My new Best Friend, and our magical bond!
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Blood….. I will have this brat’s blood painted in my bedroom one way or another… And without thinking I grabbed Amy’s neck from behind and whispered in her ear.


“Be quiet, or else I’ll come to your home at night and break all your stuffed toys…!! and make sure you take back all of what you said about me to the daycare lady or else….”

Amy was very surprised and just nodded.

“Good Girl,” I whispered, put my arms behind my back, made an innocent face, and let her go from my grip.

“What’s going on in here?” Asked the daycare lady who overheard.

“Uh~ it’s n-nothing~ We just wanted to go to the restroom ahaha~,” Amy said while fidgeting.

Looks like she actually did as I said… I’ll take advantage of this girl for later…

“Ah, it’s over there, make sure to wash up after yourselves.”

“Yes!” Amy said while I nodded.

She suddenly grabbed my arm and dashed to the girl’s restroom.

“Why’d you drag us both here?”

“Well you did say make an excuse, that was the best I could think of.” She scratched her head and readjusted her bunny ears

“R-right… let’s just wait 10 minutes before leaving.”

I leaned on the wall and crossed my arm.


This girl is too chaotic to be used as a tool… The reason I came to that conclusion is because my younger sister back in my previous life was just as chaotic!

“Why were there so many elves and beast-kin inside those circus cages outside?” I broke the silence between us.

“Daddy told me they were being sold as performers to their masters and they enjoyed it, and test subjects for drogs”

“Drogs?” I have no clue what the heck was she saying.

“Daddy said that drugs are feel-good drinks and powders…”

I guess someone had to explain it in a family-friendly way, either way, I already knew they were being treated as slaves, what I didn’t know was they were being used for drug experiments too.

“Thank you for explaining what those were.”

“You’re welcome”

The real reason I asked her about this was I’m very curious about how knowledgeable or aware the average kid was in this world… Though I’m not sure on whether or not she knows that slave trading, sex trafficking, and drugs are really bad news, I wonder why it’s legal in this world.

Could it be overpopulation and this is a way of population control? That can’t be it because even if the town has a population problem then how come the town itself isn’t that large… It’s possible the country is way larger than I thought and there could be several cities somewhere where these corrupt practices are allowed.

“So why do you ask about them?”

“I was just concerned about why they looked “ruffled,” that's about it.”

I think I’m starting to have intrusive thoughts… Why? Because I kinda want to go buy a slave or 2 for myself… I wonder how much they were being sold for. Legally, slavery is extremely questionable… Morally, It’s very disgusting and corrupt… But personally… I like…. No, I really like it…

“10 minutes should be up now, let’s get out of here,” I said while trying to reach the door while standing on a footstool.

“Is it too high?”

“Yes it is, come here I’ll lift you up, you better not be heavy!”

“Hey! That’s even more rude than what you said before!”

“Cry me a river! Just hurry up and climb on my back!”


I adjusted myself and assisted Amy in reaching the door knob, the door opened and we pushed the door open!

“It’s open!” Amy happily announced.

“Good now push it forwa-”

We also fell as the door opened! Very Humiliating I know, the problem with that Is I already learned to man up from embarrassing situations and broke Amy’s fall so she didn’t get hurt.

“So Amy, what do we do now?” I directly looked at Amy and scratched my butt.

“Let’s hang out for the day!” Her blue eyes glistened

“Alright, I’ll hang out with you for today, no as much as you want, whenever you want, in exchange you gotta be my friend. Deal?”


We shook on it and we went to the desk nearby, She sat on the desk meanwhile I sat in front of it so I could lean back on it.

“Hey Amy, Do you read books often?”

“No, I don’t books are very boring!”

“I- I Figured you’d say that, anyway have you seen the street performer at the streets earlier?”

“Yes, I did, their magical powers were so cool!”

“I see, what magic exist?”

“Well from what My daddy told me there are a bunch of elements.”

“Do you remember them? Can you list down what they are?”

“Sure I’ll try… there’s fire, water, wind, earth, electric, Ice, light, dark and kinetic.”

“Kinetic? What’s that?”

“I… uh.. Don’t know…. Daddy said it’s for people who unga bunga whatever that means”

“Thank you for telling me.”


So kinetic isn’t an actual element but it’s just a way for people who wanted to hit their enemies harder? That’s all I needed to hear, magic does exist here in this world, I now got to find out how to know if I can use any magic.

“...Say Gwen… h-how come you’re always so calm all the time!?” Amy smacked my back.

“I’m not sure, I guess I’m just mature for my age am I right Amy?” I proudly gloated while Amy pouted.

The way she pouted was very adorable.

Several minutes passed and it seemed like the sun was setting and We were the only kids left. I know where my parents were, they were busy bumping the uglies in the motel next door, However, But my real concern were where was Amy’s parents…

“Amy, Where are your parents?”

“They are at work, My daddy is a lawyer and my Mommy works at home, they usually pick me up sometime before the day ends, so they should be here any time soon, How about your parents Gwen”

“Well uh…..” How do I explain that they are busy having hardcore BDSM sex and being hellbent on making me a football team's worth of little siblings next door at the motel…”

“Is something wrong Gwen?”

“It’s nothing, My father raises many kinds of livestock like horses, cows, sheep, bison, pigs, and ducks on our house’s fields and grows crops back at the gardens. Meanwhile, My mother takes care of the home and loves to knit clothes together.”

“Both our parents are so cool Gwen!”

“Yes, you’re correct.”

“We’re back Gwen!” My mom suddenly announced

“Hi Mother, meet my friend, her name is Amy”

“Nice to meet you Ms!”

“Oh My you made your first friend~ Uwaaaaahhh~~~ My baby~ girl is already growing up~ I’m so proud~~~!!” My mother cried tears of joy… so much tears of joy…

“Is she always like that?” Asked Amy.

“I genuinely don’t know… mom calm down please…”

“**Sniff** **sniff**A-Alright…. Your father is waiting outside loading our groceries in the wagon, we better hurry up”

“Ah right! Amy, let’s meet again someday okay?”

“Of course! Starting today we're best friends!”

Amy jumped for joy and hugged me to which I patted her head before hugging her back. We exchanged our home addresses, Me and my mother then left the daycare and saw Father outside, I gave him an embrace and we headed back home.

As the Wagon started moving I saw a tall man picking up Amy, I guess her father really was a lawyer huh…