Hajin, are you gun-toting brother?
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Many weapons were still excellent in this world, including guns. But they were only for ordinary soldiers who couldn't wield mana. 

Rather than traditional bullets, this world's guns used ‘magic bullets’, bullets containing compressed mana with the power to kill low-intermediate rank grade 8 monsters. In comparison, a training saber cost around 5 million won and could only kill low-rank monsters on average.

But Heroes and Mercenaries who could wield magic power didn't choose guns. That was because magic power couldn't be applied to guns or similar. No matter how strong the user of a gun was the weapon had a clear limit in potency. 

In choosing a main weapon, the most important aspect was its origin, as a weapon’s grade went up the grander its origin story was. This was because myths and legends were manifested in this world.

The sword was a weapon of long and deep history. Naturally, many swords had descended from myths and legends.

Sword of Freyr, demon blade Muramasa, magic sword Tyrfing, holy word Durendal, king-maker Excalibur, and more. In this world, many swords of legends remained undiscovered in ‘Dungeons’ or ‘Towers’.Each of them was a priceless treasure, that could only unleash their full power by those proficient with swords. Consequently, Heroes chose cold weapons, ancient weapons. 

“Kim Hajin!”

Kim Soohyuk stomped up to him, his eyes peering down at him. One could almost see steem leaving his head.

“Is the Cube a joke to you Kim Hajin?”

Hajin could feel venom seething in Kim Soohyuk words, as the man leaned in closer.

“No sir! The Cube is home to elite of the elite”

“Then why did you pick so many weapons when I said pick a weapon, do my words mean nothing to you Kim Hajin?”

“I decided to change my weapon, I required more flexibility”

“After coming all the way to Cube?”


Kim Soohyuk frowned and spun around like a tornado, his face becoming more solemn.

“Let this be the first lesson of Cube, as perhaps I was too kind before. If you manage to graduate and if you are so lucky to be picked up by a guild. You will be a weapon. You will be a minister of death to your enemies. Every raid you do, you will touch gold like Midas. But until that day, you are puke. To the dungeon’s and towers, you will be nothing but a toothpick in a forest fire. The Cube is hard, you will not like the Cube. But the more you hate the Cube, the more you will learn. The Cube is hard but fair. There is no discrimination here, we don't care if you are prince, king, queen, fuckin-jester, bell-boy, or the kin of a hero. Here you are all equally worthless, here you will learn how to work together as grab-asstic pieces of equally worthless amphibian shit! The Cube will weed out the slackers, non-hackers, and jokers who won't last 5 minutes in a raid. I hope for your lives you understand that”

Kim Soohyuk moved on, but the whispering among students didn't stop. Whispers that flow into Hajin's ears as clear and as loud as rain.

“Guns? Is that guy insane?”

“Why did he even come to Cube if he wants to be a merc?”

“You can easily change the main weapon chosen today in 6 months. Regardless of what you've chosen, you will go through the same training and tests. That means the weakness of a weapon or weapons will be yours to handle” Kim Soohyuk announced while looking at Hajin.

Hajin could only release a sigh as he stared back ‘To survive against what’s coming, I’m going to need everything I have'

“Now, we’ll assign you rooms and your personal belongings will be sent there. Afterward, you’re free. Classes will start in four days on Monday”

Kim Soohyuk spoke as he looked at me with pity.

And thus, the main weapon selection ended.


“Yo merc, are you for real?”

“I just don't get it, you’re one of those attention seekers, right? Never heard of someone becoming a merc at the Cube”

“I’m placing a bet he doesn't make it past the first week”

On the way to the dorm, a group of guys struck up a conversation. Hajin simply ignored their sarcastic remarks. Seeing him unperturbed by their provocations, the group left snickering to themselves making their way to a group of female students.

‘ As expected by teenage boys’ Hajin could only shake his as he observed the scenery of the island being nothing like his mind could imagine when he was reading,

“Here are the forms for the first years…each building has 100 floors with about 5 rooms on each floor, say hello to your new home”

Siz extravagant skyscrapers loomed before the group. The rooms were distributed according to grades, but even if one’s grades were dead bottom, they still had their room.

The top three male and female cades got the penthouses. Kim Suho was the only one who gave his up, saying it was too big for him to use.

“Guys to the right, Girls to the left. The keys to your rooms will be in the smartwatches you’ll get now”


The room assigned to me was bigger than the house in the middle of nowhere, it came with a real couch, a bed, white goods, a tv, and a computer.

“I still can’t get used to it” Plonking down on the couch Hajin began to sort through his bag, bringing out the weapons he had taken onto the table. First to appear was the handgun, then the box containing the rifle, followed by a grenade pouch, a dagger, a day pack, and an assortment of military goods.

Looking at the array of items, Hajins cheeks bellowed an exasperated sigh. ‘Whoever sent me to this world, you better pray I don’t find you’