The road to success is filled with fireflies.
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I can’t believe it, the judgment day has finally arrived, and there’s a good reason for me to think like that, something I planned was a success and I’m still having a hard time believing this is real, I finally have a party and my road to success seems promising even though the only strong person in this party is a girl who I found on a random town.


But that doesn’t matter, the important thing here is that this could be the start of something epic, or at least on my side of things I’m hoping it could be like that, ever since the day I was born my life has been a mess, the opportunities were always taken for those from good families, it was time already for me to receive some positive karma.


Right now this girl, Alina… Alleena or something like that, I’m going to call her Allee, she’s walking beside me and she seems concentrated, but it makes sense for her to be like this, after all, she has decided for us to get to the next town in the middle of the night, I strongly opposed the idea, however, it was hard to make her change her mind.


However, she offered herself on her own to take care of our security, so I couldn’t refuse her if she offered herself to fulfill that role, I just hope nothing happens to us, I’m not strong right now and if something attacks us I will have to leave her here without thinking twice, I feel sorry for her but I always put myself as a top priority, the second person in my priority list is “Kazzi” my alter ego and the third one is "the amazing sorcerer" and that person is no other than me…


Yes, I know I’m selfish, however, in this crude world you need to put yourself first, or else everyone will use you as bait for the wolves to eat you while they run away, the last time I had a party they did that, I can’t let that happen once again, I refuse to be taken advantage of.


“Miss Alleena… Why did you insist for us to walk in the middle of the night? We could’ve gotten us some nice and comfy beds and an inn or maybe at your home…” I said a little disappointed about the outcome of this, I may be scum but I still have standards.


“You can call me Allee if you want to, Alleena is too forma but… May I call you Kazz?” She asked me and I nodded at her. “You see, my dad decided to let me come here with you while he was happy about something, that means that if I stayed there for too long he may have regretted it, he’s like that.”


The girl sighed and I could help but feel sympathy for her, after all, if we were going to be part of the same party we’d have to trust in each other, however, I couldn’t offer her something as advice because I couldn't relate to the idea of having parents, only those born in the wealthy families in the sorcerer lands have the luxury to know their parents.


The rest of us are born through a ritual and depending on the element that was used in the energy exchange, that will decide the way you will be born, some babies come launched inside rocks out of Vulcans, and others are born from raindrops, in my case just like many other people with electrical skin, I was born after a thunder destroyed a tree, I was born on the ashes of the tree, then, all of us get taken to an orphanage until we reach the age of fourteen where we enroll in the magic academy for four years, these two years since I left the school haven’t been so good to me.


So, I just relied on something someone once told me when it comes to emotional stuff, I placed one hand on Alleena’s shoulder causing her to stare at me with a surprised expression, and I just smiled at her.


“It’s okay, I know your dad’s a jerk, and if you want to stay away from him as long as you can then don’t worry, well do it… Teammate,” I felt so embarrassed for saying that last word, and yet, the girl just smiled at me.


She was so cute despite being so strong and I could see why her father was so protective over her, she could easily be taken away by a scumbag like me… Hell, that’s what I’m doing right now.


“Kazz, there’s something I want to tell you… There’s another reason why I wanted to come here,” she suddenly closed her eyes and I was so lost in her beauty.


Maybe she fell in love with me when I made my epic entrance at her home, she saw her hero saving her from her horrible fate and then she couldn’t help but fall in love with him just like in all of those stories and books from the past where a guy gets what do they call it? Oh right, a harem, maybe she will be the first addition to my harem, I prefer older women but I guess as long as my future wife is wealthy I can live with that.


“I like women,” She suddenly confessed with a serious expression.


“Who doesn’t?” I asked before giggling.


“No Kazz, I don’t mean it like that… What I mean is that girls make me feel butterflies in my stomach, they make me feel weak… What is the term? Oh right, they make me feel like a lesbian,” she suddenly confessed to me and my future shattered in front of me before it could even start. “You see, girls make me feel weak, like…” She suddenly started to talk about women and I was too shocked to pay attention.


It's not like I was in love with her but there’s one thing for certain, once again one of my plans was shattered by fate and it seemed like I needed to sacrifice something to get another thing back in exchange, I was already imagining myself as a rich wealthy man, the son in law of a rich shady businessman who would help him with his shady business.


“I love them more than peach pie… More than pizza and tacos, more than mango soup, more than anything else in the world…” I suddenly realized the girl was still talking about the love she has for other women, I don’t know for how long she continued like this but I needed to put a stop to this!


“Okay, okay… I get it!” I said a little tired of hearing her talk like that.


It surely brought him memories from when he used to be a teenager, he cringed at the thought, he didn’t want to come back to those days when he and his friends discovered their newfound feelings about the other gender.


“Sorry,” She said a little ashamed of herself but I quickly stopped her.


“It’s okay, I guess you’ve been saving that for a while considering the way you were raised,” I smiled at her and this smile was genuine, I felt bad for her.


It felt ironic that right now I was feeling like my life was better than the one lived by someone who has had their whole life resolved with all the options for success served on a silver plate, at least he was completely free, he was poor but free.


“Yes… I’ve been saving those feelings for myself for a very long time,” She said in a sad tone.  


“Don’t worry… We’re going to make up for that time that you’ve been locked away from dating!” I smiled at her with complete confidence.


“What do you mean?” The tone she used for this question seemed curious and shy at the same time.


“Well, I have the power to know which person is the most suitable for people, I’m like a match-maker, well, this is one of the basic abilities sorcerers have, though,” I said a little embarrassed, I knew I could boost my reputation with that, but she eventually would’ve found out I’m not that special and yet, she seemed happy to hear that.


“How does your power work?” Now I really felt important, people rarely ask me these kinds of questions but it surely is refreshing when it happens.


“All people have threads linked to their hearts,” I answered bluntly, I was telling the truth or at least those are the things I see when I activate my love mode, I did it for someone once.


“Wow… Is that like the red thread of destiny?” It seems like she did her homework.


“Yes, something like that, but it’s not red unless the pairing finally realizes they’re made for each other, it will be blue if you’re not made for that person, but to not complicate things, everyone has rainbow-colored threads linked to their hearts, meaning that you can date that person but it is uncertain if it will work or not,” I said with a serious expression and she nodded with curiosity. “There are still some people who already have their red threads before even dating or knowing the person linked to that thread,” I finished with my eyes closed and it seemed like my new teammate was more than happy to hear those words.


“Kazz… Can I ask you for a favor?” She asked in a pleading tone that made it difficult for me to deny whatever thing she wanted.


“Go ahead,” I tried to not look at her due to the embarrassment I was feeling at this moment.


“If you find out who’s the person I’m linked to, please don’t hesitate to tell me… I need to find that person as soon as I can to marry her!” Her words really surprised me.


“Are you seriously thinking about marriage already!?” It really took me by surprise but she nodded happily.


“What if your destined one is a beast woman? Or a titaness? Or an orc woman? Or worse… An old lady, your father was going to marry you to an old man, right?” I was full of questions but I was curious at the same time.


“Well, if destiny says that one of the women you described is the one for me, well… I don’t mind it, as long as she’s a woman, I don’t care about anything else!” She said happily and this made me realize something.


The poor thing has zero experience with the real world, I guess, she’s hoping for her first relationship to be perfect just like in all the books she has probably read or the stories she has been told since she was a kid, I couldn't help but smile softly at her.


“If that’s what you want then, I guess there’s no point for me to deny what you want, but at the end of the day, you need to listen to your heart, don't just rely on my abilities, who knows? You might be saving yourself from a nice experience just because my powers say that," I told her and she started to think about my words. "Overall, I'll support you in whatever thing you wish to do, after all, this might be a dangerous journey… We better enjoy ourselves in case something happens,” I know saying something like this could bring bad luck but I couldn’t help myself.


“Do you think that—” She was about to ask, but suddenly a whole group of laser fireflies appeared.


“Run!” I told her before I followed my own advice, she ran behind me and it was difficult as the little things were fast and dangerous, their beams were capable of melting iron, so, it shouldn’t be a surprise if they managed to melt us!


Luckily I've mastered the ability to escape from things after being in dangerous situations for a long time.


“Allee are you—” I was about to ask, but then I saw her parring the beams with a shield she found there, well, it was more like a piece of wood and this gained her the attention of the fireflies who were being destroyed with their own beams being reflected at them and they fought until they realized it was useless to fight my new friend, it didn't take too long before they suddenly flew away from this place.


“That’s awesome!” I said to her and she smiled at me.


“It’s nothing extraordinary, you just need to get the timing right!” The girl smiled at me and then her expression changed. “Kazz, look at that!” She pointed at something behind me and I quickly moved to take look at what she was talking about.


I was expecting a beast from the seven hells, or an undead warrior, even a member of the sorcerer hunt club, or worse one of those creepy dudes that have been trying to recruit me for their parties claiming to have reincarnated from another world where they were losers before saying they were sent by a goddess to defeat the demon king!


But when I looked I was confused because there was a door in the middle of nowhere, to say that Allee and I were confused would be an understatement, right now I feel like a monkey discovering magic for the first time and I can't help but scratch my head as I stared at the door in front of me.


Curiosity #4: Sorcerers have a lot of useless abilities that may look cool to humans, but in the end, those abilities bring them zero benefits because those abilities are for helping other people and sorcerers are selfish by nature.