Chapter One: Penance
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“Come on slave, Faster!” I yell. The commoner walks faster on his hands and knees like a dog, while I kick him to move faster. “Such a boring toy” I say as I look at him in disgust.

“Guards, execute him.” The guards at my side wearily chop the commoners head off as I laugh. “I will be in my room. Don’t bother me or I'll have your head "I say as I walk towards my room. I lie on my bed and fall asleep, wondering what I'll do to the next commoner that annoys me.

I awakened to a commotion in the castle. “Who's making all that noise?” I wonder. As I walk out my castle door, I see a man in a cloak, slaughtering my guards.

“What do you think you're doing! Do you know who I am?!” I exclaimed. “Yeah I do,” the man says. “Your scum”. I smirk. “Are you a relative of one of the commoners I killed?” I sneered.

“Come back for revenge?”. The man glares at me. “Fine then” I sneer. “Come at me, commoner”. I activate my imperial martial arts and lunge at him. He blocks my attack with his sword.

“You fucking commoner. Afraid to fight with your fist against me?” the man stays silent and takes a step back. “Chain lightning” says the man. A flash of lightning comes out of his blade, hurtling towards me.

I quickly, but barely evade the attack. “Magic? Two can play that game "I exclaim, angrily. “Fireba-” before i can even finish casting he appears behind me and decapitates me.

“Scum” he exclaims. “I pray that you never find peace.” I see him walking away as my consciousness starts to fade. Is this how I die? To a fucking commoner! I can’t! This can’t happen to me! As my consciousness finally fades, I awaken in a room, facing the goddess of light, Luminaraia.

Hah! I made it to sanctum! I knew what I was doing was just! The goddess sneers at me. “Do you really think you're going to sanctum?” she says disgustedly, “i would never let scum like you in my sanctuary.”

I try to speak but I can't. “Don’t bother speaking. I don’t want to hear your voice.” This bitc- i feel an incredible force on me pinning me down to the ground.

“You dare feel angry in my domain!” she exclaims angrily. I immediately feel immense fear. This is a being I can never surpass, even if I lived forever. I apologise.

The pressure dissipates. “I was initially going to just give you to Caelius but I have something special in mind for you” she says, smirking. “You hate commoners so much so why don’t I make you someone less than a commoner.” she sneers.

My vision begins to go hazy, my consciousness fading away again. Before it fully fades I catch the goddess' final words. “May your life be filled with misery and suffering” i black out.

I awaken in a house, or something more like a shack, made with wood planks, loosely put together. There are holes in the ceiling and there's not even a floor, just dirt on the ground.

I try to get up but I'm weak. I realise that i'm starving, so hungry that it feels like my stomach is eating itself. I finally realised my situation. I'm in the slums.

The fucking slums! I barely get to my feet. I find a broken mirror on the ground and pick it up. I hold it up to my face to see a starving child, no more than 7, looking back at me.

This is how I look now? That goddess really fucked me over. I get up on my feet and look up. I swear this Luminaraia. I will get my revenge on you and that motherfucker that killed me. I swear it.