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Year 2071. The open land is filled with greenery and a wide lake. The cave door was wide open near the lake, several elite squad soldiers appeared escorting Heiriz out of the cave to the evacuation area while protecting him from the vicious zombie attack. Hundreds of zombies rushed behind them while being shot hundreds of times. Some of them were bitten and clawed but failed to penetrate the armor made of alloy and metal.

While running, Heiriz's eyes saw a rescue plane not far from the cave entrance while another 6 planes had already departed. He looked back at the dozens of zombies that were still surviving the onslaught of gunfire. His eyes were wild as if he was looking for something.

"MOVE QUICK!! QUICK!! THE TIME BOMB IS A FEW MINUTES LEFT!!" Shouted the male voice of one of the elite soldiers.

"HURRY UP HURRY UP!!" The elite soldier woman rudely pushed Heiriz's back into the rescue plane.

Heiriz had to go inside without preparing his head from hitting the plane door. Heiriz saw in the aircraft that there were scientists who were saved, only a few people may have been saved. The woman also got on the plane and sat in front of Heiriz.

"WHAT IS CAPTAIN DOING?!! WE RUNNING OUT OF TIME!" The woman yelled at the few team members who still hadn't entered and were still shooting at the zombies.

BOOM!!! The explosion echoed scattering zombies at the cave entrance. After a few seconds, a man appeared at the entrance of the cave holding a rocket launcher over his shoulder. Kai Yaif, he stood upright with a tall, sturdy body with bright honey skin, his face was tense, full of determination, handsome and full of scary aura as if he could kill just with the presence of his aura alone. Heiriz's eyes were focused on Khai, the man who had saved him before.

Kai, "Go ahead! Ignore me! I'll stop the undead first! I'll catch up later!" His voice was so cold, firm and calm. The tone of a team leader giving orders, orders that cannot be disputed, whoever hears the order from that voice does not dare to ignore it.

The plane was slowly lifted into the air, all the squad members jumped inside except for Kai, who was busy firing Rocket Launcher bullets at the zombies in the cave. BOOM!! Dozens of zombies scattered. Then he released the rocket launcher to the side and then reached the minigun behind him and fired dozens of shots at the zombies. When the plane was almost 3 meters in the air, Kai ran away from the cave entrance while firing indiscriminately. When the plane got higher, aftet that he stop shooting, he threw the minigun to the side and ran as fast as a horse then he jumped as high as he could and managed to get inside without needing help.

Kai's wild eyes saw that all the squad members were still fairly unharmed, seeing that some scientists still survived. Don't know when Heiriz wore those specs, but for sure he was quite excited to see the man he was looking for was in front of his eyes. The doors of the plane slowly closed, within seconds the sound of explosions in every hallway of the research center. The impact of the explosion had a concussive effect on the plane as well as mountains and cave entrance collapsing. Kai immediately sat next to the woman from his unit. The safety helmet was taken off and handed to the woman next to him. Khai looked at everyone on the plane.

Kai, "You will be transferred to the Section AJ  Research Center. Everyone in the apartment has been transferred there. Maybe some of you will be transferred to other places followed by your families."

All the scientists nodded, Heiriz arranged his bang to cover half of his face. Kai looked for something but couldn't find it.

Kai asked the woman next to him in a whisper. "Where was the boy?"

Erina, "Which one?"

Kai, "super scientist."

Erina, "ohh."

Erina pointed her mouth at Heiriz, Heiriz didn't notice. Kai frowned in surprise, he looked at Erina with a frown.

Kai, "this? No way he is."

Erina nodded, "yes, this boy. He wears specs."

Kai shook his head and took off his body armor.

Kai, "Jalal! Look at my armor to see if there is a flaw."

Kai threw the armor at Jalal who was standing next to the female scientist. Jalal flipped his armor and handed it to the female scientist next to him. The woman was stunned.

Jalal smiled, "You're scientists, must be more experts."

The woman flipped through the armor many times and shook her head, "I'm only grade D, I'm not an expert in this. If it's a normal armor I can do it. But..."

The woman's eyes shot right at Heiriz, she pointed at Heiriz.

"He's a higher grade than B, always seen him going in and out of the S zone lab, maybe grade A or S!" said the woman.

All the scientists inside agreed in unison, nodding while pointing at Heiriz. Heiriz is confused.

Heiriz,"Where all of this come from?! I'm grade B!"

"Impossible! We saw you are always in the S zone, grade B and below are forbidden to leave and enter the S zone!" Screamed one of them.

Heiriz,"It's true, because I'm someone's assistant, there's an S-grade scientist who doesn't have an assistant so he chose me!"

"Can you believe it?"

"Is there something like that?"

"Why don't we know?"

Heiriz was too lazy to argue, so he immediately took the armor and turned it around. He gently touched the shield, it still felt warm from Kai, the smell of its owner was also still fresh. He focused himself and saw if there was a flaw. There seems to be some damage to the implant in the chest area. He pulled out the blue color implant, there was some subtle damage, a normal grade scientist or weapons and armor expert wouldn't have noticed. Heiriz looked at Khai's face.

Heiriz, "Is there an implant surgical kit?" His tone was so low and almost silent.

Kai stared at Heiriz for a long time, then he looked at Oscar then gestured using his head. Oscar who was next to Jalal immediately got the Implant Surgery Kit on the ceiling of the plane, in an emergency area that was easy to reach. A box the size of an emergency kit was handed over to Heiriz. Heiriz reached and placed the blue implant on his knee, a fine wire was taken from the Implant Surgery Kit and attached to the implant, then he carried out some tests and corrections on the implant.

Heiriz, "Elite soldiers learn basic repair low risk implants. This thing looks simple but it's a bit damaged. It feels like it's not from a level 3 zombie."

Heiriz kept looking at Kai to get an answer from him as to how the armor could be damaged.

Kai, "There's a level 4."

The other members of his team were also surprised.

Erina, "seriously? How does it look? This is the first time."

Kai took the safety helmet from Erina and patted the forehead of the helmet, immediately a hologram of a horrible creature appeared in the air. The eyes popped out, the mouth was wide open like a crocodile's mouth, the fangs were long and sharp, the tongue was split in two and long, pieces of flesh were torn here and there. Gender not identified.

Kai, "level 4. Faster than level 3, smarter, split tongue 6 meters long, very sharp like a knife. Hard to kill unless you use a Rocket Launcher or burner. Using a minigun takes a long time." The description is very simple but easy to understand.

Kai, "thank you for bringing the rocket launcher for me."

Kai patted Oscar on the shoulder while smiling a little. Oscar smiled proudly.

Oscar, "Don't worry captain! Everything you need I will get it for you!"

Oscar patted his chest and saluted Kai. Kai gave a small smile. His eyes glanced at Heiriz, Heiriz was taken aback and continued to fix the blue implant and then he pulled out the wire that was connected from the Implant Kit and then attached everything to the body armor and handed it to Kai.

Heiriz, "The implants category strength have been repaired."

Kai just looked at Heiriz, there was no response, he took the armor and put it back on. Heiriz sat back in his original place, the male scientist on Heiriz's right side was shoulder to shoulder with Heiriz.

"Who are they? Their captain has the super power to jump in a 6 meter high plane, that's not a normal human." Whispered the scientist next to Heiriz.

The scientist on Heiriz's left whispered, "Don't you know? That's the Veteran Elite squad, the first successful experimental Human Weapon, a high immune human that successfully bound with virus cells and was modified into bionic cells, result of a research invention from a secret research laboratory in a other places. Besides our research center, there are rumors that there are some secret research centers in other places."

The scientist on Heiriz's right whispered, "But that's it. For grade scientists like us, we won't be able to get access detailed information about all of that, we can only find out through hearsay." He looked at Heiriz and smiled.

"Aren't you an assistant in zone S, tell me what you know."

Heiriz shook his head, "Confidential information. It's not impossible that one of you is a spy."

The other scientists felt sad, S and A's confidential research information is indeed difficult and cannot be revealed to others, S and A grade scientists have all been recognized for their abilities and their every move is always closely monitored, like prisoners. Then the warning beep sounded.

The pilot shouted from the pilot cabin. "MISSILE TOWARDS US!!"

All the scientists were terrified, Kai was so calm.

Kai, "How far."

Pilot, "1.3KM!"

Heiriz's eyes caught a glimpse of sparkling rays from outside the window. Heiriz pointed outwards.

Heiriz, "What is that?"

Oscar was surprised, Kai shouted, "GET READY TO JUMP!! READY TO JUMP!"

"WEAR IT IMMEDIATELY!!" Erina shouted as well.

Everyone ran to get parachutes in the emergency room, the pilot also ran to the cabin and put on parachute bags. Before the missile approached, Kai immediately signaled for them to jump out of the plane one by one. Although scientists have never been involved in something like this, they seem to have been trained to use parachutes as an emergency alternative. in a few seconds, a strong tremor almost made everyone's head dizzy. BOOM!! The lip of the plane was destroyed by the missile, and almost half of the front part of the plane exploded. everyone is already floating in the air together with the parachute already opened. They could only see their plane crash into the forest and explode.

They felt sad, thought they were safe who thought they were attacked anyway. They slowly landed on the ground, some stuck in trees and some fell into the swamp. Heiriz was the unluckiest, falling in knee-deep mud. even walking felt heavy, he released the parachute bag and wanted to move, unfortunately he slipped in the mud, his whole body was covered in mud. Erina extended her hand and helped Heiriz.

Erina, "Clean yourself up. The captain doesn't like to be dirty. I'm worried you'll be his target later."

Heiriz's eyes looked at the small stream and he nodded at Erina. when he turned around he bumped into the body of someone who was walking behind him earlier without him knowing it.

Heiriz adjusted the position of his glasses, "Ahh sorry, I didn't notice."

Heiriz noticed, the atmosphere was quiet for a moment, he could feel the tension that he didn't know why suddenly arose. Erina, Oscar, Jalal and several unit members and scientists were silent as their eyes were focused on Heiriz and the man he bumped into earlier.

'Why the sudden feeling of horror? the sudden silence?' Heiriz whispered.

"Hei!" the man grabbed Heiriz's neck, Heiriz was shocked. Kai shot a stern and irritated look at him, "How dare you dirty my uniform."

Heiriz was stunned, he could only petrify fear seeing the man who once saved him trying to kill him because his uniform was dirty. Kai was so angry, he stared into Heiriz's eyes so deeply, Heiriz began to shiver in fear.