11-I present to you My Brother Part 2
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Chapter 11: I present to you My Brother Part 2

The decisions we make are the result of our will.


Lincoln lowered his head, his fists clenched, and he was trembling, not with fear but with anger. "Lisa, transcribe it to Braille." Lincoln hands Lisa the letter.

"Believe me, Lincoln, I advised you not to know what he really says."

"transcribe it!" Lincoln gritted his teeth as Lisa and Leni noticed something they hadn't seen yet. Lincoln's fangs, one and a half inches long, resembled the enviable fangs of Lucy. Those fearsome teeth were enough to make the little genius obey.

She was about to do so when Leni stopped her.

"No! Lisa, don't do that" Leni said this with fear in her voice. "I don't want to involve anyone in my family."

Lincoln turned into Leni. "Why Leni?"

Leni wiped her tears with the sleeve of her blouse and proceeded to say when the harassment began.

"A year and a half ago, when I was in my second year at university, I received a letter. It wasn't strange, since I started studying, that I had a lot of party invites and fans. But this was different." Leni pulled out of the box a letter that seemed to be the oldest of all. "He told me how good I looked in the bottoms I wore and also all the things I did that day in full detail, so..." Leni whispered into Lincoln and Lisa's ears. "He said how he liked to spy on me in the shower after sports."

"The letters kept coming, once a week, always on the same day and at the same time. I told my problem to a friend named Lance, who was gay, so we shared a room and told each other everything. He told me he would show the letters to the principal, and we would call the police. But the next morning, when I waited for him to go to the principal, Lance didn't show up. The authorities searched for him for a week, but he disappeared."

"On the seventh day of his disappearance, I got another letter. He said if I tell anyone about this again or if I go to the police, he will kill Mom, Dad, and the girls like he did to Lance. He even knows Mom and Dad's names and where they work."

"He sends me dirty messages saying all the disgusting things he wants to do to me. But I don't want... I don't want our family to get hurt!" Leni started crying on her knees, covering her face. This filled Lincoln with anger and helplessness; his beloved Leni was suffering greatly because of that unfortunate man. The boy remembered that moment he had spent in her room, especially his words. "We are siblings." It echoed in his mind. It would be hypocritical if he considered that. A few hours later, he touched himself, thinking of those sweet sensations Leni gave him, perhaps because, from when he was a child, he already had that siscon, and that act was enough to stir up those repressed feelings. He didn't care if they were siblings. Cousins or neighbors, he loved her and would not allow any other man to possess her; she was his alone.

Lincoln walked over to Leni and hugged her tightly.

Feeling her brother's arms around her made her feel very safe, and she quickly hugged him back and continued crying.

Lincoln caresses his sister's head, brings his mouth close to her ear, and says in a whisper, "Leni, I won't let any man put his finger on you because you're so precious to me."

“Lincoln. I have granted your request.” Lisa took advantage of this moment to transcribe Leni's message into the machine.

Leni noticed and tried to take the letter from him, but Lincoln dodged it and made her fall to the ground. "Lincoln No, please don't read it. I don't want anything to happen to our family."

"Neither do I, Leni. That's why I have to do it. If someone threatens my family, I won't forgive them." Lincoln read the letter.


Dear Leni.

I can't stop thinking about you or your delicious scent and voluptuous body that I want to slide my tongue into.

Those breasts that I want to suck, and in your deliciously moist flower

I imagine your little pink clitoral area being stimulated with my fingers as I make you feel good.

I also imagine getting into your tight ass, crying in pain as you get used to my size, and finally ending up inside your sockets to finally get you pregnant.

Remember, my love, not a word about us to anyone or your family, or you already know what will happen to them.

-End of message-

Lincoln clenches his fists as he dyes the paper in his hands red. Leni and Lisa notice this and quietly head towards their brother, but Lincoln slams a metal chair so hard that it goes through the floor.

The family ran to the source of the sound to discover a hole in the ceiling.

"Lisa, what the hell have you done now?" Luna screamed from downstairs.

"I'm sorry, sister, but that's not me." Lisa felt a tug at the neck of her jacket when she turned and saw that it was Leni who had pointed to the window, where Lincoln had the box under his arm.

"Lincoln wait." Leni screamed as she saw Lincoln jump out the window. The two sisters watched their brother descend into the snow and then run fast. Leni and Lisa ran down the stairs and out of the house to follow him.

Both girls chased the albino, which was made even more difficult for Lisa, who was not the best athlete in the family after Lincoln's physical improvement.

The two sisters reach a pedestrian-free area of the city, where they see their brother with his back to them.

Leni slowly approached Lincoln. "Lincoln?...Linky?" Leni took Lincoln's shoulder, and when he felt his sister's hand, he turned around. Lincoln was pulling his hair and exposing his fangs. Leni got scared.

Lincoln had a look of hate. "I'm going to break him into pieces!"

-While at Loud's house-

Lori was happy to see her bobo bear again. Although they studied at the same university, they separated during the holidays to be with their families.

While Lori was looking at pictures of Bobby on her cell phone, the phone rang in the living room because she was the only person in the house unoccupied, half of her family was getting ready for a Christmas party in Great Lakes City. The other half fixes the hole in the ceiling. Lori had to respond.


"Lori? It's me, Leni."

"Leni? What's going on?"

"I wanted to tell you that I'm going to be in the park with Lincoln for a while."

"It's all right, Leni. But remember, in the afternoon we have to go to Bobby's house."

"Don't worry, we'll be home in an hour at the latest."

"Well, have fun"

-call ended-

Meanwhile, in a neglected apartment complex, someone with headphones is listening in on the call between the Loud sisters. The person removed the headphones and leaned against the door.

"So Lincoln, huh?"

-in Royal Woods Park-

Leni walked in, hugging Lincoln's arm, her head resting on her brother's shoulder. The people who saw them pass by looked at them tenderly as they thought of the beautiful couple they were, especially when they saw Lincoln with his cane and saw the pretty blonde girl like a saint helping her helpless love.

Lincoln led Leni to a beautiful wooden bridge. The frozen water and snow made for a beautiful visual spectacle worthy of being photographed. Leni felt a little sad that she was the only one who could enjoy this scene, but it was enough for her to be with Lincoln. She tightened her embrace, feeling that it was a date with her boyfriend. That word made her very happy, even more so when she saw Lincoln. There was silence in that quiet place, and Leni felt she could open her heart at that moment, now or ever.

"Lincoln...do you...do you love me?" Leni demanded, hugging Lincoln more tightly.

Lincoln put his hand in Leni's He knew what she wanted to hear, and he wanted to say it too. "Leni...i...I too..." Suddenly, a sound caught Lincoln's ear. "BELOW!" Lincoln pushes Leni as he falls to the ground and stands over his sister. At the same time, a gunshot reverberates through the garden.

"Leni? Are you okay?" Lincoln caresses Leni's face. The girl put her hand on Lincoln.

"Yes. Thank you. I'm fine."

More shots were heard. Lincoln stayed with Leni until everything was quiet again.

Leni helped Lincoln up when they suddenly heard someone scream.

"Get away from Leni!"

An adult man in a white long-sleeved shirt and black pants emerged from the trees. Long, fluffy hair with glasses.

The person was holding a gun that he was trying to hit Lincoln with, but he was faster and grabbed it in a submission hold on the arm, which caused him to drop the weapon, but the pursuer took out a knife with which he cut Lincoln, who caused him to drop him before the lunatic plunged him into his thigh.

Lincoln stood, holding his wound, and stopped the bleeding as the pursuer lunged at him and stabbed him in the stomach.

"Lincoln!" Leni cried after seeing the terrible scene. Her expression was pure horror as she saw the blood running down the knife on the wood of the bridge. But she wasn't the only one; the man looked shocked too.

"What the hell is this?" He started pushing the knife with both hands, but he didn't move. “It only went through some skin and flesh, but..." He started to put all his weight forward, but the knife didn't seem to be digging. "I can't get over him; it's like he's got a bulletproof vest under his skin." The man looked down to discover that Lincoln had tightened his stomach muscles and stopped the blade with his right hand, injuring him in the process.

Lincoln jabbed with his shoulder and broke the enemy's collarbone, causing him to drop the knife. He then kicked and dislocated his leg, followed by a left hook to the jaw and ending with an uppercut that knocked him out.

Slowly, the man awoke and realized he was handcuffed and inside a patrol car while a police officer took Leni's statement and a doctor stitched up Lincoln's hand, which contained gauze, where the knife had hit it.

"So, this is the man who sent you those letters? Do you know him?"

"No, I've never seen him in my life," announced Leni.

The man who heard it started slamming into the window of the patrol car. "Leni! Leni! Why did you do this? Why did you tell someone else about us? We had such a beautiful thing."

"I've never seen you in my life." Leni said this as she was hiding behind the officer.

"Please don't do this to me! Don't pretend you don't know me. You hurt me!" The pursuer started to cry.

"Seriously, I've never seen you."

The person started banging on the window with his fists. "I'm Robert. Robert Patrickson."

Leni remembered this name. "Professor of history?"

One of the officers is surprised when he learns that he is a professor. "How old are you and him, girl?"

"I am twenty, and he is thirty-nine."

"You entered the age of majority two years ago, but he will be held accountable for the threatening messages and their sexual nature. And for the attempted murder, plus the fact that he is a teacher and you are a student, it adds to the severity of the charges."

Robert started crying. "Why Leni? Why did you do this to me? He doesn't deserve you!" Pointing at Lincoln.

"What the hell are you talking about? This boy is her brother." Guetta replied.

The 'brother' word shocked Robert. "What!? But for months I followed her at all the family gatherings and peeped in all her windows and never saw this man."

"I was out of the country for a few years." Lincoln's response.

"Hey girl. Is there a minor in your house?"

"Yes. My Sisters. Lynn is seventeen, Lucy is twelve, the twins are ten, Lisa is eight, and Lily is five."

"And how many members does your family have?"

"Counting me, we are 12."

"Well, we'll add twelve counts of invasion of privacy, six of which are minor." Suddenly, a rotating radio sounds. But not the one on patrol, but the second longwave that the officer had installed for him with permission from his superior to talk with a former colleague, was taken by chance to the city police department where Robert was receiving and where Leni's university was. “Officer Morales, this is Officer Ramirez from the 22nd District. I have already passed the report to investigate this man; he has been identified as 39-year-old Robert Patrickson, Professor of Fashion History at Si Long University.”

The officer took the radio and answered. "I know Ramirez admitted his name, and we have testimonials about the girl he molested."

"Morales, we're investigating his house; his computer is full of pictures of underage girls; the youngest must be no older than your nine-year-old daughter. The oldest are from different colleges. Some are in underwear, and others are wearing nothing."

The officer looked at Robert with anger and disgust. "So you're a pedophile."

Again, the radio sounds "Morales, the dogs found something. They're digging something in the yard."

Robert's face started to turn into one of terror.

"Wow, wow, Bob. What do you think the dogs found?"

Once again, Ramirez continues, "It's a boy. There's the body of a child buried here."

Morales turned to see Robert. "Congratulations! You have two more charges in your collection. Pedophilia and murder."

Robert could no longer speak. Everything he had been hiding is revealed, and his life as a respected university professor is over.

The patrol took him to the police station. Once charges are registered, Patrickson will be transferred to a prison, where he will await trial.

Leni is relieved that her nightmare of a year and a half is over thanks to her brother and his foolproof plan.

-flash back-

Leni and Lisa looked at Lincoln, filled with horror at what he had said.

"Li...Lincoln. How are you going to cut him to pieces?" Lisa bounces, scared.

"This motherfucker dares threaten my family and say barbaric things to Leni. I'll take out his goddamn heart!" Lincoln stomped on his foot so hard that the pavement cracked.

Leni slowly approached him and hugged him.

"Don't do it, Lincoln. You don't have to get in trouble just for me."

Lincoln hugged her back and whispered in her ear. "You are mine. I will not allow anyone to put a finger on you." Leni started crying when she heard those beautiful words.

Lisa, who had been watching it all, decided to join in the hug.

“Lincoln, I also want to help Leni, but she is right; if you attack and kill the person who threatened her, you will go to jail for murder.”

Lincoln broke away from the embrace. "And what do you suggest I do next?"

"It would be best to catch him in the act."

Suddenly, an idea occurred to the boy. The "man with the plan" is back. "I have an idea."

Leni, Lisa, and Lincoln go to the police station, where they file a complaint against Leni's attackers.

There, they showed the multiple letters to the officers.

"This is really serious, girl." The officer reads one of the messages.

“This man is seriously ill.” Officer Guetta could not believe what he was reading.

"This is unprecedented!" Gregory hit the table after reading one of the letters. He had a daughter the same age as Leni, whom he only saw three times a year because he lost custody of her nine years ago at the hands of his alcoholic ex-wife. That girl is his greatest treasure. And when he saw Leni, he saw his beloved daughter and thought how he would feel if that happened to her. No doubt he would search heaven and earth for the damned one who dared threaten her or any girl. "And what's the plan, boy?"

"My plan is to use me as bait, lure him here, and capture him while my little sister records everything, if you'd rather give her a camera."

“Why are you so sure that he is here in the Royal Woods?” Guetta asked.

"Well, because he knew Leni was here. Since he sent the letter to my house."

"Are you sure about that, kid? We can't endanger civilians, even if they're the ones to come up with the idea."

The officer approaches Gregory. “This is the man who sent the gorillas from the fifteenth cell here, chief. I’m sure he can.”

Gregory sighed resignedly. "Okay, let's get to work."

-End of flashback-

Officer Guetta and Morales thanked Lincoln for his help. Not only did they stop a dangerous stalker, but they also indirectly helped solve a murder.

Leni saw how they finished bandaging Lincoln, and she felt guilty deep down. Again, her little brother had to save her, and again, he was hurt because of her.

Lisa gives them footage of Robert attacking Lincoln that will be used as evidence at his trial.

Again, the siblings were alone. Lincoln walked over to Leni while putting on his shirt.

"Well, what if we go home now?" Lincoln wanted to take Leni's hand, but Leni pushed him away and walked away on her own with her eyes lowered. This is strange to Lisa and Lincoln, but they don't take it too seriously. They assumed she just needed to be on her own; after all, she had shed a huge weight off her shoulders. A weight she's been carrying for over a year.

-At Loud's house-

Lincoln was on the lap of his mother, who showered him with kisses as they told her what had happened in the garden and what was happening to Leni.

"My little hero," Rita said, hugging Lincoln so tightly that her family feared it would split him in two.

"Rita, calm down; you're hurting him." Mr. Lynn is worried about his son.

Rita released her son. "My baby has already saved his sister twice; I'm so proud of you."

"I would do anything for my sisters." Lincoln rubs his arms in pain from that embrace.

Luna approached Lincoln and hugged him as tightly as his mother, and her other sisters followed. "We will do anything for you, brother, anything." In the crowd, Luna jumped at the opportunity to fondle Lincoln's buttocks, but she wasn't the only one; Lynn caressed her fingertips at Lincoln's crotch while Lucy smelled her brother's hair. No one noticed this except for Lincoln, who only sensed what Lynn was doing to him.

"Okay, enough of brother's love." Lori was carrying a bag of clothes. “We have to go to Great Lakes City, remember?”

"Oh, that's right, girls and Lincoln, pack your things; your father and I will do the same, and someone help Lincoln pack." Rita ordered.

Lucy, Luna, and Lynn soon offer to help Lincoln, but since Lucy is faster, she wins the right.

"But Mom, if we're not here, how is Santa going to deliver our presents?" Lily asks worriedly, her eyes sparkling.

"Don't worry, sweetheart. Santa will leave the presents, I promise." Rita patted Lily on the head.

While the other sisters packed up to spend Christmas with the Casagrande, Lucy was downstairs with Lincoln, helping him pack his clothes.

"Thank you for helping me, Lucy."

"No problem, Lincoln." Among Lincoln's things, Lucy notices a duffel bag full of wrinkled clothes with the words Laundry etched on a square piece of leather, written in plain script and Braille. Among the clothes that emerged from the bag, Lucy noticed that the garment that stood out from the rest was a black boxer. Lucy took the dress and fondled it with her thumb, and Lincoln was only busy sorting out what he was going to take because all his clothes were dirty. Lola could not wash all the clothes. Lucy took advantage of it to bring Lincoln's underwear up to her nose and sniff them; it had a strong but pleasant scent, and suddenly she came to herself and noticed what she was doing. Lucy threw the underwear into the bag, which she later regretted. She wanted to go on smelling it; she wanted to be able to please herself with her brother's scent. She was lost in her own thoughts when Lincoln caught her attention as he spoke into her ear.

"Do you like my scent?"

which made Lucy jump. "I don't know what you're talking about, Lincoln."

Lincoln hugged Lucy from behind. "I'm talking about you smelling my underwear like a pervert."

The normally pale skin of Lucy's face turned pink from the blood pooling underneath from embarrassment. "How did you know?"

Lincoln tapped his finger on his ear three times. "My hearing is sharper now; I already told you. And it's not the only thing that's increased." Lincoln began rubbing Lucy's intimate place above her skirt with his middle and index fingers. "My sense of touch has also improved." Lincoln lifted Lucy's skirt to begin stimulating her in her underwear.

Lucy started to get wet there when she felt her brother's touch. "Lincoln, stop. Please stop." Lucy tried to lock her legs, but Lincoln pulled them apart.

"Come on, Lucy, you can't fool me. You want this. No?..."

"No, that's not true." Lucy was trying in vain to gather her legs together.

"So why are you so wet?" Lincoln ripped off Lucy's clothes. "Don't lie to me; you want it, and I'll give it to you." Lincoln put Lucy to bed in his sleeping bag, unzipped the zipper, and settled down to start moving. "Oh Lucy. Oh Lucy. Lucy. Lucy... Lucy?... Lucy wake up!"

Lucy awoke in Lincoln's arms, her pants intact. "What happened to me?"

"You passed out." Lincoln touched Lucy's face and noticed that something came out of her nostrils—a liquid with a metallic smell. "Oh my God, Lucy, you're bleeding!" Lincoln turned over an unpacked backpack and fumbled with his hands until he found what he was looking for—a white bag with a red cross emblazoned on it. It was a first-aid kit.

The boy opened it and took out two cotton rollers and a packet of wet towels. Because it was so perfectly organized, he could find what he was looking for more easily.

Lincoln proceeded to clean his sister's nostrils with the towels and put a little cotton wool in each nostril. "Are you okay, Lucy? What happened? Why did you pass out?"

Lucy can't tell Lincoln why she fainted—not alive, not dead, not walking dead. So she decided to lie to him. "I think I'm just low on sugar."

Lincoln could hear the rapid beating of his Gothic sister's heart but attributed it to her fainting Show. "Then sit down; I'll finish packing." Lincoln puts Lucy in his sleeping bag and gives her store-bought candy on the way home with Lisa and Leni after Robert's arrest.

In her room, Lucy thought about what had happened in the cellar. "I can't believe I passed out and had a nosebleed too." Lucy hugged her pillow and looked at the statue of Edwin that was on her bedside table. Although she no longer felt the same way she had in her childhood about the character, she still talked to him and asked for advice. Of course, she didn't expect the statue to give her an answer, but doing so gave her the feeling that she could talk to someone about topics she couldn't tell anyone about. "What can I do, Edwin? These feelings are driving me crazy. Being around my brother is getting harder. Tell me what I can do." Lucy looked at the statue for a few seconds, and next to it was a picture of her great-grandmother, Harriet. "That's right, I'll ask Grandma Harriet for help. Thanks, Edwin, you're such a great friend." Lucy finishes the chocolate bar and quickly climbs up to the attic. This place made her feel nostalgic, and she loved going up there when she was eight, when her brother was still living with them. She still does, but since Lincoln's departure, she has come up to ask the spirits about her brother, never giving her a clear answer because something is always preventing them from reaching him.

Lucy sat down on a chair in front of a table and began her session. “Great Grandmother? Are you here?”

Ocher-colored smoke emerges from the table and begins to swirl in the air. This begins to take human form until the form finally becomes more distinct, taking the form of a girl equal to Lucy at the age of eight but dressed in old clothes and with a tone similar to those in old photographs.

The apparition looked down and smiled. "Lucy, my girl."

"Hi, Grandma Harriet." Lucy smiled and greeted the ghost of her great-grandmother. They both hugged each other as if they hadn't seen each other in a long time, because they had. Since Lincoln's departure, Lucy has lost some of her taste for the supernatural, and scarcely a year has passed since her brother's absence before she resumes her habits of speaking with the dead, but she hasn't spoken to her grandmother for a long time. Homework at school took up a lot of time.

"Look at you; you've become a beautiful lady." The ghost circled around her, checking out the teenager.

"Thank you, Grandma Harriet." Lucy blushed at her great-grandmother's compliments.

"It's been a year since we last spoke. Why such a sweet encounter?"

"The truth is, I need some advice."

"Oh really?" Harriet looked Lucy straight in the eye, which was not covered by her hair, and a slight smile crossed her face. "My girl, you are in love." This made Lucy blush even more than she had in the cellar with Lincoln. "Well, tell me, who is he? Is that kid Rocky?"

"No, he and I are just friends; he likes another girl too."

"Oh, is it Silas? That goth guy you sent a letter to?"

"No, he passed away a year ago, and after our date at the cemetery, we never spoke again."

“Oh, is he this handsome British boy?”

Remembering Lincoln's tutor, Lucy's cheeks lit up. The boy really captivated her, but she remembered that when she saw him again a few years ago, he was proposing to another girl, plus the fact that the age difference was huge.

"No, he's engaged; he's also twenty-four, and he's completely out of my league, not to mention he could be locked up for having sex with a minor."

"So who is he?"

"I… I don't know how to tell you. It's too complicated.”

"Complicated? How complicated can it be for you to tell me who you love? If you don't tell me his name or who he is, I can't help you."

"It's not easy. I don't know how to tell you; you might be terrified."

"My girl, I'm a ghost; nothing can terrify me. Is she a girl? If that's the case, maybe it's just a phase you're going through, or maybe you're on both sides like your sister Luna. Is she still dating that girl, Sam?"

"No, I guess they stayed as friends with benefits. But no, I don't like a girl." Lucy took a deep breath and answered. "I love my brother Lincoln."

Harriet floated for a few minutes and then felt what I would say amounted to fainting or cardiac arrest as she rolled onto her back and began to rise until Lucy caught her leg before she breached the ceiling.

Lucy took a page from one of her books; in this book, she said "The Beginnings of a Ghost Blackout," followed by spells and instructions. Lucy fanned the blade to give her grandmother air while she recited the incantation until Harriet woke up.

“Awesome. It reminded me of when I was alive.”

Lucy filled a glass with water and then broke it so that the glass itself overflowed, which Harriet took and which she proceeded to drink. "Thank you, honey. Well, repeat what you told me and explain yourself."

"I'm in love with my older brother, Lincoln."

"Oh, wow. So Lincoln came home?"

"Yes, the truth is, he has changed a lot."

"With what logic?"

"He's taller, and he has longer hair and combs his hair like I do. He's more muscular, and his eyes... Those cold, dead eyes that see nothing but darkness." Lucy sighed as she remembered Lincoln's eyes. For some reason, Lincoln's eyes drove her crazy.

Harriet looked at Lucy, hugging herself. "I see...but I don't think it's that bad."

"You don't believe me? See for yourself; I think I heard him go into the bathroom." Harriet crossed the floor. "And good?" Lucy asked, but Harriet did not lift her face from the ground. "Grandma?. Hello. Are you there?"

"Wait, give me five more minutes. Oh, wow, even your grandfather wasn't well equipped. This new generation has very good stuff."

Lucy was upset with her great-grandmother. "Grandma, do you remember that he is my love?"

“Wait kid, let me enjoy this; I haven’t seen a hot young mortal in over a hundred years if you count how long it’s been since I died.”

“Maybe the great-grandfather is not with you in the afterlife?”

"No, he was a soldier who believed in the Norse gods and went to Valhalla. If you think long-distance relationships don't work in the world of the living, they won't work any less in the world of the dead."

“Damn, this guy pees like a horse and is the same size.”

"Great Grandmother Harriet, now! I've come here to ask you for advice."

Harriet sticks her head out from upstairs. "You're right; I'm sorry. Well, tell me, what do you want to know?"

"Well, actually, a lot of things. What should I do? How do I confess to him? How do I approach him? But most of all, because he is my brother, we have the same blood, and our society will never accept it. But when I think of him, I find it difficult to think clearly. Since his arrival, I have touched myself four times thinking of him and even had wet dreams because of him."

Harriet was ashamed of what Lucy was telling her, which was physically impossible since there was no blood in her body. "Oh, I see. You have a moral dilemma. On the one hand, you want to be with him, and on the other, you're worried about what he'll think of you if you confess to him, or worse. What will your family and community think of you if he aligns with your feelings?"

"That is. Tell me, what do you think I should do?"

"Well, like I said, it's complicated. I was born at a time when practically everything was taboo. If a woman doesn't cover her ankles, it's socially unacceptable, but if she wants to work, it's not. Even something as simple but at the same time as basic as love was forbidden without the strict consent of your parents; it was more cruel in my time.

"Women can't comment; if they put a betrothed, you can't object, let alone marry someone who is not of your nationality or skin color, except in some places like Canada and some northern states. But there was no parental love. At least there isn't a love that everyone knows."

The last thing Harriet said made Lucy curious. "What do you mean?"

"Well done. When I was your age, I fell in love with a handsome young man from high society. I was from a humble family, and we didn't have much, and I didn't know what to do. Whether I would confess to him or let him go, because I knew someone like him would never notice a low-society girl Like me, I asked the only woman I could trust for advice, the ghost of my grandmother Elizabeth."

"And what did she say to you?"

She told me a story when she was alive in the year 1820. Her parents were forcing her to marry a man she did not love; she was seventeen and he was thirty-eight, but he was a millionaire, and that was enough for them to give their daughter to an old degenerate. Alas, this was very common at the time, but she loves another boy. A nineteen-year-old shepherd she first saw for a few seconds on the journey home

Her parents never approved of their marriage, except for the members of high society who frequented them. In addition to that, it was necessary for her and the man they chose for her to marry because her family was suffering from financial problems and debts. It was piling up, and money was getting scarcer. The servants' only reason for staying was the promise of more money to be made by the guild.

On the other hand, the priest did not know that he had a girlfriend who had seen him from afar, as she was strictly forbidden to leave the grounds of her house, and the few times she did, it was in the company of her parents or some old people. However, she was clever and hatched a plan to finally confess to her lover how she felt.

She skillfully persuaded two servants, a major domo and a maidservant, who had suffered humiliation and abuse by their parents, They only put up with this treatment because these people had a lot of money. But with their daughter's wedding, they will return to the abyss, and the poor servants will have to endure this treatment until the day of their deaths. But if she manages to escape with the shepherd, the wedding will be annulled because, without a bride, there will be no wedding, and her cruel family no longer has the strength to work for more respectable people.

And so the butler and maid helped her under the pretense of trying on a wedding dress. In order not to arouse suspicion, they first went to the boutique and then met the shepherd, who was named Leonidas in honor of a great warrior king of ancient Greece.

Soon love was born between them, for the young man had not much, nothing more than a flock of sheep and his humble cabin, in which he lived alone with his mother, for he had never known his father. No bastard was seen well, so the boy and his mother were sidelined around town with hardly anything to eat, but it didn't matter to him. My grandmother Elizabeth was so fond of that young man that every day she and the maid's butler went to the shop to try on the dress and then to the sheep farm to see the shepherd. But her parents are starting to get suspicious because of the long amount of time she's been out and that the dress isn't finished yet, so they make it part of her plan to hire a seamstress who has been paying to wear the dress every day in order to delay the wedding. As far as possible, she didn't mind since there were so many employees; her only job was to make the dress.

But one day her father decided to follow her on his horse without her noticing him, and he waited, hiding outside the store. When they left, he realized that it didn't take him long to come back; besides, they didn't take the road they took to his mansion but another home. The man followed the cart, always hidden among the bags, and at a certain distance, he discovered that his daughter was seeing the young shepherd. This enraged her father, who thoughtlessly entered the cabin, but what he did not count on was that the boy's mother would know him.

It transpired that Elizabeth's father had an affair with a peasant when he had been married for a year, and from this union was born his son, whom he did not recognize as such, but when he grew up was the living image of him in his youth. In other words, Elizabeth and Leonidas were half-siblings.

All this revelation was scandalous, but Elizabeth's father would not allow the bastard to interfere with his plans for fortune, so he threatened to kill Leonidas and her mother if they ever saw Elizabeth again.

Elizabeth resigned, and the servants returned to their palace, and this time poor Elizabeth was imprisoned in her room until the day of the wedding.

Lucy was on the edge of her seat listening to Harriet's story; the tension was killing her. "And what happened after that? Please tell me that everything went well with Elizabeth and Leonidas."

"That's what I'm going for. Anyway, where was he? So."

The wedding was less than a week away—two days, to be exact. All is set, and poor Elizabeth is doomed to be at the mercy of a man she never loved. Her parents kept a good eye on her, as did the servants who helped her, who were responsible for making their lives even more miserable than they already were. Elizabeth could only weep from the day she was commanded to separate from her beloved, though he was her half-brother, for this feeling was born in the purest way and accompanied her every day, making her greater.

When she suddenly sees through her window her lover arrive on horseback, the boy bursts into the palace, shouting Elizabeth's name, and is confronted by his father, who points a gun at him and demands an explanation.

He orders Leonidas to release Elizabeth from her engagement and consent to him, or else he will expose his sin of infidelity with a peasant girl to the entire community.

His father mocked him, arguing that no one would believe a dirty peasant bastard or his adulterous mother.

The young man had already planned to answer, so he invited his mother to go to the palace.

She admitted that there was a witness who heard and saw everything. From his engagement to her until the unpleasant night of Leonidas' conception, for it was the only time they had a physical relationship, his Uncle Adler, who at that time returned from his studies to visit his younger sister for a while, was the only one whose family member was able to go to school.

Again, the father mocked the people in front of him, arguing that although he was a lawyer, he was still just a person below his high lineage. But this time both Leonidas and his mother laughed at him and called for their uncle to stop, who had arrived with them and was waiting for them outside the door. The father's face turned pale, and he dropped his weapon on the ground. It turned out that Adler had long left home to devote his life to God. The witness to his infidelity who never worried it might cause trouble is now a Cardinal in the Vatican Church. His social status was nothing compared to a position in the Holy See.

The man was lost; he knew that if he wanted Adler with just one word, he could ruin his entire life. He quits before Elizabeth and Leonidas are together.

Since Leonidas used his mother's surname and was not recognized by his father as his son, the Cardinal had no moral objection to the marriage, as they were legally unrelated.

Elizabeth took a portion of what was left of the family fortune and fled with Leonidas and her mother to a new place they could call home. And so our family came to America.

Lucy was amazed by the story of her great-grandmother and the origin of her family tree. "That was beautiful."

"You know, it was my favorite story when I was your age."

"But I don't see how that helps me solve my attraction to my brother."

"Well, it's simple. The point is, no matter what society or the people around you think, there will always be hope for love, even if it's your own blood."

"You're right, thank you; your story really helped me a lot."

"I am always here for you, my girl."

"But how do I approach Lincoln to tell him how I feel?"

"When I met your grandfather, I tried to get his attention. I would stand behind him and then leave, so that he would notice me."

"But how? Lincoln can't see, but his hearing always detects me."

"Well, we became a couple at the dance. I just walked up to him, and I like that I haven't finally scared him off. I guess you could try getting up to your brother at a party."

“Today we will celebrate Christmas in Great Lake City.”

"Oh, the Christmas party. That's perfect. Try to get close to him during the party."

"Thanks again. You always know what I need."

"It's all for my beautiful granddaughter."

Lucy hugs Harriet when she hears Lynn's voice calling to her from the hallway. "Lucy, we're waiting for you; we're leaving."

"I am going." Lucy said goodbye to her great-grandmother and went out. So the Louds made their trip to the city to spend Christmas with Casagrande.

Meanwhile, about 20 miles away, a police truck was taking Robert to where he would be held accountable for further charges. Since then, more buried bodies of men, women, boys, and girls reported missing for years have been found in his yard.

They were all in such unrecognizable states that, had it not been for the fact that they still had their wallets, they would never have been identified. Most of them were girls between the ages of seventeen and twenty, whose photos were found in Robert's basement, and Leni's most recent photo had the words "Next" written on it. From which they conclude that these girls were victims of harassment that did not correspond to Robert's feelings, and the others were people who were only trying to help them.

Robert was in the van handcuffed at the ankles, wrists, waist, and neck, as well as wearing a Hannibal Lecter face mask.

Robert could not believe that his life had ended with years of impunity and gone unnoticed within five minutes by a blind boy. He was so frustrated that he couldn't contain himself and cried. "I just want love." Robert started crying. "I wanted a woman who wouldn't leave me."

One of the officers opened the window that connects the front of the car to the back. "Don't worry, Robbie, prison isn't that bad. Three meals a day and all the gay sex you want."

"While you're locked up, your cellmate will give you all the love your ass can take and more. You'll enjoy a good bit of group love in our facilities, with occasional hot showers where you might have to "catch up on the soap". We'll put you in the exclusive suite with the older ones. When you end up on the first night, you will look like a cream cake." The officer was describing Robert's horrible conditions in prison like an advertisement for a luxury hotel when suddenly the truck crashed violently. Robert couldn't see what they hit, but then he heard the door being ripped open.

"Who the hell are you?"

Gunshots and screams from the officers were heard, followed by silence.

"Hi? Anyone there?" On the verge of urinating with fear, Robert began to struggle to free himself from the shackles that were pressing on him. He didn't care where he was going next, and he didn't care if he was caught again. Anything was better than being with whatever was lurking outside that had obviously killed the officers.

Suddenly, the back door of the truck was pulled back like a curtain, revealing a long-haired Asian youth. It was Hideki.

"Who are you? What have you done to the officers?" The boy walked slowly towards Robert. His face expressed pure malice. "Wait, I don't know you; what did I do to you?"

Hideki stood in front of Robert and approached his face to answer. "You hurted him."

"What? What are you talking about?"

“You...you hurted, my God!”

-back to loud-

They have reached their destination. Lori was the first to come down and knock on the door with great affection, and Lori's lovable boyfriend, Bobby, opened it.

"Bobby. I miss you so much."

"I miss you too, sweetheart."

The couple hugged as the rest of the Loud family got out of the truck.

Bobby broke away from the embrace when he saw the white-haired boy. "Little Loud. You've already come back from your elegant school in Estragero; well, you've grown so much." The Latin boy interrupted what he was going to say when he saw the cane Lincoln was carrying. "Bro, what happened to you?"

Not understanding what Bobby was referring to, Lincoln assumed that Lori had already told him long ago about his accident.

"Baby, what happened to your brother?" Lori never told Bobby why Lincoln left home. "Who made you like that link? Are they Europeans?"

"Europeans? No, I was in Canada. Lori, didn't you tell him?" Lincoln asked.

"Tell me what?"

Lori looked at Lisa, who lowered her head in guilt. "I'll tell you everything. Let's go inside."

The Loud went up with Bobby to the top floor of the building, where they were greeted by the Casagrande, who interrupted the welcome when they saw the boy's cane.

The boy was approached by Abuela Rosa, whom she considered another grandson for being a false boyfriend of her granddaughter. "Oh, my child, but what happened to you?"

Lori was about to speak when Lincoln hit her.

"There was an explosion in my house. One of the gas pipes in the walls of my sister Lisa's room was bitten by some rats. I was helping her with one of her experiments, and because of the chemicals she used that day, we didn't notice the smell of the gas. When I turned on the stove, the room was blown to pieces." Luckily, we were close to the window and the desk; I protected her with my body, and we were thrown out the window. She broke her arm, went into a coma for a few days, got some burns, and hit my head. Doctors don't know if it was the hit or the explosion, but the shock I received did damage; I lost the part of my brain that controls the sense of sight and became blind.”

The Casagrande family was affected by the story of the Albino as well as the Loud, who knew most of the story was wrong.

"But why did you leave the country? And why did Lori tell me you won a scholarship to go to another school?" Bobby asked. His family also wanted to know why the boy's sister had lied about her brother. Lincoln answered their questions.

"She didn't want you to worry. At the time, if I remember correctly, she was fighting for a scholarship at the university she already attended. So she made up the history of the European School for you so you wouldn't lose your chance to study with her; of course, she told me before. "That she would do that seemed to me to be the best thing for both of us."

"And why in Canada? Why go so far?"

"Private schools are not cheap, and my family, although we are not bad financially, is not swimming in gold either. Fortunately, the doctor who treated my case had a sister who was the derictor of the school, which, as you can infer, was in Canada. My grandfather had a house in the town where the school is located, and as soon as I got better and was officially registered, I left with my grandfather. Due to certain circumstances, I couldn't back home until now.

Casagrande was greatly influenced by the story of Ronnie Ann's "Future Husband." On the other hand, the loud knew that most of that story was wrong.

To break the tension of the moment, Lori wanted to start some small talk. "Hey, now that I realize it, I haven't seen Ronnie Ann or Carlotta. Where are they?"

Maria was the first to come out of astonishment and answer. "They went to pick up some things for Christmas decorations."

"Oh. I thought they went out for more drinks after Grandpa fell on them this morning, and you had to remove the bits from his buttocks and bandage his ass." As always, CJ speaks without thinking, which makes the whole family blush, especially Hector and Maria.

The door suddenly opens to reveal that it was Carlotta and Ronnie-Ann who entered with some boxes in their hands.

The latter had awakened the genes of the Casagrande women, as she had prominent thighs like her cousin Carlotta.

"Sorry for the delay; there was a very long line at the glassware." Carlotta left the boxes with glasses on the kitchen table at the same time she noticed the louds. “Oh, hi Loud family, happy ne..." Carlotta Casagrande’s words stopped when she saw a handsome boy of what seemed like eighteen standing in the middle of the large family. Plus Ronnie Ann, who, unlike her cousin, recognized the mysterious boy a moment later.”

The Latina girl approached the boy with the clear intention of reviving the old customs.

"Hey, Lame-o, where have you been hiding?" Before Lincoln could answer, Ronnie-Ann continued talking. "I heard you went to a good European school; did they teach you how to drink tea and use fancy words?" Again, before Lincoln could answer, Ronnie-Ann hit his arm, but no one expected what followed. Lincoln avoided the blow by moving his shoulder back.

"So slow." Lincoln scoffs.

"What the hell?" Ronnie Ann was at a loss, but that didn't stop her from landing another blow, which was dodged again. The girl had won many boxing competitions over the years, so it was impossible for someone to read her moves, let alone if it was Lincoln.

“Almost, but you are still too slow.” The albino mocked her again.

which ceased to be a game for the Latin, which began to multiply faster without much success. "what's happening? Why I can't Hit You"

Suddenly, something happened that you couldn't believe you could see. Lincoln jumped three somersaults in the air and landed behind Ronnie Ann, then pulled his cane from behind him, exposing it and wielding it like a sword.

[A thousand years of hell!]

Ronnie reflexively closed her eyes just like Casagrande and Loud when they heard the boy's scream, but she didn't feel or hear any blow.

Lincoln stopped his cane a few centimeters from Ronnie-Ann's face, then moved it away and used it to poke Ronnie-Ann in the back, causing her to fall to the ground, leaving her buttocks lifted.

Those present could not believe what they saw, not to mention Ronnie Ann, who got up while rubbing the spot Lincoln had poked her.

"I see you haven't changed one bit, Ronnie."

The girl rubbed her buttocks. She had an expression of anger on her face. "Who the hell do you think you are for..." All the girl's anger dissipated when she saw what Lincoln was holding in his hand. That unmistakable cane “Lincoln?..you..you..what happened to you?" Ronnie Ann was now worried about her friend after she found out he was blind.

"We'd better sit down; we have a lot to catch up on."

Lincoln told his story again, only this time to Ronnie Ann. In the end, the girl felt many emotions at once. astonishment, mistake, sorrow, and anger—all that whirlpool inside of her. "But I don't understand. You've been abroad for three years. Why, in all this time, haven't you come home at least for the holidays?"

This question has everyone waiting for an albino response. Especially the Louds, who wanted to know the reason for the absence of their son and brother for three years.

Lincoln took a deep breath, remembering why he felt nostalgic as well as angry, but the latter was for other reasons. "The reason I couldn't go back was because I always had to attend certain 'events' every year during these dates"

“Events? What kind of events?” Lori asked.

“Well, in my first year in Snowy Pines, I had to participate in a martial arts tournament where all kinds of fighting styles could be used; in my second year, I was invited to participate in international tournaments, and they always organized them around these dates, followed by a party to celebrate the new year. I don't know why they chose this date to celebrate those tournaments, but it was fun. A few months ago, one of the judges was killed in this year's tournament by another who wanted to take his place. It turns out that this was a former judge who was fired for corruption and therefore postponed until next year.

Pop Pop wanted to take advantage of the “opportunity” to return to Royal Woods.

"But why didn't you write any letter?" Ronnie asked.

I did, but the postman in the town was dissatisfied with the invalids because his wife had cheated on him with one, and in retaliation, he stole all the mail he had to deliver, which was from or to the invalids. Fortunately, we found out, and my messages were able to reach my family.

"Wow, it's been a crazy few years since you left the country." Ronnie Ann felt something she didn't think was possible. She felt admiration for Lincoln because, although he was blind, he was still a boy who knew how to get ahead.

"Well, let's leave the tales, and let's sit down and dine; the guests are sure to be hungry." Abuela Rosa gave everyone a seat at Christmas dinner, and this time Mr. Lynn wasn't disqualified from cooking.

Dinner passed between laughter and tales of how full everyone felt in their school and new working environment, as Mrs. Maria Santiago had been promoted to head nurse in these years; Carlotta managed to get in as an actress in a TV series filmed in the country; and Bobby was studying with Lori at the same university.

Once the Christmas dinner is over and after a fun night of Christmas fables and chocolates with marshmallows, it's time for bed.

Casagrande and Loud had all put on their pajamas. Unfortunately, Lincoln didn't bring his pajamas because, to help Lucy after she faints, he forgot to pack his clothes, so Maria offers him pajamas that belonged to Bobby when he was seventeen.

"And good? How is it?" Maria asked.

"A little tight." Lincoln was motionless in his sister's boyfriend's pajamas. When he tried to walk, the sound of the fabric tearing was present, and the costume exploded through the boy's muscles, leaving Lincoln wearing only the remnants of his pajama bottoms that covered four inches below the thigh and revealed the parting of his bottom, making all the women in the house blush. Lincoln covered himself quickly, and everyone looked away, so they didn't see the boy's marks or tattoos. Then they thought that if he had used newer pajamas of Bobby's, they could fit him, but the result was the same, only now the line was not visible. They tried one, Carlos, but that too succumbed to the boy's muscles. Buttons were blown off, sleeves were blown off, the trousers had only broken legs, and three horizontal cuts had been made on his thighs. They finally went with the more radical option. Put on Hector's pajamas. To no one's surprise, the outfit looked so good on the boy that he had to zip up his pants so it wouldn't fall off.

"Those were my best pajamas." Hector blasted.

The louds accommodated themselves as they could share rooms.

Leni, Luna, Luan, and Lola sleep with Carlotta; Lana and Lynn sleep with Ronnie Ann; Lori sleeps with Bobby; and Lucy, Lisa, and Lily sleep with their parents on the sofa bed. While Lincoln was on the ground, he couldn't sleep. Remembering the years he lived in Snowy Pines also brought back memories of Alexa, Jean-Paul, and Edenshaw, his teachers. He knew that of the four, Edenshaw was the strongest.

Lincoln got up and went to the bathroom. He was so deep in thought that he didn't notice when someone approached, grabbed him from behind, and covered his mouth. Lincoln was about to get rid of whoever was holding him when he heard the person's voice. It was none other than Ronnie Ann. The girl whispered in his ear. “Keep calm, lame-o. You owe me a rematch for the humiliation you made me suffer this afternoon in front of my entire family. Now put on your clothes and follow me quietly.

Lincoln complied with Ronnie Ann's command. Silently getting dressed so as not to wake anyone, they left the apartment and went up to the roof, where there were all kinds of training equipment as well as a boxing ring, all under a tarp serving as a roof so it wouldn't snow.

"Good Lincoln. Here, we'll fight." Ronnie- Ann takes Lincoln to the ring and gets into a fighting stance. “I don’t know what kind of fighting style you have, but I warn you that I will not go easy on you just because you are blind.”

Lincoln smiles and assumes a fighting stance similar to Ronnie-Anne's. “I hope so; I hate that they feel sorry for me.”

Without warning, Ronnie Anne shot herself at Lincoln, striking him directly in the jaw. But the boy dodged and tried to punch Ronnie Anne in the ribs. Suddenly, the girl grabs Lincoln by putting her arm under his and starts punching him in the face.

"This move is not boxing; it's mixed martial arts." Lincoln tried to extricate himself from submission.

"I see you did your homework. Yes, I do mixed martial arts." Ronnie-Anne bends Lincoln's arm and subdues him by placing her knee on his back. "Surrender, and I will let you go.” Lincoln laughed, which baffled Ronnie Anne. "What the hell are you laughing at, lame-o?” Lincoln flexes his legs, managing to get up even with Rooney-Ann on his back. “That's impossible.” Lincoln manages to stand up and rotates his arm to throw Ronnie-Anne to the ground to free himself from her grip. Then he puts one knee on each side of the girl's body, holding her wrists and his face a few centimeters away from the girl's face.

"Now you surrender, and I will let you go." Lincoln holds her tight, but Ronnie-Anne kicks him in the stomach, where he gets stitches from his fight with Robert and the stitches he got from Billy, causing the white-haired boy much pain. Ronnie-Anne took the opportunity to pounce on him and hold him in the same way he had just a moment ago.

"I will never surrender to someone like you."

"Someone like me?"

“Yes, a pathetic nerd.”

Lincoln turned over, and he was over Ronnie-Anne. "I can't believe that after all this time you still have this damned attitude."

That confused the Latin girl. "What are you talking about now?"

"of that? You were always a fucking bully. When I said you hadn't changed one bit, it wasn't a compliment. You've always had and always will have a fucking bully attitude. And I'll tell you what, it stinks, and I'm sick of it. When are you going to grow up?"

Ronnie-Anne gets angry and turns on Lincoln. "Look who's talking—the mister watching the comic in his underwear."

"The difference is that I stopped doing it at the age of 12, long before I went blind. You'll know if you care to get to know your so-called 'friend' better."

"Ha! As if you knew something about me."

"Your name is Ronalda Anne Santiago; you like skating and wrestling; feeding pigeons; pastries; tamales; guacamole; grape juice; and K-pop."

"You hate singing in public and taking selfies."

"Your favorite color is purple, and even if you don't admit it, you miss Royal Woods."

Ronnie-Anne was speechless when she heard how much Lincoln knew about her, which the boy took advantage of to change places and go up. "Do you know how I knew? Because I've been paying attention. Paying attention to everything you like. But contrary to what you thought, you don't know anything about me. And you call yourself my friend? The truth is, I doubted it for a long time."

"What do you mean by that?"

"I mean, you've always been a bitch to me."

Those words enraged Ronnie-Anne, who tried to turn around again, but Lincoln had a good grip on her. "Repeat that to me, you idiot! I'll kill you! No one calls me a bitch and comes out alive to tell about it."

"See? That's what I mean. You've always refused to admit that you're a bad person. I wanted to be your friend. The good times we had together can be counted on one hand, and there will still be fingers left."

"I didn't act like a bitch with you."

"Shall I tell you the list? You played dirty pranks on me all the time, as if the ones my sister did to me weren't enough. When I came here, you refused to call me your friend just to impress a bunch of town kids. Do you have any idea how bad it is? The feeling if they did that to you? You left me outside a train in a place I didn't know. They could have kidnapped me. You put noodles in my pants, and it wasn't the first time you'd done it. As if food was something you could waste, you got off My pants in public, and the whole town watched on the big screen; you humiliated me, slandered me, refused to recognize me in your town, and worst of all, you always acted like a victim."

"I do not do that."

"Oh, why not? When we were 11, you made your other joke on me, and I said I'd rather lick the floor than kiss you, and you got offended and started crying like you'd been begging me for years to go to hell, and for the record, it looks like you were looking for them to tell you. But of course, you can treat me like shit, and that's fine, but I say a few words, and suddenly I'm the bad guy and you're a nice innocent girl. But you know? I forgave you, and I felt bad for hurting your feelings. Why? Because I loved you!"

Ronnie-Anne stopped suffering at Lincoln's words. "What, what, what?"

"I like you. That kiss we gave each other at Jean-Joan's French and Mexican Restaurant was the best thing I've ever felt in my life, and I kept thinking about it day and night. I thought we could date after that, but I knew your reputation was more important, so I committed Silence. I thought if I were patient, we could be more open with how we felt, but you preferred your reputation as a bully to what is obvious to everyone, but we're still too embarrassed to say, and like I said, you haven't changed one bit. We haven't been in touch for three years, and I was looking forward to hearing from you again, but the first thing you offered me was a punch on my arm, and don't you dare say you were just playing. I realized that those punches were supposed to hurt me, just because you were frustrated that I dodged them. Besides, you ask me to repeat a match just because, according to you, "I humiliated you!" in front of your family, and only for something as stupid as the fact that you brought me here to fight. As if I owe you something."

Lincoln finished his sermon, and he could hear nothing from Ronnie-Anne but her breathing, except for sobbing.

"Ronnie? Ronnie-Anne?..." Lincoln let go of Ronnie-Anne's wrists and got down on his knees.

Ronnie-Anne rose and knelt, wiping away her tears. "sniff...you're right. I've always been a bully to you, even though you always tolerated my way of being, and I didn't know how to see it. But it wasn't because I preferred my reputation to our friendship; it's just that I didn't dare tell you how I felt. Not out of shame or pride, but out of fear.”

"I was afraid you wouldn't reciprocate, and that's why I upset you. When I moved here, I preferred to keep the image I created here, and that's why I did it all, but I knew I was hurting you again. You're right, I'll never change... I'm the worst thing ever." Ronnie-Anne cried again, but this time she felt her tears being wiped away. It was Lincoln who ran his thumb across her face, wiping away the tears and caressing her cheek.

"Okay. There is one thing I haven't changed either." Lincoln said, placing his hand on Ronnie-Anne's cheek.

"Huh? And what is this thing?" Ronnie-Anne asked with glassy eyes from crying.

Lincoln smiled and replied. “I still forgive you easily.”

Ronnie-Anne laid her hand on Lincoln and slowly brought her face closer to his, licking her lips with the boy's, which startled the albino at first, but then he got carried away and responded in kind to the kiss that lasted two minutes. Separate, united by a thin thread of saliva.

Ronnie-Anne gasped for air. "Wow, you're such a good kisser for a nerd."

Lincoln laughed softly and took Ronnie Anne's hand. "You do nothing bad either for such a difficult girl."

Ronnie-Anne grabbed Lincoln's hand and placed it between her shirt and bra, letting him feel her bulging breasts, which made Lincoln blush. He was about to withdraw his hand, but the Latina girl grabbed him tight. "How are they? You don't like my breasts?"

"No, I mean yes, I mean, I... Ronnie Anne, if that's what I said to you. Listen, I know I was really tough, but I don't want you to do something you don't want to do or feel uncomfortable with just because of guilt."

Ronnie-Anne silenced Lincoln with a kiss. "Shut up, asshole. I'm not doing this out of guilt or anything like that. I'm doing it because I want to. I'm tired of pretending to be someone I'm not and doing things I don't want to do just because I'm scared of my feelings. Today I want to be honest with you." Exactly. Just for today, I want to be your girlfriend."

Ronnie Anne put Lincoln's hand under her bra. The boy can feel the nipples of the girl, who moves his hand to massage her. Lincoln began to press gently against Ronnie Anne's chest while rubbing her nipple with his thumb. They both lay down in the middle of the wrestling ring and began undressing each other.

Lincoln took off the girl's jacket while Ronnie-Anne unbuttoned her jacket, so between clothes being thrown to the floor followed by kisses on the neck, both were left in their underwear. Lincoln in black and orange underwear, and Ronnie-Anne in only underwear because she has removed her bra. Looking closely at Lincoln, she notices the scars, the tattoos, and his necklace. But more than anything else, it was his lithe muscles that made him look like a gang member, leaving Ronnie-Anne shocked.

"Ronnie? Is everything alright?" Lincoln asked when he didn't get an answer from his fake girlfriend.

Ronnie-Anne touched Lincoln's chest, feeling the heaviness of his muscles. "Everything is great." Ronnie-Anne took Lincoln's underwear and pulled them down, exposing the boy's penis. "Damn, how do you keep that in your pants? It's huge."

Lincoln felt a little nervous at Ronnie-Anne's exclamation. "Do you want to stop?"

Ronnie took Lincoln's organ and started moving her hand up and down. "No, I don't want to stop; I want to go all the way." Ronnie-Anne put Lincoln's penis in her mouth and began sucking on it by moving her tongue in circles. "Hmm."

“Oh. Ronnie-Anne, Ah, That feels good.”

Ronnie-Anne separated from Lincoln and took off her pants, leaving herself completely naked. She then pushes the boy and leaves him lying down. "It's not fair that you're just having fun; show me what you've learned in these three years." Ronnie-Anne sat on Lincoln's face and started rubbing her vagina in his mouth. Lincoln took her ass and started licking Ronnie-Anne's vaginal lips, then inserted his tongue. "Hmm. Oh my God, I didn't think you'd do that. Oh, oh baby, that's a yummy lick."

Ronnie-Anne felt the quality and moistness of the albino boy's tongue moving inside her womanhood while Lincoln focused his attention on a woman's most sensitive spot. An electric sensation ran down the Latina's back as she felt Lincoln's tongue rub against her clitoral area. Ronnie-Anne saw herself on a rock in the middle of the sea, and with every lick, a wave of pleasure hit her. Ronnie was getting closer to her limit; just one more lick would make a tsunami surround her and drag her to the bottom of that sea of fantasy she had created.

-Back to reality-

Ronnie-Anne fell on her face with her butt lifted and tongue out, drooling and panting from that massive orgasm.

For his part, Lincoln had his face doused with Ronnie-Anne's love juices. But the albino wasn't satisfied, so he got up and grabbed Ronnie by her hips, rubbing his penis into her vagina, which put the girl on alert. "Wait, Lincoln. I want to rest. Besides, I'm not ready yet."

The boy smiled and replied. "Okay, I've had fun already. Now it's my turn."

"No, wait, Lincoln. Give me a break. Please don't."

Lincoln shoved his dick inside Ronnie-Anne, causing the girl pain as she felt how Lincoln forced his way inside her, stretching and molding everything to the size of his dick.

Suddenly, the memory of that dream he had about Lynn came to the boy's mind, and he realized the harsh truth. He committed taboos. He forced his sister to have sex with him. "It wasn't a dream; it was reality."

While Ronnie-Anne was still bitten by the huge stick of meat halfway through becoming a woman, she expected the contraction pain, but it never came. "Lincoln? Are you okay?" The girl caught Albino's attention, but he didn't respond. "Lincoln, what's going on?"

Only a few words came out of the albino's mouth. "I'm sorry; I didn't have to make you do this." Lincoln was about to separate from Ronnie-Anne when she grabbed his wrist.

"Oh no. None of that, bunny. You got the lioness out of her cage; now give her the meat." Lincoln was nudged lying down as Ronnie-Anne kneeled on him and put Lincoln's dick back. She slowly descended until the tip touched the girl's hymen. Ronnie took a deep breath and stuffed it all in at once. She had to cover her mouth to stifle a cry of pain.

For his part, Lincoln, unable to believe what was happening, took the virginity of his childhood friend, the girl he had kissed for the first time.

Lincoln felt a warm liquid slide down his pelvis, and small drops fell on his chest. “Ronnie-Anne? Are you okay?” Now he is the one asking his "friend" about her well-being.

Ronnie-Anne shed some tears. She had already had the "talk" with her mother, aunt, cousin, and grandmother together. She was told that the woman's first time was painful, but she never imagined the extent of the pain. A few seconds passed before Ronnie answered. "I'm fine. If I do it at my own pace, it won't hurt." Ronnie-Anne raises her hips and slowly lowers them. The sensation was amazing, and the feeling of Lincoln's manhood moving in and out was a joy. Each time she lowered her hips, the tip of the Lincoln Organ was a tsunami of pleasure greater than the last. The pain was already gone, and now Ronnie-Anne was swinging faster and stronger, shifting her hips to increase the pleasure in both of them. Lincoln tried to grab her hips, but the girl grabbed him by the wrists again without stopping to move her hips.

"What do you think you're doing? lame-o. I told you you were a rabbit, and I'm the lioness who's going to eat you. Now let me enjoy my delicious supper." She was sharper in her movements, to the point where you could hear the wet sound of sweat-soaked skin colliding like applause.

Lincoln wanted to let go of that hold and hug Ronnie-Anne; he wanted to feel her body in contact with his and kiss her neck, but he couldn't. Once again, his strength left him, as it had in the past on other occasions. It was always the same: when the girl took him to herself, his strength left him, and he was just as weak as before. He passed Lynn in the kitchen; he passed Leni in her room; and now he was at the mercy of Ronnie-Anne. Then he understood. It wasn't that he couldn't do anything, but that he unconsciously wanted to. He liked it. Feeling in control and being at the mercy of a strong, emotional, or strong-willed woman who can "tame the wolf," Lincoln's thoughts were interrupted when Ronnie-Anne gave him a passionate kiss of the tongue, enough for him to give up. Noticing this, Ronnie knows she won and now claims her prize. Ronnie-Anne's hips became faster, and both of them were already at their limits. Neither of them could say anything because they didn't want to break the kiss. Lincoln released a large amount of semen inside Ronnie-Anne. The Latin girl felt how the albino boy was filling her, and fortunately it was a safe day.

Ronnie leaned her head on Lincoln's chest and hugged him, feeling his racing heart.

Lincoln hugged Ronnie-Anne, and neither of them felt the cold because of the heat of the moment, and each other's bodies kept them both warm and comfortable.

"Ronnie-Anne, I love you." Ronnie silenced Lincoln, putting a finger to his lips.

"Don't ruin the moment, lame-o."

Lincoln smiled at the bad-girl attitude he liked so much. "But what about all you said about wanting to be honest with me and that you wanted to be my girlfriend for today?"

Rooney-Anne looked at her wrist as if it had a watch on it. "Well, it's 01:30 in the morning. So technically it's not today anymore, but tomorrow."

Lincoln hugged her tightly without losing his smile. "How smart you are! So what are we at this moment?"

Ronnie-Anne thought for a moment and answered. "Friends with benefits?"

"Hmm...so friends with benefits? I like that. Does that mean I can have sex with other girls?"

Lincoln's words caused Ronnie-Anne some frustration. "You can do whatever you want." The Latina replied, hiding the annoyance in her voice. "We'd better get dressed before we get sick." Ronnie-Anne and Lincoln separated. She grabbed hers and the boy's clothes and threw them in his face. She didn't think the albino's answer bothered her so much because she knew what it meant to be just "friends with benefits." "Do you need help getting dressed?"

"No, I can do it on my own."

Once both of them got dressed, they gave each other a long tongue kiss. However, in the shadows, there was someone who witnessed the entire physical act. It was Lynn Jr. The girl was hiding behind a pillar, and the pounding she felt on her head when she saw her beloved brother having sex with another girl made her scratch the pillar where her fingernail marks remained.

She quickly, as quietly as she could, ran into the apartment and went to bed. Lincoln and Ronnie-Anne arrived a few minutes later, and before entering, Ronnie-Anne stopped Lincoln.

“Hmm? What’s the matter, Ronnie-Anne?” Lincoln asked, confused.

Ronnie-Anne approached him and gave him one last kiss. The teens crept towards their sleeping quarters.

It was Christmas morning, and the Casagrande were having breakfast with the Louds. Meanwhile, Lincoln and Ronnie-Anne have returned to the surface. This time with CJ, Carl, and Carlitos.

"Do it again, again," Carlistos asked, excited.

“Okay, Everyone stand back.” Lincoln threw a soda bottle into the air. Before it hit the ground, the boy moved his cane and caught it so it wouldn't break.

"Now with this." Carlitos throws a lemon in the air, and Lincoln cuts it.

"That was amazing. How do you do that?" CJ asked.

"My sense of hearing has been greatly developed. Thanks to it, I can hear the wind passing through and around things, so I can tell where they are."

"Wow. You're like a superhero." Carl looked at the boy with even more admiration when he saw his body and suggested becoming like him.

"Yes, yes, he does good tricks, but it's not a big deal." Ronnie-Anne didn't admit it, but she was also surprised at what the boy could do. “Hey Lincoln, how about if we take a walk around town before you leave?”

"Ronnie-Anne has a boyfriend. Ronnie-Anne has a boyfriend." CJ and Carl were making fun of her when they were silenced by their cousin, who put one of the lemon halves in each of their mouths.

"I'd love that, Ronnie-Anne, but actually we're already leaving." Lincoln is interrupted when he hears his father moan from the porch, unsuccessfully trying to start the truck. "Okay. I think we have two hours, one if Lana participates."

"Oh cool." Ronnie-Anne kept tweezers in her pocket and grabbed Lincoln's arm. "Then let's walk." 🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂

The two teenagers left the three boys alone. CJ and Carl were saying incomprehensible things because of the sour fruits in their mouths.

"You shouldn't talk with your mouth full." Carlitos scolds his older brothers.

-Ronnie-Anne and Lincoln-

The friends were walking around town when they bumped into two girls of Asian descent, Sid and Adelaide Chang.

"Hi sid, hello Adelaide. Where are you going so fast?"

"We're going to the ice rink to try out the skates we received this Christmas." Sid looked at the boy who had accompanied her best friend. "Oh, hey, what's your nane?" asked the girl with red cheeks blushing.

"Hi, sid, it's me, Lincoln."

"Lincoln?! Is that really you?" The Asian girl looked at the boy from head to toe without letting the blood run down her cheeks, just like her little sister, until they both noticed his unmistakable cane. "Lincoln, what happened?"

Before Lincoln could answer, someone was heard speaking.

"Okay, well, look at who we have here. Illegals and kamikazes." When they turned around, they found a huge boy, almost two meters tall, with noticeable muscles, almost like a bodybuilder's. He dressed like a punk. He was wearing army boots, a leather jacket with spikes on the shoulders, and a blue mohawk-dyed hat. Surrounded by four boys dressed just like him.

That person was Mason Garrett London. Nicknamed "Megalodon". He was captain of the wrestling team, champion of the gym's heavyweight boxing division, and president of the school's bodybuilding club.

His large size and build were due to his father being a fifteen-time bodybuilder champion, five of which were world champions, and his mother being an Olympic champion in weightlifting, shot put, and hammer throw. Which made them local heroes, and thus their son inherited their genes.

But unlike those who were humble and righteous, Mason acted like a fool who used his social standing at school and his family's name recognition to do as he pleased. His preferred targets were the weak or those in poor economic standing, though he also harassed those of different races, as Mason's most characteristic feature was his racism.

"Get out of here and leave us alone, Mason." Ronnie-Anne and her friends are about to leave when they are stopped and pushed into an alley by Mason's entourage.

"Where do you think you're going?" Mason looked at Lincoln and noticed a print of the Canadian flag on the right chest of his leather jacket. "Now, silly Canadian? You immigrants have nothing better to do with your lives than come to our country to steal jobs from honest, hard-working North Americans?"

"You have no right to use any of those words. You've had seven jobs in your life, and they've kicked you out of them all because you stole money from your bosses, who were Americans."

Mason grabbed Ronnie-Anne by the collar of her sweatshirt and lifted her. "What did you say to me?" Ronnie-Anne took the opportunity to punch Mason in the eye, causing him to drop her while Sid hugged Adelaide.

Mason grabbed his eye due to his large size and the toughness of his muscles. The blow did not hurt him, but since the eyes had nothing to protect, they were the weak point. He closed his eyes and only heard the sounds of the beating, assuming his entourage was performing a coup of the teens and the girl, but when he opened them, he discovered Ronnie-Anne beating up the last of his followers. "You fucking Mexican!"

Ronnie-Anne was about to confront Mason when Lincoln's cane stopped her.

"No, Ronnie-Anne...Leave it to me."

Mason saw Lincoln's cane and started laughing. "Ha! You? Against me? Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha. A pathetic blind man against me? Ha-ha-ha, Oh my God, that's right. Ha-ha-ha. That's the funniest thing I've ever heard. So funny." The boy and his entourage laughed even though they were still lying on the ground. Mason stopped laughing as he wiped a tear from his eye. "That was fine; if you want to kill yourself, I won't refuse to help you." Mason stood in front of Lincoln and brought his face close to his, exposing his cheek. “But since I am so generous, I will let you make the first strike.” Mason always did the same thing in boxing matches. He let himself be beaten first because his rugged peripheral constitution made him practically invulnerable. "Come on, hit me as hard as you can."

Lincoln clenched his fist and bent his arm, then quickly extended it. The next thing Mason knew, he was falling to the ground when he began to feel pain in his jaw along with a metallic taste in his mouth. Mason spat out whatever was giving him that unpleasant taste, and two hard things came out of his mouth, accompanied by a red liquid. The muscular youth was dumbfounded as he looked at the ground; the red liquid was blood, and the hard stuff was his teeth. Mason thought this couldn't be possible; he always used this strategy in his matches, and his opponents always had their fingers smashed, even when they used thick gloves. That way, they couldn't fight anymore. But now a younger boy, besides being blind, had dealt him a blow that knocked him to the ground with his bare fist.

Mason's entourage, Sid, Adelaide, and especially Ronnie-Anne, were all speechless. Lincoln accomplished the impossible. The megalodon had knocked out its teeth.

Mason rose slowly and snorted when he showed his face. You can distinguish the look of hate with eyes red with anger. “You damned blind man!” Mason launched himself against Lincoln, preparing to strike the ground and crack it open. But Lincoln was next to the bodybuilder boy and gave him another blow to the other cheek, which knocked out three more teeth. “Hell, you son of a bitch.” Mason continued to land successive blows, but they were all dodged by the white-haired man, who kicked Mason's arm just as he reached for another blow, dislocating his elbow. "Jaaaah! Damn it, I'm going to kill you." Mason continued punching, this time with one arm that was easy for Lincoln to dodge. However, he was surprised by Mason's fists wrapping around his neck. "Hehehe, I caught you; damn it, I'm going to kill you; no one insults me like that." Mason had an expression that frightened everyone. He was mentally ill.

Lincoln struggled to break free of that hold, but Mason held him so well that, even with his dislocated arm, he could have applied enough grabbing force to strangle and possibly break Lincoln's neck. His courtiers wanted to do something; they knew this went too far, but fear prevented them.

Lincoln kicked from the side as he tried to move away and took his hands into Mason's. "It's useless; I'll kill you here." The girls and boys closed their eyes lest they see the brutality when they heard the crack. Ronnie-Anne shed a few tears, attributing that sound to Lincoln's neck, but the scream made everyone open their eyes. The scream was from Mason. The boy bent all his fingers into unnatural positions with the bones in his skin broken, leaving them exposed. Lincoln had broken Mason's fingers.

Mason was paralyzed as he looked at his fingers when he snapped out of shock and let out another loud shriek. This time of terror, "Ahhhhh! My fingers! My fingers are broken!" Lincoln stood, rubbing his neck and breathing hard. When he did, another unusual thing happened. Mason backed off. It was the first time they had seen the frightened Megalodon.

Mason could not move; his whole body shivered, and his teeth were brown. Lincoln prepared to give him one last blow when Mason's fear increased even more when he saw that behind the albino a ghostly, transparent figure was formed that only he could see, who had the form of a giant wolf slightly larger than Lincoln.

Mason used all the adrenaline he had left to give himself the courage to run for Lincoln. He didn't know exactly what he was going to do. kick? front? onslaught? The only thing he knew was that, one way or another, he had to eliminate the white-haired boy.

Lincoln heard Mason's footsteps walking towards him. At that moment, a wolf figure was wrapped around his arm. Mason got quite close when Lincoln landed directly on his stomach. The bodybuilder felt as if he had been hit by a cannonball in his stomach, as if everything in his body had been hit multiple times.

Mason was thrown, turning like a pinwheel and crossing the street until he hit the wall of the alley ahead, breaking a dumpster in the process. Mason was bleeding from his nose and mouth, and his stomach was sunken into a spiral as Lincoln had struck him.

Mason's body weight pushed him off the wall. When he fell, he saw the white-haired boy on the other side of the street. "That boy...he's not human...he's a Monster!" When Mason hit the ground, he finally passed out.

Mason's entourage, who were still lying on the ground, couldn't believe what they had just seen. They saw the fall of a megalodon. They got up quickly.

"Run, he's insane!" screamed one of Mason's friends.

"But what about the boss?"

"To hell with him! Get out of here?"

The four boys ran away, leaving the three girls and the albino alone. Once all the girls had hugged Lincoln, all four were shocked, especially Adelaide, who was crying as she clung to Lincoln's leg, her older sister, and the boy caressing her head to comfort her.

The good thing about being blind is that you don't have to explain yourself, and they won't believe you almost left a boy his size dead, so after calling an ambulance that took Mason to the hospital, they head to the ice rink. Although Lincoln wasn't allowed to skate due to his condition, that didn't stop them from enjoying Christmas.

The time between friends lasted longer than expected, but it was a great opportunity for Sid and Lincoln to get to know each other better, of course with constant supervision from Ronnie-Anne.

The girls and the albinos returned to the apartment as night fell, but there was no scolding as the van had not yet been fixed because someone had cut all the cables. When everything was ready, Loud said goodbye to Casagrande. Lynn, Lucy, and Luna watched with some jealousy as Lincoln said goodbye to Ronnie-Anne with a hug, then got into the van and sat next to Lynn by the window.

On the way to the Loud House, a very strong blizzard broke out. The normal roads were closed, so they had to take an alternate route. A paved country road running through a forest covered the road as if it were a tunnel, so snow accumulation was minimal. The only drawback was that there were no lights except for headlights. It's going to be a dark ride.

It was getting colder, and as Mr. Loud had to keep his headlights on as high as possible at all times, he was unable to turn on the heating, so fortunately Lana had brought four blankets, one for each of her parents and two more for the rest of the family. The warmth of the blankets put all but one of the passengers to sleep.

Awakened by a strange sensation, Lincoln opened his half-asleep eyes and realized breathing sounds were around him. All his sisters and his mother were asleep, and his father was so focused on driving that he got this feeling again, as if a sandbag had been pressed against his whole body. When he woke up a bit from his drowsy state, he realized that this feeling was the pressure on his body from Lynn, who was sleeping on him. Sitting on his lap with her back to him. The girl was snoring and drooling so ridiculously that it was a miracle the family didn't wake up with that noise. "She must have turned over in her sleep. I just hope she kicks the habit of farting in her sleep." Think Lincoln. The boy was about to go back to sleep when he felt something undo his pants. "What the hell?" Lincoln wanted to zip up again, but one hand grabbed his wrist and pushed him away.

“Lynn? What the hell are you doing?”

The girl was still snoring, but it was obvious that she was only pretending to be asleep. Taking advantage of the fact that they had a blanket covering them, Lynn pulled out her brother's dick and then lowered her pants just so her butt and Lincoln's dick were in contact.

Lincoln wanted to pull up Lynn's pants again, but she grabbed both wrists. The slow motions of the frozen, slippery road shook those who were deep asleep, but for the girl, it was different—the rubbing of her lover. He couldn't believe that Lynn was doing this; the risk of being literally caught by his family was more than likely. Lincoln was at his limit, and Lynn knew it by pressing her butt against her brother's crotch more when the engine stopped. Lynn quickly stopped, pulled on her pants, and put her brother's dick back just in time. The family would wake up. Lynn acted normally, but Lincoln had his heart in his mouth in shock.

When the Louds opened the door to their home, everyone but Lincoln's jaws opened until they touched the floor. On the tree were so many gifts that they were confused; they had only bought a gift for each of their daughters and their son, but there were four each.


The girls pounced on the boxes and began tearing the wrappers off. The only one who wasn't surprised was Lincoln. Because these were all the parcels he had been sending to his family these years. Remember when he and his grandfather returned to the United States from Canada and planned to leave the returned packages under the tree?

The girls left stacks of wrapping paper all over the room.

Lori gets a new bag from her parents, a scarf from Lincoln and her grandfather, a coat, and some bracelets.

Leni received a makeup kit. Gloves, scarf, and hat

Luna received some records. a leather jacket like the Lincoln jacket but in purple; a collection of twelve guitar pieces and flutes decorated with the motif of the indigenous people of the area.

Luan received a new video rating for the winter, an Amagic Game special edition, and a new jacket and costume for Mr. Coconut.

Lynn received a new set of exercises: some skates on the ice, some soccer shoes, and a hockey stick signed by Adam Dudley of the Texas Snowmans.

Lucy receives a set of candles in the shape of skulls, a new book, an old typewriter, and a necklace with a claw in the middle.

Lana received some snowshoes. tent; sleeping bag; and necklace from bear fangs

Lola got makeup and three dresses.

Lisa received a new set of test tubes and three rocks, and the latter, though it seemed like a lousy gift, the scientist loved because they were unknown specimens to her.

Finally, Lily receives four stuffed animals: a bear, a beaver, a seal, and a reindeer.

Lincoln did not expect to receive anything because being with his family was the best gift he could ask for.

Late at night, the Louds fell asleep, and Lincoln went back to sleeping in the basement because it was warmer and took up less space. Suddenly, he heard someone coming down the stairs. Lincoln assumed it was Lisa who wanted to take another blood sample, and the boy prepared himself by opening his sleeping bag a little and sticking out his arm so that the little genius could extract the blood sample. blood. Blood is required, but the sound of something falling to the ground disturbed him, more so when this person got into his sleeping bag. Lincoln noticed that it was a tall person and that she was naked.

"Lynn? What the hell are you doing here? Why are you naked?" whispered Lincoln.

Lynn kissed him on the lips and replied. "I came to finish what we started on the truck seats."

"No, you started it."

"Now we finish it together." Lynn pulled her brother's pants off and started rubbing her vagina with Lincoln's penis. "Haha, it's getting hard again."

Lincoln tried to get up, but Lynn caught him in her arms. “Lynn, stop it; this is wrong.”

“It didn't matter when you raped me in this very room.”

"You started. Or have you already forgotten what you did in the kitchen?"

"Either way, we're having fun, so be a good little brother or boyfriend and give me my prize."

"boyfriend? What?"

Lynn silenced him with a kiss as he inserted his dick.

Lynn slowly moved her hips up and down, which made Lincoln enjoy her.

He let go of Lynn's fist so he could hug her and change his position, leaving him in front.

They both caressed each other's faces and bodies, sticking their tongues into each other's mouths while Lincoln moved his hips, causing a soft moan.

Lincoln and Lynn had a good night of sex without imagining that, as with Lincoln and Ronnie-Anne, the two siblings had onlookers. In vents hidden in the shadows, Lucy watches helplessly as her sister takes her lover. "First Leni kissed him and took him to her bed, and now Lynn takes what should have been mine."

Lucy carefully crawled out of the ventilation of her room, which she shared with Lynn.

“These two have deceived my lover, and it is up to me to save him and make him mine.”

Lucy lay in her bed thinking about how much she hated her sister Leni for seducing Lincoln and hated Lynn for taking her brother for the first time, but she would pay them when it was she who chose to spend the rest of her life with him. as his wife.