Character Sheet
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I figured I do this to give a visible representation how Edsom has come along in this world. Don't intend to make this story a Litrpg, but I mean the world is based on dnd rules so why not. 

When there is another number next to a number in parentheses, that refers to the maximum possible score he could get based on shapechanging. 

Hadwin Strider

Medium Humaniod (Shapechanger) (Demigod) Chaotic Good

Armor Class 12 (20)

Hit Points 100 (850)

Speed 30 ft., climb., 40 ft, swim 40 ft., fly 120 ft.

10 (25) 10 (18) 12 (23) 14 (18) 12 14

Proficiency Bonus +4

Saving Throws STR, CON, CHA

Skills Perception +5 (10)

Possible Damage Immunities Cold, Fire, Necrotic, Poison, Radiant

Senses Blindsight 60., Darkvision 120, Passive Perception 15 (20) 

Languages Common

Collector of Souls Collects the souls of beings he kills. Can replicate the powers and abilities they naturally had in life. 

Keen Sense (From Various) Doubles Perception when used on sight or smell. 

Amphibious (From Various) Breathe Air and Water

Siege Monster (From Various) Double Damage to objects and structures

Multiple Heads (From Various) Can create multiple heads with functioning brains

Reactive Heads (From Various) Gain a reaction for each created head. 

Wakeful (From Various) Can turn off part of his brain or create a second brain to rest while still awake. Can only do mundane things or a single task while resting. 

Regeneration (From Hydra) Regenerates 10 hitpoints every six seconds unless he has taken fire or acid damage within six seconds.

Sense Magic (From Chuuls) Can see magic. Works like Detect magic 

Innate Spellcasting (From Various) Can cast spells innately with Charisma as the ability score. Can cast spells innately without material components 

At will: counterspell, detect magic, dispel magic, firebolt, planeshift, ray of frost, see invisibility 

3/day: sleep

1/day: antimagic field 

Magic Resistance (From Various) Has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects

Claws (From Various)

Bite (From Various)

Constrict (From Various)

Tail (From Various)

Wings (From Various)

Cold Breath. Can unleash a breath of cold damage (7d10) in a 30-foot cone. 

Fire Breath. Can unleash a breath of fire damage (18d6) in a 60-foot cone. 

Mind Bolt Can make a spell attack to deal 4d10 psychic damage to a target

Tail Ray. When he takes damage from a spell, he can take only half and send back half of the damage to the caster of said spell. 

I won't keep this page up to date but maybe make a new one further on. Just depends on how much I like. If I have forgot anything or you have any ideas on what to add let me know.