Chapter 66: Farewells…
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Chapter 66: Farewells…

(Marinkia’s POV)

Along the way, Ava had finally woken up. And I had to reiterate the whole pension thing. This time, she luckily didn’t pass out from the shock. Which is a shame, as it would be funny, as well as very cute if she did that again.

Ava: “I do wonder where the rest of those special zombies are…” She said with a sigh.

Marinkia: “Me too. If you didn’t hear the call with Krul a while back, I honestly have no idea where we’re going.” I reply.

Ava: “Are you really fine with just doing this with no information to go off of?” She asked.

Marinkia: “It’s far more fun this way, you know.” I reply with a shrug.

Ava: “…”

Marinkia: “Besides, my luck is crazy good. On this trip, I not only, with your help, dealt with all of the zombies, but I also gained a daughter.” I say with a warm tone.

Ava: “That’s true… Marinkia… Mom, how long will this last?” She asked with a nervous tone.

Marinkia: “How long will what last? Our relationship?” I reply.

Ava: “That’s right.” She clarified.

Marinkia: “For as long as you wish, dear. Though I do hope that you’ll always see me as your mother. Even a few million years down the line.” I say with a motherly tone while giving her a tight hug.

You could say that Ava needs to be consoled a lot. And you wouldn’t be wrong. But that isn’t the full story. Ava just recently became a Numen, and it will take a few years before she gets used to her emotions.

The same thing happened to me. At random, I would just cry over something very small, and my wives and mothers had to console me for hours. According to Anna, the adjustment period is different for everyone, with it taking four years for me to fully adjust.

Ava: “Sorry for being so emotional.” She said with an embarrassed tone.

Marinkia: “There is nothing to be sorry for, Ava. I did explain the adjustment period, right?” I reply.

Ava: “Ah… that’s right… I forgot.” She said with an even more embarrassed tone and with a red face.

Deciding to not poke fun at Ava, I kept quiet and continued walking. Of course, I made sure to look back behind me to make sure that Ava was still following me every half minute or so. Having her cutely smile at me every time I did so was so sickly sweet…

Ava: “Mom…” She said, grabbing my arm to stop me from walking.

Marinkia: “What’s wrong?” I ask with a concerned tone.

Ava: “I…I love you.” She struggled out the words.

Marinkia: “I love you too, dear.” I reply with a smile.

Ava: “I’m sorry that it took so long for me to admit it…” She said with an awkward tone.

Marinkia: “It’s okay, I am just glad that you’ve finally said.” I say with a giggle.

With Ava’s emotional state back to normal, we walked through the city once more. This time, though, we were holding hands while walking. Krul did give me some guidance on what to do.

That being, looking around in the cities. Most of the world is a barren wasteland, without any real cover. If that queen was to be somewhere, she would surely be in an abandoned city like this one. That is our only real clue to go on.

Days Later.

Reaching the end of this city, we hadn’t found anything resembling those special zombies. Either we killed more of them than we thought that we did, or they wised up and are avoiding us like the plague. Which is funny, considering how they’re, you know, zombies?

It only took us a few days to look through this entire city. That even included the sewers. As you would expect, it was completely empty, without even a single sign of the undead. This city was frozen in time, pretty much…

Ava: “To the next city?” She suggested.

Marinkia: “You know… you can go home, if you want to.” I reply.

Ava: “And leave you alone? Why would I do that? I won’t!” She denied.

Marinkia: “Ava… you’re worn out. You aren’t a fighter or adventurer that like I am.” I say with a stern tone.

Ava: “I…” Her words were cut off.

Why? Because a shuttle soon landed next to us. It was a private one made just for Krul. As you would expect, the damn thing was completely silent. It was kinda weird. But not when you realize that it cost Krul 50,000,000 Credits to buy it.

Grant was the kind of ruler that always got shit for free. Krul wasn’t like that, though. She paid for everything, just like everyone else did. Her being the progenitor isn’t the main reason why she is our ruler. A fair and just ruler is what Krul is considered to be.

Open Shuttle Door Sound!

Stepping out of the shuttle was my mother, Krul. She walked over to Ava, and looked her all over. Ava, being the second kind of my specific variant, Krul was very interested in her. Though, I am sure that Anna will be the one to drool over her…

Krul: “So this is my granddaughter? She is very beautiful! Not to mention… she has unique eyes.” She said with a praising tone.

Ava: “…”

Krul: “Ava, dear. Please come home with me. I am sure that you’ll enjoy our estate, and the welcoming party that I prepared.” She said, grabbing her hand.

Ava: “Mom… I want to stay with you.” She said with a pleading tone.

Marinkia: “…Ava…” I try to say, but Krul spoke before me.

Krul: “Do you not know that a few days ago, while in that penthouse, Marinkia called me, crying heavy tears?” She asked.

Marinkia: “…”

Ava: “What?…” She said with a confused tone.

Krul: “Marinkia said that she felt like a horrible mother, forcing you to fight and continue to go on this war with her. She pleaded with me to come pick you up. If nothing else, please just go with me for your mother.” She explained.

Ava: “…”

Krul: “Putting you at risk, even though the risk is microscopic at best, is a heavy burden on her. Not to mention, Marinkia is the kind of person who rarely shows her emotions unless they boil over until they explode.” She continued, giving away more of my secrets in the process.

Ava: “…”

Marinkia: “…”

Fuck… I knew that I shouldn’t have confided in Krul like this… If I knew that she would hurt my pride as a mother to Ava, I would have kept my mouth shut! Dammit… at least Ava will be convinced now. I’ll easily take her safety over something meaningless, like my pride.

Ava: “Mom…” She said, giving me a tight, tear-filled hug.

Marinkia: “My wives, your other mothers, will pamper you more than I ever had. So please prepare for that.” I say after being released from the hug.

Ava: “…Okay.” She replied, while I rubbed the tears out of her eyes.

Waving her goodbye, I watched as she got on the shuttle and at how it flew away. Ava wasn’t a burden. She is very strong and skilled. But even with her skill and strength, as a mother, it is hard to watch her fight.

Especially when it isn’t necessary at all. With her soon to be safe in our estate, I can more focus on ending this war. If for no other reason than to quickly returned to her and the rest of my family. I hope that this doesn’t take too long…