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I used to be a normal guy, living day to day. I don't want to live here anymore, I thought to myself. So I stopped thinking and jaywalked, getting myself hit by a massive truck driving at deadly speeds. I didn't just get thrown through time and space, I reached another dimension!

[Goddess] "Open your eyes hero! Save my world from the Demon Lord."

[Me, a lost soul] "Eh, sounds cool, but what's in it for me?"

[Goddess]"Pick any skill. I can only let you pick once..."

[Me, man with a purpose] "Bummer... Well I choose [Two Word Annihilation (Ultimate)], sounds kinda cool."

[Goddess] "Are you sure!? There's many others to pick from!"

[Me, confident] "Yeah, I'm sure!"

[Tsundere Goddess] "Take this and save the world~"

I felt the knoweldge and power flow into me. It made me hard.

[Me, confounded] "Hmm..."

[Goddess] "What troubles you, oh hero?"

[The Man (Me)] "So cute!"

[Two Word Annihilation (Ultimate) activated. All protective effects dispelled. Evil Goddess Celestia is at your mercy.]

[Me, a god gamer] "Oh snap, didn't know you were the secret end boss!"

[Celestia] "What have I done... M-m-master! Please spare me!"

[Me, about to climb the stairs of adulthood] "Nah, I was a virgin in my past life, but not this one. Here we go, oopsie daisy!"

[Celestia] "Noo! Please be gentle! Noo... Yes! Yesss! Your cock fills me up. It's so warm! Give me your seed, masteeer!"

[Me (So dominant!)] "Cum, slut!"

[Two Word Annihilation (Ultimate) activated. Target is now defeated. Evil Goddess Celestia is using Multiple Orgasm (Divine)!]

[Me, lost to pleasure] "Oh damn... I think I'm gonna cum myself... Ah dammit!"

And the world got destroyed and recreated itself as a horny utopia full of beautiful people. Me and Celestia had many children together.

The End.