10-I present to you My Brother Part 1
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Chapter 10: I present to you My Brother Part 1

-If life is art, our decisions are the brush and the paint, and the new day The canvas that always comes back to being empty is open to possibilities-


Lori and Leni were getting the house ready for their friends' annual reunion from high school; Luna and Luan were in charge of the show; and Lynn was packing her things to endure Noise Night. Despite being an active girl like her family, that night she couldn't stay awake because she had a practice session scheduled in the morning with her friends. She pulled out a pair of earplugs and a mask from her drawer. Like the one Leni wears to sleep, in red trim and basketball appliqué.

While in the kitchen, Lincoln cooked with the help of Lucy, Lola, Lana, and Lily. Lisa did not participate because she preferred to be locked in her room.

Lincoln cooked with the help of his sisters, wearing a white apron that covered him from his chest to his thighs. The boy was beating a brown mixture into a bowl that smelled deliciously chocolatey. "Give me the milk, please, Lola." Lincoln asked his sister, the Princess.

"Sure Lincoln."  She said Lola delivers milk to her brother.

"Well, that smells good." Lana said, after pointing, to put her finger in the mixture, but Lola stopped her and hit her hand. "Ouch. Hey, that hurts." Lana said, rubbing her hand.

"I don't even want to think where that finger was. There's no way you could get it into Lincoln's cake mix. Guests will be arriving any minute, and the last thing we want is for them to see your dirty finger prints on their food." Lola scolded her twin and put her hands on her waist.

"This finger was in my nose and ear in exactly that order. But I washed my hands." Lana responded by poking her finger into Lola's forehead.

"Yeah. You're so disgusting. Grow up already. You're ten years old now." Lola answered, separating Lana's hand from her face.

The girls started chuckling among themselves as they felt shivers run down their backs. The atmosphere turned gloomy, and out of the darkness that arose between them emerged two hands holding them by the shoulders and a face as pale as a dead entity. The mysterious entity whispered to them in a cold voice from beyond the grave. "Stop fighting, or I will kick you out of the kitchen." The twins screamed in fear and felt their hearts jump in their throats until they realized that this spectral being was Lucy.

"Damn Lucy, you almost gave me a heart attack." Lola said, placing her hand on her chest.

"I was about to change my pants," Lana said, leaning back in a chair.

"Now girls, don't fight, Lucy. Don't scare your little sisters." Lincoln placed the order in the kitchen as he poured the contents of the container into a deep tray. "Lily, would you pass me the chocolate balls?"

"Sure Lincoln."  Lily was sitting next to Lincoln on the dishwasher counter. She opened the cupboard and took out a jar full of chocolate bean balls.

Lincoln sprinkled the cereal over the mixture, then almost put it in the preheated oven, which was hard for him. Well, the twins chocolate addiction and desire to act got better, spurred on by the chocolate candy, whose flavor and aroma were enhanced by the addition of crunchy cereal balls. Even Lola jumped to reach the baking tray.

"Wow, calm down, girls; wait till it's cooked." Lincoln moved the tray in all directions to keep it away from his sisters, who jumped and climbed onto him to get to the tray. "Girls, girls, calm down; you're going to make me pour the batter." Lincoln could not finish the sentence because, when he tried to get the tray away from his sisters, some of the batter spilled all over his shirt.

"Oh shit."  Lincoln put the tray on the table and pulled up his shirt to remove the sticky brown stain that smelled sweet like cocoa.

"Oh no." Lola said this when she saw what she and her sister had done. "Go wash it off quickly. It's impossible to remove the chocolate if it's dried."

"But I no longer have clean shirts." Lincoln said, trying to clean the stain with a damp cloth.

"Don't do that. You'll only make it worse." Lola stopped him. "Wait. Why don't you have clean clothes?"

“The day Pop Pop and I came here was laundry day. But when we booked the plane tickets, the flight attendant made a mistake and gave us tickets for a flight that was due to leave earlier than we asked for. So we had to get everything ready for the trip, and we couldn’t wash the clothes. We planned to wash them here. But with everything that's happened these days, we forgot to wash them."

Lola pressed the bridge of her nose, not believing what her brother was telling her: "Okay, go wash it."

"But I have to finish cooking for Lori and Lenny's party."

"Okay, give me your shirt," said Lola, stretching out her hands.

Lincoln obeyed and took off his shirt. Suddenly, Lola and Lucy's cheeks flushed when they saw their brother's body.

“Bro, look at you," said Lana, playfully stroking Lincoln's arm. “No wonder you kicked the asses of those who wanted to trespass on Leni.”

Lincoln was surprised to hear his sister say such a vulgar word in front of Lily. "Lana, please. Don't talk like that."

Lana's gaze fell on Lincoln's tattoo and necklace. "Wow. What a great tattoo, and this necklace?"

"Are they real fangs and claws?" Lily asked.

"Yes, they are," answered Lincoln, going back to the kitchen and putting the candy in the oven. When the boy turned around, he revealed that he had another tattoo on his back. This was the greatest of all. It was a wolf totem painted black and red.

"Wow. What about that tattoo?" Lily asked.

Lincoln closed the oven door, and as he got everything ready to make the filling for the cake, he thought of telling his little sisters the story of the tattoo. "These tattoos were a gift from an old shaman named Edenshaw, whom I met two months after Pop Pop and I arrived in our new home. He was blind like me, but somehow he could get around just fine even without a cane. He taught me to use my other four senses, which, for some reason, have become more acute since I missed the visit. Thanks to him and the other people who have helped and taught me to go from being a helpless blind child to the boy I am now, and to be able to do great things as I am now.” Lincoln flips back and lands on his left hand, holding himself vertically, then pushes with it and switches hands. He does vertical push-ups.

Lily was impressed. The little girl's eyes were wide open and filled with luster. "Walk with your hands like circus performers." Little Lily asked while clapping her hands with emotion.

Lincoln obeyed and began walking hand in hand around the entire kitchen.

Lana took about four tennis balls from her pockets and threw them at Lincoln. Catch them.

Lincoln moved reflexively, and with a quick movement with his legs, he kicked them up, grabbed them by the soles of his feet, and immediately after that, he flexed and extended his legs, threw balls in the air, then propelled himself with his hands, landed in a squatting position, and then picked up two balls with each hand.

The girls applauded the act of their brother, who bowed to his audience.

Suddenly the fifth applause was present, and when they turned around to see who was there, they saw their comedian sister, who went to the kitchen to attend a little game but was surprised by her brother doing circus games.

"That was great, Link." Luan said.

"Thank you, Luan." Lincoln turned to his sister, and she couldn't help but blush and sweat. She was so engrossed in her brother's display of balance that she didn't notice the great physical change that had undergone.

“Luan? Are you alright? I hear you a little agitated.” Lincoln touched his sister's forehead. "You're burning."

"Really. Look, her legs are even sweating." Lily said, pointing to Luan's legs, But the source was not the sweat glands on Luan's legs; the contact with her brother's skin caused part of her body to get wet.

"I'm not feeling well; I'm going to sleep. Tell Lori I won't have dinner today." Luan screamed and immediately ran towards her room so fast that the only thing people who crossed her path could see was a trail of smoke.

"Ok." Lincoln went back to cooking.

Luan locked herself in her room. Luna left and will not return. Until later, she'll have the room to herself. Luan fell onto her bed, thinking about what had happened.

"What the hell?" She recalled in detail the moment she entered the kitchen and watched her brother's balancing act until the moment he stood up, showing his bare torso, tattoos, and scars. That moment repeated itself like a loop in her mind. Luan unconsciously unbuttoned her pants, put her hand under her pants, and started rubbing them.

The moment she made the first movement of her fingers on her vaginal lips, she responded and took her hand from her pants. She almost masturbated thinking of her brother, which made her freak out. "This is disgusting," Luan said. She quickly took out her cell phone and started a video call with her boyfriend, Benny. They both attended the same university, but Benny couldn't go back to town because he told Luan he was going to spend the super winter break at his uncle's house, whom he hadn't seen since he was a child.

Luan had to make four attempts to contact Benny because he didn't answer the first three. On the fourth try, the boy finally answered.

"Hi Luani," greeting the boy on the other side of the screen

"Hi sweetie. How are you doing with your uncle and aunt?"

“Well…well…” It seems the boy is not quite as good as he claims. It sounded like anxiety, which Luan noticed.

"What's going on, Benny? You look worried. How about I go there and meet your aunt and uncle? I've already met your parents, and compared to that, your uncle's won't be a bore. Ha-ha-ha, did you get it?"

"Ha-ha-ha. I get it." The boy paused in recounting what his girlfriend had said and quickly replied, "No... I'm sorry, love, but my uncle is sick and my aunt is too busy treating him, and I don't think it's the best way to spend our vacation."

"Oh. I understand, love. You are so kind to spend your vacation helping your family."

"But I still miss you, love."

"I miss you too." Luan kisses her cell phone screen.

"I miss your kisses." Benny did the same. "I have to go."

"Okay baby. See you later." Luan ended the video call and pressed her cell phone to her chest; all her thoughts and desires about Lincoln were automatically forgotten, and she no longer remembered why she had gone up to her room. in the first place."

-Back to the kitchen-

After washing his hands, Lincoln put on his apron and went back to making appetizers for Lori and Leni's party.

"Hey, bro, Are you sure you are blind?” Lana said.

"I have three years of certainty." Lincoln replied between laughs.

"So, did that shaman man help you and teach you how to do it?” Lily asked.

"Aha. That's how it is. Besides, he made me an honorary member of his tribe; according to my totem, or spirit animal, it is a wolf. These tattoos and necklace were also a gift from him; he says that as long as I wear them, the wolf spirit will always be with me, hence my name, Indian.

"What's that name?" Lucy asked.

My name is [Run with the Wolves].

The little sisters gasp at their brother's story.

An hour later, the snacks for the party were ready. Lincoln had prepared an assortment of snacks that were nothing compared to a sleepover, but considering it was a college party, they consisted of three chocolate brownies rolled and sliced. A tray with a plate of homemade cornflakes akin to nachos surrounded by bowls of sauces and several bottles of soda and some liquor was served by Lori, who had seen the snacks her brother had made.

"I literally can't believe he did this on his own," Lori said as she ate one of her slices of cake.

"Hmm. It's very good." Leni had already eaten the whole cake.

"Leni, did you eat all the cake? That was for the party." Lori scolds Leni.

"Ho ho. Luckily, I figured it would happen, and being you and your taste for chocolate, I decided to play it safe and make two more." Lincoln came out of the kitchen with two trays, on which were two more brownies.

“Thank you, Link..." Lori was interrupted as she saw her topless brother covered only by the white apron that covered his tattoos, scars, and necklace. "Lincoln. Why are you just wearing that?" Lori, like her sisters, who saw the change in their brother's body for the first time, was taken aback, but she didn't feel the same sensations as her other sisters after she was surprised, and she was certainly shielded by her great love for Bobby. "I'm waiting for an answer, and it better be a good one," she said in a firm voice.

Lincoln scratches his head and sighs. "Okay. To make a long story short, The little ones got me dirty while cooking, and I didn't have any clean clothes anymore because Pop Pop and I didn't have time to wash them because our trip was scheduled much earlier than we asked, so we had to fumble and pack quickly. Now all my clothes are washed." So I just wear my pants and this tight apron."

Leni walked over to her brother and hugged him around the waist, then began to caress him from his stomach to his chest, putting her hand all over his chest.


"L-le-Leni, are you caressing me?" Lincoln felt so uncomfortable with the closeness his sister had with him that it brought back a memory of when he got home: when Leni hugged him and the softness of her breasts.

Lori was completely ashamed to see this strange situation, so she decided to speak up. "Leni, what do you think you're doing?"

"I'm taking Linki's measurements." Leni walked around Lincoln and stayed behind. The girl stared at his tattoo, then looked at Lori and back at Lincoln's tattoo.

"Is there something wrong, Leni?" Lincoln asked. Suddenly, he felt something press on his back. Leni hugged him from behind and pressed her breast against his back. The seamstress wrapped her arms around Lincoln's torso. Lori couldn't stand this strange situation any longer.

"Leni, stop literally already. What the hell do you think you're doing?" Lori pushed Leni away from Lincoln, or rather, tried to, because Leni's embrace was so strong that it made them both fall to the ground sideways.

"Leni, literally, what's wrong with you?"

Leni did not break up with Lincoln, who was already beginning to worry.

"Leni, can you let me go?" Lincoln tried to get up, but Leni wouldn't let go; she was clinging tightly to him.

Lincoln rose from the ground, Leni still hanging on his back like a baby koala, but she pushed her weight back and planted her feet on the ground.

"Let's go to my room, Lincoln." Leni dragged Lincoln away without breaking the embrace. She quickly runs up the stairs but is stopped by Lori, who takes Lincoln by the arm.

"Leni, I literally don't know what's going on with you, but you're acting really weird." Lori pulled Lincoln, but he was latched onto by Lenny.

"I have a Lincoln shirt in the room, and I want him to try it on." Leni made a strong pull, freeing Lincoln from Lori's grasp. She quickly went up the hall and entered her room, locking the door.

Lincoln heard the jingle of the key turning and the double tap of the flask on the door, which confused the boy. "Leni? What are you doing?" Leni walked over to her brother and put her arms around his waist, then took off his apron. Lincoln felt really uncomfortable, but at the same time, he liked feeling Leni so close.

The girl left her apron on the bed and walked over to her shelf, where she had several bags in which she kept all the new clothes she had made. She opened one of the bags and pulled out a black short-sleeved button-down shirt in a pattern of orange stripes forming checks.

"Put it on you." Leni extended the dress to Lincoln. The boy extended his hand until he felt the texture of the dress.

"Thank you, Leni." Lincoln put on his shirt. The dress was loose on the shoulders and biceps and relaxed across the chest and back. "I love it, Leni; it's so comfortable."

Leni smiled at her brother's words. "I'm so glad you like it."

"May I know when you did this?" asked the boy.

"When you got back, I wanted to give you a welcome gift. But I forgot to give it to you; it wasn't until you mentioned that you had no more clean shirts."


"What's up, Linky?"

"Why were you acting strange there?"

Leni blushed. She was grateful that her brother was blind. "I didn't want Lori to see your tattoo."

"My tattoo? Lincoln asked, confused.

"If Lori sees them, she'll tell Mom and Dad, and they'll punish you. You're too young to get a tattoo."

"Thank you. I guess..."

Leni walked over to Lincoln, laid her hands on his chest, and unbuttoned his shirt.

"Leni. What are you doing now?" Lincoln did not fully understand the physical closeness his sister had with him, as she continually invaded his personal space. The girl opened the dress and stared at his scars, and the gauze stuck to the medical tape on his stomach, protecting the last threads from the wound the hateful man had inflicted while trying to protect her. Leni was freaked out about it; she was supposed to be the big sister, and she had to protect her little brother. “Brother.” For some reason, this word bothered her, and once again, another phrase echoed in her mind.

"My Leni... my Leni... my Leni..."

"He considered me his," thought the seamstress. "Then he is mine,"

Leni took her hands to Lincoln's bangs and moved them, revealing his eyes. It was the first time she had seen him so closely. They were azure, like the sky itself. His eyes have sclera irises. Different shades were fading, and it was beautiful. The girl caressed Lincoln's cheekbones before pulling him toward her and kissing him on the lips.

Paralyzed for a moment, Lincoln tried to break away from Leni, but her grip was too strong on his neck. Everything was as it had been that day in the kitchen with Lynn.

Lincoln could stop even three men older than him with his bare hands and knock them out with a bench nailed to the floor, but when it comes to one of his sisters, all that power seems to escape him and leave him alone, reverting to being an eleven-year-old Lincoln. But something was different about that kiss. It was not like the one Lynn had given him. It was even more tender.

Lincoln began to enjoy this kiss. Leni's lips were soft and plump, accompanied by the strawberry and mint flavors of the lip gloss she had used, mixed with the floral scent of her perfume. The boy caressed Leni's cheeks and then hugged her, the kiss deep, her skin so nice and soft. His senses of touch, taste, and smell, which had been enhanced by the chemicals now running through his veins, were intoxicated by that fairy with her golden hair and porcelain skin.

None of them stopped to think about what they were doing; their joy was so great that they didn't want to stop. Suddenly Lincoln felt something pressing on his intimate area; Leni's hand was rubbing it and moving her fingers to massage Lincoln's private area, causing his "little friend," or rather his "big friend," to start waking up. Lincoln didn't want to be left behind and started massaging one of Leni's breasts. The girl complained because she kept the kiss until the lack of air forced them to separate. Both of them were breathing hard, but Lincoln still wanted more. He started kissing and licking Leni's neck, causing her a lot of pleasure during the massage of one of her breasts.

They both walked over to Leni's bed and fell into it. Lincoln was on top of Leni, and his "friend" threatened to rip his pants, which Leni relieved him of by lowering his zip, and at the same time Lincoln lifted her cashmere blouse with her black lace bodice, exposing her breasts, caressed them for a moment, and then began sucking them.

Suddenly a memory flashed through Leni's mind—the memory of that stinky pig with his dirty tongue on her breasts—and for a moment she thought she saw that man on her.

"No. Get away from me." She quickly pushed him away, and this hallucination only lasted for a split second. As soon as she regained consciousness, she saw Lincoln on the ground with his zip down and a swollen erection in his boxers.

"The boy recovered, and that jolt was enough to bring him back to the truth of what he was doing. "What did I do? I'm sorry, Leni; I shouldn't have continued with you, not after what you've been through in the garden.” The boy unzipped and unbuttoned his shirt, combed his hair again, and covered his eyes.

Leni straightened her clothes and got out of bed. "No, no,no, Lincoln, you haven't gone far."

Lincoln bowed his head. "It's still wrong. We shouldn't do that; we're siblings. We better not tell anyone about this, okay?"

Leni couldn't move or speak; she just extended her hand towards Lincoln as if to reach him. "But... I love you." Leni thought as tears started to fall from her eyes.

The boy opened the door and left the room. Leni sat on her bed, looking at the floor with a look of guilt as she touched her lips.

Lincoln went to the bathroom and splashed cold water on his face to wake him up. "What was I thinking? She's my sister." Suddenly remembering the sensations of that supposed dream he had with Lynn, the girl moaned with pleasure at how delicious the sensation was on his dick. "Wasn't that a dream? No, no, no, no. It was a dream; I dreamed it. This can't happen. I have to calm down."

"How much I need some advice from you?" Remember his three teachers? "Pop Pop isn't here because of the girls' party. Where did he go?"

in a couples hostel called "The Garden of Pleasures."

Myrtle was lying on the bed. She was wearing pink and red underwear. Albert came out of the shower in a tight swimsuit, also red.

"Happy reconciliation, my dear." Myrtle winked at Albert as he saw her dressed like this.

Albert sensitively walks towards the bed.

"Happy reconciliation, my dear. I hope you're ready for what's to come, because I've been through three years of holding off, and I'm going to get them all out."

“I am impatient. Come here, tiger.” Myrtle hugs Albert and pulls him onto the bed.

-back to Loud's house-

"I'm sure it is something important." Lincoln said, wiping his face.

Lincoln put his hand on the wall to guide himself, but stopped when he felt that what knocked was the door of the room he temporarily shared with Luna and Luan. He also remembered that Luan was not feeling well, so he decided to do something to help her.

While in the eldest's room, Leni was lying looking up at the ceiling with her hand behind her head, still thinking about what had happened with Lincoln, especially remembering that moment when she unbuttoned his pants and when she let Lincoln lift her blouse and bra, allowing him to handle her. Was she really about to have sex with him? Leni got up and walked to her closet. At the bottom of it, under a pile of clothes, was a box. She took out Lincoln's jacket, and Leni hugged it, brought it to her nose, and took a long breath.

Five minutes later, the doorbell rang, and Lori opened the door. On the other side were Mary, Tori, Heather, Veronica, John, Dana, Whitney, Fiona, Jackie, Mandy, and even Carol herself, among other girls.

"Lori, it's good to see you again." Carol hugs Lori.

"I love our meetings." Becky saw the food on the coffee table in the living room after trying one of the slices, and she was stunned. “Mm, Lori, where did you buy these delicious cakes?” Becky continued to eat. The girls approached the table, and after eating the slices, they all wanted to know from which bakery they could buy such delicious cakes.

"Hmmmm, very fluffy and crunchy at the same time." Whitney said as she ate them one after another.

"I could sleep in a bed made of this." Dana said, slowly tasting the cake.

"Come on, Lori, don't be selfish; tell us where you got these delicacies." Carol asked after taking another slice into her mouth.

"I didn't buy it. My brother cooked it."

The girls stopped eating.

"Did little Lincoln cook this?" Carol asked.

"And where is he?" Becky asked.

By sheer coincidence, the moment the red-haired girl asked for it, a boy who looked about eighteen came out of the kitchen carrying a tray with a bowl of soup on it. The girls stopped eating; their mouths opened, and some dropped what they were still chewing, and others dropped cake from their hands. Especially Mandy, Fiona, and Jackie recognized the boy; it was the same one who accompanied Leni to the mall that day.

Lori, Luan's not feeling well; I'll get her some soup."

"Alright. Lincoln. Just be careful not to get infected."

This name brought the guests out of their amazement.

Lincoln put his hand to the wall and carried the tray up the stairs. Once again, the girls were speechless to see him climb the stairs.

"Oh, my God, did you see that ass? Mmmm, firm." Whitney said it with a perverted face.

"Puberty hit him hard," Dana said, crossing her legs.

"Girls, are you crazy? He's my younger brother, and he's barely fifteen," said Lori, scolding.

"Hmm. Just another three years, and he'll be ready to be eaten. Like a ripe mango," drools Dana.

“You guys really need your boyfriends.” Lori said, pinching the bridge of her nose.

"And who said we wanted him as a boyfriend? I just want those cakes, not the ones he's cooking." Mandy said as she opened and closed her hands as a sign of something being pressed.

"This will be a long night." Lori thought, eating one of the rolled-out slices of cake.


Lincoln was in front of Luan's room, knocking on the door, waiting for an answer.

"come in." Luan said, but when the boy entered, she regretted not asking who was at the door.

"Hi Luani. I brought you delicious hot soup."

"Thank you, Link." Luan grabbed the tray, and suddenly the contents fell to the floor.

"Luan, are you alright?" Lincoln asked, backing away to avoid the trail of soup.

"Yes, I will clean up." Luan used her handkerchief to soak up the soup.

Lincoln felt the tension in the environment and decided to break the silence. "Hi Luan, I wanted to ask you if you still host kids' parties.

Luan could see that her brother just wanted to be nice and talk. Also, after talking to Benny, she left her discomfort behind. "naturally. Funny business will never close its doors. Why are you asking?"

"Good. If you have any attendees nearby, I wanted to ask if I could be your assistant again, for old time's sake."

Luan thought about it for a moment; she liked the idea, but when she saw her brother up close, the feelings of the kitchen came back to her, more when she imagined him in his old little black shirt than when she saw how much he had grown. She has to finish it now. But without being blunt. "Of course. I would like to, but there are no birthday parties for my regulars on these dates. Not even the new ones I've had in these years."

"Oh. What a shame." Lincoln said it disappointedly.

"Yes. How awful." Luan thought she was saved when she received a voicemail. The girl opened it without first seeing who it was, and she began to hear.

giggles: Hi Luan, sweetheart. It's me, giggles Hey, you won't believe it. Do you remember doing children's parties? "Comedy on the Road," then hit The Fat Man. said ah. very funny.

"But seriously. I had the jackpot in my bag. The mayor's daughter's birthday is in three weeks. And I thought of collaborating with your funny business. This could push our business to the top, Luan. If all goes well, the mayor will recommend us to members of high society who have kids. It's a golden opportunity, baby."

"Let me know if you get the idea."

The message ended, and Luan wanted to hit her head with the cell phone.

"Wow. The Loud siblings are back in funny business. I can't wait for that day. Well. I don't see a period." Lincoln said, trying to make his sister laugh.

"Ha ha ha. That's a good one, Link."

"Great. Get some rest." Lincoln kissed Luan's forehead and left her room.

Luan touched her forehead as Lincoln kissed her. She quickly flipped through her cell phone to snap a photo of her and Benny. This seemed to calm those Lincoln-initiated outbursts.

In the kitchen, Lincoln was washing the pots he used to cook while his sisters and their friends chatted in the living room, except for two. Leni, who had not yet come down, and Carol, who entered the kitchen,

"Are you still hungry?" Lincoln asked the girl.

Carol walks over to the boy. She was already in her pajamas. The girl walked toward Lincoln. "very much." Carol was slowly approaching, but she wasn't the only one there; someone else was watching the scene. It was Lucy who was watching everything from the air vent and noticed the blonde girl's intentions.

Lucy had to do something to protect her "brother's chastity," which belonged only to her, so she decided to act quickly.

"Lincoln, help me."

Lucy screamed. Lincoln could hear it, but the sounds were distributed throughout the ventilation due to the echo.

"Lucy? Where are you?"

"In the ventilation. I got stuck."

"Wait, I'll get you out of there. I need a screwdriver."

Lincoln pulled out the bottom drawer, knowing that sometimes Lana kept her tools there.

He turned the drawer over on the table and began to take things, feeling the shape of them with his hands, and if it wasn't the screwdriver he was looking for, he put it aside, which confused Carol. The screwdriver was right in front of him, but the boy kept picking things up and running his fingers through them because she didn't know the boy's condition.

Finally, Lincoln found the screwdriver.

"Lucy, wait, I'm coming." Lincoln extended his hand behind his waist and pulled out his cane, which he opened. The vents were very high, so he needed this to be able to locate them.

"I'm coming, Lucy." Lincoln quickly went up the stairs, leaving Carol alone in the kitchen.

"That boy should cut his hair; with that fringe, he's completely blind."

Upstairs, Lincoln was able to locate Lucy, who had shifted. Her plan was to get Lincoln as far away from that girl as possible, pretend she was in trouble, and leave, but suddenly the ventilation felt even tighter. When she turned around, she noticed her growing hips were getting caught.

"This must be a joke." Lucy protested as she tried to get out of there. "Help me. I'm stuck. Someone? Please help!" The music was so loud to the girls that no one was listening, and fortunately she was in front of the air vent, which opened to reveal her white-haired angel.

"Lucy? I'm here, little sis."

"Lincoln." Her brother came to save her. Lucy stretched out her arms, and Lincoln took her and pulled her until the girl was able to get out, and they both fell to the ground. It was Lincoln, with Lucy on top of him. It was the first time they had been physically close, and Lucy loved it.

"Lincoln. Thank you." Lucy hugged Lincoln tightly and did not want to part with him.

"Lucy." Lincoln picked her up tightly by her skirt, as if he wanted to rip her off. This made Lucy blush. "Please. Take it off. I can't take it anymore."

Lucy felt a small heart attack when she heard her brother say that. Did he want to take her virginity there? in the hallway?

"I... I don't know, Lincoln. I don't feel ready yet. We can wait a bit or be somewhere a little more private." Lucy felt her feelings on edge when she felt an extra tug on her skirt.

"We'll go where you want. But please. Take it off."

"Lincoln... I didn't know you were so reckless."

"Please. It hurts."

Lucy was confused, but when she saw better, she noticed that her knee had hit her brother's testicles, which gave him a hard knee.

Lucy quickly got off Lincoln, who was covering his bruised parts.

"I'm sorry, Lincoln." Lucy says, And she is embarrassed.

"Don't worry. I'll be fine." Lincoln tried to get up, but the precision of his legs exertion multiplied the pain, causing him to fall. "Ouch."

Lucy caught her brother before he fell. "Wait, let's go to my room. Lynn has some cold packs to treat the bumps.

"OK." Lincoln followed Lucy to her room. Once he lay down on Lucy's bed while his goth sister was looking under Lynn's bed, who was snoring so loudly that with her earplugs she couldn't hear them.

After searching for a while, she found the poultice.

"Here they are, Lincoln." Lucy gives Lincoln poultices.

"Thank you, Lucy." Lincoln unzips it slightly and puts the bag in its compartments. "it's cold."

Lucy sees the round bundle, wrapped in black cloth, emerging from the cloud. In her mind, she could only compare it to a hill. “Oh, my, oh my dark Lord.” Lucy removed the tuft of hair from her eye so she could see the penis better. The girl was wandering in her thoughts. "It's huge. It'll break me in two if..." Lucy shook her head to get rid of that thought, which was actually quite ironic that she did since she once touched herself while watching her brother bathe.

"Thanks, Lucy; I already feel a lot better.”

Before Lincoln rezips it, Lucy takes a picture with her cell phone. "You're welcome, my dear brother."

Lincoln walked to the door, leaving Lucy's room, and she locked it. She quickly got under her sheets, and between them she took out her hand, which was holding her underwear, which she had thrown on the floor.

For half an hour, you can hear Lucy repeating in a cheerful tone the phrase "Lincoln".

It was a very hard day for our albino. So after taking a shower and declining the invitations of his sister's friends to stay at the party, the white-haired man went to the basement, ready for bed. Well, with Luan in the quotes sick," he didn't want to risk getting caught, and with the awkward thing between him and Leni and the kitchen with Lynn, he couldn't ask the youngest of the sisters to share the room, so he brought a sleeping bag. Interestingly, the cellar was not cold. Being in the same room as the water heater, it was nice and warm.

The boy was exhausted from afternoon exercise with Lynn and fixing that weird bird-watching girl's ankle. Cook snacks for Lori and Leni's party. Soup for Luan; help Lucy out of the vents. Not to mention what happened with Leni in her room.

This made him feel strange. He was about to have sex with his sister, something he had never thought of doing except when he had that "dream" with Lynn, but the strange thing was that in that dream and his intimate moment with Leni, they felt great.

Lincoln put his hand in his underwear and started massaging his dick while thinking of that fun moment he had with Leni, but this got mixed up with what happened in the kitchen with Lynn and the dream he had about her. Leni was very humble and full of spirit, but Lynn was tough and could do whatever she wanted with him. In order to be as brutal as she likes, he sends in those moments to Satan his words that we are siblings and this is wrong. The hormones had brought it down.

Suddenly, Lincoln heard someone come down. Lincoln pulled his hand out of his boxers and pretended to be asleep while the mysterious figure descended the gaudy stairs.

The mysterious visitor reached the bottom of the stairs and approached Lincoln. The boy couldn't hear his identity because the room was completely silent, but he could feel someone caressing his arm. It was a small hand, perhaps Lana's or Lola's, but a painful twinge pulled him out of his thoughts, and with a reflexive act, he sprang out of his sleeping bag and caught the intruder by the neck and squeezed it. That small neck and weight gave him a clue as to his identity. More when the mysterious person speaks.

"Lincoln. Lincoln. It's me. Lisha." The girl said this as she felt shortness of breath from her brother's fist.

Lincoln recognized the voice and released Lisa, who was coughing from lack of air. The girl was about to leave when she sensed hostility but was stopped by two arm muscles. Lincoln was hugging her.

"I'm sorry. I'm really sorry." Lincoln kisses Lisa on the cheek, making Lisa blush. "Are you alright?"

Lisa was very embarrassed by her brother's displays of affection, but at the same time, she loved them. It had been three years since she had any affectionate physical contact with any member of her family, but she had to stop even if she didn't want to.

Lisa regained her serious face. "Big Brother" When Lisa wanted to stare at Lincoln, he brought his face close to hers again to give her another kiss, making his lips join the lips of the little scientist this time.

They both stayed like this for a second until they separated. Both of them had completely red faces; an uncomfortable silence invaded them, so Lincoln decided to break the ice.

"Ahem… so…what…what did you come for, Liz?”

Lisa snapped in astonishment but didn't know what to say. "Ok I'm..."

Lincoln felt a constant sting in his arm. When he wanted to scratch it to relieve it, he felt something dangling from his arm very hard, and when he removed it, he could tell from the shape that it was a syringe. "Lisa, were you injecting me?"

Lisa quickly jumps on the defensive. "Not at all," she said, moving her hands in denial.

"So what is this syringe?"

“I…” Lisa put her index fingers together and looked down. "Take a sample of your blood."

This baffled Lincoln. "Why do you want it?"

Lisa raised her head and looked into Lincoln's face. “I want to cure your eyes.”

Lincoln raised his blink in a puzzled expression, and Lisa took a deep breath and proceeded to explain to Lincoln.

"You see, since you left three years ago, I've been marginalized by our family. Since then, I've found a way to bring my meaning back."

"How long have you been doing this, Lisa?" Lincoln asked.

Lisa looked down again in shame and said, "Since you arrived. At this time, I wish I had healed you by now. I didn't count on your absence for three years."

Lincoln smiled, hugged his little sister, and kissed her head, which made Lisa blush. "Do you think you can do that?" Lincoln asked.

Lisa hesitated, sighed, and replied. "I guess. Birds and Mice can always be included by trial and error."

Lincoln smiled tenderly and extended his arms. One with a closed fist, the other with an open hand and the syringe in it. "Do it."

Lisa looked at Lincoln in astonishment. "Are you sure?"

Lincoln put the syringe in his little sister's hand. "The truth is, not too much." This puzzled Lisa even more, so he proceeded to explain. "To be honest, losing my sight was the best thing that ever happened to me. Of course, it was scary at first; it caused me to be away from home for a long time. But thanks to that, I was able to meet new people. People who taught me more about life than I could have learned from our parents, Don't get me wrong. I love our parents, but I think I could never have had the paternal care I needed, but I found it in Pop Pop, and in others I found mentors who helped me overcome my disability, leave my weaknesses behind, and let my full potential flourish. I'm not that weak kid anymore. Now I'm a strong, active boy," said Lincoln, his biceps showing.

Lisa was surprised. She never imagined that her brother would find a good side to his accident, and even less that he would take so much advantage of it.

"But if by this you make our family forgive you, Do it. Just remember that, no matter what. No matter if my sight returns or not. I will always love you."

Lisa was moved. In three years, she had not received any expression of affection from her family except for Lily, but now her brother not only gave her that brotherly love that she had lost through her neglect but also the confidence to experiment on him again.

Lisa took the syringe and stuck the needle into Lincoln's arm, proceeded to draw blood, and then put a small bandage on it so it wouldn't bleed any more.

"Thank you, Lincoln."

"Welcome, little sis." Lincoln kisses Lisa's forehead for the last time that night and curls up in his sleeping bag to finally fall into a deep sleep.

In the midst of a gloomy forest inhabited by absolute silence and planted on unconsecrated land, a huge castle was erected, as cold and dark as it could be, the only light being the few torches that passed through it and the labyrinthine passages. The chandelier that hung from the ceilings was full of cobwebs, dirty with half-dead candles, and lit by the lightning of that mighty stormy night.

The wind was blowing, which made it look like an angry monster, and Lucy was on a brown porch in the middle of the storm without a care for the wind or the water.

“My love, come inside.” A voice sounded like it belonged to a young man.

Lucy turns to the window, but this Lucy is different. She looked about fifteen years old, and her hips were noticeably larger than her breasts. "I'm coming, my love." The girl entered the room, which had a Victorian Gothic style. On the bed was a white-haired boy with a fringe covering his eyes and his hair reaching his waist. He was wearing black pants and no shirt, revealing his contoured torso and some scars.

Lucy was drenched in the rain, so she took off her dress, revealing her voluptuous figure. Lincoln walked over to her, hugged her, and gave her a tender kiss. They both smiled at each other and revealed large fangs.

Lincoln carries Lucy like a bride and gently lays her on the bed, caressing her stomach. "Tonight we will create a new life, baby."

Lucy spreads her legs. "I'm all yours."

The moment Lincoln places himself between Lucy's legs, he thrusts his thigh, causing Lucy to happily caress Lincoln's cheek. "I love you."

Lincoln suddenly smiled and screamed. "Goooool.... Goooool.... Goooool."

This disturbed Lucy, who woke up from her dream to discover that the alarm clock that was ringing was Lynn's football alarm. "Damn." Lucy throws a pillow over Lynn to wake her up because she can't hear anything with the earplugs.

The pillow hits Lynn directly in the face, which wakes her up.

"Ha? What? Who? When? Where?" Lynn said as she was puzzled, then saw her sister and deduced what had happened. "What the hell happened to you?"

"Shut down your infernal machine, or it'll be the next thing I shoot in your head." Lucy was annoyed.

Lynn looked at the clock on her alarm clock; it was eight in the morning. "I have a workout in an hour" . Lynn jumped out of bed and went to the door, but when she tried, it wouldn't move. “What the hell is wrong with that damn door?” It finally occurred to her to turn the key, and she finally left her room to get ready.

“In the end, that crazy woman left.” Lucy relaxed as she started to feel a bit cold, lifted the sheets, and realized she was only wearing her sweater; she was naked from the waist down. She quickly gathered her legs and started looking for her skirt and pants, which were lying at the end of the bed. It seemed like the night she dreamed about her brother made her not realize that she had thrown off her lower garments in order to please herself. "Damn puberty." Lucy looked from side to side, put her hand to her buttocks, and bit her lower lip when suddenly Lincoln entered.

"Good morning, Lucy."

The boy entered with a tray in his hand, and Lucy quickly stopped touching herself.

"With the demons, Lincoln, why didn't you knock on the door before?" Lucy was angry and ashamed.

Lincoln laughed lightly and replied. "None of you knocked on my door when I lived here, remember? Also, I can't see. So it doesn't matter, does it?"

Lucy's anger passed, but she still felt embarrassed. Lincoln approached Lucy and laid the tray on her lap, and his fingers were unraveling Lucy's intimacy through the blanket as he pulled her out of the tray, which made the girl feel very happy, but when she saw her brother's face, she raised a lock of hair, and a look of annoyance spread across her face. Lincoln's face was covered in lipstick marks.

"What happened to you?" Lucy crossed her arms.

"Oh, are you talking about this?" Lincoln said, pointing to his face. "Lori and Leni's friends wanted to say good morning to me. They were probably too excited. Just saying hello was more than enough. Haha..."

"Yes, that was it." Lucy looked upset.

Lincoln comically scraped his sister's hair.

"Do I notice a tone of jealousy? What's the matter, little sis? You want me just for you?" Lincoln wiped the lipstick off his face and caressed Lucy's head while giving her a tender kiss on the cheek, making the goth girl blush. "Don't worry, little sis, I will always be yours. Now eat; you can't start the day on an empty stomach."

Lucy looked at the stairs and was surprised. It was a plate of dark chocolate waffles with red maple syrup and a glass of red fruit juice. "How did you make the dough black?"

"With black vegetable dye that I bought at the organic market a few days before I came. When you're done, you call me to take the tray."

Lucy looked at the tray again, her face sad now. "You're spoiling me so much, I can do it."

Lincoln turned to where Lucy was, and though he could not see with his eyes covered by that rim, his sister knew he was looking at her tenderly. "If you say so," Lincoln said, leaving the room and closing the door.

Lucy sighed with relief, put the tray down, and proceeded to put on her pants and skirt and eat her breakfast. She still didn't understand how her brother, being blind, could cook so well.

Lincoln is heading downstairs when he hears shouting coming from one of his sisters' rooms.

"Lincoln." Even after three years, he could recognize that tone of voice.

"What's the matter, Lola?" Lincoln asked.

Lola came out of her room with a big pink backpack. "I want you to accompany me to my training place for the beauty pageant in two weeks."

"It's not that I don't want to. But isn't Mom usually with you?"

"Mom came back so tired last night from her date with Dad. And none of the oldest had time."

"I see. Well, I'll take you." Lincoln responded with a good-natured smile that, after three years of being away from his younger sisters, he would have put up with even Lola's whims.

"Good. Take my bag, and let's go."

Lincoln wore the shirt Leni had made for him under his jacket, while Lola wore a very elegant winter outfit in shades of pink.

Downstairs, Lori and Leni's friends have breakfast with the Loud sisters.

"Hmm. It's amazing that your brother cooks so well." Tori tasted Lincoln's blueberry muffins.

"I could eat this every day and not care if it went straight to my hips." Fiona had just finished and was satisfied.

"Your brother will someday make a great husband, Lori." Dana was drinking a glass of fresh juice.

The word husband made all the girls at the table, including Leni, go into a dream and imagine a future with Lincoln.

Lori snapped her fingers to wake her friends from their fantasies. "Hi, he's my brother, and he's underage, you perverts."

"You'll just have to wait three years," Carol said, biting her lower lip.

Dana took the waffle butter. "Just as you won't be able to take care of him forever, someday he'll find a girl to take care of him. Oh, the blind are good with their hands. I wonder how true that is. Perhaps I should be the one to take care of Lincoln."

"You really do." Lori said as she took one last bite of the waffle.

Jackie still had a stubborn look. "My sexy blind man." She fantasized about kissing him passionately on the lips when, in reality, her friends only saw her kissing a waffle while she filled her face with syrup.

Lincoln and Lola came down the stairs, ready to go.

"Goodbye, Lori. I'll take Lola to her beauty pageant practice."

"Okay, be careful."

The girls turned around and flirtatiously waved in unison.

Down the street, Lincoln and Lola were walking towards the Royal Woods Theatre. Lola walked holding Lincoln's hand, causing tenderness to the people they saw passing by, thinking what a good girl the little princess could do to help a poor blind boy.

Suddenly, an alarm bell is heard in a store, from which two burly men emerge. One with brown hair and black hair with a hairstyle similar to Lincoln's and the other with lighter hair and spiky brown hair, both laden with several bags of liquor, packs of cigarettes, and the occasional adult magazine, as well as the money box. The criminals board a potentially stolen snowmobile and begin their escape.

"Hawk faster, start! said the dark-haired man, riding a snow scooter and slapping his friend's back.

"Damn, stop hitting me." With the turn of a key, the snow scooter kicks off with a powerful engine roar. "Hey, that's nice; let's get out of here." The youngsters start moving at full speed.

Meanwhile, Lincoln and Lola were four blocks from reaching their destination and another four blocks from the approaching snowmobile at full speed.

"Let's go, Lincoln, quick."

"Calm down, Lola; we leave about an hour before your start."

"You don't get it; if I don't show up so early, Lindsay will have the whole stage and the best props."

"Well, I see it. The early bird stays with the worms."

"Exactly, And also Iach. But forget about it; we have to hurry; come on, I know a shortcut here." Lola took Lincoln down a diagonal street that cuts a block towards the theater; they just had to cross the street. The traffic light was red, allowing pedestrians to cross. Lola had already reached the middle of the street, and Lincoln was following her, when suddenly Lincoln's ear caught the sound of an approaching engine, which accelerated more and more towards them.

In the distance, Hank and Hawk's snowmobile was approaching the two siblings.

Hawk saw the siblings in the middle of the street, but he just hurried; it didn't matter if he ran over the girl.

Lola saw the snowmobile approaching, but fear did not allow her to move.

“Lolaaaaaaa.” Lincoln's scream was followed by a crash. Lincoln carried Lola's body in his arms. “Lola? Please talk to me.” Lincoln wanted to cry, but his eye injury had destroyed his tear ducts long ago.

While across the street the snowmobile has been turned upside down and Hank and Hawk are lying with all their loot scattered on the ground, "What the hell is that?" Hank asked.

Hawk could see a huge dent in the hood of his bike.

-a minute ago-

Before impact, Lincoln jumps to get his sister out of the way just as Hank and Hawk pass by, and Lincoln takes Lola in his arms and jumps onto the hood. The downforce of Lincoln's jump generated an opposing force that caused the snow scooter to roll over with its occupants, a clear example of Newton's third law.

Once he calmed down, Lincoln could hear his sister's heart beating very fast, followed by a cry.

"Lola? Are you okay?"

Lola pressed Lincoln's jacket against her as she hid her face against his chest, wetting her tears. "Lincoln, I couldn't move... I was so scared." Lola started crying into her brother's chest as she felt him caress her head.

"Shh, it's over, Lola; you're alright. I'm here. Your big brother is protecting you."

Hawk sees Lincoln and deduces that he caused the accident. “Hey, damn it, I don’t know how you did this, but you will pay me for the damages.”

Hank interrupts his friend when he hears the police sirens. Hawk, we have to go." They take as much as they can, which is less than a third of what they had before the crash. They turned on their snow scooter and left.

while Lola and Lincoln brushed off the snow from their clothes.

"Lola. Do you still want to go to the theater?"

Lola wiped her tears with her arm and answered. "Yes, I want to. I won't let that get to me."

"Are you sure? You almost got run over. What if it affects your performance?"

"I survived, right? Besides, didn't you say you'd take care of me? If you did, you don't have to worry."

Lincoln smiled warmly and hugged his sister. "That's my little sister." In this case, Lincoln reaches out to Lola. “Madam, may I accompany you?”

Lola laughs a little, covers her mouth with her fingers, and adopts a royal demeanor, she replies. "I shall be glad, my good sir." The girl takes Lincoln's hand and goes to her destination.

-in the theater-

Lola walks in and opens the doors wide. "No photos, please; no autographs today." Lola said as she entered the stage with the attitude of a diva.

All the girls, including Lindsey, watched her gracefully and arrogantly cross the doorstep.

Finally, her arch-rival Lindsey approaches her to confront her, followed by the other girls, among them Charlene, Jacqueline, and Claudette, who, although they could not stand it, were more intolerant of Lola's overbearing attitude.

Lindsey stood in front of Lola, blocking her way. "Listen Loud; enjoy your little star fantasy while you can, for soon your reign will be over and I will be crowned the new pageant queen."

Lola laughs sarcastically. "Are you doing a comedy show this year? That joke was better than my sister's."

"Laugh while you can, lola. Because when I'm done with you, don't..." Lindsey stayed mid-sentence, looking at a point.

"What about me? Come tell me what's wrong with you. Have you been silent?" Lola sneered at Lindsey when she noticed her eyes were glassy, and her eyes widened as wide as they could possibly be. "Hi? Lindsey?" Lola noticed that Lindsey wasn't the only one pulling off this look; the other participants were also looking in the same direction. "Where are you looking?" Lola turns to know that her companions are in that condition, but she only sees Lincoln. She immediately understood what was happening.

"Lola? Is everything alright?" Lincoln enters the stage with the help of his wand, and the companions would otherwise not notice, for they are still hypnotized by the presence of the mysterious boy. Lola decided to take advantage of what Lincoln had done to her rivals, and she took him by the hand.

"Sure, big brother, everything is fine.”

The girls, hearing Lola call the boy brother, quickly gave her free rein as if she were a queen. Lola discovered a new form of respect. Something acquired through another person, whether that person is rich, influential, or, in the case of Lincoln, very handsome,

Lola and Lincoln were about to enter when Lincoln felt a large hand on his shoulder.

"I told you you will pay." It was Hawk who pulled Lincoln out, as his friend Hank was waiting for them. “Because of you, we lost a lot of goods and money, you idiot.” Hawk throws Lincoln to the ground while the girls look frightened, and some of the others go looking for an adult to help Lincoln.

"We were going to sell half of what we packed out of that liquor store. We had a pretty good deal on our hands, and you screwed it all up." Hawk kicks Lincoln in the stomach.

“Hawk. Look at this.” Hank was holding Lincoln's wand in his hands. "He is as blind as a mole." Hank sees Lincoln trying to get up, but he hits him in the back with his cane. "Oops. I'm sorry. Take it back." He gives him another blow, this time in the face, making him bleed from his lip.

"Nice Jacket" Hook takes off Lincoln's jacket, goes through his pockets, and takes out a wad of money. "What do we have here? One hundred and fifty dollars. That wouldn't be enough to pay for the damage to my snowmobile." He kicks him in the face and leaves him lying on his back.

Hank taps Lincoln's forehead with his cane. "You look familiar to me. Perhaps hitting you will refresh my memory." Hank was on his way to attack again, but that was stopped by Lincoln's hand gripping it tightly. Immediately afterwards, Lincoln made Hank fall and then hit him in the nose with a heel, breaking him.

“Ahhhh. My nose is broken.”

Hawk eventually lost his phobia of blood, so seeing it come out of his friend's nose didn't make him go away. "You damn Blind." Hawk tried to hit Lincoln, but Lincoln dodged it by pinning him in the face. "Ah, damn it."

Hank bounces back, and after wiping off the blood, he and Hawk try to hit Lincoln, but he dodges, leaving the spectators who watched the whole thing from the stage door stunned.

"Hold him." Hank lunges at Lincoln but bounces back, causing Hank to fall into the snow.

"Lincoln, beware." Lola sees Hawk arrive carrying a metal pipe, which he hits Lincoln in the ribs, causing him to drop his cane and kneel in pain. Hank seized the opportunity to take Lincoln's cane again. "Nobody punches me in the nose." He hits Lincoln on the cheek with the cane, causing him to fall to the ground as they both attack the albino boy, hitting him with the pipe and a cane and giving him one or two kicks. "Come here, you bastard." Hank catches Lincoln in a bear hug with his arms crossed, and Hawk takes the opportunity to punch him in the face and stomach.

Lincoln spat out blood from all the blows when he suddenly heard an unmistakable sound—the sound of a knife opening with a blade. It was Hawk who had pulled out a knife. "We'll teach you to respect us, you damned blind man." Hook was on his way to bury the knife in Lincoln's stomach, but he kicked it away. Hawk, trying not to fall, grabbed Lincoln's shirt and cut it open, exposing his stomach.

"Ah. Stupid shirt." Hawk throws the rag on the ground.

Lincoln felt the cold winter breeze. The beautiful gift Leni had given him was ruined by that damn thing. Lincoln separated his arms to free himself from Hank's grasp.

"Don't waste your time, cockroach. You can't..." Hank saw how Lincoln broke his embrace and managed to free himself by tying Hank's jaw and retrieving his cane.

Hawk returned his knife, and Hank went back to take the metal pipe. "We are two against one. What are you going to do? Hit us with your cane?"

Lincoln squeezed the hand in which he was holding his cane so much that veins were identified on his arm and hand. "I don't need my cane." Lincoln threw his cane against one of the walls of the theater.

Hank and Hawk attack at the same time, but Lincoln stops the blow by grabbing the pipe and kicking Hank in the stomach. He then kicks Hawk's hand, causing him to drop his knife.

Hank grabs Lincoln's arm, but Lincoln punches Hawk in the face several times and kicks Hawk in the chin. Then he grabbed Hank by the wrist and wrapped him around him, crushing him to the ground.

Hawk gets up again and runs towards Lincoln, but he kicks him again, this time in the chest, causing him to fall back ten feet and crash into a tree.

Hank makes a final effort to attack Lincoln. He jumps on the blind boy to crush him, but Lincoln grabs him by the face and throws him through the air with one hand.

“How? How could he lift me up so easily if I weighed over 100 kilos?” Hank bumps into the tree, hits himself directly in the head, and falls on top of Hawk, both of them taking hits.

“This guy... he is a real monster.” An unconscious Hawk, followed by Hank.

A minute later, the police arrived because an assistant called them. While one of the officers, a stocky Caucasian with a mustache and blond hair, handcuffed Hank and Huck, another with darker hair and a weightier beard received remarks from one of the pageant organizers.

"Let me get this straight. Are you telling me that this boy withstood these two gorillas with his pipe and his fist and that he beat them too?"

"So it's official. We saw it with our own eyes, the girls and my stagehands." The organizer answered. The officer turned to see Lincoln, who was sitting on the stage steps. The boy's head was tied with a bandage and gauze on his cheek and covered with a sheet. The boy was wearing a black shirt that the stagehand had given him, and Lincoln was holding his torn shirt in his hands.

How am I going to explain this to Leni? Lincoln wondered in his mind as Lola's classmates watched from the door.

"He's so handsome." Claudette said, leaning against the doorframe, while Chyna took a picture of the boy with her cell phone and proceeded to kiss the screen. Jackie, on the other hand, wanted to approach Lincoln, but her legs were trembling. Without a doubt, Lindsey was the most bewitched person, as she imagined herself in a wedding dress walking towards an altar and a suit-clad Lincoln extending his hand, awaiting her.

Some time after the police finished taking statements, they asked for copies of the security cameras to use as evidence, so they took Hank and Hawk, who will now face charges of robbery, vandalism, speeding, and assault.

"Okay girls, everyone's in," said the coordinator.

Lola walked in next to Lincoln and noticed that the other participants didn't move; they were too busy looking at the albino boy. In a second, a thought occurred to Princess Loud, followed by a disdainful smile on her face. "May I have a moment, Lincoln? I want to be with my friends."

“Of course, Lola.” Lincoln smiled and proceeded to take a front-row seat.

As Lola walked towards her rivals, in a good tone of innocence, she asked them, "Isn't my brother handsome?" The girls answered yes in unison with a sigh. "You know, I can arrange for him to give you a sweet kiss." Which catches the attention of the girls who surround Lola. "Really? How? What do you want in return? We will give you everything." Lola put her hand to her chin as she thought, though she already knew what she wanted. "Whatever? In that case..." Lola was going to tell them to lose on purpose on the day of the contest, but when she saw Lincoln and remembered all his faith in her, she thought playing dirty to win would be an insult to her brother, who had saved her life today. Lola mentally sighed and resigned herself to her original plan. “On one condition, it will be on the cheek. As for payment, I will see how you will pay me.”

The rest of the hour the girls were rehearsing their choreographies, or rather trying because they got distracted and tripped because they acted out watching Lola's brother; even the girl dressed as a cowgirl ended up getting tangled in her own rope, as the coordinator had noticed.

At the end of the rehearsal, they are all left a little embarrassed by the mishaps they've had, as, at the coordinator's request, Lincoln is no longer present at the rehearsals.

An hour earlier at the police station, officers were filling out the report on Hank and Hawk when a man in a suit with a cobra pattern on his back, a lizard skin tie, and a skull pin walked through the door. On the back, left lapel, back wiper, sharp teeth He was definitely an expensive character.

Seeing him, the officers rose as if they were facing a superior officer.

"Nice to see you here, Professor," said one of the officers.

"Is the leader here? the professor asked, without turning to see the officers.

"He is in his office," answered one of them.

The professor walks into the office and knocks on the door. "Enter"

"Hello Gregory."  The professor says, sitting on the chair in front of the desk, that there was a red-haired man in his mid-40s with a military cut and a rather strong complexion.

"Hi Professor." Gregory answered with open arms. "And what does the head of Venomous Industries want today?"

Venomous Industries was one of the companies that invested in the expansion and modernization of Royal Woods, not to say that it was the main shareholder. He was responsible for the technological and pharmaceutical fields in the city.

"Let me guess, you came for more lab rats." Two new ones came today.

"No, Gregory, I'm not here for that." The Professor answered.

"Why did you come? I didn't think you came just to say hello.'"

The Professor put his elbows on the desk and linked his fingers, placing them in front of his face. "In a few months, there will be an event that takes place only once every five years."

Gregory looked at the Professor. "And what does that have to do with my department?"

The professor did the same and answered. “I need your best officer or some strong convicts; if you don’t have them here, you can give me the details of some correctional facility or maximum security prison where they have them.”

Gregory suspected the businessman. He had already caused the professor to help out with rats he had caught from the streets to use as lab rats for pay, but what he was asking for was something completely different. "I know our deal doesn't ask any questions, but what do you want from a strong person?" The professor put his hand in his suit and pulled out a bundle of five hundred sheets of paper, which he laid on the table. "I see. Unfortunately, I don't have anything like what you're asking here, and I don't have contacts in other prisons to find out."

"I see. In that case, I guess I'll take your two gorillas here." Venomous was a little disappointed. Gregory leads him to the cells where Hank and Hawk are, and when the professor sees them, this time he looks at Gregory with a face of disgust. "Do you want to see their face?"

"What are you talking about?" Gregory asked who had not yet seen the boys, and when he saw them, he called out to his officers in anger. “Gotta and Moral, come over here now!”

Officers arrived at the scene in seconds. "What is it, sir?" The black-haired man looked worried.

"What did I tell you?! Don't abuse the damn merchandise. Do you think I can sell this to Professor Venom?"

“No, we were not, sir.”

"And who was it?" Gregory asked, annoyed but intrigued.

"According to eyewitnesses, it was a fifteen-year-old boy." Morales replied.

"But the truth is, I think they are lying to us." Guetta replied, and that aroused Gregory's curiosity.

"And why are you saying that?"

Guetta and Morales saw each other, and Morales replied. "Because the boy was blind."

The faces of both the Professor and Gregory were filled with disbelief. "Are you kidding me, Morales?"

"Believe me, sir. I'm just telling you what the witnesses told me."

"And what about security cameras?"

"We haven't seen the footage yet."

"Okay, let's see them."

After saying this, the officers, Gregory and Professor Venomous, went into the evidence room and watched the footage, and there the testimonies were confirmed.

Guetta incredulous. "Awesome. This boy was beaten and won!"

On the other hand, Morales did not know what to say about what he saw. "He grabbed that big man by the face and tossed him like a rag doll."

The professor looked very intently at the boy on the screen. Suddenly he noticed a file written on a table about Leni Loud with a careless seal, opened it, and began to read. “A complaint of attempted rape Why did they drop this case, Greg?"

Gregory does not reprimand the professor for reading it, as they both have equal power at the station due to the scientist's donations. "It no longer matters."


"Because a madman slaughtered delinquents with two of his followers. The file is there." Gregory pointed to a folder with Edward's name on it. Reading the horrific details and seeing the twisted images in the pictures, far from feeling horrified, he smiled in a dreadful manner.

The professor closed the file and proceeded to leave, leaving the policemen behind.

-back with Lincoln and Lola.-

The Loud siblings are on their way home.

"I'm sorry I ruined your friend's training, Lola. I don't know how I did it, though."

"Don't worry, Lincoln, you really helped me a lot."

“But now I can no longer accompany you to your practices.”

“Never mind, I'm sure Lori will have no problem coming with me.”

Lola holds Lincoln's hand. It started snowing, and it was cold. Lincoln had the idea to take Lola out for hot chocolate at the coffee shop that Clyde had taken him to. Inside the café, Pam, who had seen the boy enter the building, was shaking her apron and straightening her hair, and the fact that the boy was blind wasn't a reason she couldn't look any better.

Lincoln and Lola sat down at one of the tables, and Pam took their orders with some nerve, as she still couldn't control the butterflies that formed in her stomach when she saw the white-haired boy, but there was someone else who didn't. Looking away from him, a girl with light blonde hair is holding a red headband and is wearing a white jacket and red pants. The girl stared at Lincoln for a few minutes, but unlike Pam, she looked at him so fearfully that she dropped her coffee cup, which alerted the customers, including the Loud siblings. Pam immediately looked for a mop to clean up the spill while the girl in the jacket ran to hide in the bathroom, where she pulled out her phone and called someone.

"hello?." Christina's voice was on the other end of the phone.

"Hi Christina, I'm Suze."

"Hmm?. When did you get back from Florida?"

“Today, however, it doesn't matter; it seems we have a problem.”

"Problem?. What kind of problem?"

"I think I just saw Lincoln Loud."

"Yes, the girls and I know. He's back in town."

“What is he doing here? He was supposed to be locked up in a correctional facility.”

"Obviously he ran away."

"He's at Cafe La Frezza. Do I call the police?"

"Yes, do it now."

Suze was about to hang up when she noticed that Lincoln had already left. Damn, he's gone."

"Are you still at the coffee shop?"


"Then move and follow him." Christina looked annoyed.

"Yes, Christina." Suze hung up and started following Lincoln.

Meanwhile, Lincoln and Lola are walking back to their home when a mysterious person calls them.

"Excuse me, youngsters. Are you in any way the Loud siblings?"

Lincoln and Lola turned to where they heard the voice. Lola saw a very strange man, which made her hide behind Lincoln. When he sensed his sister behind him, he became defensive.

"What do you want, sir?" Lincoln spoke in a firm tone.

The man laughed softly. He knew Lincoln would act this way, and he had to be diplomatic. "Calm down, boy. Let me introduce myself. My name is Professor Venomous. From what I see, you are very far from home."

“And what if that is the case, Professor?” Lincoln never stopped putting up the guard.

"Do you want me to drive you?"

Lincoln was not naive. The fight that morning and the dreadful encounter nights ago with these men under the bridge in the garden with Leni had taught him not to let his guard down and to be more alert to strangers. "That's very kind of you, sir, but my sister and I like to walk."

Venomous noticed Lincoln's distrust, but he was a cunning person, and only by seeing the girl he can convince them both. "I understand that, in that case, I'll get into my huge, elegant limousine and let you enjoy your walk." 😂😂😂😂

"Limousine?" Lola stepped out from behind Lincoln and saw a huge limousine parked on the front pavement, looking like a British bus but longer.

"Yeah, that's my limousine, girl. It's the smallest I've ever had, and fortunately I've funded street modifications, making them suitable for turning my vehicles and having better maneuverability."

Lola drooled when she saw the car and ran towards it, and Lincoln followed to pick her up, but she had already gotten in. Lincoln had no choice but to go up as well.

While Lola enjoyed the car's ample luxuries, like a jacuzzi and a 66-inch TV, Professor Venom chatted with Lincoln.


It was already 15:00 p.m. The residents of the Loud House talk to Albert and Myrtle.

"Is that what you want, Dad?" asked Rita Albert.

"I'd like to, but it's not in my hands; it's up to Myrtle."

Myrtle holds Albert's hand. “I have already decided if I want to.”

Suddenly, they heard a huge parking lot in front of the house. The family was speechless when they saw the boy descend from the giant on wheels, as was Lisa when she recognized the passenger. It was the brilliant technology and pharmaceutical mogul. Professor Venomous.

"No, I don't want that." The calm was broken by the screams of Princess Loud, who was clutching tightly at the door of the limousine. "I belong here; I haven't tried imported chocolate yet."

It took three hours for the efforts of Loud, Albert, Myrtle, and the limousine driver to persuade Lola to release the car door. Venomous just watched the scene soberly.

Once they had managed to get Lola to leave the door, the family thanked Professor Venomous for the kindness of the ride, accepted it with a nod, and left.

From the window, Lola said goodbye to the beautiful limousine while crying.

The rest of the day passed normally, with some attempts to cheer Lola as she lay in bed.

When Night came, Myrtle and Albert had to go back to their hotel because they were a couple again and could no longer stay at the Loud house.

It's bedtime, and without Pop Pop at home, Lincoln can take over the sofa.

The house was silent. Everyone in the house sleeps, or almost everyone.

Lincoln was still awake, thinking about the conversation he had had with Professor Venomous.


While Lola is enjoying her luxuries in the limousine, Lincoln and Professor Venomus talk.

"Are you going to tell me what you want?" Lincoln asked in a serious tone.

Professor Venomous laughed softly, as if he had already expected to be asked this question. “You are a very perceptive boy. The truth is, I am very interested in your ‘talents.'"

“Talent? What are you talking about?” The strange man made Lincoln feel uncomfortable. It was as if he were talking to someone who lacked a soul.

Venomus throws a braille police dossier into Lincoln's lap, which contains details of Leni's nearly assault on the trading floor, the massacre at Edward's auto shop, and the recent arrest of Hank and Hawk. "What is that? How did you get it?"

"I'm looking into whatever interests me. I'm a scientist, after all, but I'm also a businessman. No problem finding the pattern in both complaints."

"Pattern?" Lincoln asked.

Venomous proceeded to explain. "A girl named Leni Loud was nearly raped by three men, but her brother saved her. That same night, the three attackers were brutally massacred, and a few days later, two petty criminals were beaten by a boy who brought his sister to the theater where the events took place and discovered that they were both named Loud. For a mind like mine, it wasn't hard to find the connection and find where you are."

Lincoln didn't know what to say or what to think of that man. "What can I get you interested in?"

"Straight to the point, I like this situation. Answer something first. Did you kill those three guys?" The professor asked to refer to Edward, Bell, and Cletus.

"No, sir, it wasn't me." Lincoln told the truth; after all, he owed this stranger no explanation.

Once again, Venom laughed low and replied. "I thought so."

The albino was mixed up. “You knew?  Then why do you ask?”

Venomous put his fingers together, meaning he was going to speak seriously. "I read the forensic report and went to the morgue. The fatal wounds were made in the shop because they found traces of rust and motor oil on them, but others were several hours older, including lacerations to Mr. Edwards' body covered with grafts and a piece of his severed arm. Plus corpses and Other similar ones in the bodies of Messrs. William and Cletus, who suffered fractures in different parts and trauma in the eye of one of them, were not caused by the same wound that killed them." Venomus finished his explanation and looked at Lincoln. Because of his Lucy-like hair covering his eyes, he had no feelings, and Venomus was someone who knew how to read people and knew what the boy was feeling.

Lincoln raised his head and replied. "Yes, that was me." The way Lincoln said it, not seeming angry or embarrassed, less frightened than might be expected of a boy of his age admitting something like that, it was as if he had been asked something plain and trivial. “And if that damn thing hadn't found where they were hiding before me, then yes, I would have done the same to them too.” This time he said it in a tone that expressed the purest hatred and, at the same time, determination. "Because she only belongs to me."

"Leni...is mine." That's what he thought about in the last

The same smile at the police department formed on Venom's face. "Then you are the only one."

"What for?" Lincoln asked.

“For a very special event, a tournament that dates back thousands of years ago,”

"As you see, Lincoln, the human race has always been obsessed with power and the enjoyment of everything—prestige, praise, power, luxury. Dominion over everything."

"Greed and pride move the world, igniting the world's first major battle. In many cultures, they call it inspiring the strong."

"The power struggle that decides everything in this simple yet complex event

"The rise or fall of the greatest kingdoms was the result that marked this."

The conspiracy was even bigger than before. "What is he talking about?"

What championship.


"That's how it is. For centuries, different cultures and nations have used tournaments to achieve a certain status. History books interpret them in different ways. From traditions, medieval duels, rituals, honor duels, and ceremonies to gods They all exist in different parts of the world, and they all have different names, but in reality they are "the same event that takes place in the world. A winner-takes-all battle between warriors. a martial tradition that started in ancient Rome during encounters with warriors from China."

It is believed that they brought it to Rome, which was known as a powerful empire, but when they encountered Chinese martial arts, this caused the fall and disappearance of the art of pankishation. Later, the martial arts that were created were precursors to the current mixed martial arts.

Since then, it has spread all over the world. An event that occurs every time powerful men quarrel over land, money, and, of course, a place in a privileged position is a series of confrontations called the "Dracoviam Fight."

"dracoviam?. If I'm not mistaken, it combines the Roman words draco," which means dragon," and viam," which means path." Lincoln studied Latin, so he knew what it meant.

“This is it. It may be a very pretentious name, but I think it is up to the task of describing the essence of this tournament, as the Chinese fighters who came to challenge the Romans came along a path they called the Way of the Dragon, which today is known as the Silk Road.”

"And what do you want me for?"

"I want you to be my wrestler."

"I am your wrestler."

"Exactly, boy. As you can see, this year Royal Woods is included in the list of places where official Dracoviam tournaments can be held. This is a great source of income for the businessmen who are investing in improving this city and promoting our companies, and it all started with you, Lincoln."

"with me?."

“That's right, the story of a boy who has to leave his home because he doesn't have what he needs after an accident that left him crippled for life. It's a great financial opportunity. After all, the world is a business.

Lincoln is serious again. "What else do you expect from entrepreneurs?"

Venomous laughed a little and continued. "Anyway, unfortunately, the few who knew you were the cause of this economic bubble moved on when their economic conditions improved, so you're just another blind man."

Lincoln cracked his mouth, indicating that he didn't care. "I don't care. I don't need fame as long as my family is okay."

But why would he agree to be his fighter?

Venomous could already see that question coming. "I understand you, boy; you want something for your services." Venomus gave Lincoln another volume printed in Braille, which the boy began to read.

"What the hell? What is this?" Lincoln was shocked by what he read.

Venomou poured a glass of wine for him and soda for Lincoln. "It's something your parents don't want you to see when you enter their mailbox. The folder contained an account of highly dangerous chemicals, and they were all in Lisa Loud's name. If I'm not mistaken, your sister Lisa had already ordered some of that kind three years ago, and your parents commissioned a lot of it. From what I see, they are more unstable than before. What do you think will happen if the incident of three years ago is repeated? Who will be affected this time? Your parents are just out of debt from this accident and can barely support the expenses of the house. Your sisters have to work to pay for their studies as university students and have great ambitions for their future. It would be a shame if history repeated itself.

Lincoln was getting an idea of where this man wanted to go.

"So I suggest this to you. I will pay for the education of your sisters, both older and younger, except for your sisters Lynn and Lisa, for obvious reasons. I will also pay all the bills your parents owe. I will even fund your sister Lisa's experiments. I understand that she fell out of funding after trying to mess around with the water supply three years ago. For your change, you will become my new fighter."

“Besides, your salary as a fighter will be huge.”

“What do you say, boy? I solve the lives of your family, and you help me win more land in this city.”

Lincoln thought about it for a while. It's true that he's stronger now, and his battles since arriving in the city have confirmed that, but these fighters can be on another level, easily stronger than any of the men he's faced. After all, they were wrestlers fighting for business.

The boy's thoughts are interrupted by the sudden stop of the limousine, and they reach their destination.

"Just think about it, boy." Venomus gives Lincoln a glass of soda and a cell phone with a cover.

"For what is this cell phone?"

"Press any key, and you can call me or my answering machine if I'm busy, and you can tell me your answer." The Professor knocks over Lincoln's Cup in a toast.

-End of flashback-

Lincoln thought about the offer made by Professor Venomous. "If I fight for it, my family will have a stable life. My sisters will be able to go to the most expensive universities. They will achieve their dreams; my mom can be a famous writer, and my dad will have more restaurants."

"But they could kill me there."

"No! You've had much more trouble in those three years, Lincoln. He can also prevent Lisa from committing another act of madness like the one three years ago. She was lucky to be judged as a little girl, but this time she might not be so lucky."

Hell, I just wanted a normal winter vacation and ended up fighting with thugs and attracting the attention of a crazy businessman. Lincoln sat on the sofa. “Better not think about it anymore; Professor Venomous didn’t say there was a time limit, so I can take my time to decide.”

Meanwhile, in Lori and Leni's room

Loud's second daughter was writhing in her bed, the product of another nightmare. In it, she was quite naked, while two shadows seized her by the arms and crippled her, the largest of them separating her legs and moving frantically against her crotch.

“Boss, break that wall," said one of the shadows while the others laughed, and the biggest one moaned with pleasure and made pig noises.

Leni suddenly wakes up, covering her mouth to stifle the screams, and then starts crying because of the fear that terrible dream had caused her. Luckily, it wasn't loud enough to wake Lori up.

Leni didn't understand why she had such a terrible dream; she was wearing the jacket Lincoln was wearing that night when he saved her. Whenever she slept without it, she had nightmares, but when she slept with it, her dreams were beautiful and wonderful. Why doesn't it work now?

Leni saw the seam in the belly of the garment that had been made to mend it and remembered when he had been attacked by that man with that knife, which had caused that wound. Her little brother was very brave. The seamstress began to smell the jacket, but this smell was different, like laundry soap. It was laundry day, and among the clothes was the jacket, which really needed washing because it contained some drops of the boy's blood.

That's when she realized what was different; it wasn't about the dress; it was the smell—the smell of Lincoln comforting her, making her feel comfortable, safe, and protected.

Leni came downstairs and, seeing Lincoln asleep on the couch, approached him.

"He looks so cute when he's asleep." Leni thought. The girl came up to him and sniffed deeply, concentrating on his white hair. The scent of the shampoo mingled with his sweat, forming an intoxicating fragrance. Leni couldn't take it anymore and kissed him on the lips. It felt so good. Leni didn't want to be separated; she wanted more. She wanted everything from the boy, but she couldn't take it; he had to offer it to her. Finally, she parted from his lips. Leni was about to go upstairs when she saw Lincoln's leather jacket on the couch.

Leni took it and sniffed it, and when she did, her eyes widened like plates. There was that delicious smell—the wonderful Lincoln perfume. Leni quickly ran up the stairs to her room and got under her covers. She was now warmed by her brother's scent, which made her feel so protected. As if this were an anesthetic, Leni instantly fell asleep.

In her dream, Lincoln stood in the shadows with his sister in his arms in a heroic pose.

In the morning, everyone had breakfast. That day, Mr. Lynn was making breakfast to give his son a day off.

Everyone was so excited since that night was Christmas Eve. And the good news kept coming, because for Christmas, the family is going to Great Lakes City for the holidays with the Casagrandes family, which Lori is really excited about.

The sound of the mailbox warned of the arrival of mail. Leni got up to look for it. The girl was looking at the letters when it suddenly made her blood freeze. Leni put it in her pocket and sat down to breakfast.

"Is there something interesting in the mail, honey?" Rita asked her daughter.

Leni takes a deep breath and answers with a smile. "No, just the usual."

No one noticed that Leni was lying—only one person, and that person was Lincoln, who listened to his sister's heartbeat and her low but tense breathing.

When breakfast was over, everyone went about their daily business.

Some things had changed by those dates. for example.

Lori no longer needed to open the gifts because she had a box wrapped in several layers of gift wrapping. If she felt the need to open a gift, she would only remove one of the layers, and it was very cumbersome for her.

Leni no longer uses the ornaments to make clothes; they bought to her exclusively for her to wear.

Luna has actually composed her own Christmas rock carols, as well as Luan's traditional twelve jokes, and has memorized a very long list covering every possible situation or reference.

Lucy and Lynn gave up their habit of looking for presents around the house two years ago, but now they have a new target this year that they took from Clyde. Receive a kiss from Lincoln.

Lola no longer has to pretend to be good; her behavior has improved over the years.

And Lily was so excited to spend her first Christmas with her brother in a long time.

Upstairs, Leni was on her way to her room when she came across Lincoln, who was going to Lisa's room, and was so fascinated at the sight of her brother that they accidentally bumped into each other and fell to the floor. Lincoln got himself up and helped his sister up, and they both went back on their way. Leni didn't realize that she no longer had the letter.

Lincoln knocked on his genius sister's door, and she said yes to going ahead, and Lincoln proceeded to enter, walking into Lisa in front of her desk as she reviewed some notes.

“And what can I offer you, big brother?” Lisa asked without removing her gaze from her remarks.

Lincoln put the letter on her desk and replied. "Read to me what is written here."

Lisa took the envelope. "message ?" The girl read the front and was confused. "Wait. This is for Leni. Why do you have mail for her?"

"Just read it."

"Well, but I wouldn't take responsibility for what happened if it was something very personal. Which it obviously is." Lisa proceeded to mentally read the letter, and her face blushed as fear seized her, which Lincoln had noticed upon listening to his little sister's heart.

"Lincoln. Is this Leni's letter?"

"Of course. I took it out of her pocket. Why? What. She says?"

"It is a letter from a person worded in specific detail and a picture of his delusions with our sister's private parts and the machinations he plots, plus an attendant threat that will doom our entire family to a terrible end if she reveals anything about This." Lisa finished leaving the letter on her desk and was putting on hand sanitizer.

Lincoln was already more cultured and knowledgeable, so he understood perfectly what his sister had said. "So some idiot harassed Leni and threatened her and our whole family if she told anyone about this."

Lincoln clenches his fists. “Lisa. You still have those spy beetles.”

"Yes why?."

"I want you to know if Leni has more letters like this."

The little genius nodded with determination and quickly pulled out from one of the drawers of her desk a clock with a button she had pressed. Several metallic beetles emerged from under her bed, and the bugs scanned the letters and entered through the holes. A minute later, they returned with a worn and dirty cardboard box. When Lisa opened it, she was shocked, and there were no less than sixty messages inside. "It's an alarming number."

Lincoln slammed his palm against Lisa's desk as he took the envelope. "This motherfucker. How long has this been happening?"

"A year and a half ago." Lincoln and Lisa turned, and at the door was a weeping, glass-eyed Leni.