For the Dark One!
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Demonia Wrathbane sat brooding in her fortress of dark stone and obsidian. No longer the feeble boy of her youth, she had trained in both body and will until she was the powerful brute of a woman who now claimed the Fallow Keep.

And yet her dark goddess barely noticed her.

She worshipped the Dark One, an enigmatic goddess of darkness, secrets and power. Demonia had fallen in with a cult devoted to her, and what had started as just adoration and reverence had evolved into more romantic desires. She sought to woo the Dark One and live as her bride. That was why she had seized the Fallow Keep from the bandit king and consecrated it in the Dark One's name in the first place; she was sure that such a noteworthy act would prove her love, but her goddess had simply vested a portion of her power in the fort with a simple thank you and departed. Now she had a keep enshrouded with shadow and dark magic, which was nice, but she yet yearned for the Dark One's affections. So, she brooded, fingers drumming on the arms of the chair she sat in.

"You seem ill at ease," said a familiar voice at her back, and her face softened. From Demonia's shadow rose an androgynous woman with piercing purple eyes and a subdued smile. Their name was Vi, and they were the first demon Demonia had summoned during her training. While they were bound by magical pact, Demonia viewed the demon as more of a trusted friend and confidant than minion.

Vi shifted behind the chair and massaged Demonia's shoulders with firm tenderness. "I trust you did not speak your truth to the one you worship?" they asked wryly. Demonia sighed, almost regretting confiding her desires in them.

"You know I cannot. She is a goddess, it would be sacrilege to ask directly."

The demon nodded. "I have a suggestion in that case. The Golden Kingdom, a great enemy to your goddess, is in a state of unrest. Their king cares more for his coffers than his people and there are whispers of rebellion. Claim the kingdom, and surely the Dark One will notice you."

Demonia's eyes lit up and a smile blossomed on her face. "You are a genius, Vi. This keep is grand but it is no prize for one such as Her." She sprung from her chair, summoning her enchanted great axe to hand. "Summon our armies, lieutenant. We ride for the Golden Kingdom at dawn!"

And so, Demonia, Vi, and an army of the living dead set forth for the Golden Kingdom. True to the demon's word, the kingdom was far from the splendid country of plenty it was known as. Peasants toiled spoiled fields as rich petty lords grew richer off their suffering. It was simple enough to convince small towns and homesteads to turn their worship to the Dark One and loyalty to Denonia with promises to take away their pain and hunger; promises she made good on by turning them into undead soldiers. Still a better deal than they had in life.

When Demonia marched on the capital city of the Golden Kingdom it was with not a single army of undead but several, each led by her, Vi, or members of the resistance movement that proved themselves loyal and useful.

The king and his meager levies stood no chance.

"Dark One!" cried Demonia standing in a ritual circle, still-warm body of the king at her feet, "I offer this kingdom and its people to you!" A pool of shadows enveloped the dead king, and a woman clad in robes as black as night rose from the circle.

The Dark One had arrived.

"I accept your offering, my loyal servant." The Dark One's voice was silk, and the necromancer felt her heart flutter with every word. Demonia stepped forward, inclining her head for a kiss...

...and the goddess was gone. In her place lay pitch-black armor that radiated power.

Sometime later Demonia sat brooding in the throne room of the now Onyx Kingdom clad in her new armor. Vi knelt before her, their deft hands giving her feet and muscular calves a firm rubbing.

"You did not ask again?" Vi asked with a knowing smile.

The necromancer bristled. "I had hoped this conquest would speak for me.” Running a kingdom was not something Demonia cared for, but her minions did a fine job in her stead. A country unified in devotion to the Dark One was a peaceful one indeed.

It helped mostly everyone was undead.

"Consider this," began Vi, "The Golden Kingdom was the fulcrum of the world's power balance. With a little guile it's possible to leverage that to exert control over the rest of the kingdoms. You could offer your goddess the world; surely that would prove you a worthy suitor?"

Demonia tilted her head, wicked gears in her head already turning. "Another brilliant idea, my loyal lieutenant. Between the two of us we'll bring the world to its knees, then the Dark One will be forced to acknowledge me!" She stood with a flourish. "I have missives to send."

The world was divided into five kingdoms, each ruling over a portion of the land and those who lived there. The real power, however, lay in the hands of those with the gold: several families of nobles across kingdom lines were responsible for shaping and controlling the world. The fall of the Golden Kingdom had set these noble families on edge, and it was easy for Vi and Demonia to reach out and ensnare their loyalty with the promise they would never want for gold again.

Becoming an undead puppet for a world conqueror put a swift end to their wants.

Armed with the treasuries that ran the world, the cult of the Dark One worked its way into all aspects of life. Churches were erected, government officials gave endorsements, and the smallfolk were extended charity. It took several years, but soon The Dark One held sway over all of culture. Where there were once five kingdoms now stood a single, unified community headed by Demonia. All who lived paid homage and worship to the Dark One... which were few, as the world had been largely turned into undead thralls for the cult. The majority were better off this way.

"Dark One!" cried Demonia standing in a circle, the heads of the last kings at her feet. "I offer this world, its riches and its people to you!" Once again the Dark One rose, her form having grown vast and large with the deluge of faith rendered unto her by the now global cult.

"I accept such bountiful offerings, my servant." The Dark One's voice was flame, and the necromancer felt her heart burn with every word. Demonia stepped forward, inclining her head for a ki-

The goddess was gone. In her place lay an amulet of black gold that radiated power.

Sometime later Demonia lay brooding in a bed of fine linens and silks in her personal room of the Palace of Gloom, the cult's global seat of power. She wore her new amulet that imbued her with physical perfection and the height of sorcery, and held dominion over the entire world, and yet...

"You remain unsatisfied?" asked Vi looking up from between her legs. They spoke without words, their mouth occupied with Demonia's erection.

"Not even the world was enough..." Demonia sighed, eyes looking elsewhere. "What more could I offer the Dark One to prove myself to Her?"

Vi's eyes flashed. "Legend says that the Dark One was cast from the Celestial Realm by the One God. If your goddess is a retributive one, I can think of no greater prize than crossing the veil and striking down the one that hurt Her so that She may return to Her rightful place."

Demonia groaned as she came hard down Vi's throat, the demon eagerly swallowing all she had to give.

"Ahh, my brilliant lieutenant," she whispered before rubbing the top of their head. "Summon forth our armies and ready our siege engines. We ride at dawn, for the last time."

Opening a rift to the Celestial Realm was no easy task. Opening one large enough for a plane-conquering army less so. And yet Demonia, fueled by the Dark One's gift, her own magic, and her desperate desire, tore the veil asunder and sent them all hurling towards the One God. Many lesser undead did not survive the trip, and more still obliterated upon arrival by the glaring radiance of the One God's domain. But the necromancer was undeterred, and with her loyal lieutenant at her side she mustered her remaining forces and marched on the glowing palace. There was no discretion in their assault, no politics to be had. A simple conflict, light against dark, winner take all. The forces of the Dark One's corrupted world against the shining angelic forces of the One God.

In the end only three stood: Demonia, Vi, and the One God. It is not possible to kill a god. It is, however, possible to bind one. And so, Demonia, calling upon the last of her strength, summoned shackles of soul and entropy to ensnare the One God and strip Him of his power. She stood panting over the pathetic fallen being. It was time.

"Dark One!" she cried in a raspy voice. "I offer you the Celestial Realm, these shattered angels, and the One God Himself!" And the Dark One rose, and rose, and rose still, until she blotted out the eternal sun of the Celestial Realm, her massive form extinguishing all light.

"I acce-"

Demonia raised a hand. "Wait...I offer you words as well." She paused, and the Dark one stood waiting. "I... all I have done I did not out of servitude, but out of love, my goddess. The final thing I wish to offer you is my hand and my heart, should I be worthy."

The Dark One stared down, her eyes like stars in the vast void of space. Then she spoke. "My loyal servant... I cannot accept you. My affections lie with men, and only one man: my husband the One God." Her voice was broken glass, and the necromancer's heart bled with every word. The vastness that was the Dark One overtook the Celestial Realm, and what was one a perpetual day game way to an eternal night. The goddess sat in the throne that was once her husband's, the fallen god shackled at her feet. Evil had ultimately won; the Dark One reigned supreme.

Demonia sat brooding in the remains of the Fallow Keep. Her army had been claimed by the Dark One to wage Her war against worlds beyond even this one, and all she was left with was a broken discarded plane of eternal night.

"...I am sorry," said Vi. "My advice failed you."

"Do not apologize, my loyal lieutenant. Your company is the balm that soothes my aching heart." Demonia paused, tilting her head inquisitorially. "Why do you not join your kin in the Nether Realm? Our contract holds no sway now that the Dark One has claimed all to be Hers."

Vi, for the first time ever, looked nervous as they spoke. " had the courage to seek your happiness, now too must I. Yes we held a contract, but all my years of service were done so out of love." They knelt before the necromancer. "Will you accept my hand and heart?"

Demonia blinked. Twice.

" could I not?" she whispered, tears in her eyes. "At the beginning of my journey, through it all, and now at the end of everything you stood with me..." she cried and held her lieutenant.

The night was eternal, but so was their love.