Chapter 19
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Hannah stood at the edge of the cliff, listening to a beautiful song on the wind. Gisley's voice carried through the forest as if calling to Hannah in memory of their love. It was a welcome touch of beauty to her wonderful morning as she replayed recent events in her head.

She had gone to bed with the elf man and spent the next couple of hours astride his lap. Hannah didn't know what had come over her, but she couldn't stop herself. She fell asleep in his arms and woke to make love again. She was so ravenous that she begged him for one more when he said he had to go. He took her from behind, holding her hips as she rocked on her hands and knees. Blackbast came out to find them in the throws of passion and asked if he was staying for breakfast. He insisted he couldn't and had only stayed that long because Hannah had begged him. He came inside her body for perhaps the tenth time since arriving then she walked him out, kissing him goodbye.

At that moment, she felt like a wife watching her husband leave to go to war. She didn't know if she would ever see him again, and that thought made her sad. Now, she wondered why she felt that way. She logically assumed that what they had done should mean nothing, but that wasn't how she felt. Somehow, she felt attached to him, as if their lovemaking had been a marriage.

Blackbast admonished her for taking her first step and rewarded her with a lengthy message using hot oils and soft kisses. Now she was alone, wondering if she should go or stay another day at the temple. She was under no command to be here and felt she had been away from the others too long. She especially wanted to see Chandice as she hadn't seen her since the honeymoon.

Hannah turned to listen to the song, then lifted her voice in return, calling to Gisley with love and assuring her that she missed her. She went to the temple to tell Blackbast she was leaving and ran into the dark-skinned elven beauty that was Annasara. The woman jumped when Hannah appeared and nearly tripped over her own feet.

“Goodness, are you alright?” Hannah asked and went to help steady her.

“I am fine,” the woman replied nervously. “I didn't know you were here.”

“I have been here a couple of days now,” Hannah said as she smiled at the woman. “I am Hannah, by the way, and I know you are Annasara.”

“I am pleased to meet you,” the woman said with obvious tension, like she didn't know what to do. “I was looking for Lady Blackbast.”

“Oh, so was I,” Hannah said as she used her tail to reach around the woman and pull her in. Annasara gasped as they came chest to chest, and Hannah leaned in for a kiss.

“Umm,” the woman said as she leaned back. “Maybe we shouldn’t do that.”

“What?” Hannah laughed. “Were both temple whores. We should take some time to get to know one another.”

“I just really need to speak with Blackbast,” the woman insisted as Hannah stepped back.

“Alright,” Hannah said as she relented her desire to know the woman better. “Suite yourself. I never believed I would be rejected by a sister in the temple.”

“Look, it isn't that I don't think you're beautiful. It's just that, well, it's complicated,” Annasara insisted as she wrung her hands. “Maybe we could talk later, and I will explain things.”

“Ok,” Hannah said with a raised brow, wondering why the woman was so skittish. She scampered off and practically fled down the hall, heading for the magic doorway. “I can't believe I was just rejected by a sex slave,” Hannah laughed and gave the woman a headstart before following down the hall. She went into Blackbast's private chambers, hoping to find the woman, but nobody was home. She walked to the only doorway in the space, an arch to a well-lit hall. With a single step, she was in the jade temple in the long hall of magic doors. The tiger men turned to regard her naked body and smiled in hunger as she swayed her hips to entice them. They weren't allowed to touch her unless she initiated the encounter, so she passed by and went to a doorway that took her to Roric's lodge.

She liked the rustic nature of this space with its massive wooden logs and thick ropes. Animal skins were everywhere, giving the lodge a tribal feel. His door was hidden in a secret room, but it entered into a hall that had his bedroom on it. She checked in the room to see no one was home, then headed down the hall to his council chambers. She found him sitting on his throne as his two gnoll women attended to his wants and needs. She walked around the throne naked and alerted him to her presence by taking his hand.

“Hannah,” he said excitedly. “I have missed you.”

“Sorry, I was in Blackbast's temple, and I needed to stay a few days,” Hannah admitted.

“I hope things went well,” Roric said as he regarded her.

Hannah walked around to climb into his lap before planting a kiss on his snout. She danced her tongue with his, then leaned on his shoulder to recount her most recent encounters with the druid and the stranger.

“I am proud of you,” he said with an arm around her back. “You have embraced this and made me happier than I ever imagined.”

“I was nervous,” Hannah laughed. “But it's over, and I did it.”

“Yes, you did,” he said as he rubbed her.

“So did I miss anything while I was away?” she asked.

“Yes, you missed something very interesting,” Roric replied. “Zillix has a fantasy of keeping a slave girl in chastity. He came to us asking if he could put you in it.”

“Me?” Hannah replied as she sat up. “Why did he pick me?”

“I think because you are married,” Roric answered. “He never said specifically, but he wanted you, Jaina, or Idris.”

“Well, I hope you told him no,” Hannah balked. “I just embraced this lifestyle. I am not about to give it up. I mean, I would if you ordered me to do it, but I wouldn’t be happy about it.”

“Nobody is going to order you to do anything,” Roric said. “Chandice would kill me if I put you in chastity. My hide would be hanging on her wall.”

“Hmm. So what did you do?” Hannah asked.

“We were all against it, but none of us wanted to squash his wishes, so Rajeen gathered the entire harem and asked for a volunteer,” Roric explained.

“Did anyone volunteer?” Hannah gasped as she tried to imagine a life in permanent chastity.

“No,” Roric replied. “Not a single girl wanted to face life in a belt.”

“I don't blame them,” Hannah said. “I wouldn't even feel like a sex slave if I couldn't have sex.”

“Zillix wants a girl who is fond of oral sex and wants to provide that all the time,” Roric explained.

“She doesn’t need to be belted for that,” Hannah argued. “All he has to do is ask for oral sex.”

“It’s part of his fantasy to have her mad with need,” Roric said. “And that only comes from a belt.”

“I wish him luck,” Hannah replied as she looked down. “But, since we are talking about oral sex. You don’t happen to need a little attention? If you are too tired from the honeymoon, I understand.”

“Are you teasing me?” Roric laughed. “Get on your knees, slave, and pleasure your master.”

Hannah got down as he undid his belt and pulled open his pants. She climbed between his legs and took hold of the sheath where his cock was already growing in anticipation. She looked up with a smile while stroking him, then licked her lips to let him know she was about to feed. He clutched the arms of his throne as she extended her extra-long tongue, wrapping it around his cock and then sliding up and down.

“Oh, that tongue is so hot,” he moaned as she slowly coated him with her devilish saliva. She reached the tip, and her lips wrapped around him, sucking gently as she descended. Roric tensed as she kept going, taking his cock into her throat with ease. She looked up to meet his eyes as she began shallow thrusts, using her throat to do most of the work. She had sucked rucked five to six times a day while on the honeymoon, and she knew exactly what drove him wild. He liked deep thrusts, followed by a good firm sucking that teased him all the way to the top. Then she would stroke his slick cock firmly before taking him into her throat again.

She worked at him with her skilled lips as he started to thrash. If she really wanted, she could make him cum in less than a minute, but she liked to make him suffer with prolong. She used her long tongue to reach out and tease his knot as her lips pressed around it. He tensed and shifted as she played with him, keeping him on edge until he couldn't stand it. He lasted all of five minutes before he commanded her to let him cum. Then she pulled back to the last four inches, sucking rapidly so his orgasm filled her mouth. Hannah came as well, her shared orgasm coursing through her body while she focused on her task. She tasted his bestial seed as he drowned her tongue in his creamy gift. She waited until the last second to pull back while stroking the base so his last few spurts covered her face.

Now was the final step as she waited until he watched to swallow it all. He loved to see and hear that deep, full swallow followed by an open mouth to show him it was all gone.

“Good girl,” he sighed and sat back. “You are better than Jaina at that.”

“I will have to teach her how to do it right,” Hannah said as Roric laughed. “So, where is your wife? I was hoping to spend time with her.”

“She's at her magic shop and would love to see you,” Roric replied, leaning over. “She thinks of you as her wedding present, and so do I.”

“I am your present,” Hannah replied with a smile. “And I always will be.”

Roric nodded, and she got up to bid him goodbye. She went right out the door of his lodge into the rustic camp built high on the bluffs of a series of mesa. She knew the way to the forest doors that dotted the camp and connected them to the Lovewood. She quickly crossed a rope bridge and went around a large leather-skinned building to a clump of trees. She passed between two trunks and was instantly in the Lovewood, arriving in a secret clearing near Chandice's tree.

“No druid interference, please,” she called to the forest around her. “I am here to see Chandice.” Satisfied she wasn't about to be abducted and fucked again, she set out to work her way to the front of the tree as she remembered she was naked. “Hmm, maybe I should put something on.” She paused to tap her foot, considering her options. She settled on a white corset, panties, and matching lace stockings. She donned a pair of shore white gloves and added some earrings to one ear. Then she walked around the trunk to the magical entrance of Chandice's shop.

It was a place that captured the eye everywhere you looked as the shop itself was built into the tree's trunk. There were at least five levels, but it was hard to tell where one ended and another began. Windows, balconies, walkways, and slate roofs jutted out at odd angles and different elevations, creating a jumble of a structure. It was exactly how Chandice liked it, and Hannah had grown fond of it. She walked through the door, causing a magical chime to ring and alert Chandice to her presence.

“Why sweet wedding present!” Chandice cried and rushed across the shop, pulling Hannah into her arms and a firm kiss. It lasted only a few seconds before Chandice leaned back and gave her a funny expression.

“You have been sucking my husband's cock,” she said. “I can taste him in your mouth. Naughty sex slave, why didn't you use cleanse?”

“I didn’t think you would mind the taste,” Hannah laughed. “You are married to him.”

“I don't mind it, but I don't need to taste it all day long now, cleanse so I can enjoy you,” Chandice commanded. Hannah did as she was commanded, and the kiss resumed with Chandice holding her face so the kiss would last until she was satisfied.

“I have missed you so much,” Chandice said. “I was afraid you were avoiding me.”

“Why would I avoid you?” Hannah asked. “I love you, and I am your present.”

“I love hearing you admit that,” Chandice sighed. “Now convince your husband to sell you to me.”

“I have no say in it,” Hannah laughed. “And besides, I have all the girls collared. If he sold me, they would come with.”

“I have no problem with that,” Chandice said with an evil smile.

“Hmm,” Hannah said as she smiled and leaned into Chandice. “So, I need your help with something.”

“You need me to tie you to a bed and make love to you all day?” Chandice asked.

“Umm, that’s another good option,” Hannah agreed. “But I was thinking more about the sacred grove.”

“Ha, still can’t stop trying to figure things out,” Chandice teased.

“I am just curious about how it works,” Hannah said. “This is essentially a door to another world, and I was known for being able to open these.”

“You mean Hathlisora?” Chandice asked.

Hannah nodded and explained what she knew about the legend, that Hathlisora was aiding the necromancers by opening doors to Abbadon for them. She was known to be able to open these doors to other worlds, but Hannah had no idea how she did it.”

“I don’t know that I want you doing this,” Chandice said as she put her hands on her hips. “You promised Frank you were going to leave this life behind.”

“I promised I wasn’t going to try to recovery my memories,” Hannah corrected. “This is me trying to learn how I did something I am known for.”

“Ok, I don’t know this part of your story,” Chandice replied.

Hannah explained how they had recovered information that she was known to be able to open doors to other worlds. They learned the necromancers were helping her in exchange for doorways opened to specific places. One of these was Abbadon, the prison world, where a woman the goblines called her twin resided.

Chandice asked a few questions about how she knew this, and Hannah explained it came from second-hand sources. They hadn't actually spoken to anyone who had witnessed these doors.

“So you think we might learn something about how you did this?” Chandice asked.

“It’s worth a try,” Hannah said. “And it seems like I can’t wander the forest without this grove coming to find me.”

“Probably because you just lay back and spread your legs whenever he finds you in his grove,” Chandice laughed.

“Oh, ha, ha,” Hannah countered. “Are you going to help me or not?”

“Alright,” Chandice replied and called into another room. “Meribeth, you have the shop; I am going out.”

Hannah heard a woman reply that she would take care of the shop then Chandice hooked her arm and took her outside.

“So, who is Meribeth?” Hannah asked.

“A player alchemist,” Chandice replied. “She came in asking about ingredients, and we hit it off. I offered her a workroom in the shop if she would help take care of it when I couldn't be here.”

“That's useful,” Hannah said, then smiled as Chandice pulled her close and kissed her cheek.

“Any chance you can be in our bed tonight?” Chandice asked.

“I don't see why not,” Hannah replied as she wondered what Frank was doing. “Frank has been coming to the temple to make use of me. He seems content to leave me there.”

“Oh, I heard him talking to Roric about that,” Chandice said as they walked into the forest. “He told Roric he was very proud of you for obeying and didn't want to take you out of the temple while you were doing so well. But he did miss you, and he said he felt empty when you were away, so maybe you should ask him first.”

“Well, that’s good to know,” Hannah said as she smiled. “I knew he would miss me. I will ask him later and see what he says.”

“So, how do we find this grove?” Chandice asked as they walked arm in arm.

“Well, it usually finds me,” Hannah replied. “But I suspect it has something to do with the flower singer's powers. I am always singing or using one of my powers when it shows up.”

“Well, get to work,” Chandice encouraged as she took out her wand. “I will keep trying to detect magic and see if I notice anything.”

Hannah nodded and called on her power to leave flowers in her steps as she floated over them. She blew clouds of pollen into the trees to bring them into bloom and then filled the air with butterflies.

“Gisley must love you,” Chandice laughed as she waved a butterfly from her face.

“I keep meaning to give her some of those garden fairies,” Hannah replied as they turned and went down a side trail.

“You do that and you may as well put a ring on her finger and call her your wife,” Chandice said. “I have already heard all about your singing. Gisley loves to hear your voice.”

“Which I find odd, considering it's her voice I love to hear,” Hannah said.

“I bet you two would sound lovely together,” Chandice agreed, waving her wand a bit. “I am not detecting anything that isn't you or the normal magic of the forest. Either you just got lucky those two times, or you're not doing something right. Can you turn up the nature magic?”

“I can sure try,” Hannah said and started singing a healing song. It would heal any who heard it except creatures hostile to the singer. She lifted her hands high, and flowers grew up the tree trunks until petals rained from the sky as golden spirals of magical healing turned in the air.

“I see a ton of restoration and growth magic going on,” Chandice said as she read the magical script the wand was producing. “But that’s all coming from you.”

“What kind of magic does that bag of deep pockets you were telling me about use?” Hannah asked.

“Well, it's always a blend of enchantment and something else, sometimes even two or three other schools,” Chandice replied. “In the bag's case, it's a combination of enchantment and displacement.”

“Displacement?” Hannah asked as she felt the name sounded familiar. Her mind began to churn as she struggled with a memory that wouldn’t come. It so bothered her that she stopped walking and started to grow angry.

“Hannah?” Chandice asked as she took Hannah’s hand. “Love, are you alright?”

“I'm fine,” Hannah said, shaking her tension away. “I just couldn't help but think I know what displacement magic is, but I can't remember.”

“Oh, maybe we should stop,” Chandice said. “If this is going to poke at forgotten memories, I don't want to be the one that brings up some pain from your past.”

Hannah went to protest, but Chandice pulled her into a hug and held her fast.

“I love you,” Chandice whispered. “And I know your past is important, but I am terrified that helping you recover it will do more harm than good. I just want the wonderful woman who was my wedding present to spend a night in my arms.”

“I want that too,” Hannah insisted. “I didn’t set out to stir my memories, but maybe this is good.”

“I don’t want to continue with this without Frank’s express permission,” Chandice insisted. “I may be a master of the harem by marriage, but Frank is still your primary owner. I will do nothing to upset him concerning you.”

Hannah could see Chandice wouldn't budge and had to agree to give up. They turned around to go back, heading down the train with Chandice's arm around her back.

“I am sorry I took such a hard stance,” Chandice said. “I really do love you and don't want to see you hurt.”

“No, I understand,” Hannah replied and turned to kiss her. “We all know my past is dangerous, but I will have to face it sooner or later. I doubt I can hide in a slave collar forever.”

“Can you at least hide for a little while longer?” Chandice pleaded.

Hannah nodded and tried to let go of her need for answers, pulling Chandice into another hug. She promised to be a good girl and let this go, but as she stepped back, she noticed the mist.

“And it's happening,” Hannah said as she turned around to see a shimmering mist rolling out of the forest to engulf them.

“What’s happening?” Chandice asked.

“This is the grove opening the door,” Hannah said. “It came for me at last.”

Chandice immediately drew her wand and began to wave, casting her detection spells as the mist swirled around them.

“Dislocation, something called disjunction and translocation,” Chandice said. “I haven't even heard of disjunction before.” She looked up in surprise at the discovery as Hannah spun around. “So what happens now?”

“We walk,” Hannah replied. “And the grove appears.”

“These readings are ridiculous,” Chandice said as she waved her wand and made lines of magical light appear. “Look at these hexagrams. They are incredibly complex.”

Hannah looked at patterns of rings and symbols as memories flashed before her eyes. She had seen these symbols before, but she couldn't place where. She studied the patterns and thought they belonged together for some reason, a pattern of patterns woven in just the right way. She reached out to touch one when they were suddenly gone, and a green rolling glade replaced the forest.

“Is this it?” Chandice asked as she whirled around to take in the strangely green landscape that looked perfectly manicured. The grass was a uniform length, and flowers only grew in well-tended beds. The trees were tall and slender, with thick crows of leaves that swayed in a warm breeze.

“This is it,” Hannah said as she took Chandice by the hand. “Now, keep me safe so I don't end up on my back with my legs spread.”

“Why would I want to stop that?” Chandice laughed. “If he comes for you, I am going to stand back and watch.”

“Lovely,” Hannah sighed. “Did we at least learn something before we were abducted?”

“Yeah, the grove used a form of magic I have never heard of,” Chandice said. “I will have to do some research. Maybe even go to some distant cities to visit other enchanters and see what they have to say. In the short term, I can tell you I have no idea how to recreate the effect or manipulate it in any way.”

“Well, I was sure I recognized some of those symbols,” Hannah said as they headed down a marble path. “But I can’t recall where I saw them.”

“Just don’t try to force it,” Chandice said. “I feel guilty enough already that we went this far. I wouldn't have done it if the grove hadn't suddenly appeared. I know you would have been disappointed if we missed our chance. But I don't want to be responsible for dredging up some long-forgotten memory that leads to pain. “

Hannah understood her point and assured her that wasn’t about to happen. They hugged and shared a kiss before Hannah insisted she was just a sex slave, and nothing was going to change that now.

“So, if your memories suddenly returned, you don't think you would regret this?” Chandice asked.

“Why would I?” Hannah asked as they crested a small hill to look down on a sweeping field of purple flowers. “I love what I am and the thrill it brings. I made love to my first man in the temple last night and feel fine about it. I actually woke up thinking, I can't wait to tell Frank. He will be so pleased with me.”

“Ha, you really have embraced this,” Chandice said, grabbing her tail to hold it. “So, you well and truly are just a sex slave like Jaina?”

“And that's all I ever want to be,” Hannah replied. “I only worry about my memories because I don't want something I have forgotten coming back to ruin this. I will do anything to keep this my life, and I hope you will do the same.”

“I promise, I will do all I can to keep you a slave girl,” Chandice said. “And I am going to hold you to what you just said. From now on a sex slave is all you will ever be to me, oh, and my wedding present.”

“Hmm, you say that, but I have been with you for over an hour, and neither of us has had an orgasm,” Hannah countered.

“Oh, are you longing to be used for your purpose?” Chandice teased. “I could summon an imp or two to keep you busy.”

“Umm, maybe not that,” Hannah suggested.

“Why not?” Chandice asked as she took Hannah by the hips. “All my girls have been ravaged by imps several times. Maybe you would prefer the pit hound instead?”

“Hound? Like as in a dog?” Hannah asked.

“Oh, yes,” Chandice cooed as she pulled at Hannah's panties. “He's big and red, with a body covered by tough sinew plates and a maw full of long teeth. His tail ends in a sharp spike, and a row of spines runs down his back. But you only care about the weapon he carries underneath. I can assure you his cock is big.”

Hannah felt her blood racing as Chandice described how the animal would mount and breed her like a proper bitch. She felt her panties pulled away, exposing her wet pussy as the silky things fell around her ankles.

“Of course, he is a demon,” Chandice said as she reached between Hannah's legs, caressing her tender folds. “Demons and devils don't get along, so he will be very angry to see you. I can't imagine how excited he will become when I tell him I brought him here to fuck you. I bet he breeds you a hundred times before he’s finished.”

Hannah felt her stomach churn as Chandice teased being fucked by her demon dog while playing with her clit. She trembled while images of being bred for hours played through her mind. Then Chandice stopped and smiled at Hannah while still holding her pussy firmly.

“So what do you think of my dark mistress act?” Chandice asked.

“Wait, you were acting?” Hannah gasped.

“Of course,” Chandice laughed. “Roric doesn't like to punish the girls or do any of the darker stuff, so he lets me do it. I like to do it, but I always worry I will go too far, and I never want to hurt any of you.”

“Chandice, I thought you were going to actually do that,” Hannah protested. “I was sure that dog thing was going to fuck me any second now.”

“Oh, love,” Chandice said as she took her fingers away and put them into Hannah’s mouth. “It will happen one day, but not now because we were doing our discovery thing. But, If you're interested, I can take you to my shop and let you play with it.” She smiled as Hannah sucked on the fingers, removing the honey from her pussy. “Good girl,” Chandice said. “I love how all you girls are willing to eat your own sweetness.”

Hannah came off the fingers to smile as Chandice put her hand down.

“Well, if you had asked me to do it a month ago, I would have been horrified,” Hannah replied. “But something about this life is so intoxicating, and once you get my fire started, I can't say no to anything.”

“Maybe it’s the collar?” Chandice suggested.

“I don't know,” Hannah replied, reaching down to pull up her panties. “But if you had kept rubbing, I would probably have begged you to summon that demon dog.”

“Ha, are you still thinking about it?” Chandice teased.

“Of course I am,” Hannah said as she blushed.

“Well, I will be sure to introduce you two later,” Chandice laughed, then waved her wand around a bit. “But right now, you should probably know I see nothing but nature magics. Lots of growth, harmony, fertility, and alteration.”

“Alteration?” Hannah asked as she nestled her pussy into her panties.

“It's probably the magic that is keeping the place so well manicured,” Chandice said and pointed to a perfectly trimmed hedge. “This isn't a wild forest; it's a well-maintained garden, and the druid is the gardener.”

“Speaking of which, where is her?” Hannah asked as they started walking again. “He always comes when I enter the grove.”

“Maybe he's not coming because I’m here?” Chandice suggested. “He might want you alone.”

“I hope not, but then again, it isn't like we ever talk,” Hannah replied as they rounded a bend at the purple flowers. “Whenever we meet, I feel overcome by his power, and I just surrender. He never says a word to me as he takes what he wants and then leaves me to wake up outside the grove like I was sleeping.”

“Hmm, could he be interested in you for some unknown reason?” Chandice asked.

“Or maybe it’s just because I am a sex devil,” Hannah laughed. “So all he sees in me is the sex.”

“Nobody sees just the sex in you,” Chandice said as she put an arm around Hannah. “The sex is wonderful, but it's the open and loving way that you give it that makes you special. You make everyone you touch feel like they are your lover, and you have missed them terribly while they were gone. Then you make love, and we feel the power of your passion because you care about everyone. Hannah dear, I am sorry, but even when you fuck, you're making love. You don't know how to do it any other way. You fall in love with everyone who makes love to you. I bet you even felt sorry to see that stranger go like your lover was leaving on a trip, and you had no idea when he would be back.”

Hannah realized Chandice was right as she recalled the parting wave and sense of sadness as he left the temple. She did make love, and it came so naturally that she just let it flow. She smiled and leaned into Chandice, accepting her master's embrace as they came through a clump of trees and she saw a gazebo on a hill. It was covered in climbing roses as before, but now the hill had become a garden of colorful flowers, all in the blue-to-purple spectrum with a dash of red. A single tall statue stood at the path's entrance, and as they got closer, she saw it was her.

“Oh, he does have an infatuation with you,” Chandice said as they looked at a statue of Hannah with her wings spread and her hands cupping the breasts of her naked body. Her tail curled between her legs, pressing up at her pussy as if she were making love to herself.

“Why, though?” Hannah asked. “All we ever do is make love, then part ways.”

“Are you kidding?” Chandice asked as they climbed the path of white steps to the building above. “We just talked about this. Making love to you is an experience that people remember. Once you feel that passion and hunger, you can't help but want it again. Not to mention that your devilish pussy is hot, which is an experience all its own.”

Hannah blushed as Chandice described making love to her as a kind of once-in-a-lifetime experience. They crested the hill and entered the marble structure to gaze at the bed of flower petals. Chandice ran her hand over the petals and asked if this was where they made love. Hannah said it was one of the places and admitted the druid had told her this place was hers now.

“Well, I think he hasn't appeared because I am here,” Chandice said as she reached into a pouch. “He obviously brought you here because he wanted more of your affections, so I think I should get out of the way.”

“What do you mean?” Hannah asked as Chandice produced a small coil of rope about three feet in length.

“Stand at the foot of the bed,” Chandice commanded as the rope began to glow in her hands.

Hannah did as she was told, and Chandice looped the rope around her wrists and ankles. Somehow, it seemed to be longer, growing as Chandice tugged on it. Then Chandice sat back and uttered a command.

“Tie her,” she said. Suddenly, the ropes moved of their own accord, tightening around her wrists and ankles while growing to reach out and wrap about the pillars at the far walls. Hannah was pulled wide, her arms and legs spread as she stood at the foot of her bed, helpless to do anything but twist.

“What are you doing?” Hannah gasped.

“Leaving you here for him,” Chandice replied and ran a hand over Hannah’s tight rear before yanking the panties down as low as she could get them. “I am going to wander off and find a way out. You can get out the way you usually do.”

Hannah heard her walking away, leaving her bound and helpless in the grove. She tugged at the magical ropes, but they didn't move an inch, leaving her waiting for her druid. Minutes passed as she waited, a gentle flower-scented breeze caressing her skin. Then the sky clouded over, and she smelled a hint of rain. A massive furry hand came around her waist, and she nearly yelped in shock. She twisted to look back and saw her druid staring at her with those dark eyes.

Her breathing came out in rapid pants as she looked down to see his massive cock between her spread legs. He was so tall it was pressed hard against her tender pussy, and he gently swayed her, grinding her pussy along his shaft.

Hannah's head snapped back with her arching back as her clit was dragged along his hard cock. She twitched and shuddered as he swayed her across him, forcing her to masturbate. Her mind was alive with a dozen thoughts as she tried to understand why they did this. Why did this druid always come to make love to her taught body without uttering a single word? She began to roll her hips as the sensation built, causing her to tug on her ropes involuntarily. Each pass drove her closer to the edge, her voice escaping in high-pitched moans. She couldn't believe this life existed where a woman could surrender to near-endless sex.

Her voice sailed higher, and he began to thrust with her, turning the rubbing on her clit into rapid torture. Her legs began to shake as her body responded, and before long, she was singing in the sweet bliss of a powerful orgasm. His cock was coated in her honey as he never slowed the pace, making her endure the rubbing even as she came. It turned her orgasm into an unbearable climax that wouldn't abate, but no matter how she pulled, she could not escape.

“Ohhhhhhh!” she moaned as he drove her to a second orgasm even while unable to come down from the other one. She shook uncontrollably, her muscles going tight as she balanced on her toes. He lifted higher until his cock held her up, her toes inches from the ground. The pressure was intense as she rolled her hips, not for more sensation but for relief. She was panting as she bounced in vain to try and get off, her feet swaying to find any purchase.

“Please!” she cried, speaking for the first time. He didn't seem to care or hear as his powerful hand held her waist, pressing her down while he trusted. Her voice came out in a stutter, the pleasure so intense she found it hard to moan. Everything locked up as she had a third orgasm in less than a minute, and her mind was finally gone.

She wasn't even aware he had stopped and pulled away, his cock now pressing to her sopping wet pussy. When he slid in, she twisted in delight, grateful the torment had ended. Now she hung her head, her voice a series of rapid groans as he pussy was stretched to breaking. The sex was the same methodical thrusting as he took her body without a word.

Hannah surrendered to what was happening as her mind drifted away. He fertilized her garden three times as she hung limply from her binds. She couldn't count the number of times she had orgasmed, but she had no more strength to respond.

He carefully took her down and laid her on her back in the bed of flowers so her rear was at the edge. He then lay his cock on her stomach and took his legs to press them together. Hannah slid on the bed as he thrust between her thighs to pleasure himself. His long, thick cock slid to her breasts as she threw her arms back and waited.

To her utter surprise, she felt her own tension building inside as the slave collar made even this pleasurable. She came twice before he started to moan, his grip on her legs tightening. Hannah was exhausted, but she struggled to lean up, looking between her breasts at the thick head of his cock. He groaned again and thrust far enough that she could lick the tip with her tongue. She opened her mouth wide and reached out her tongue in preparation for his gift.

It came in a hot jet, splashing between her breasts and to her face. She shared the orgasm, her body twisting in powerful tension while she struggled to keep her mouth wide. He thrust hard, driving his cock practically to her mouth, and the second jet coated her throat. He held it as she clutched her breasts, stroking his cock with them as she worked her hips. Every subsequent pulse went directly into her mouth, forcing her to swallow or drown. She swallowed several mouthfuls until her stomach was as full as her womb, then held the last mouthful to savor while rolling her head to take the rest on her face.

With eyes closed, she hummed with a mouth full of his cum and felt his cock pull away. Her legs were released to hang over the bed, her pussy now free to ooze with his primal seed. She ran a hand up her stomach, feeling the coating of cum that ran from her pussy to her face. She had been bred as thoroughly as she could be, and her body still shook in the aftershocks of the shared orgasm. Slowly, her hand fell lifeless to the side, and she was vaguely aware of being carried.

“You're a mess,” Chandice said as one of her devil warriors carried Hannah as she drifted in her daze.

“Chandice?” Hannah whispered. “What happened?”

“You tell me,” Chandice laughed. “I was walking down a trail in the grove when the mist came on me again. I came out in the Lovewood, and you were lying unconscious in the flowers a dozen steps ahead. You are covered in cum, and I wasn't about to soil my dress, so I summoned a devil to help carry you away. I take it you had a good time.”

Hannah nodded, her body still tingling from the sex. To her, it had happened just twenty seconds ago, and his cum was still warm in her womb. She curled tightly to the arms that carried her away and let her mind wander. She didn't care about these magic doors or dimensions; right now, all she cared about was being a sex slave.