1.3: ❤️The Goddess of Sex
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I honestly did not expect the chapter to end the way it did, but I'm happy to say I'm glad it did. Enjoy. ❤️


“That’s… That’s me. How am I right there? Why am I right there?”

Erin pointed at the statue behind the blonde woman and stared at it in disbelief. She wanted to say that maybe it just looked like her, but deep in her gut she knew without a shadow of a doubt that that was her. The blonde must have noticed Erin’s confusion as she stood up and looked from the statue back to her.

“That’s a statue of you. I’m sorry it’s been broken, m-my lady. I promise I didn’t do that. This temple has been in disrepair for a long time. Since… well… since you died.”

So, not only was Erin staring at a likeness of herself that was supposed to be some sort of goddess… said goddess had already died once. The more Erin thought about it the more it made her head hurt.

“I uh… I think I need to sit down.”

“O-of course, my lady. Here, I keep a spare blanket hidden behind the statue.”

The blonde turned around and moved behind the statue before returning with a folded blanket made of a rough cloth. She walked a few steps towards the remains of what looked like a massive support pillar, and spread the thick blanket across one of the larger chunks of stone. 

“I’m uh… I’m sorry it’s not softer, my lady. But at least it’s better than the stone.”

Erin nodded mutely, and forced her feet to walk to the blanket that the other woman had so graciously spread out for her. Some of the panic that had crept in faded a little as she looked at the warm smile on the blonde’s face. She sat on the blanket and forced a smile on her face.

“Thank you. I um… I don’t know what the hell is going on. I don’t even know who I am, apparently.”

Maybe she wasn’t actually Erin. Maybe she just had this random girl from Earth’s memories because of some goddess thing or something. That made absolutely no sense whatsoever, but it was the only thing Erin could wrap her mind around at the moment. As she looked back up at the blonde woman, she could tell that she was deciding whether or not to sit next to her. Erin smiled a genuine smile and patted the spot next to her.

“Please, sit. You’re making me nervous.”

“I’m so s-sorry my lady! That was never my intent.”

The blonde quickly took a seat next to her and Erin studied her face closely again. From this angle she could see the swollen cheek and cut on the blonde’s face. Anger welled up within her, and suddenly the ruined church around them began to glow. As Erin looked around, she realized that the glowing light was coming from her. She took a few breaths to calm herself, and the light radiating from her skin faded and then went out.

“Who did that to you?”

She reached her hand out and gently touched the blonde woman’s face. That same light as earlier brightened the skin on her hand, and it spread to the face of the young woman. Erin watched as the bruise faded and the swelling went down instantly. As the small cut on her lip closed up and healed, the blonde pulled away in surprise. Her hand went to where Erin had touched her and she gave Erin a look of awe, followed by one of immense happiness.

“Thank you so much, my lady.”

“I uh.. I didn’t actually mean to do that. Not that I wouldn’t have had I known I could… I just… OK. Let’s start over.”

The other woman cocked her head to the side and her eyebrow rose as she questioned what Erin meant.

"What is your name?”

“Drusilia, my lady.”

“You don’t have to call me that.”

“I’m sorry?”

“The whole my lady thing.”

“I’m so sorry! I meant no offense by it! Is there something more appropriate I should call you?”

Erin sighed softly and held up her hands.

“Ok, wait. Let’s back up a step. You said I’m a goddess. Right?”

“Yes, m- Yes.”

“And you recognize me?”


Erin could immediately sense that there was something Drusilia wanted to say about that, so she gave her a warm smile and spoke softly.

How do you recognize me?"

A fierce blush spread from her neck up to her cheeks and she looked away from Erin. The expression was absolutely adorable, and for the first time Erin could see how attractive this woman was. Drusilia met her eyes briefly, and when she saw Erin staring she blushed even harder and looked at the blanket beneath them. Erin placed her hand on the other woman’s arm and moved her head down within the blonde’s line-of-sight. 

“You won’t offend me, Drusilia. I promise.”

“I had ummm… dreams about you, my lady.”

From the way Drusilia was blushing Erin figured out the type of dreams she was referring to. The odd thing was, Erin found the admission flattering. No, more than that. She felt something she couldn’t quite explain. Her brain wanted to explore that feeling further, but first she needed answers. She knew from all the statues around the room that this world was polytheistic, which meant that Erin was likely the goddess of something in particular. Light maybe, judging from the way her skin glowed earlier. She figured the best way to get to the bottom of this would be to start at the beginning and work her way up from there.

“OK. Let’s start simple. I have absolutely no memory of being a goddess. The last thing I remember, I was taking the bus home from my shift at work. I was talking to Ernie about the story I was working on when I saw this super bright light. The next thing I know, I was here.”

Drusilia seemed to be processing what Erin had said and she blinked several times in rapid succession.


She didn’t see any signs that Drusilia doubted what she had said, so Erin continued.

“So, knowing I’m likely from another world, I have absolutely no knowledge about any of the gods or goddesses. I don’t even know what this place is called.”

“We’re currently in the forest known as the Everdark. Most people around here call it The Dark. Other than that… This is the human kingdom of Lissonna.”

“And beyond that? What is this world called?”

“Uroesis. It's the combination of the names of your- of the goddess Ura and the god Oesis. After they created the world they named it after their union to show their love and devotion to everyone.”

“OK, Ura and Oesis. Judging from your reaction I am neither of those two.”

Drusilia shook her head and continued to study Erin’s face intently.

“You’re their youngest daughter, Eronica. The goddess of love, fertility, and femininity.”

That would explain the nature of the dreams Drusilia had been having about her and the extra attachment she had discovered between her legs, but still… She was basically the god of sex? Seriously? The fact that her goddess name basically sounded like erotica was the icing on top of the what-in-the-actual-fuck cake that this was turning out to be

“So… basically I’m the goddess of sex?”

Drusilia considered the question and nodded.

“I guess so. Eronica is often equated with sexuality. Specifically the feminine variety.”

With that, she blushed profusely again and turned away. All at once, Erin felt this near overwhelming urge to reach out and kiss the other woman. The more she tried to resist it, the more the feeling grew. As she looked at Drusilia and stared into her eyes, she somehow knew that she was feeling the same thing in that exact moment.

“Dru-Drusilia… Can I… Can I ki-”

Drusilia burst forward and pressed her lips against Erin’s. The two women explored each other’s mouths with their tongues and then just as quickly as it began, Drusilia pulled away with a panic-stricken look on her face.

“Realms above! I am so, so sorry, my lady! I don’t know what came over me! One minute I was thinking about kissing you, the next I’m actually doing it.”

Drusilia moved to get up and Erin quickly moved her hand to the blonde woman’s face and gently turned her head to face her. She reached up with her other hand and pulled Drusilia into a passionate kiss that seemed to only inflame the searing need to be close to her even further. She reached around Drusilia and grabbed her lower back, pulling her onto her lap so that she was now straddling her legs.

Drusilia kissed Erin like her life depended on it, like it was something that she needed more than she had ever needed anything in her entire life. Her hands roamed across the redhead’s body, who moaned in approval as Drusilia’s fingertips ran across the sensitive skin of her breasts. As Erin gently tugged at the bottom of Drusilia’s tunic, the blonde woman pulled away from Erin’s lips only long enough to reach down and lift the clothing from her body. She threw it to the side and gasped loudly as Erin’s mouth came into contact with her nipple. She was no stranger to having them played with, but the way Erin was doing it was vastly different than had been done to her in the past. It felt amazing, and the more Erin nipped and licked at it, the more an aching need built in her loins. Somehow, Erin sensed this, and she reached down and tugged at the hem of Drusilia’s breeches. Drusilia needed no further encouragement, and she moved back, released the thick buckle of her belt, and quickly removed her boots so that the other woman could eagerly pull the remainder of her clothing down and off her legs.

Just before Drusilia was about to climb back onto Erin’s lap, the redhead held up her hands and placed them gently on the blonde’s abdomen. She spoke in ragged breaths, and the desperate need was obvious in her voice.

“W-wait. Wait. I… I need to… I need to know. Do you- Do you really.. want this? Or is this… some… goddess… thing?”

Drusilia thought for a moment about what Erin was asking her. Did she want this? Absolutely, without a second’s hesitation. The reason she had been so embarrassed about the dreams was because in them she was having the most intense sex of her life and loving every second of it. Thinking about it, the redhead’s concern for her wellbeing made her even more sure that she wanted it. Her goddess was making sure that she really wanted to have sex with her. She wasn’t taking it, or demanding it. She was giving her the choice. And what an easy choice it was.

“I want this more than anything. It’s… nothing you did. I have wanted it even before meeting you. I’m just… Are you sure you want to do it with me? I’m a half-breed… I’m not even worth your trouble.”

Erin started glowing brightly and an angry expression spread across her face. Drusilia was taken aback for a moment until Erin stood up and kissed her on the lips before pulling away again.

“How dare you. How dare you insult this beautiful, amazing woman standing in front of me. Do you think a goddess of sex would have such poor tastes that she wouldn’t pick the most stunning women to be with? And, clearly… I’ve chosen you.”

Drusilia’s heart soared and tears filled her eyes as she almost leapt into Erin’s embrace. She pushed the redhead back against the blanket and they resumed kissing and exploring every inch of the other’s skin. 

Erin had no clue where those words had come from, but she knew from the moment she spoke them that they were the right thing to say. And the truth of it was, they were more than just words. She had meant every single thing she had said. Somehow, she knew she was indeed the goddess of love, fertility, and femininity. Just like she knew that Drusilia’s consent had been genuine, and not influenced by anything she had done.

Erin pulled her head back from the swell of Drusilia’s small breast and smiled up at the gorgeous blonde in her lap.

“Stand up. I want to lay this blanket on the ground.”

Drusilia did as instructed, and Erin quickly gathered up the thick brown cloth and spread it across the stone floor in front of them.

“Lay back. I want to make you feel good. Is that OK?”

The blonde nodded, her eyes hooded with lust. She lay back on the large blanket and Erin knelt down and used her hands to gently push Drusilia’s knees apart. The room glowed brightly again as Erin saw the telltale signs of recent trauma. She kissed the side of the other woman’s knee and started working her way upwards towards her thighs, planting soft, sensual kisses the whole way. When she reached the sensitive skin of Drusilia’s upper thigh, she moved to the other leg and did the same thing. Everywhere Erin kissed, the skin healed and the bruises and bumps faded away. Finally, she moved her face between the blonde’s thighs and breathed gently on her sex. Drusilia gasped loudly and goosebumps covered her skin. Erin gently spread the other woman’s sensitive folds with her fingers and slowly licked the other woman’s slit up and down. Drusilia moaned loudly and Erin saw her grab fistfuls of the blanket beneath them. When her tongue came into contact with the tip of her clit, the blonde came completely undone. Her legs stiffened and her toes curled, her back arched and then all at once, she released the breath she had been holding in. She panted in short shallow breaths, and when Erin looked up at Drusilia’s face, she saw a look of complete reverence and bliss.

If you like this and you haven't already, check out my other story How I became the Empress of Hell.