Chapter 2
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After examining the Kryptonite, a wave of dizziness overcame me, and suddenly, a flood of memories poured into my mind.

These memories revealed the tragic fate of the original owner of this body. His name was Ethen-Vex, with "Vex" symbolizing infinity, a name befitting a family of high nobility.

"Ethen," a name imparted to me by my mother, symbolizes strength and unyielding resolve, reflecting her aspiration for me to embody these robust qualities.

My father hails from the distinguished Vex lineage, a name renowned throughout Krypton for its connotations of 'infinity'. This illustrious family name is steeped in a legacy of resilience and boundless endurance.

Combining these two powerful names, I am known as Ethen-Vex, a moniker that resonates with fortitude and an eternal spirit. Our family's prominence on Krypton eclipses even the esteemed El dynasty, highlighting our significant influence and reputation.

The Vex name is more than a lineage; it stands as a beacon of our family's indomitable strength and enduring impact across the ages.

Carrying the name Ethen-Vex is more than just holding onto a personal identity; it's about embracing the rich tapestry of our family's history.

With this name comes the weight of our past, the stories of resilience and strength that have been passed down through generations. It's a legacy filled with expectations, a call to uphold the unbreakable determination and endless spirit that have always defined us.

As the memories continued to flood in, I recalled more details from the earliest days of my life. Uniquely, my birth was a natural one; my mother hadn't used the Genesis Chambers, a rarity on Krypton, much like Superman.

She had chosen to keep this a closely guarded secret. The image of my mother's face came to me vividly – she had blonde hair, enchanting green eyes, and a visage of striking beauty.

My father, on the other hand, was a man of handsome features with a sharp, well-defined facial structure. His skin was a warm, light brown, contrasting beautifully with his unusual yellow eyes – the origins of which remained a mystery to me.

This blend of memories, painting a picture of my parents, brought a sense of warmth and connection to my Kryptonian roots, filling in the pieces of a past I was only just beginning to understand.

This extraordinary revelation, that my genetic makeup wasn't bound by the constraints typical of Kryptonian society, was profound.

On Krypton, as depicted in the comics and movies, every individual's destiny was pre-determined through a process known as genetic locking.

From birth, a Kryptonian's role - be it a worker, soldier, or scientist - was encoded in their genes, an unalterable decree that dictated their path in life.

This system, deeply ingrained in our culture, ensured a society where each individual's purpose and place were fixed, a societal machinery functioning with precision.

In this rigid framework, my existence was an anomaly. Unshackled from these genetic bindings, I possessed the rare freedom to choose my destiny, a liberty unheard of among my people.

This secret, that I was not confined to a singular role, placed me outside the societal norms of Krypton, making me both unique and, in some ways, an outsider within my own culture.

I was elated by this revelation. The subsequent flood of memories was a montage of my upbringing, during which my parents carefully orchestrated my path, ensuring I remained undetected by our society's stringent norms.

My mother, a distinguished scientist on Krypton, imbued in me a deep love for scientific inquiry and exploration. Under her guidance, I delved into the complexities of Kryptonian science, an experience that was both enlightening and empowering.

Her teachings were not just about science but also about the art of curiosity and the pursuit of knowledge.

My father, on the other hand, was more than just a soldier; he was a revered commander, virtually the custodian of the planet's entire military force.

His lessons were vastly different from my mother's. He introduced me to the ancient Kryptonian martial arts of Torquasm Vo and Torquasm Rao.

Torquasm Vo, a technique that involved a unique form of meditation, led the practitioner into a state of consciousness that was neither fully awake nor asleep.

This state enabled one to control their perceptions, making them highly resistant to distractions, illusions, or psychic attacks.
It was an art of mental fortitude, of mastering one's own mind in ways that seemed almost mystical.

Torquasm Rao, meanwhile, was an extension of Torquasm Vo, intertwining the meditative state with physical combat skills. This discipline heightened one's awareness and calmness, allowing for an extraordinary processing of external stimuli.

In battle, Kryptonian warriors employing these techniques would enter a trance-like state, their movements and decisions flowing instinctively in response to their surroundings

This unique blend of scientific intellect from my mother and martial prowess from my father equipped me with a rare combination of skills, setting me apart on a planet where most destinies were predetermined and confined to singular paths.

It was a clandestine education, one that forged me into a being capable of transcending the usual bounds of Kryptonian society.

The cascade of memories brought with it a poignant revelation about my parents. They had been exiled to the Phantom Zone, infamous for imprisoning Krypton's most dangerous criminals.

The reason, as my fragmented recollections hinted, was their involvement in perilous experiments. One experiment, in particular, stood out in my memory.

I recalled overhearing a conversation between my mother and father. They discussed the sun's power – not our native red sun she said it weakens us, but all forms of energy.

My mother was convinced that we Kryptonians could harness energy far beyond solar absorption. She believed we could even draw strength from sources like Kryptonite.

The most startling memory was her plan to imbue me with these enhanced abilities. When I was just ten, as I slept unaware, they conducted an experiment on me, one that they deemed a success. However, they had already tested it many times, and after they thought it was safe, they used it on me.

But their triumph was short-lived. The following week, the council discovered their forbidden research and sentenced them to the Phantom Zone. The memory of their departure was etched in my heart – the day I cried incessantly, mourning their prison sentence.

Now, understanding the magnitude of their discovery, I knew I had to investigate further. There was a potential within me, a latent power to draw strength from various forms of energy, even potentially lethal Kryptonite.

But a nagging question lingered – how did the original Ethen-Vex perish? The answer struck me suddenly.

Could it be possible that I had died and been reborn in another universe, only to die again and reincarnate back into my original form? It was a bewildering theory, but it seemed to fit the bizarre trajectory of my existence. I will have to test that theory later. 

Another crucial task lay ahead – analyzing my DNA. My family, it appeared, had always known about our enhanced ability to absorb energy from the sun.

But there could be more secrets hidden within my genetic code, perhaps even clues to the full extent of the powers my parents had unlocked within me.

authors notes

There is no Vex family in Krypton in the movies or comics; I created this family for my fanfiction. If you're wondering, please let me know if you find any errors, misspellings, or grammar mistakes so I may fix them.