5-three years in canada
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Chapter 5: Three Years in Canada

I did not change; I only learned, and learning doesn't change; it grows.


-a few moments before the explosion-

The Louds and Clyde were in the living room, drinking coffee for the old and hot chocolate for the little ones.

Lincoln took a sip from his cup, still remembering how that bitter taste at first caused indigestion, but when he was thirteen years old and lived in such a cold place, his grandfather got him used to the bad taste of that drink, and it took him a few months to get used to it. He preferred the sweet taste of hot chocolate, but in order to share a few moments between Grandpa and his grandson, he decided to give his parents and sisters' favorite drink another chance. No matter how much he hated the bitter taste, it was amplified by his sense of taste, which was inexplicably more developed for him. But after he got used to it, it became his favorite drink, without which he could not imagine how he could start his day.

Lucy looked at Lincoln and remembered those dark eyes that had caused her to blush, something that had not gone unnoticed by a certain seamstress.

"Lucy, be careful; you should blow to get the chocolate a little warmer if it's too hot." Leni said, taking the cup from Lucy and blowing. Lucy was grateful that Leni didn't understand why her face was so red.

"Are you okay, Lucy?" Lincoln asked, thinking his little sister had burned her tongue.

"Yes, I'm fine." Lucy wanted to change the subject to get rid of the annoyance. "And tell me, what does it feel like to live forever in perpetual darkness?"

Those present shuddered at Lucy's words towards their brother, but were stopped when they heard a soft laugh from Lincoln.

"Well, I can't tell you, because it's not my case." Lincoln replied with a smile.

Lincoln's answer intrigued Lucy very much. "What are you talking about?"

"Well, honestly, it's a myth that blind people only see darkness; everyone is different and they see different things; in my case, there is darkness, but it's accompanied by fuzzy images, like a haze of pink and purple tones."

“What you tell me is that if I go blind, I will not see the absolute darkness and the deepest, but pink and purple clouds?” asked the Gothic.

"Like I said, it's different for everyone, but why would you want to be blind?"

"After hearing what you see every day, it's better not to." Lucy answered.

"That was cool, Lucy telling a joke." A slight pride is shown in Luan, who became her closest sister after that show and room sharing.

Suddenly the whole house shook, and furniture flew in the air.

Chairs and armchairs jumped with the sofa, lifting everyone who occupied them. After the uproar, everyone wondered what it was, though it was quite evident that it was, or rather, who it was.

When they had all gone upstairs and after the strange purple smoke had dissipated, all the girls of the Loud seemed astonished at little Lily for being a girl of five and apparently becoming a girl of eleven or twelve. These were huddled between Lisa's desk and her bed, covering her small breasts with her arms while closing her legs so they couldn't see her pants; her purple dress was being ripped by the growth spurt and explosion of Lisa's experience.

Luna grabbed Lisa by the neck again and shook her.

"Look what you've done; again, your bullshit is affecting someone in the family, you bloody bitch."

Rita separates Luna from Lisa, saying, "Enough, Luna, you will hurt her." The girl's mother sees how her daughter suffered scratches and bruises in addition to some burns on her skin and clothes.

"Mom, look what she has done!" she points to Lily. "Are you still defending her?"

Rita didn't know what to do; on the one hand, she understood Luna's position in this situation, but on the other hand, Lisa was her daughter.

While Clyde and Lynn Sr. left the room to leave everything in the hands of the women of the house, it was very impolite to see her like that, so they left, except for Lincoln, who kept asking.

"Where's Lily? What happened? Is she okay?"

The boy's desperation for his little sister leads him to pass by his father and his friend even as they try to explain the situation. Suddenly, the remnants of the formula that remained on the ground began to expel condensed vapor. They put on their masks again, except for Lincoln, who has come to ensure his little sister's well-being.

"Look out, Lincoln, the room is filled with a vapor of chemicals; who knows what the effects will be?" Lisa warns him, and Lincoln takes her mask and enters the room.

"Lily?" Lincoln asked when he heard someone, but with the sounds of flasks and test tubes rolling and breaking, it was hard to say where they came from. The albino was hitting the ground with a stick when he felt something hard; the gas tank slammed into a sharp sound wave.”

"I found you." Lincoln walked over to Lily and placed his mask on her, leaving him exposed to the gas that left him unconscious.

Meanwhile, out of the room

"They've been there for a long time," Leni said.

Lynn grabbed Lisa by the hair. "It's all your fault; why don't you stop ruining our lives?"

It wouldn't take Lisa another minute; she took off her mask and entered the room.

"Lisa, no!" Rita tried to go to her, but her daughters stopped her, and within seconds Lisa left the room, dragging Lincoln. She was holding him by the collar of his shirt, and he had a gas mask like Lily, except for Lisa, who gave her mask to Lincoln. The girl fell to the ground coughing; her mother approached her, but Lisa raised her hand to signal her to stop, and then she pointed to Lincoln and Lily. "Make sure they're okay."

Lincoln took off his mask and took a deep breath. "Where's Lily?"

“Here I am, Lincoln.” Lily gets up and covers herself with a blanket.

"Lily" was hugged by Lincoln, causing her blanket to fall, and the girl felt her brother's muscular arms and chest press against her half-naked body. Suddenly realizing something, Lincoln's hands touched Lily's back, and he began to turn red. "L-Lily, are you? Are you?"

"Yes, Lincoln," Lily said in a low voice, and in a second, Lincoln had separated from her.

"Sorry. I didn't know you were."

Lily covered herself with the blanket again. "Don't worry, I forgive you."

"You're a pervert," Lynn reprimanded Lincoln, looking annoyed at him and crossing her arms.

"It wasn't on purpose!" Lincoln yelled at Lynn, blushing with embarrassment.

An hour later, Lily put on her new dress; although it was the same dress as before, this one was bigger. "You look beautiful, Lily." Lola said.

"Thanks, Lola, but it's not a big deal; it's the same dress I always wear, but now it's bigger." Lily answered somewhat shyly.

"I say it because of your beauty. Look at you; you are almost as beautiful as I am." Princess boasted.

"Speaking of which, how old are you now, Lily?" Lana asked, intrigued.

"Mmmm, I don't know." I have to ask Lisa when she gets up.

While in Mr. and Mrs. Loud's room, Rita places a wet cloth on Lisa's forehead while Mr. Loud bandages her wounds.

"I hope you get well soon," said Rita, taking her daughter in her arms.

Meanwhile, Lincoln was in the basement, and there he had very fond memories of his childhood, like when he used to collect model ships or play video games with his friends. That was before it turned into a gym when his parents became obsessed with health. Currently running Lynn to keep her performance going before every workout was also a good way to keep Lynn out of trouble when they had to cut costs, as the athlete can use all her energy on cardio equipment and weights, plus she can do all the sports she wants there without breaking anything.

Lincoln was sitting in a chair when the creak of the punching bag made him turn to see where the thing was. Lincoln began to stroke him quickly and accurately, recalling the three years he had lived in Canada and everything new he had discovered about himself when he went blind.

-This part of the chapter recounts the three years Lincoln lived in Canada and how he got his muscles as well as his other talents.-

-twenty-four hours ago-

It was 7:00 a.m. Lincoln was packing his suitcase for the day when he was going home for the super winter vacations, and Lincoln was glad he was going to stay for three months at home, the place where he had grown up.

His grandfather, Albert, enters the room.

"Excited to go home, boy?"

"Yes, Grandpa, I want to know how things have changed in these three years away from home."

“Okay, Lincoln, I will let you pack up in peace.”

Albert left the room, leaving Lincoln alone and the boy narrating to himself, a habit he still enjoyed.

-Lincoln's point of view-

Time is a curious thing; years can pass in a second, and a few hours can be endless days.

When I got here, I was scared. I haven't lost my sight for long, but the first few months were the worst. Every time I woke up, I didn't know if it was day or night. At dawn, when I wanted to go to the bathroom, I had to call Pop Pop to take me. Learning to read Braille was quite a challenge, but fortunately, when I started at the School for Special Young Kids, everything got better; the teachers were nice, and the kids were nicer too. I even made friends with some twins, Liberty and her sister, who was strangely called Linka; they reminded me so much of Lola and Lana.

Linka was very feminine and had good manners as well as being somewhat shy, and Liberty, for her part, was a sassy girl with a very assertive and bold personality. She did not hesitate to stand up for me against some bullies who had been bothering me because of my disability; they were very nice to me the whole time.

Then one day, while Pop Pop was buying firewood for the fireplace, we met Jean-Paul, a French-Canadian of the loggers, a big man with big muscles but a good heart and a humble and jovial attitude with a great sense of humor, the typical gentle giant. Pop Pop immediately became friends with him, as did I.

One day, when Linka and Liberty had to move in and I was left alone, the abuse began. Jean-Paul recommended an option to my grandfather, who accepted it. I met another person who helped me move forward, a twenty-seven-year-old judo teacher named Alexa Morrison.

She lost vision in one of her eyes in a car accident when she was my age; that's why we got along so well. I never imagined that, being blind, I could learn self-defense. Alexa taught me everything she knew, from basic asanas to exercises. Even if I couldn't see Alexa, she was such a good teacher. She accommodated my body according to the fighting stance she required. She was the best teacher I could have had.

Finally, the last person I met who gave me the light to face my disability was Edenshaw, a shaman of a tribe who inhabited the area a hundred years ago; no one knows how old he is at all. I have come to him hoping to cure my blindness since someone told Grandpa about him; he used to live in the same forest near our cabin. My grandfather was disappointed to learn that he could not cure me. For my part, I had already lost hope, but Edenshaw told me that he saw something special in me, something he had only seen in a real member of his tribe, and the funny thing was that he was also blind, but he taught me to use my senses to guide me. After some time, thanks to Edenshaw, I discovered that I could see through sounds like a sonar wave. In addition to gaining great strength and balance with Alexa training, within a year, the whole forest became my playground, and I was no longer afraid.

Since then, Jean-Paul, Alexa, and Edenshaw have been my supporters. Being away from the noise of the city and without my own video games or comics to keep me entertained, I could only study and visit the three most important people in my new life, and when they weren't available, I remembered all my sisters had done. I became the best in my class; it was very easy for me to finish my homework, and that left me a lot of free time. My grandfather bought me an acoustic bass, which I became really good at playing with. I played for hours and hours when I wasn't spending time with my grandfather, practicing with Alexa, or visiting Edenshaw or Jean-Paul. In spite of everything, these years were the best of my life, and now I will go home on this day.

-End of Lincoln's point of view-

Back to the present

Lincoln had just hit the punching bag; he had been like that for thirty minutes, and he was all sweaty, so he went to take a shower.

The boy opened his bag and took a white sleeveless shirt, black pajama pants, and some clean towels that his mother had given him, and when he climbed the stairs to the bathroom, he crossed the corridors with Lynn. When she saw him sweating so much that his shirt clung to his body, highlighting his well-functioning muscles, Lynn bit her lower lip.

"Well, you sure are grown up, little bro. Maybe I'll look a little, and a little look won't hurt," Lynn thought when she saw Lincoln go into the bathroom. She looked everywhere to make sure no one came; luckily for her, everyone was busy downstairs with Lily and Lisa, so she could confidently implement her plan. Lynn peered through the keyhole as she watched Lincoln undress, first unbuttoning his shirt to reveal a torn torso and a sturdy arm. "Hmm. Yes, Linky, undress for your sis." The boy continued to unbuckle and pull his pants down. Lynn took out a hundred dollars from her pocket. "I want to put this bill in those underwear." When Lincoln turned around, what Lynn saw nearly gave her a massive nosebleed. Lincoln was wearing black underwear with orange elastic bands and had a large bulge in the front. "Damn Lincoln, do you have some damn grapefruit in there? Puberty has been really generous with you." Lincoln was dropping his underwear; Lynn could not take it anymore, and she took her hand to her crotch, enjoying herself through her short shorts, forgetting that she was in the middle of the aisle. "Yes, Lincoln, let me see you. Show me what a man you've become."

But before she could enjoy the last corner of her brother, whom she had yet to see, Lynn heard someone coming up the stairs, and she quickly stopped touching herself and went into her room, opening the door a little to see who had ruined her special moment. It was her mother who handed Lincoln a new slab of soap when Rita came back downstairs. Lynn hurried to watch the end of the show, but it was already late. Lincoln entered the bathtub and drew the curtains; besides, it was impossible to see through the steam. Lynn returned to her room disappointed, but it wasn't all a waste of time. She began masturbating again with the memory of that pack bulging in her brother's underwear. “Oh Lincoln, Lincoln, Lincoln.” She repeated her brother's name like an incantation and reached a climax.

-While in the Living room-

Albert was talking to Lynn and Rita. "Thank you for letting me be here with you, daughter."

"You have nothing to be thankful for, Dad. I'm glad we finally got to use the sofa bed I made."

"By the way, where will Lincoln sleep?" Mr. Loud asked.

"That's right, we didn't think of that." Albert said

"Lily took Lincoln's room even though his furniture was still there. He could sleep with her." Rita proposed, and suddenly Lily felt a tingling in her stomach and a burning sensation in her cheeks like Luna's.

"I don't know Rita; the boy is fifteen; he can't stay with a woman. There are things a man needs privacy for."

"Dad, please don't say that in front of the girls," said Rita.

"Well, you have to understand that he stopped being a child a long time ago; he really is a man." Albert said

Rita and Albert turned to Mr. Loud as if to break the tie.

"Good. As far as I agree with your father, I'm afraid there is nowhere for Lincoln to sleep, so he will have to share a room with someone until we can find a place for him to sleep." After hearing of their father's decision, Luna, Lucy, and Lynn, who had quickly come down on hearing that Lincoln could sleep with one of them, were more than willing to share their bed. Luna was about to speak, but Lincoln, who had already come down, interrupted them in his new pajamas.

"Listening to everything from the stairs, I can sleep on the floor of one of your rooms," suggested the white-haired man.

"There is no way," Luna dismissed. "It's minus seven degrees, and you just took a shower. You'll catch a cold if you do that."

"Luna is right; you should sleep in bed," suggested Rita. Again, Luna spoke first.

"He can sleep in my bed."

"good idea." Lynn Sr. congratulated his daughter on her brilliant idea, while Luna had a smile on her face as Lucy and Lynn's faces twisted into a grimace of hate.

Knowing that her brother would share a bed with her, a fantasy began to take shape in the rocker's mind.

Lincoln was on top of Luna, kissing her neck as he ruthlessly moved his hips and slashed at his sister.

Finally, it's time to sleep. But Luna was not what she expected.

"That wasn't what I had in mind." She said this with a frustrated expression on her face as she lay on Luan's bed while Lincoln slept in hers.

Everyone was already asleep, and Luna was lying on her side, moaning at her inability to be with Lincoln, when she felt something between her thighs. She almost screamed, but Lincoln covered her mouth. "Calm down, it's me!"

"Lincoln?" Luna asked when she saw that what was protruding between her thighs was Lincoln's penis.

"Yes, Luna, we are finally alone. Luan went to the bathroom, so let's take advantage of it." The boy rubs his cock between Luna's thighs, giving the girl great pleasure.

“Luna, I can't take it anymore.” Lincoln put his cock at the entrance to Luna's vagina.

"Wait, Lincoln, you don't have a condom. No, no, no." Luna felt Lincoln's organ enter her, and suddenly she woke up, and next to her, Luan was snoring. It was all a dream. Luna saw that her pants were wet. She had a wet dream. The girl got up to go to the bathroom to change her underwear. When she entered the laundry basket, she saw Lincoln's shirt. Luna took the garment and sniffed deeply, letting that smell penetrate her nostrils. "Ah, you smell so good."

Luna continued sniffing the dress without noticing that Lynn was inside the bathtub, hiding behind the curtains, spying on her. She had no pants; she only had her shirt and Lincoln's underwear on her face like a mask while a thick liquid was pouring out of her vagina.