7. Betting on Woman’s death
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Within the vast expanse, an abyss of unfathomable darkness stretched endlessly, shrouding the cosmos in obscurity. The sole source of illumination, the stars, glistened in the distance, strewn like precious jewels across the ebony tapestry of the night sky. It was in this profound celestial void that a scene of unparalleled grandeur and majesty unfurled, a spectacle that defied the very essence of mortal comprehension.

In this cosmic tableau, the eyes of those who gazed upon it beheld a dozen magnificent beings. Seated upon thrones that emanated an ethereal radiance, these majestic figures exuded an aura of regality that dwarfed the splendor of the stars themselves. 

Each one was a celestial sovereign, a luminary ruler in their own right, and their presence in this astral amphitheater was nothing short of divine.

As the stars above twinkled in reverence, they seemed to bow in homage to the awe-inspiring pageantry of these regal entities. Within this celestial symphony that harmonized the profound duality of darkness and light, these beings appeared as if they were the very constellations that adorned the heavens, their forms composed of shimmering stardust and divine luminescence.

In the midst of this cosmic congregation, ethereal voices resonated, surpassing mortal comprehension. Their utterances were more than words; they were celestial vibrations, carrying the weight of eternity.

[I felt a slight fluctuation in the Vessel's soul, Xyliara.]

[Mortals do tend to overreact, don't they? Isn't it merely death, Zalthorak?]

[No, it's more than that. That woman is still alive, and I don't receive my energy.]

[You still have two days,]

Beneath the exalted assembly of celestial rulers, an intricate hierarchy was evident, as beings occupied their respective thrones, their attention fixed upon a colossal energy cloud that displayed enigmatic inscriptions and shimmering energy points. 

This luminous tableau, known as the 'Bet Grid,' was their means of discerning the optimal outcome, a canvas of destiny that decided for the pawns who will be their source of energy, a vessel that will lead to maintain their continuous sovereignty in this vast world.


"Lisia, eat this; it will help you feel better," the man urged, his gaze filled with genuine concern as he extended a spoonful of food towards the woman. His hands, strong yet gentle, held the offering, presenting it as if it were a precious gift.

Lisia, her eyes still clouded by the weight of the hardships life had thrown her way, found herself gazing at the man in front of her. To her, he seemed like an ethereal presence, an otherworldly figure stepping out of the realm of dreams and into her reality.

She blinked, her thoughts slowly returning from their distant wanderings. 'Could someone like him truly exist outside of dreams?'

Breaking the silence, the man's voice was warm and filled with patience. "What are you staring at, Lisia? Are you not hungry, or perhaps you'd like me to let it cool down a bit more?" With a gentle breath, he blew softly on the spoonful of soup, not only cooling it but also infusing it with his care.

Lisia, finally pulled from her reverie, leaned forward to accept the offering. As she did, the man's fingers brushed gently against her forehead, tucking her unruly bangs behind her ear. His touch was tender, his eyes unwaveringly focused on her.

In that moment, Lisia's blank gaze began to thaw, replaced by a glimmer of something she had long thought lost — hope.

hope that in her next life, she would encounter him again, not just a man like him, but him himself. As she awoke, shattering the beauty of her dream, and drifted back into an unending slumber, she couldn't help but believe that her future life would be happier with him by her side. Even if it meant bearing the weight of all responsibilities,she was willing, just for the chance to be a part of his life, a life illuminated by care and concern she had never experienced from anyone else.

"I... will eat," she whispered, her voice barely audible. Her lips appeared slightly healed, yet her face and body remained pale as before.

Vitality coursed through her, though it wasn't enough to allow her to stand. She held onto the hope that her pain and suffering would soon come to an end. She stole a glance at the man holding the soup, a small thought flickering in her mind: 'I hope we meet again soon.'

"No, of course not. It's not going to happen. Eat this, or you'll just weaken further," he gently reprimanded her, leaving her feeling both surprised and warmed by the care and concern he displayed.

"Please... don't..." Lisia's voice trembled as her eyes glistened with unshed tears. The man recognized the moisture in her eyes, not as a sign of pain, but as a prelude to her departure. 

He had witnessed this moment before, the glint of warmth in the eyes that people tried to avoid when they were on the verge of leaving. It wasn't the first time he had seen someone on the precipice of departure, and the memory of his own helplessness on that day weighed heavily on his heart.

He clenched his fist, determined not to let history repeat itself. Back then, he had no hope, but now he had a glimmer of it. He believed in his ability to make things right and to inflict upon others the pain he had once endured, multiplied several fold. He gathered himself, lifting his head to look at Lisia, who still had traces of tears in her eyes.

"Lisia, please, don't be like this. You're hurting me," he said, his voice carrying a weight of sincerity that made Lisia's heart race. She panicked, fearing she had conveyed her emotions wrongly. "No, I don't mean it in that way. Please, don't get hurt."

The man let out a soft chuckle, his hand reaching up to wipe away the lingering tears in Lisia's eyes. His next words were tinged with a mixture of emotions. "Aren't you something else?"

He sighed, his gaze softening as he spoke. "Lisia, don't lose hope. I promise you, if you can hold on for this week, I'll do anything you ask for."

Lisia felt a renewed surge of determination at his words, which had given her fading willpower a much-needed boost. 

As she looked at the man, still somewhat bewildered by his laughter and his sudden offer, she found herself nodding in agreement.

"Take care of yourself. I have some work to attend to," the man said as he rose from his seat. He glanced at a nearby nurse and gave her an order that felt more like a warning than a simple directive. "Take care of her."

As the man left the room, the nurse couldn't help but feel a drop of sweat bead on her forehead, revealing her unease and secrets.


The man sought answers to a question that had plagued him, one born of anger and a burning desire to avoid reliving the painful memories of a time when he could only plead with a weak woman to hold onto life. He couldn't endure that helplessness again.

"Is there any other way to obtain Divine energy?" he asked, his frustration and vulnerability seeping through his words. He couldn't forget the agony of begging a frail woman to cling to her last breath.

[Human, there is no other way. You must wait until a week,as even if three-day bet is fulfilled.which will be enough to save the woman. However, if God's power is used within the time limit of the bet, it will be considered a transgression, and the gods will become aware of its use] came the response, leaving the man gritting his teeth in frustration.

He left the corridor where several bodyguards waited for him and turned to a woman , issuing an order tinged with determination. "Anastasia, book some locations for me."

As he contemplated his next moves, his mind held secrets known only to him.


"Lisia, should we go somewhere?" 

The man with gentle eyes turned his gaze towards the woman, who appeared bewildered by his sudden question. After a brief pause, she nodded slightly in response.