

"I never intend to bother them. My target is only Gu Xihuai. By the way, how is your sister doing? I heard she still rarely went outside."

"She seems better these days and Gu Xihuai has stop pestering her when she said she will not file a divorce."

Zhang Aiming and Gu Xin didn't stay for long. They leave after two hours, leaving Zheng Roufeng alone in the house.