Chapter 34 – The Goblin Hero
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As we leave the Forest of Kasvil, my entourage approaches the Korath Pass, a vast gap interrupting the dragon's mountain range.

There's a Buyagh outpost at the pass, likely to monitor potential Druma invasions. When the goblins see our entourage approaching through the skies, a horn is sounded.

We sent a message via a mailbird to the Buyagh, requesting a meeting with the Goblin Hero, so they were prepared for our arrival.

As we land to meet the guards at the outpost, they greet us with weapons at the ready. Alongside Sarak and Salutar, there are four goblins and two hobgoblins accompanying us, including riders and spellcasters.

After a tense conversation between Sarak and the group's captain, our passage is granted. Although we could have simply flown past them, we wanted to show that we came here in good faith. The captain tells us the Goblin Hero is waiting for us at the main fort of the passage, less than a kilometer into the forest. 

The entire Korath Pass is covered by dense forest, and parts of it are blocked by a wooden wall erected through the joint effort of the Northwest Tribes.

While most of the Buyagh inhabitants are goblins, the Woods of Mof and the Kroa tribes are a mix of various gob races and beastkin. These northwestern tribes are relatively developed. The Druma invasions forced them to set aside their differences and unite to repel the invaders, strengthening trade, cultural, and technological ties. Some of the guards at the outpost wielded good quality weapons. One of them wore metal armor instead of the usual studded leather.

They certainly aren't as wild as the rest of the continent. It won't be easy to make them bow before me. The best solution will be to secure the support of the goblin hero.

As we fly towards the central region of the passage, we spot a massive fort made of wood and stone. And another horn announces our arrival.

We land in the fort's courtyard as archers aim their arrows in our direction, lacking any sense of ceremony. Besides goblins, there are other gob races and a few beastkin in the fort. Some must be stationed here, while others have come merely to see us.

Before the tension among the archers escalates further, a small group approaches to welcome us. On the left, a light-blue-skinned gremlin wearing shamanic clothes. On the right, a curious figure, akin to a kobold but larger, the size of a man. In the midst of them, a small goblin in heavy armor. He's bald, one-eyed, scarred, and has a long, pointed nose. His gaze is cold and piercing. The longsword on his back looks like a greatsword due to his small stature.

The giant kobold steps forward to greet us.

"Greetings, King of Darog. My name is Akhera, representing the Mof Conclave." He speaks politely but not subserviently. His brown scales are covered by a sherwani that reveals his tail and digitigrade feet. "This is Priestess Anuk from the Kroa tribes and... The Hero Ragdah of the Buyagh."

After the introduction, Sarak steps forward to do the same.

"Greetings, Dragonman Akhera, and esteemed hosts." She bows politely. "I am Priestess Sarak of the orc shamans of Darog, and I announce the arrival of Dragonlord Akalani and his retinue."

"Forgive our lack of courtesy, but we didn't expect the... Dragonlord himself to attend the meeting." The dragonman Akhera states, a bit nervous. "I'm afraid we lack suitable accommodations for someone of... his stature."

"It won't be necessary." A brusque voice interrupts Akhera. "State your business, dragon." The Goblin Hero addresses me without decorum.

Akhera looks away, nervous. The gremlin shamaness stares directly at me. After a few seconds of tense silence, I let out a small grin and reply.

"I've come to propose an alliance with your tribes, to halt the invasions from Eskira's trows and unify the continent..." I state while beginning to transform. "But I'd like to discuss the details more calmly after a bath. It's been a long journey."

"Very well, King of Darog. Follow me and I'll show you to your accommodations" Akhera tries not to show too much startling at seeing me transform and then leads us while our mounts are taken to the stables.

After a bath and a few hours of rest, we are escorted to the war room of the fort, where the meeting will take place.

In addition to the previous trio, we're greeted by a few more officers in the war room. A black-furred beastkin panther with green eyes catches attention. Beside her, a small, wrinkled-faced troll.

Once settled into a seat, Akhera starts the meeting, but is interrupted again by the Goblin Hero.

"Tell me, Dragon, what's with the mockery?"

"I'm sorry? Could you be clearer, Sir Hero?" I stare directly at the goblin.

"You supposedly come here to propose an alliance, yet you arrive with a trow maid and costumed as an elf. You could've transformed into anything. A dragonman like Akhera, a goblin, or even a fucking kobold. But why choose an elf? Do you really wish to propose an alliance with us this way?"

"A fucking kobold?" I chuckle. "I see no difference between your kind and a kobold."

The goblin grits his teeth.

"But don't get me wrong. That wasn't an insult. In my empire, it doesn't matter if you're a trow, a lionkin, goblin, or... a fucking kobold. In fact, there are two kobolds on the council that governs my empire, along with other beastkin and gobs."

I try to shift the focus of the conversation away from my appearance. The goblin listens to me in silence, his expression somewhat puzzled.

"I came here because I thought we could have mutual interests. But I didn't expect the Northwest Tribes to be so... closed-minded."

The goblin hero clenches his teeth again.

"King Akalani, forgive the misunderstanding. Ragdah certainly has nothing against kobolds. Although there are almost no kobolds left in our region since their march…" Akhera tries to calm the situation. But it is true that the Kobold March began in this region, near the city of Kilmi. From here, the kobols crossed the Druma Expanse towards Kudrukh and then the Desert of Maz until reaching Gorkaki

"But I confess, your elven appearance caught us off guard." The dragonkin smiles awkwardly. "But let's continue with our meeting."

"Certainly." I agree. "To save your time, I'll state our proposals straight away. We wish to form a military alliance between the Northwest Tribes and the Empire of Dro-Ur."

"Empire of Dro-Ur?" The dragonkin gulps.

"Yes. The Kingdom of the Steppes of Darog, Desert of Maz, Woods of Ul-Gak, The Vrared, and Bay of Zord would be ridiculously large name. That's why our nation recently changed its name."

"Dro-Ur is the continent. The very land itself." Ragdah retorts. "Not a nation."

"And this is my second proposal. The trows of Eskira are gearing up to face my empire. For that, they need slaves and more cannon fodder. This is the reason behind their current raids. It's clear they don't have enough power to attack us directly, so they'll drain all the resources of other nations on the continent to launch an offensive against us. This will be their strategy not just now but for the coming decades. And the only way to counter it…"

"Is by unifying the entire continent..." Akhera completes my sentence.

"But, of course, I won't promote immediate unification. That's why I propose a military alliance for now, aimed at deterring this first wave of trow raids."

"You didn't come to offer us a proposal, but to issue an ultimatum." The Goblin Hero snaps. "You want us to choose between being slaves to the trows or bowing to you."

“It's not as bad a proposition as it seems." I try to persuade him. "We've already sent detachments to defend the city of Shaxai, which has requested to join our Empire. We want to send troops to Kudrukh and here as well. From these points, we'll advance throughout the Druma Expsanse and push the trow forces back to Kasvil."

"What about the other entrances to Eskira?" Akhera asks, showing interest in the plan.

"We've sealed off a good portion of the entrances in our territory. We're currently attempting to seal off the entrances in The Vrared."

"How did you manage to locate all these entrances?" The pantherkin joins the discussion. The secret entrances to Eskira's underground kingdom are the main advantage the trows hold.

"We confiscated maps of these points from trow sympathizers of Eskira in Ul-Gak." I explain.

"Having possession of that information would be incredibly useful for us. During the last trow raids decades ago, our tribes were decimated." Akhera remarks reflectively, rubbing his chin in thought.

The last time the trows of Eskira surfaced was over sixty years ago. I was still a wyrmling, unaware of the memories of my past life. I didn't witness the raids, but it seems a significant part of the continent was devastated. Ialdai and Vermekh held up well, but Shaxai and several northwestern cities were nearly destroyed. 

"We'll mobilize most of our troops for this strategy. Our capital, Gorkaki, will have weakened defenses." I continue disclosing our military plans. "It's almost certain the trows will launch an assault against the city. Hence, I'd like to request the aid of Hero Ragdah to help defend it."

"What are you scheming, Dragon?" The Goblin Hero asks, this time more curious than angry.

"This will also be a great opportunity for you to get to know my empire."

"And do you think we'll accept your alliance? The trow raids happen once a century, almost always around the same time as the Crusades. They've anticipated the raids because of you, dragon." The hero points his green finger, clad in a gauntlet, in my direction. "Your conquest of the Woods of Ul-Gak was seen as an offense to the people of Eskira."

"What's the difference if they attack now or in a few decades? Would you prefer they attack later? When you're too old to fight? I didn't think the goblin hero was a coward." I speak, annoyed. Again, my anger starts to get the best of me.

"Cowardice is bowing to a dragon out of fear of a few trows" He responds as he stands up from his chair, further irking me.

"Fool!" I rise as well. Akhera and Sarak try to calm things down.

"I am offering not only protection against the trows or Druma but a new ,kind of existence. Unifying all of Dro-Ur in prosperity and peace. But your pride blinds you, and you'd rather see your comrades dead and impaled and your children enslaved by the trow lords. You're not a hero. You're just a foolish butcher who knows nothing but killing."

"My harsh words hit the goblin hero like sledgehammers. The meeting room falls silent for a moment.

"Our proposal stands. We'll send envoys to the lizardmen and batrakes tribes in the swamps on the border of Kudrukh and The Druma Expanse. The city of Vermekh should join our empire in the coming weeks. If you accept our alliance, our troops will depart from that city to aid you against the trows." I say as I regain my composure.

And with a cold stare, I address Ragdah.



"And you, foolish hero, I'll be expecting you in my capital."