Chapter 15: Taking a Tennis Detour
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As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting hues of orange and pink across the tranquil sea,

Peter and Sebas decided to take a stroll along the coast. With the guards accompanying them at a respectful distance, they meandered along the winding path, breathing in the salty air.

The rhythmic sound of waves crashing against the shore provided a soothing backdrop as they walked. Seagulls circled overhead, their calls mingling with the gentle whispers of the sea breeze.

Approaching the sportspark, Peter couldn't help but feel a sense of connection to the past and the enduring legacy of his family's commitment to the well-being of the Makayan people. The fading sunlight cast a warm glow over the open grounds, inviting them to explore further.

Peter strolled through the sports park, taking in the various amenities that his father's vision had brought to life. While you could slowly see that it had gone through the years, Peter could still feel the love in this park. As he and Sebas walked, the details of the park unfolded before them, and Peter absorbed it all with keen interest.

Sebas elaborated on the diverse facilities present. The football field was well-maintained, and Peter could picture the vibrant matches that had taken place there over the years. The basketball court bore the marks of countless games and echoed with the rhythmic sound of bouncing balls. The four table tennis tables, although no longer in good condition, were a hub of activity, where the clatter of paddles and friendly banter created a lively atmosphere.

Approaching the beach volleyball field, Peter admired the pristine sand and the inviting net. He could envision friends and families enjoying spirited games under the bright sun. The tennis court, however, held a special place in this sports park. It was a hidden gem; its smooth surface was a testament to the high standards Peter's father had upheld, as he had been an avid tennis fan. He had made sure that it was up to the highest standard. Sebas explained that tennis enthusiasts, both locals and those from nearby regions, frequented the court as it was the best around by far. Some came to refine their skills, while others sought the simple joy of the sport.

As they continued their tour, Peter couldn't help but feel a swell of pride for his father's commitment to sports and recreation, ensuring that even the most remote regions of Makay had access to such well-maintained facilities. It was a legacy of inclusion, health, and the universal love of sports that his father had left behind. And Peter was determined to carry that legacy forward in his own unique way.

As Peter approached the tennis court, he noticed the rhythmic sounds of tennis balls and the animated voices of players engaged in a spirited match. The coach, catching sight of Peter and Sebas, made his way toward them with a warm smile.

"Your Highness," Coach Hiroshi Tanaka greeted with a warm smile, his eyes reflecting genuine enthusiasm. "I am Coach Hiroshi Tanaka, representing the Tennis Federation of Makay. It's an honor beyond words to have you here."

With a sincere smile and a nod in return, Peter showed that he was interested in the lively atmosphere around the tennis court. Sensing their mutual excitement, Coach Tanaka enthusiastically invited them to come and participate in the current game.

Coach Tanaka beckoned Peter and Sebas to the edge of the tennis court, saying, "Please, come closer and witness the magic on the court." With an attitude of appreciation, the coach introduced the two gifted players there, amidst the rhythmic sounds of tennis balls and the intense energy of the match.

"Allow me to present our two extraordinary female players," Coach Tanaka announced, gesturing towards the competitors. "On this side, we have Ayumi Fujimoto, a prodigious talent with a natural gift for tennis. Her finesse on the court is truly exceptional. She just turned 16 last month but is seen as the biggest tennis protégée Makay ever had."

Ayumi, engrossed in the game, acknowledged the introduction with a humble nod, her determination evident in her focused gaze.

"On the other side," Coach Tanaka continued, his voice infused with genuine pride, "we have Aiko Nakamura. While Ayumi may possess natural talent, Aiko is unmatched in her dedication and passion for the sport. She's the most committed player I've had the privilege to coach in this country. I`ve heard your highness seems to like basketball. So I would make the bald claim that she is the female Kobe Bryant of tennis."

The match commenced with Ayumi confidently serving. Her precision and powerful shots earned her an early lead, securing the first three games of the set. Aiko, however, demonstrated resilience and fought back, showing a glimpse of her own formidable skills. The score stood at 3-0, but Aiko wasn't ready to concede. With a series of well-placed shots, she managed to claw her way back into the set, leveling it at 4-4.

As the tension mounted, Ayumi displayed a touch of brilliance, breaking Aiko’s serve to reach 5-4. Serving for the set, Ayumi maintained her composure, sealing the deal with a well-executed game, ending the first set at 6-4.

Determined to turn the tide, Aiko entered the second set with renewed vigor. Both players engaged in intense rallies, showcasing their athleticism and shot-making prowess. Ayumi took an early lead, but Aiko responded with a combination of finesse and power, tying the set at 3-3.

As the set progressed, each game became a battleground of strategy and skill. Ayumi, sensing an opportunity, broke Aiko’s serve to take a 6-5 lead. Serving for the set, she demonstrated nerves of steel, securing the crucial game and claiming the second set at 7-5.

With the match now level at one set each, the tension reached its zenith in the deciding set. Ayumi and Aiko traded blows, matching each other shot for shot. The small crowd, now fully immersed in the drama, witnessed a showcase of mental fortitude and physical prowess.

As the set progressed, neither player yielded, nor did the score, as it reached an intense 6-6. A tiebreaker determined the set in a fitting finale. Points unfolded with an unforgiving rhythm, and the score teetered back and forth. At 6-6, the tiebreaker reached a breathtaking 6-6. The last game, which would be the tiebreaker, started. The two of them traded blows so that the score came to 30-30, but with nerves of steel, Ayumi clinched the final two points, securing the tiebreaker at 7-6 and winning the match. In the end, Ayumi secured the victory with a perfectly executed backhand.

Despite the competitive nature of the match, both players displayed exemplary sportsmanship, acknowledging each other's strengths with a handshake at the net. Coach Tanaka, witnessing the strategic and dynamic play, felt a sense of pride in the potential of Makay's tennis talent. Peter, thoroughly impressed by the technical skill and determination on display, envisioned a bright future for tennis in Makay, considering that both of them were only teenagers.

Coach Tanaka, recognizing the gravity of the moment, decided to introduce the King to the aspiring tennis players. "Everyone, may I have your attention? We have a distinguished guest today. His Majesty, King Peter Ryon, is here to witness the incredible talent and dedication that define Makay's tennis community."

The students, engrossed in their post-match discussions, turned in surprise at the mention of the King's presence. Some blushed; others exchanged wide-eyed glances, not expecting such an esteemed visitor in their midst.

Peter approached with a warm smile, addressing the young players on the court. "Hey, everyone. Are you having a good time out here? Tennis is more than just a game; it's about dedication, passion, and putting in the effort to be your best."

He continued, "My dad, the previous King, loved tennis. He saw in it values like discipline, perseverance, and fair play. I want to see all of you keep working hard, setting goals, and going after your dreams with grit and determination."

As Peter finished his brief speech, the students listened attentively, absorbing the words of encouragement. Coach Tanaka, appreciating the King's genuine interest in the sport, nodded in agreement.

After the inspiring words, Peter and Sebas prepared to leave. However, before bidding farewell, Peter discreetly approached Aiko. Tapping her on the shoulder, he told her. "Keep working hard, Aiko. You may not know that, but your coach thinks you have a similar determination to Kobe Bryant, who just won a three-peat with the Lakers. While you may not know basketball, just know that this is one of the highest compliments possible. So keep working hard and keep your enthusiasm for the sport."

Aiko could only stumble out a short: "Yes, your majesty!”

In that moment, Peter decided to take action once again. He had encouraged Aiko and tapped her on the shoulder. As before, without anyone’s knowledge, the EX-Card of Steffi Graf was transferred to Aiko.

With a sense of accomplishment, Peter checked his interface, confirming that his plan had worked. The future of Makay's sports was beginning to take shape, and this would be the second star that would make Makay known throughout the world.

As Peter walked away, Aiko was fully unaware of the newfound gift within her. Peter knew that he had once again set the wheels in motion for a brighter future in Makay's sports arena.

With that, Peter and Sebas left the sports park, leaving the young tennis enthusiasts with a sense of inspiration and awe. The echoes of their encouraging words lingered on the court, blending with the rhythmic sounds of tennis balls and the determined footsteps of those who aspired to greatness.