Chapter 71: The Coin Didn’t Work…
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Chapter 71: The Coin Didn’t Work…

(Krul’s POV)

Clare: “…”

Krul: “…”

Here I was, standing before my wife with my head bowed, presenting her with the Pardon coin that I stole from my daughter’s room. At no point in my life have I ever done something so desperate before…

Clare: “I don’t care about the law, Krul. I will not forgive you due to a silly Pardon Coin.” She said with her arms crossed.

Krul: “But… you can sell it for so many Credits…” I reply.

Clare: “Then sell it? I will not forgive you so easily, Krul.” She repeated.

Krul: “I… I know that it isn’t about the Credits.” I reply.

Clare: “Then, why am I mad?” She asked.

Krul: “You’re mad because I spent a lot of Credits without asking you first. The amount wasn’t the problem, but how I didn’t ask you about it is.” I explain, looking up at her.

Clare: “…That’s right. It was a breach of trust.” She said with a scoff.

Krul: “…”

Clare: “Do you know how you can regain my trust? I’ll tell you one thing… it won’t be given to you for some coin.” She asked.

In all my years, which number in the millions, I have never felt this cornered before. Ever… I can’t lose Clare… I have been with her for so long, and I love her with my entire being. Trust between our kind is very important, and I broke it for us…

Krul: “Here…” I say, presenting her a digital screen from my PC.

Clare: “This is?” She replied with a confused tone.

Krul: “We have a joint account, but I have my own access to it. Unlike you, I am very impulsive.” I reply.

Clare: “…”

Krul: “Until you trust me once again, I will give you my access to it.” I say with a smile.

Clearly, as Clare lifted up off of the ground via her hands on my butt, and pressed me against the wall, I spoke the correct words. Knowing what was about to happen to me, I locked my legs around Clare’s waist.

Soon, her tongue easily and skillfully pried my mouth open, and invaded it with extreme desire. If the people of my Empire were aware that I was a total bottom to my wife, I wouldn’t live it down… Not to mention, me not only being married, but being a homosexual as well.



Clare was always good at pleasuring me. Which isn’t surprising. It wasn’t like she only had sex or did sexual things with just me. Though, that was just in Paradise. With it now gone, Clare swore to never be with anyone else ever again.

In a vain way, I never minded in having other sexual partners. She never loved them, after all. It was just for pleasure. Their hard work, in turn, made my wife perfect at sex. There is a reason why Clare was the one to mainly lecture Kia and her wives on sex and sexual matters.

The kiss was deep and loving, but it didn’t last long. Our sex was always like this. Somewhere along the lines, Clare feels too guilty and stops because of that guilt. The guilt was from how I looked.

Krul: “Shall I age myself up?” I suggest.

Clare: “…”

Krul: “I can’t remember the last time that you were able to embrace me without feeling guilty. At the start, there wasn’t anything wrong with having sex with someone who looked like me. But with you living in such eras where it was seen, and still is seen as immoral, I haven’t felt you fully since then…” I say with a sad tone.

Clare: “…Don’t you like looking this age?” She asked.

Krul: “I do. But if it causes you problems, then I do not mind aging up.” I answer.

Clare: “I… I don’t want to force you to change, Krul…” She said with a reluctant tone.

Krul: “If I am unwilling to change for the better, I am not worthy of being your wife. Besides, being this age is just my preference, since it is easier to move around in.” I reply with a laugh.

Clare: “…”

Krul: “You know… it doesn’t feel much pleasure. I am curious about how amazing you can make me feel if I am in a body that is at a proper age for sex.” I whisper into her ear with a seductive tone.

Clare: “You’ve had this form for so long… can you even change it?” She asked.

Krul: “I can. I don’t even need surgery, or any of those aging medicines. Don’t underestimate a progenitor’s powers.” I answer with a proud tone.

Clare: “…”

Krul: “Wait for me in bed. The change… it won’t be a pleasant sight. It won’t hurt, so don’t worry.” I say with a warm tone.

Luckily, we were already in our room at this point. I would die of embarrassment if Mai, Mercedes, or Ava saw Clare doming me like that… With a small sigh, I walked into the bathroom. Then, I started to change my form. Now, how should I look like?…

Lots of Changing Later.

It wasn’t painful, but seeing my bones and flesh contort like that wasn’t fun to see. I would go insane if I somehow killed Clare’s sexual desire for me, all because she saw that. Anyway, looking in the mirror, I was very happy with how I looked.

Something that Kia wasn’t aware of was that I could change my eye or hair color to whatever I wanted to. Actually, I am kinda curious if she can do the same, but just doesn’t realize it. Now, while still looking mostly the same, there was a woman reflected in the mirror.

Standing just a head shorter than Clare, as I still wish for her to be the dominant one, and I wanted to be smaller than her somewhat, was a purple-haired woman with purple eyes as well.

With her experience of other women, Clare would often reach for my chest, only to find nothing of value. To give her a good gift, I made sure to give myself large breasts. All that so could have more parts of my body to play with.

Maybe due to me not having breasts… ever. Clare really liked my butt. So, of course, I made sure to make it bigger. Not to the point where it was fat, though. I have still had some dignity… With a smile; I walked out of the bathroom to my wife that was still waiting on our bed.

Krul: “So… what do you think?” I ask with a nervous tone and expression.

Her response was just rushing up to me and pushing me onto the bed softly. She wasted no time in deciding to play with my breasts for the first time. Uh, oh… I might have made myself too sexy and beautiful…

Clare: “…Krul. This is the greatest gift that I have ever received.” She said with a smile before pressing my lips with her own into a kiss.

Krul: “…”

It wasn’t like I could reply… My lips were sealed right now. Literally!…

Clare: “Can I marry you? I mean, officially. Let the whole world know that you’re mine. Honestly, I would love having to fend off bitches who just want to be with you for your Credits and status.” She asked with a pleading tone.

Krul: “…Once this war is over, okay? For now, let’s just have fun together.” I agree.

Clare: “By fun, you mean let me pleasure you all night, right?” She assumed.

Krul: “…You know me so well. Now, vent your desires for me that you’ve been holding back for thousands of years.” I whisper with a seductive tone in her ear.

Clare: “…”

Yeah… that sure did it. I super flipped her switch with that comment of mine. Damn… Even being a Numen, I might not be able to walk properly tomorrow. Should I feel bad about having sex with my wife while my daughter is at war with my enemies? Eh, this sure feels good. So I am sure that Kia will understand…