The Nature of Magi
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Measured steps, a stoic countenance that betrayed his speech patterns and a hand constantly on the hilt of his dark blade was what made most homunculi as well as human servants steer clear of the summoned Rider of their faction as he walked through the hallways of the Fortress of Millennia.

Lucas put a hand on his chin, closing one eye in thought, "I wonder, does Lancer really trust the magi?"

If so, he was pretty fucking stupid.

The Dragon Rider had had his own run-ins with magus and all those had taught him were that they were insane, completely.

"Franci-? Frenci? Prelati? What was the name again?" He questioned himself, having forgotten the name of the magus he'd come into conflict with, killed over and over but never managed to murder, "No matter I guess." Lucas shrugged, disregarding the thought entirely.

"Sir, you are talking to yourself. Do you believe you have any leeway to believe others insane?"

Lucas stopped in place and glanced back at the pale-haired homunculus following him as a grin crossed his face, revealing sharp teeth, "But my dear, you're here. Is it so wrong to assume I'm talking with you?" His master had been summoned by Darnic and this homunculus was assigned to him after he refused to enter a spiritual form because his behaviour was too 'erratic'.

"That said, is it not wiser to use a spiritual form... Wait," The homunculus mimicked his actions, putting a hand on her chin the same as he had, "I understand, considering your limited time, it is understandable that you would be desperate to affirm your existence."

Lucas resumed his walk, smiling slightly, "You, I like you." There was just something about people that bit back, "That said, you're one to talk about limited time."

The servant's eyes flashed and the homunculus slightly shivered, finding herself confused and estranged considering they weren't built to feel in such a way.

"Do you not have at most two months to live?"

His words were a stark reminder of the nature of their existence as servants, built as disposable pawns to be used in the war that would lose their purpose sooner rather than later.

"I suppose."

In the end, that was all she could muster.


Lucas curiously observed the intricate designs on the doors leading to the main hall, narrowing his gaze at the extravagance of the fortress he was in, "A waste of resources." He truly believed that, there was no functional need or benefit to having such a thing.

"It is meant to be a show of power, so I believe." Chiron appeared next to Lucas, answering his question plainly, "People sometimes feel the need to show or be acknowledged for their accomplishments, earned through effort or otherwise."

"That's what I find to be a waste of time and resources." The Rider replied, almost mechanically, before turning to observe the Archer, his comrade for this war, "Have you had any progress with reconnaissance?"

Chiron sighed tiredly, crossing his arms, "I'm afraid I'll have to disappoint you, my Master seems to believe it essential to establish her 'standing' in our relationship." She'd 'tortured' him though it was more of a boring annoyance than anything and told him how he didn't meet her criteria.

"Er..." Lucas motioned to his nether region with his glance, "Why not take her for a ride? Last I checked, you were supposed to be half horse... Or does that not extend to that region...?" He smiled sheepishly, pinching a strand of his dark hair before adjusting his cap and uniform.

Chiron let out an awkward chuckle, "I'm afraid I have reservations about such methods." The woman was plain creepy, and sadistic to the point where she would torture people just to pass the time. He sighed when Lucas let out an exaggerated gasp, placing a hand over his heart as his eyes widened.

"You're supposed to be Greek, monsieur!" The French Dragon Rider shook his head, "How disconcerting."

"Anyway..." Chiron understood why this servant had been labelled as absurd, "You'll have better luck with Caster, I believe he has familiars spread all over the land." He tried to get rid of Lucas lest his mental state be battered.

Lucas scoffed, "I guess."

Evidently, he didn't hold much affinity for magi.

But this time, it was necessary.

From what he'd gathered, no servant other than Vlad the Impaler held a chance at stopping him but the same couldn't be said for the Red Faction. The soldier in him felt the need to identify all hostiles as soon as possible so he could move accordingly to see them removed without giving away his own identity even if the 'dragon' refused to believe any could be superior.


"What did I expect?" Lucas looked at the rows upon rows of green liquid-filled tubes spread around the entire underground complex housing unconscious homunculi that could both be used as combatants and served as the sources of magical energy that would let them continuously exhibit their full power.

He walked up to one of the tubes and put his gloved hand against the cold, thick glass, "I wonder, how do you feel?" He wondered out loud, letting the emotion fade away from his features.

Lucas was no knight, he was a soldier and personal feelings didn't much matter, this was a necessity and so, he would not sabotage the Caster.

"Er... Nothing, they are not meant for such functions."

Avicebron took a step back, avoiding the kick Lucas had thrown out of reflex and tilted his head, confused with his actions, "Are we not meant to be allies? Why... attack me?" In his workshop no less?

"It's not my fault you creeped up on me like that." Lucas shrugged his hands before putting them both behind his back, "We've something to discuss."

"I find it rather difficult to believe that you did not notice my presence," Avicebron paused for a moment, "Nevermind, it is understandable with your parameters." He unknowingly threw an insult at Lucas who only narrowed his eyes and smiled, "But I must ask, do you possess a masking skill of some sorts?" It made no sense for a Dragon Rider to be as weak as Lucas seemed to be.

Shrugging again, Lucas leaned forward, his face uncomfortably close to the socially awkward Caster's, "Tell me, is your Master around?" He tilted his head too, mimicking Avicebron's actions.

"He is occupied." The Caster answered stoically, wondering if he was about to be attacked. If he was, he doubted he'd be able to react fast enough to avoid massive injury.

"Good then," Lucas whispered, "Tell me, what is that you desire of this war? Is your Master a priority?" He asked one question after the other, leaning ever closer but was momentarily stumped when Avicebron chose not to answer, "I am willing to enter a geis to maintain the privacy of this conversation."

At that, Avicebron's shoulders loosened a bit and he answered, "My noble phantasm, creating Golem Keter Malkuth is what matters above all else," He paused, "Even my Master."

"Superbe, it looks like we're both selfish people." Lucas pulled away, holding out his hand instead, "I'm well aware of the cautious nature of magi, let us ally through a geis."

Avicebron hesitated but gave a small nod, understanding that two servants working together could accomplish far more than he could alone, with a geis, the chance of betrayal was reduced to null. He already knew Darnic would kill each and every last one of them if it meant getting what he wanted, it was right that they do the same when the time came.

"What are your terms?"

Lucas' irises flashed golden and his mouth opened slightly, letting out a thick black smoke instead of air that rose to the ceiling, "All you know, your surveillance system, in exchange for complete support to your endeavour, Golem Keter Malkuth, is it? The contract will be dissolved once we both acquire what we need."

Avicebron's expression remained hidden under his golden mask but he took Lucas' hand all the same, "Neither shall attempt to sabotage the other so long as the contract is in place. It is to remain a secret."

Lucas however, was all too happy to show his satisfied grin, understanding that there was no way that Avicebron would ally with him otherwise. Magi were cold and pragmatic, working only towards their goals and doing all that was necessary to accomplish them, regardless of morality but that could be used against them.

Just like he had right now.

Lucas had no doubt however that Avicebron would stab him in the back to succeed, as would any of the Yggdmillennia Masters, so he had to make ample preparation to make them regret the thought once they did.

Avicebron on the other hand, didn't mind dying if his life's work was brought to completion.

The servant that stood before him had clearly managed to mask his true nature from the others, he could be a useful ally. Though, Avicebron was alarmed by how quickly he'd been seen through. Were there others who thought the same as Lucas Blanc? Or was he just abnormal?


I have revived.

Currently writing mass releases for both books so I thought I should bring both sites to equal chapter counts before I post more.