Chapter 13: Lost
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Phoenix’s eyes shot open. The peach-white embroidered canopy around the bed made her feel slightly claustrophobic. Aside from the luminous light of the full moon, the world was still asleep. 

What the hell happened? 

Lilianna still had something to say to her. Did she wake up prematurely? 

Phoenix turned to her side. Perhaps it was because Lilianna’s dream was cut short, or maybe it was because Phoenix’s soul had already woken up in Lily Bianca’s body, but she could already control her physique.

When she slipped off the quilts and rose from the bed, the chill of the night penetrated her skin. Lily Bianca’s long-sleeved flappy dress at least kept her body from freezing. 

The moonlight casted shadows of objects around the room. Based on its intricate silhouettes, Phoenix suspected her eyes would feel tired from staring too long at every furniture’s elaborate design.

As she fumbled through the area, Phoenix adjusted her movements to Lily Bianca’s weight. Her body was light, as if a single gust of wind could sweep her away. 

Phoenix noticed her long hair trailed behind her motions. She pinched a strand and twisted it around. A long wavy blonde lock. Phoenix had never dyed nor permed her hair, so it was quite strange to see it like this. 

As she patrolled around the compartment, her feet against the hard carpet, realization crept up on her. 

She did not know where she was. What this place was. What to expect. She gained control over Lily Bianca’s body, but this vessel’s memories disappeared along with the fragments of its former soul. 

 She only saw Lily Bianca use her abilities a few times. If someone were to attack her, Phoenix wasn’t confident in being able to defend herself. Her fingers itched, craving the hard, steely surface of a gun. 

She may have acted tough with Lilianna earlier, but the truth was, she also disliked anything unusual. She hated her lack of understanding of the environment– detested everything looking so different. 

The unknown had always made her uncomfortable. Only crazy individuals actively seeked them out.

For Phoenix, the events following that rainy night seemed nothing more than a prolonged dream. 

What now? 

Her mind blanked. 

Phoenix staggered backwards toward the edge of the desk, a dizzy spell clouding her mind.

Where to start? Could she get Lilianna out of the time loop as she declared? 

Emptiness expanded within her. Phoenix’s eyes scanned the unfamiliar space again. Perhaps she was right about the ornate design of this room tiring her. For a moment, she stood still like a civilian held at a gunpoint. 

Then, Lilianna’s warm voice reverberated inside Phoenix’s mind. 

Right, the ring.

Sighing, Phoenix crouched down to inspect the fireplace near her. She patted around the area to find a match, or any object to light up the furnace. She came up empty-handed. Of course. 

Lily Bianca likely didn’t even need that. Phoenix gave up on the idea. She continued to depend on the moon’s pathetic glow to guide her in finding Lily Bianca’s ring.

Phoenix scoured the space near Lily Bianca’s vanity desk, and found a box rough and cold to the touch. Upon further inspection, it was a jewelry box crafted with golden filigree and a crystal embedded on each surface. When she opened it, two sharp notes followed. 

 She moved towards the tea table, taking the box to where the moonlight was at its brightest. Nestled within the case’s firm, velvet-lined interior, was Lily Bianca’s chaotic collection of jewelry and brooches.  

The brooch bestowed upon by Prince Neil from the latest ball stood atop the tangled mess. Phoenix sifted through the jewelry, emitting clinking sounds as she hunted for Lily Bianca’s ring.

After a thorough search, Phoenix confirmed the ring was not in the box. She remembered its appearance, but she couldn’t recall what Lily Bianca did with it.

When Phoenix hadn’t been sentient, Lily Bianca’s leftover essence had previously guided the body according to the time-loop. 

Now that Phoenix had been aware, because her soul was not bound to the body, she was able to freely move. However, that meant she would not have access to Lily Bianca’s memories.

Amidst her probing and finding no results, Phoenix began to question whether Lily Bianca even had the ring when she came back from the ball. Phoenix was stumped. 

According to Lilianna, if the events had occurred according to the time loop, Delbert would have the ring. However, this time, she never made contact with him during the ball. It was unlikely for him to hold it.

Sooner than expected, the voices of the twins Jade and Anne greeted her from outside the room. Phoenix returned the box to its rightful place and slipped back into the bed. She let the two in.

It was apparent that the twins were identical. However, perhaps due to consideration for others in identifying who’s who, Jade kept her hair short while Anne wore her longer hair in twin-tail braids.

“Good morning, Lady Bianca,” Anne said, her mouth tightly upturned in a smile. Jade bowed from behind her. 

“Good morning,” Phoenix replied.

Anne made a beeline for the bathroom, and Jade quietly started the fire pit. Her forefinger manifested a small spark, which spread from a stick to the wood, emitting a light crackle. 

Jade finished her duties quicker than Anne. Once done, she stood like a statue at a corner, away from the blinding sunlight.

Even Phoenix could realize that they were not as relaxed with her as when Lily Bianca’s essence still guided the body. 

At least she didn’t have to worry about pretending to be affectionate.

Aside from noticing the twins’ reactions, Phoenix didn’t mind. It gave her more time to think through her situation. When she told them she wanted to take a bath on her own, they complied without any questions.

The temperature inside the bathroom was warmer, its heavy air imbued with a subtle scent of milky rose. Phoenix walked towards the floating water mirror, and she struggled to reach for the toothbrush secured at its head. 

Once she grabbed it, Phoenix’s hand extended to the mirror’s back, tapping it where she remembered Lily Bianca did. 

Phoenix’s reflection fogged, and water gushed right into her hand. Shock coursed through her scalp. She inhaled sharply. The room’s warmth intensified the sensation in her hand, making the cool water feel scalding.

Was it supposed to pour out cold liquid? 

Phoenix cursed that damned mirror in the depths of her mind before shrugging it off and proceeding to soak herself in warm water.

She tried everything she could to establish a connection with Lilianna. She tested every piece of Lily Bianca’s jewelry she could find, but nothing enabled her to communicate with Lilianna. 

Phoenix simply may have been ignorant of how to utilize her ability. Else, it was logical to assume there must be something special about that ring. Phoenix decided she should just buy something identical to the one Lily Bianca lost.

Time moved quickly. The twins aided her in putting on layers of clothing. As they styled her hair and make-up, Jade spoke.

“Your father wishes to eat breakfast with you, Lady.” Great. Phoenix cringed inwardly, already anticipating an unpleasant exchange. 

A few years of interaction with Lilianna and her family caused her affection tolerance to rise. However, it didn’t rise much especially when she also had to show tenderness.

“I see.”

“Have you seen the ring I used during the ball?” Phoenix asked. Jade paused from drying her hair. The twins glanced at each other, heads slightly tilted, before responding.

“No, we haven’t, Lady Bianca. I apologize.” Phoenix sighed. Her reasoning seemed correct. The ring was lost in the ball.

“Do you know where I can buy a similar ring?” 

“Yes, miss. There’s a well-known store a short distance away that might have something similar,” Anne said as she braided Phoenix’s hair.

Time seemed to move both slowly and quickly. She was torn, wanting the twins to finish styling her hair yet dreading it, because that meant she would have to walk towards the dining area and face Lily Bianca’s father.

Phoenix glanced at her reflection in the vanity mirror. Lily Bianca wore a similar frilly dress, but the colors were dull instead of making her eye color pop. As her hair was braided, Phoenix studied her cold hard gaze and sighed. 

When this body moved without her awareness, she remembered Lily Bianca’s face looking so gentle. How could anyone know that a simple soul change could transform one’s aura so much?

After the twins finished grooming her, they both looked at her with expectation.

Phoenix mumbled a ‘thanks’ before walking towards her bedroom door, almost tripping on the way. Phoenix looked behind her and noticed the twins did not move from their position.  

Huh? They weren’t coming? 

“Would you like us to get you anything, Lady Bianca?” Anne noticed she wasn’t leaving. Phoenix didn’t know the way to the kitchen, and had assumed at least one of the twins would walk with her to the place. 

“No, I’m good. Thank you.” Her mind was still confused, but Phoenix had already started walking away to who-knows-where.