Chapter 17
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Chapter 17: A Dual Talent Uncovered

Elsie’s talent in magic was undeniable. She excelled in her classes, her inherent abilities shining through in every spell and incantation. However, an unexpected turn of events revealed another facet of her skills.

One day, Elsie entered the swordsmanship classroom to deliver a message to Neil. The room was filled with the sound of clashing swords and the instructor's commands. As she stepped in, a practice sword was inadvertently passed to her by a student who mistook her for a participant.

Before she could clarify the misunderstanding, the swordsmanship teacher, a stern but fair man named Mr. Aldric, noticed her. "What nerve to interrupt my class," he said half-jokingly. "Now, on-guard!" He made a light, playful slash towards her with his practice sword.

Instinctively, Elsie raised the sword in her hand and deftly parried the attack, much to the surprise of everyone in the room, including herself. A hush fell over the class as they witnessed the exchange.

Mr. Aldric, his eyebrows raised in surprise, studied Elsie for a moment. "Well, I'll be," he muttered, a hint of respect in his tone. "It seems we have a natural here. Elsie, from now on, you're attending my class as well."

Elsie, still holding the sword, was stunned. "But I've never practiced swordsmanship before," she stammered, her mind racing.

Mr. Aldric chuckled. "Sometimes, talent is innate. And you, my dear, have a knack for the sword. It would be a waste not to nurture it."

Word of Elsie's impromptu demonstration spread quickly through the school. Her classmates were abuzz with excitement. "Did you hear? Elsie blocked Mr. Aldric’s attack!" they whispered in the hallways.

Neil, having witnessed the entire scene, approached Elsie with a wide grin. "I always knew you were amazing, but this is something else!"

Elsie, still processing the event, smiled sheepishly. "It was just reflexes, I guess."

As she began attending the swordsmanship classes, Elsie discovered a new passion. Under Mr. Aldric’s guidance, she honed her skills, her agility and quick learning ability aiding her in mastering the techniques. She found a balance between her magic and swordsmanship classes, excelling in both.

Her dual talent in magic and swordsmanship made her a unique figure in the school. Students and teachers alike regarded her with a mix of admiration and curiosity. Elsie, however, remained humble and focused on her training.

In the swordsmanship class, she was a diligent student, always eager to learn and improve. Her ability to blend magic and swordplay intrigued Mr. Aldric. "You have the potential to be one of the best," he often said, pushing her to test her limits.

The conversations among her peers often revolved around her skills. "Elsie's not just a magician; she's a warrior too," they would say, their eyes shining with respect.

For Elsie, the discovery of her talent in swordsmanship was not just about learning a new skill; it was about embracing all aspects of her abilities and identity. She had grown from a shy, reserved girl into a confident and skilled young woman, respected and admired for her talents and her character.

As she continued to train and learn, Elsie realized that her journey at the school was shaping her in ways she had never imagined. She was not only acquiring knowledge but also discovering her true potential, a realization that filled her with a sense of purpose and determination.