Chapter 33 – The Swarm
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I leave with a small entourage towards the Buyagh tribes to meet the Goblin Hero. This time, I'm accompanied by sky riders, one riding a lesser wyvern and three riding giant eagles.

Moreover, the gremlin Diluk has gifted me with the latest creation from one of his workshops: the Wildshaper's Cloak. It's a garment made of magical materials that changes shape along with its wearer. In my draconic form, the attire covers part of my body like a blue tabard in the typical goblin style.

Our entourage soars through the skies of the steppes in a V formation, with me leading the way. As I've been informed, this is the first time in years that we're sending our aerial troops on an official mission. Five years ago, when the aerial squadron was formed, one of the eagle riders was shot down by a trow ballista. Since then, they've only performed patrol and delivery services.

Their current mission is divided into two parts: being part of my diplomatic delegation to Buyagh and surveying trow activity while flying over the Forest of Kasvil along the way. The first part of the mission is to make an impression on the Buyagh goblins. Diluk's magical cloak serves the same purpose.

If I were to arrive there alone, the goblins would see me as a beast trying to invade their lands. However, with the presence of goblinoids riding winged creatures and a dragon dressed in goblinoid attire, our entourage would appear more amiable in the eyes of the Buyagh.

When Kheldash suggested the idea, I must admit I was quite excited. We departed from Gorkaki already in flight formation, resembling a parade of fighter jets. And the giant eagles are quite beautiful. The largest of them, gray in color, has a feather crown on its head resembling that of a crested eagle.

On the other hand, I admit that seeing a goblinoid riding a lesser wyvern bothers me a bit. Most dragon species, especially wyverns and drakes, have reduced intelligence, hence being called lesser dragons. The creature in question is a humming wyvern, a colorful and venomous species. It's half my size and possesses the intelligence of a hound.


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As we approached Kasvil, we slightly adjusted our formation to cover a larger area. Our altitude is high enough to evade most long-range attacks. And each rider is accompanied by a spellcaster to provide support with protective magic, including Sarak and Salutar.

Several waves of trow invasions have already ravaged Druma. It's expected that the forest will be emptier with the war beasts engaged in the raids. However, we still don't know what they might have in reserve.

This is a risky mission, but we're relying on our aerial superiority. Trow forces can be dangerous on the ground, while their beasts sprout from under enemies' feet. But I rule over the skies. The only creatures that could threaten me in aerial combat would be Korath, Renxing, or an ancient roc. But Korath has shown no plans to… antagonizing me, coward Renxing must be on another continent, and one by one, the rocs are pledging allegiance to my empire.

So, there's nothing in these skies that could confront me.

At least, that's what I thought.

As I continued reconnoitering over the forest, one of the eagle riders approaches me. The same one who is with the orc Sarak.

"Your Majesty!" The shamaness shouts.

"To your right!" She points to a column with crimson smoke on the horizon.

The gremlin artificers also provided fireworks that release smoke of different colors. Blue for a meeting point, yellow for injured allies, and red for encountering enemies.

When we fly towards the point of the smoke signal, we see one of the eagle riders being pursued by what appears to be a swarm of bugs. Locusts almost the size of a goblin, with voracious jaws capable of tearing off a limb.

The swarm chases the eagle rider flying in my direction. As he passes beneath me, I dive into the swarm, unleashing a torrent of red flames.

Part of the locusts disperses and starts pursuing the other riders. One of them is completely overwhelmed by the creatures and begins to lose altitude. The rider and the mage fall from the eagle.

I dive towards them at maximum speed. I fly beneath the falling goblinoids so they can land on my back. With difficulty, they manage to cling to my scales. Finally, the spellcaster manages to cast a protective spell over them.

I try to grasp the falling eagle by its talons until it regains its stability in flight, but it continues to plummet rapidly. I am too large for our talons to properly interlock, but not large enough to fully grasp its whole body.

Luckily, before the eagle collided with the trees, Salutar cast a wind spell to cushion its fall.

I set the two goblins down on the ground and fly towards the swarm.

The other eagle riders gather on the ground as I deal with the bugs. There are many, but unfortunately for them, area of effect attacks are my specialty. I quickly disperse the swarm of locusts.

Then, I fly back to my entourage. The eagle's condition is serious, but not fatal. With my wings, I cast another area spell, causing razor winds to clear a portion of the forest, creating a clearing.

"Let's camp here. Start tending to the wounded." I say as I land and transform into my humanoid form.

Before nightfall, the mages cast a protective area around the clearing and begin treating the injured. Meanwhile, the riders set up tents for our camp. By the morning of the following day, we should be ready to depart.


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In the early evening, I hear a voice calling me outside my tent.

"Your Majesty?"

It's the trow Salutar.

"Where is Sarak?" I ask as he enters.

“She's tending to the wounded so we can depart tomorrow.”

"Good... Let me know if anything happens." I respond curtly.

But the trow remains standing in front of the entrance to my tent.

"Anything else, Salutar?"

"Did I do something wrong?" He speaks hesitantly.

"You did very well. Thanks to you, that eagle survived the fall."

"Thank you... But I wasn't referring to today." He continues, still hesitant.

"It's been almost two weeks since Your Majesty summoned me... to your chambers."

I let out a deep sigh.

"Another day, perhaps..."

"Would you like to switch positions again?" The trow insists. "It's been a while, but I think I can still endure..."

"No!" I interrupt.

"Well… The noble trows of Ul-Gak enjoy using some toys. If Your Majesty is bored with..."

"Stop. This isn't the place or time to discuss such matters."

"You—You're right. Forgive me, Your Majesty." He bows to apologize.

After noticing his defeated look, I sigh deeply once again and relent.

"Come. Lie down here with me."

The trow slowly crawls onto the mattress laid out on the earthen floor. The small tent seems even smaller now.

"Are you worried about the war?" He asks, seeing me staring fixedly at the tent's ceiling.


The trow remains silent, waiting for me to elaborate on my answer.

"I was thinking about what comes next."


"When this war ends and the entire continent is unified, I must leave Dro-Ur."

"Where would you go?"

"I don't know. Maybe start my life over as a low-ranked adventurer. Have real adventures with real people."

"What do you mean? We are real people." He says, a bit disappointed.

"But none of this feels real."

"I can't understand." His big, yellow, shimmering eyes stare at me, distressed.

"Yes. None of you could. That's why I must leave."

"Should I go with you?"

"Why would you come with me? What about Sarak? Don't you care for her?" I speak, a little annoyed at the thought of their relationship.

"Yes. But I can't stay with her. Not forever. I'm young. A hundred years from now, she will be gone, and I'll be alone again."

The trow says as he slowly wraps his arms around my body in a tight embrace.

"These orcs... They live such short lives..." I comment as the trow chuckles.

"It's funny how two long-lived races like ogres and elves gave rise to a race that lives so briefly. Orcs live as much as humans. Indeed, very short lives."

“Have you ever seen a human?” I ask.

"No. But I read a lot. I know quite a bit about them and their kingdoms in the distant lands." He reveals.

"Are you trying to convince me to take you with me?"

"No... I didn't know Your Majesty intended to go to a human nation. I thought it would be to an elven kingdom. Probably Shandor."

"That doesn't matter now. But tell me more about what you've been reading." I change the subject.

"I read a bit about this forest recently. Most of the books were copies from the Ialdai Library. These woods were once the lair of the dragon Kasvil long ago. Even before the Rage of Gwenuin.

Kasvil was a feathered wyvern, just like Korath. But his feathers weren't white, they were the color of the rainbow itself. They say he was the most beautiful dragon who ever lived.

The only dragon that rivaled Kasvil's beauty was the Azure Serpent of Hanami. She was a loong dragon with feathers as blue as the Hanamese sea."

"A flying noodle with blue feathers? I bet it must be related to Renxing" I think to myself.

"She fought alongside Yoana of Merenil during the First Crusade but she was severely wounded by the Demonlord Balmeroth. She was forced into a deep slumber to recover. Without its divine beast guardian, Hanami was conquered by the Demonlord’s cambions.

When Azure woke, she fought again against Balmeroth's forces but was slain. I believe it was in the same battle where Your Majesty's parents perished as well."

"Perhaps she was Renxing's mother after all." I keep thinking.

"But what the Ialdai books don't tell is that when Kasvil died, these forests were taken over by another dragon."

"Which dragon?" I ask, intrigued.

The trow's gaze fixates on some point as if he's struggling to disclose a secret. Something only his people know.



"The Consort of Ralkor and the Matriarch of trow dynasties. The Dragoness Eskira."