Chapter 6 More Tests and Abilities
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Playing around with Josy, I realised just how much personality was in that little head of his. He was clambering and running around everywhere, trying to see every nook and cranny in my room. I personally enjoyed watching his little escapades, cause it made me realise just how much my power can affect, well everything.

When I was making inanimate objects it felt like I only had the ability to change and create objects. When I had created life however, the image of what my power could do had really expanded. 

Afterall, how would I realise that I could control minds and improve living beings? Yes I had tried to control Josy with mind control but it was a fluke that I even discovered that I could control minds. I didn’t even have the thought that I had other powers than what I had already tried, or maybe they were all offshoots of the same power?

Anyway, I found out that I could control minds when Josy stupidly tried to jump off the desk. I Don’t know why he decided it was a good idea to jump but I would rather not have an injured Rat on my hand. For confirmation I know Rats can survive a couple story tall drop but I don’t think Josy has much experience with his new body, leading to him bumping and tripping a lot.

Hurriedly I tried to stop him from jumping off and I had instinctively used my power to command Josy not to move. Shockingly it worked, and little Josy froze like a statue and didn’t move a millimeter. After a couple of seconds he still didn’t move, and poking and picking him up didn’t help either, as he stayed solid as a rock.

Realising what I had done, I used my power to command him to return back to normal. The little shit didn’t even flinch as he resumed his goal of reaching the floor. I was prepared this time, so I simply grabbed him and placed him on the floor, where he is now.

Oh, and how I figured out I could improve organic creatures? Because Josy could understand english… that was not a skill a newly created Rat should have. I assumed I must have accidentally added the intent for Josy to understand any words I said, probably so I could better control and understand how he was feeling.

Watching Josy as he climbed my blanket to reach the top of my bed, I tried other possible powers I could have. That basically meant copying every single Superhero and Villains power until I found one that didn’t work.

Here's a list of powers that I know of.

  1. Laser vision: Check I had that power, but it was limited to my 14 cm area of control around me (Yes it had grown). I could also create a laser anywhere in my field, but not out of it.
  2. Flight: Yes I could fly, I didn’t know the limitation of it yet but I knew there was definitely a limit. In my room I could levitate and drift around with ease, but outside? Don’t know, will find out later
  3. Super Strength: Check, but again I didn’t know the limit. I knew that I could easily lift a 100 kg block with one arm. I had one leftover from yesterday's experiments.
  4. Telekinesis: Check, I didn’t need to do the gravity manipulation bullshit that I did earlier. It also required less energy than the gravity manipulation.
  5. Pyro, Aqua,Terra, Aerokinises: Check, but only in my limited range of affect AND it required a lot more energy than my usual creation ability. This was due to me moving the element, as well as creating the element. It was fun though.
  6. Invisibility: Check, perfect for perving. I also tried camouflage and that worked well. Both times I disappeared in the mirror. Poof! Into thin air!
  7. Magnetism: Check, it was very funny to see Paper Clips, Knives and other metallic objects fly towards me and suddenly stop at the edge of my Domain.
  8. Sensing: Check, I could sense everything in my Domain, down to the tiniest imperfections.
  9. Teleportation: Check, again the limit was my Domain, that had now grown to 20 cm.

I stopped testing there but what I gained from the testing was the knowledge that my only limit was my Domain, and yes I’m calling it a Domain, it just rolls off the tongue better. I also came to realise that I didn’t have all these abilities combined, like Superman, but instead my original power was what caused / did everything in my Domain. Be that X-ray vision or creating a new creature from thin air.

Needless to say I was feeling omnipotent… well I would be if my Domain was bigger, however currently the limit was a measly 20 cm away from my body. For reference that is 2 and a half water bottles (500ml single use) not much but it has doubled in 2 days worth of usage.

At around the same time that I had finished exploring my power, Josy had finished his exploration of my room and now rested on my desk, waiting for my attention. He stared at me with piercing eyes, he wanted some good ol’ pamperin’. Who was I to let him down? 

Sitting down at my desk I lightly tapped my lap, “Alright Josy, come here for some rubbing.” I said with an amused smile.

With an excited squeal, Josy quickly leaped onto my lap and showed his belly. Again, happy chirps and squeaks resounded in the room as I rubbed and petted my new sidekick. Yes Josy would be my sidekick, I couldn’t trust any random person with my real identity, so why not make my own?

Halting the rubbing I looked at Josy, “Josy, how about we continue testing out my powers on you?” I said the sentence as nicely and comfortingly as possible. Still Josy looked at me like a Deer in headlights. Then he stared at me and nodded. He had obviously been affected by his experience, but he seemed slightly up for it.

“Okay I’ll be using a slightly different approach.” Without warning, I used Domain (I named my power Domain after it relying on a Domain to function) to grant Josy human level intelligence and Telepathy, however this time I specified that the experience would feel good. 

With a jolt, Josy then froze on his back and rolled back his eyes. He had definitely felt the effect of my power, but on closer inspection he was now a bit too ‘excited’ if you get what I'm saying. Instead of pain, he now felt euphoria. This could be good and bad. Good in that I would not feel afraid to transform living creatures now, bad in that it might get them addicted and me as well.

Observing Josy as he went through his cognitive metamorphosis I noticed that without further energy input from me it would take a long time for the process to end. It took 1 hour, and Josy looked like he had been in pure bliss throughout the whole process.

Realising that my energy wasn’t being leached anymore, I started gently shaking Josy awake. Well he wasn’t asleep but he was in dream land after all that ‘relaxation’. Rising up onto his feet, Josy then turned to look me dead in the eyes. 

Shaking his head and ironing out his thoughts, he decided to speak his first words into my mind. In a very high pitched cartoonish cute voice. It almost sounded childlike but I honestly thought it sounded more like a girl's voice, it definitely didn’t fit his body… or maybe it did.

With bright glittering eyes he looked at me and said. “Can we do that again sir?”