Chapter 1 – A file from a unknown time in the future(version4)
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Welcome, this chapter is going to be about the SCP file mentioned in description, but be aware, this is not the start of the story, i am planning to start it in the chapter 2, this one will be the file with the standard SCP Foundation stuff such as the description and extra stuff such as the Logs, and yes, later the MC will go to the SCP universe and do some stuff, but a guarantee is that they will know this SCP very well

At first i will only make the base File and the first interrogation Log BUT i will add the rest of the Logs in this chapter later so stay tunned

O_O WOW, 4,2K+ words, i kinda got carried away on this one :/, but BE WARNED, the next chapters wont be this lengthy and will be on the short side of chapters, with 1k~2k words. But i hope you enjoy this chapter the same way

i updated a few things and added "the Acquisition log" Hope you enjoy ^_^

The Addendum that was mentioned was added along a observation made about the SCP they are at the end of the file

Made a update in the description and added the Addendom-02


File for item # : SCP - [REDACTED]

Title: The Black Box

Object class: Safe Thaumiel

Threat Level: White


Special containment procedures:

SCP - [REDACTED] needs no special containment outside of a 5x5x5 meters completely empty room or a empty space of the same proportions to accommodate it when in the "resting" state. Currently it has a space designed which is a empty space into the loading bay of site-71.

Handling method:

Because of the personality of the subject, it does not need a complex set of procedures in comparation to some of the others sentient SCPs, however it is advised to have a basic level of politeness and or basic levels of respect towards others in the presence of the subject.

see addendum 01-a to see a instance when said advice was not followed.


Item description:

SCP - [REDACTED]-A is the entity suspected to be inside SCP - [REDACTED]-B, however this entity never exited SCP - [REDACTED]-B and multiple attempts to see inside SCP - [REDACTED]-B were made, but they only showed a pure black box, at first it was believed that SCP - [REDACTED] was just a type of sentient object in the form of the black box but Dra. Diana reported that the entity claims of being inside SCP [REDACTED]-B were true, when asked to elaborate she only stated that the entity showed the inside of SCP - [REDACTED]-B to her, and when asked to describe the entity's appearance she could only describe it as a foggy humanoid around the size of SCP - [REDACTED]-B, something that was taken note of was that the entity have some kind of interest towards Dra. Diana that was noticed on both the moment it was found(as it requested to talk specifically to her) and on how both parties interacted with one another afterwards the SCP acquisition, one of the few details we know about SCP - [REDACTED]-A is that itself claims to be a "feminine being" but when asked, it does not elaborate if it means that it is a female from a unknown or known group of beings that the Foundation came across, which include different types of humans and humanoids or if it is a genderless being that aligns more in line with what is considered female female.

see Interview log 01 that was made after acquisition of the subject for further information.

SPC - [REDACTED]-A is a humanoid entity that resembles a human female that previously remained inside SCP - [REDACTED]-B until the date of ▮▮/▮▮/2▮▮▮ where it was observed to first come out of SCP - [REDACTED]-B for the first time.

see Addendum-02 for further information.

Despite SPC - [REDACTED]-A showing to maintain a specific pattern when choosing a appearance it has show to have the ability to change it's appearance at will, it rarely changes to things outside of it's usual appearance, which is that of a tall woman with dark tones of skin varying from a dark beige to a pure black, with it's hair varying in length from short to thigh level and it also can vary from white to grey to black, with a noteworthy detail about it's chosen appearance being that despite the entity wearing different clothes each week that come from a unknown source, it always has it's face obscured by some clothe piece such as veils or masks and in occasions where it is not being covered by clothes or accessories it's face is constantly being covered by some kind of fog that somehow blocks the viewing of the entity's face even when using equipment to views hidden objects or entities, it also has show the ability to also block viewing through more ritualistic means with the same result when using more thaumaturgycal means.

When asked to explain how it's shape-shifting ability works as it does not undergo any type of physical transformations to change it's appearance it simply changes it's appearance instantaneously, the SCP stated that it works more like a illusion than a transformation however if it is indeed a type of illusion, it is able to trick all the types of observation means the Foundation currently possesses.

It was also observed in multiple occasions in which SPC - [REDACTED]-A possessed a pair of spiral horns where it's ears should be, but it was also observed in a few occasions that the SCP simply takes them off it's head as if it was a accessory, which indicates that it is a accessory with unclear purposes.

When the subject speaks it produces instead of words it produces a slow low pitched sound with slight variations and fluctuations but in a anomalously way, those that hear those sounds can understand them as if it was a normal person talking in the language they are most familiar with, this effect carries over to recordings of the sound as well, something to take note is that the subject stated that this method is it's preferred method of communication despite being able to communicate using other non verbal methods but also claiming to be able to speak in "normal English" and a few other languages.

It is unknown if it is a anomalous effect or if it just a result of the personality of the subject but those that interact with it claim that they feel as if they are talking to their mother as a child or talking with somebody higher than them in power, rank and in life experience, and because of it's Thaumiel status tests were made using some of the best equipment the Foundation has in the field of memes, anti-memes, cognito-hazards, info-hazards and similar fields to see if it had any negative influence over others, but the results of the tests and experiments only showed that it is able to transmit meaning, intent, emotions, images and sensations through it's "words".

SCP - [REDACTED]- B is a pure smooth black box made of a seemingly unbreakable material(the Foundation named this material I.N.K) with slightly rounded tips and a white Ω symbol in one of it's sides that being the reason for the subject title of "The black box", it is 3,20 meters tall and 1,05 meters wide, that not being it's minimum size but being it's "standard" size, as observed that it can change it's size when it enters a "resting" state as SCP - [REDACTED]- A calls it, growing to a 5x5x5 meters cube, or when it shrinks enough to pass through doors, SCP - [REDACTED]- A claims that the reason why it enter the resting state is for resting and sleeping, but from the moment it was acquired it did not leave the inside of SCP - [REDACTED]- B and it did not give any visual confirmation to it's claims such as the one that it is resting or sleeping when on it's resting state.

To see how SCP - [REDACTED] was discovered and acquired see Acquisition Log 01  

Despite the subject showing in multiple occasions that it can move objects without touching them, and constantly using this ability to move itself around, it prefers to create tentacles made from the same material as SCP [REDACTED]- B that it uses as arms to interact with the surrounding objects and less often with people, and something that surprised the personnel was that when they first encountered SCP - [REDACTED] and they examined the material they discovered that SCP - [REDACTED]'s material was incredibly soft to the touch despite not deforming under the pressure of touch or machinery among other properties, and because said tentacles are made from the same material it shares the same properties.

One of it's known abilities is a form of teleportation, the subject sometimes disappears to unknown locations but this process somehow was never spotted by the personnel or the cameras, until one day a curious personnel saw SCP - [REDACTED] turn on a corner and just a said personnel followed almost missed it but by a stroke of luck he saw the subject in the middle of the process of teleporting and the personnel described that it was as if SCP - [REDACTED] ceased to exist and it was as if it was never there, and by what the personnel noticed it did not give any type of indicative on how it happened not a sound or light nor a sudden movement, and the process did not leave any type of a trace behind, and that was the only instance of this process being successfully observed.

Despite the subject claiming that they don't posses such capabilities, the Foundation did not try investigate further because from what they observed SCP - [REDACTED] does not disappear for extended periods of time and always is present in the necessary moments, also something observed was that often times after such disappearances the subject appears with new items such as foods like biscuits and breads and drinks like tea, juice or coffee and if questioned on the origem of said items it claims to have made or brought them itself.

Of course the foundations is suspicious about items with unknown origens so each time a item was brought to the facility it was thoroughly examined along those who consumed said items, and after 6 months of provem every time that all the items had zero negative effects outside the normal ones like eating cake in excess would have on a person that is doing exactly that, so because SCP [REDACTED] gave no reason to the Foundation believe that those "disappearance acts" were for some evil or negative reasons so they stopped examining every food and drink the SCP brought, with only a report with the name of the item and a brief description being sent to the site director at the end of every month

see SCP - [REDACTED] - B's Material observations for more info on the subject

Another characteristic of the SCP - [REDACTED] that some believe to be anomalous but most think otherwise is it's care, love and affinity with children, it is often seen taking care of children SCP's, playing with them or have the fall asleep while it is hugging them with one or more of it's tentacles, the anomalous part would be that the children SCP's love and respect SCP [REDACTED] back, but as nothing was found to indicate that it was a anomalous effect with even the SCP itself claiming to believe that this outcome is not anomalous in nature, this reactions from the children were credited to the warm motherly personality that also resulted in the personnel from site-71 linking SCP [REDACTED].


Reason for the Thaumiel classification - Clearance level 4 and special authorization or higher needed

Access Granted

The main reasons for SCP - [REDACTED] to be in this category reserved to the most helpful and treasured SCPs is because of it's ability to make items and substances, to be more specific:

Medicines that have different potencies and effects, from having a sedative or calming effect, curing poisoning and common diseases, regenerating a simple cut or bullet wound to regrowing lost limbs, with some working almost instantaneously to some months in the case of regrowing limbs(varying from severity), however, despite said medicines having a very positive effect on the overall health of the user, they can't make somebody immortal or revive the dead unfortunately.

Another ability is to make equipment from a material similar to SCP - [REDACTED] - B, while it is similar it is not unbreakable like SCP [REDACTED]- B, however it is very light with 1.2 grams per square centimeter, it is also very resistant towards flames, pressure, electricity and other elements one of them being reality bending or magical effects, even blocking some non physical attacks, with a plate one centimeter thick being capable of easily taking .50 caliber rounds with the most damage done being 1 millimeters deep and 3 millimeters wide.

The material proved to be very efficient and useful especially for the various MTFs, with move specialized equipment made for special circumstances they may deal with, but something SCP - [REDACTED] refuses to do are weapons, with the things with most offensive capability SCP - [REDACTED] made were types of cold weaponry like sword and knifes, but even without a weapon made by SCP - [REDACTED] the equipment along the medicines used in the front lines did reduce the casualties rate by 78% and the overall mortality rate in the Foundation by 63%, both from the security personnel and MTFs groups to the non combatant personnel like scientists, ordinary staff and even D-Class. 

Even with the material being very hard to manipulate because of its properties, it was tried to make weapons with the SCP [REDACTED].1 from a generic protective equipment but the moment they were put together to become something with offensive capabilities they melted and soon afterwards disintegrated themselves, so after a few attempts with the same result the Foundation stopped trying to make weapons with it.

The principal motive however are a special equipment or container made by SCP - [REDACTED] using SCP - [REDACTED].1, however what differentiate it from protective gear using the same material is it's miraculous property of weakening or completely sealing of anomalous properties from objects, people or anything that "wears" said equipment or is inside said equipment, this equipment can allow the use of the partial anomalous effects of the user/object or/and more control over it's anomalous properties, it depends of the purpose of the equipment.

For example a reality bender who cant control it's power, if using the equipment, they will have a conscious control over their power that was once chaotic, that is the case if the equipment was not made to seal their power completely.

it is often made in the form of a collar or bracelet for anomalous beings, and in the form of a box or room for anomalous objects, the moment a being puts the equipment on, it shrinks to fit the wearer perfectly and if for some reason the user changes sizes or shape the equipment will change accordingly, it normally takes the appearance of a tattoo like object, for example if it is a collar it will appear as a black tatoo that goes around the user's neck, if a anomalous object is put inside this equipment in the form of a box or even a room it will cease it's anomalous effects.

 To remove it, it is only needed to touch it with a special key made from SCP - [REDACTED].1 and it will deactivate until removed and enlarge in size becoming loose and easy to remove, a few copies of this key are distributed for each site that uses this special equipment, and to reactivate it only is needed to remove it and put on again or just touch it with the key again and it will reactivate.

This equipment has only one big weakness however, it is custom made, that means that they are specially made by SCP - [REDACTED] for each anomaly, and if it's properties need to be changed for some reason,  it will have to be discarded and created again from scratch with the new properties.


And because of these 3 reasons it was changed from a Safe SCP to  a Thaumiel SCP, however for security reasons the knowledge that SCP - [REDACTED] is the origem of these medicines and equipment is only known to personnel with a clearance level of 4 with special authorization, higher than 4 or individuals with direct contact with SCP - [REDACTED], a example being Dra. Diana.

The discovery of these abilities:

the creation of medicine was discovered 2 months after initial containment because SCP - [REDACTED] distributed said medicine to the personnel on site-71 when a containment breach occurred that made multiple personnel injured, and the SCP - [REDACTED].1 material was discovered shortly after the breach,  with the latter ability only being discovered after SCP - [REDACTED] helped SCP - 053 who was in site-71 by making a special equipment to remove the negative effects that are caused by staying in her presence for more than 10 minutes, touching her or looking at her eyes, along helping the other children SCPs who reside on site-71 in the same way.

In the case of the third ability of the SCP that was discovered, one day SCP - [REDACTED] simply said "Wait, i have a idea!" while at the cafeteria that most of the site personnel was eating lunch or food that SCP - [REDACTED] brought, the moment it said that, it started moving at extremely fast speeds through the site towards their designated area in the loading bay and the moment it arrived, it entered a resting state and became unresponsive and only 21 hours later it entered it's active state again, normally it's resting state's period is 8 hours with this being the only instance that the period was longer than 12 hours.

By this time it was lunch time of the next day, it moved through the site at extreme speeds again towards cafeteria without colliding with personnel or the doors, but most specifically towards the site director, and upon reaching right in front of the director, it stated as the first special collar came out of SCP - [REDACTED] front side as if it was a illusion and was placed on the table: "I found a way to help 053! Just put this on her, however this one will only work for her" as the whole site respected and liked SCP - [REDACTED] the director immediately arranged for the collar to be put on SCP - 053 and a experiment he himself oversaw to be made, from start to finish the process was recorded, and upon seeing that it was a complete success, the site director made a call with response priority to the 05 council and informed of this discovery along the recording of the experiment, this event was a game changer for the Foundation and upon noticing this, the 05 council made a unanimous decision on how to proceed forward, and so they did.




" ]

One of the embedded agents in the police force from a small city in the state of [REDACTED] and the country named [REDACTED] heard a rumor that for some reason a young couple entered a stable in a abandoned old farm late in the night, and because it was dark they only noticed after some time that inside the stable were what they saw a giant black cube with a unknown symbol on one of it's sides, and after this discovery they returned home and became crazy and soon after became ill, however no one dared to investigate further because that farm was said to bring misfortune and was haunted by evil forces.

Upon hearing of this rumor, the agent reported back to the Foundation and the couple were put in a quarantine because of contamination risks, and a temporary MTF team was arranged to investigate the anomaly, 3 members were specialists from the MTF ETA-10 "See no evil" and 3 were specialists  from the MTF Beta-7 "Maz Hatters", with other personnel outside the farm as support. And as a precaution, the leader for this team was Mr. Carlson a experienced member from MTF lambda-5 "White Rabbits".

The reason for such team was that it was suspected that the object had some type of cognito-hazard because of the symbol and the couple supposedly turning crazy, and also was suspected to have some kind of radiation like effect because the couple became sick some time after the discovery, Mr. Carlson was there both because of his excepcional leadership skills and in case the anomaly had some space altering effect.

The following is the transcript from the footage of the body can teams as they arrived on the suspected farm during the day.


Start of the initial investigation:

The armed team firstly investigated the abandoned house of the farm, investigating each room for any anomalous items or energy signatures with their equipment, upon finishing with the house and finding nothing abnormal, they proceeded to the stable where the anomaly was suspected to be. 

The team leader informed his team and the "base" that was watching the live transmission from their body cams.

Leader: The house is clear, we will proceed with caution to the stable, stay alert.

The team arrived at the stable that had it's door half open, they were prepared for anything that might happen, but they were aware the anomaly was not a immediate danger because the couple survived the encounter.

They entered the stable without incidents and they immediately spotted the anomaly, and they informed the base that they found the object, it was a pure black smooth cube of about 5 cubic meters in size with a symbol in it's front, they were not worried about being affected by the cognito-hazards or energy related effects because their special equipment and suits protected them from such dangers, and as their equipment did not alert them of any hazard they proceeded to investigate the area surrounding the cube and as they did found nothing they proceeded to examine the cube itself with the special tools and sensors they brought.

Outside of small gestures they were silent the whole time, and they continued silent with only saying the result of the set of tests they were making such as "clear of cognito-hazards" and "no abnormally detected", and after detecting no anomalous effects, energy signatures, space, reality or time distortion they were reporting their findings to the base a unexpected thing happened.

The object "spoke" to the team while emitting a slow low pitched sound, and the whole test process and interactions was being watched by the base.

Leader: Reporting to base of operations, strangely enough all the tests we made did not show any of the anomalous effects we suspected it to have, it is only a strange big black cub-

The object: Oh, you finished, by the looks of it.

All members of the team instantaneously pointed their weapons towards the object while remaining silent, they were alarmed and worried of course, their main worry was that the object might be emitting a type of cognito-hazard effect or a type of meme, but to their relief their special sensory filters only detected that it was emitting a form of intent or meaning similarly to when a person is talking, the data showed that it was inside what are considered normal levels for common speech, but the teams remained silent for a few seconds waiting for any kind of thing to happen, but the entity did not make any kind of movement but it spoke again.

The object: Don't be shy, i know that you can hear and understand me, and oh my, from what i can see you are from the SCP Foundation, or you might call it only "Foundation", i can't be sure. This will make things easier, i wish to speak to Dra. Diana who currently works on site-71.

The team was silent and immobile waiting orders from the base on how to proceed, and after a quickly analysis of the live data from the sensors on the suits of the team, the base gave orders to the team leader on his ear piece.

Base, lead researcher: You can interact with the entity, but try not to anger the entity and on any sign of it trying something dangerous, you team is to retreat immediately. And one last advice to the whole team, try not to give yourself a tittle of any kind such saying your own name or claiming to be something like a employee or soldiers, if you have to state your name or title, you must describe it using concepts such as "my name is colorless, and is the sound of rain falling on dirt", be careful.

Before Carlson could interact to the object, it "spoke" to team and possibly for the base too.

The object: I see, you are suspecting that i am one of those name thief, then you can rest assured, even if i had such capabilities i would never switching places with something so weak, and it is obvious that those with a desirable power can defend themselves very well, but also carry a lot of weight that makes the switching not worth it.    

Leader: Why do you want to talk to Dra. Diana? And how you know about the Foundation?

The object: It is for personnel reasons, but if you are wondering if it will bring harm or trouble, it will not, the reason is a silly thing, really. But i will not tell it. And about the second part, it is not strange for a well traveled being to know a thing or two, like the Wandsman group. I believe you will label me a SCP or something similar, and i will be cooperative, but in exchange for being allowed to interact with Dra. Diana i will help the Foundation in the future, and believe me, this trade will be worthy, to be clear this trade is completely unfair, to me, as it will only benefit you, immensely.

Leader: Wait a bit, i need to talk with my superiors about this. Base, do you copy it? 

Base, lead researcher: We do, wait just a moment while discover who this doctor is.

The base did a quick investigation and found that Dra. Diana was indeed a researcher working on site-71, a low risk site, but they did not find anything noteworthy about her, the only notable thing being that she worked with a few children SCP's. And they knew that if what the object were saying were true, even if the object's intentions were bad or evil towards the doctor, the Foundation would be willing to sacrifice a single doctor for something that would benefit humanity as a whole without bating eye.

As the Foundation would not miss the benefits from having a cooperative anomalous object, the base informed Carlson to tell the SCP object that they accept the deal, and to escort it to the site-71 where it will be further examined and tested if possible, and posteriorly interviewed for further answers.

Leader:  We accept the deal, but you will have to come with us, can you move on your own?

The object: Yes i can, as i said i will cooperate but that will depend on your side actions, so don't go shooting me for silly reasons.

The record shows that when the object finished stating that, it became smaller to around 3,2 meters tall, and 1 meter wide floating slightly above ground, this action made the team members who were alert even more alert but hearing the object and seeing that it did not make any more movement they did not open fire, and the only thing the object was become smaller and "say" the following: "I am ready to leave"

Leader: Ok, follow us.

The object was escorted to the transport vehicle with three agents behind it and three plus the team leader in front of it, and upon entering the vehicle, the team members were inside the vehicle with the object in the same way, three on it's back and four on it's front.

As the base had instructed the object was escorted to site-71 where it would be dealt with, and as the object promised, it cooperated during the whole process, but it did not speak more than necessary with the agents.

End of the initial investigation.

It was discovered just half days after the couple were put in quarantine that the couple were not being affected with anything anomalous, but in fact the people of the city only claimed that the couple was crazy because the people did not believe the couple or choose not to hear the couple story with attention, but the fact that they became ill was indeed true, but not anomalous in nature, it was just the result of high levels of stress that in turn were the result of being labeled as crazy and liars by those close to them.

The day this discovery were made was also the day where the anomalous object was recovered from the farm.

After the discovery the couple was convinced that they only saw a big wooden crate used to store a small tractor and because it was dark they mistaken the shadowy crate for a strange black cube, they were also told that the crate had to be removed along the tractor because when it was investigated it was discovered to be in a dangerous state where the tractor was leaking some chemicals that could hurt those who were wandering the stable, but that the couple was lucky because what they got was just stress from being called liars by the entire city. The couple believed the story and were let free soon afterwards.

to see what happened after acquisition see Interview Log 001.

It was labeled SCP - [REDACTED] after arriving on site-71, and classified as "SAFE" because of it's easy to contain procedures and also because of it's cooperative and friendly nature. 




Interview logs:

Interview Log 001

This is the the written report on the recording made after SCP - SCP [REDACTED] arrived on site-71 and was examined for any harmful effect, the parties involved into the questioning were the SCP subject and the one responsible for asking the questions who is Dra. Diana upon the request of  the SCP that was when he was first encountered by the investigation team, as the SCP would not talk important matters unless it was with Dra. Diana who was working on site-71 at the time and still work on such site.

A observation made during interview was the the SCP was using their preferred method of speech during the whole interview despite claiming to be able to do more in the same interview, and its preferred method of locomotion it used since he was first discovered is to float slightly above the ground.


Start of the interview:

The SCP was alone in the room with only the recording devices a spy-mirror on the wall, a table which the SCP was facing and a chair on the opposite side of the table facing the table and the SCP. Dra. Diana was informed of the situation and quickly went to do the interview with the Foundation standard questioning script with a few extra questions, upon arriving at the room the door opened for her and she entered with the door closing automatically behind her, she seated herself on the chair and began with the interview.

Dra. Diana: Hi, from what we know, you have the ability to "speak", so we have a few questions for you.

SCP - [REDACTED]: Hello Diana, i can indeed speak, but i will only answer the questions that i am able to.

Dra. Diana: Because it seems that you knew of the Foundation and somehow knows my name, making the request to speak specifically to me, the first question is how you knows about these things?

SCP - [REDACTED]: Firstly, we know each other, but it seems you do not remember about me, secondly, about the Foundation, to be clear i know about a Foundation and is very unlikely that this one is the same as the one i know about, but every Foundation should be familiar to this type of situations or at least be knowledgeable of similar situations.

Dra. Diana: Well, for now let's proceed with simpler questions such as what you are and do you know what you are, there is more of you or like you?

SCP - [REDACTED]: what i currently am, is rather hard to say, but i was once a normal human, if you are asking if there are more people who were normal and became something else, then the answer is yes, but those in the same situation as me? Then the answer is only a few, but is almost impossible for them to know or interact with one another, with only one or 2 per cluster of universes, which means that if i am here you probablly wont be seeing others like me any time soon. But if you are asking if there other exactly like me out there, then the answer is no.

Dra. Diana: Can you tell how you became this black box?

SCP - [REDACTED]: It appears that we have a silly misunderstanding here, I am not a box, i am inside the box, it is more of a convenient tool that i am familiar with using for daily activities.   

Dra. Diana: The next few questions are simply about name, age, sex and specie.

SCP - [REDACTED]: The first name i had is no longer relevant as i am no longer that person but you can call me "Konton no Akuma" or just No-Aku. Age.... hhmmm, it's not that i am very old, but is more of because my travels, it was very hard to keep track of time so i don't think i can give an accurate number. In regards to specie as i stated before, it is a complicated matter so i am unable to answer, and by extension sex is also complicated, all i can say is that i am a feminine being.

Dra. Diana: Can you elaborate on that last part?

The SCP did not answer for the next 30 seconds, and after this pause asked Dra. Diana if she had any more questions, as to which she responded.

Dra. Diana: Actually i have only a few more, the first is, do you have any anomalous effect or ability that you are aware of?

SCP - [REDACTED]: I do in fact have a few abilities, but i am unable to show them for a reason or another or they are unimportant such as the one i use to move around.

Dra. Diana: Can you explain them?

The SCP again stayed silent for 30 seconds and Dra. Diana understanding that it was not going to elaborate on the answer she proceeded with the questioning.

Dra. Diana: Okey, so i have only 2 more questions, the first is, you know about the Foundation so you also know that we have to contain anomalies, which include you, and by the looks of it you are being cooperative so is there anything special that we need take in consideration when containing you? The second one, is that can you at least elaborate a little more on about what you mean when you said that "we know about each other", because i am sure i would know if i was close or saw a being like you?

SCP - [REDACTED]: Actually there at least one thing you need to know, it would be necessary and appreciated a empty space of at least 5 by 5 by 5 meters, it can be my containment cell itself or just a space not being used that i will be occupying. In regards to what i said about us, there is nothing to "elaborate", it is as i stated, we not only knew each other but were also very close, however at the time your name were not Diana, and by the looks of it you don't remembers any of it, which i think is a good thing to be honest.

Dra. Diana: I believe you wont elaborate as to why you need this space?

The SCP did not respond, so Dra. Diana choose to end the interview

Dra. Diana: Thank you for being cooperative, that will be it for now, goodbye. 

Dra. Diana exited the room with her papers and annotations. 

End of interview.


Pos- Interview:

Upon exiting the room she was subjected to a few tests and examinations and after passing them, she was allowed to give a report along the other researchers that were watching the interview on the other side of the spy-mirror who were also checked for anomalous behavior or symptoms.

In almost all the SCP's that are discovered, they don't come with a indicative of how to contain them, in those cases that are the majority, the Foundation researchers have to discover on their own how to contain these anomalies, but a SCP that basically contain themselves or are very easy to contain is always appreciated, so after the interview the SCP - [REDACTED] was escorted to the site large outside patio while complying to the orders received and talking only the minimum.

When the group arrived SCP - [REDACTED] went to the designed space in the corner and expanded turning into a cube of 5x5x5 meters in size, and gently touched the ground, this action obviously alarmed the guards and the researcher who were responsible for watching it, their response was to aim their guns at the SCP, but the moment it touched the ground it became unresponsive, only returning to its "normal" size 8 hours later entering it's active state, with guards and researchers watching the SCP the whole time.

Noticing that it became somehow unresponsible the researcher present called a equip to do a few tests on the material of the box, and it was during those test that they discovered that the box was basically indestructible because none of the tools they used could damage the box in any way, all they discovered was that it is made from a unknown material, it was not any of the ones the Foundation knows about.

When the SCP turned back to it's "normal" size it was questioned as to what it did, and it only said that it was just sleeping, this being the first recorded time it entered it's resting state and after this event for the next few days it did not attempt to escape, do anything harmful towards others or showed any anomalous behavior outside of the "normal" ones, with the SCP being friendly and cooperative with the site personnel during the whole period it stayed in containment.

In regards to it's claims to know Dra. Diana, it were made a thoroughly investigation of her past and other personnel with the same name as her, but all of them came out clean, specially the Dra. Diana who the SCP appear have a interest on, she officially did not use any other name other than her current on, and no evidence of the SCP existence before it's discovery. And all the test and examinations made after the interview also came out clean, with the only notable thing being a slightly higher HUME level when Dra. Diana soul was examined, something not that rare in the SCP Foundation. 


End of the Report


Addendums and observations made about the SCP - [REDACTED]

Addendum 01-a

One of the few instances observed that SCP - [ERDACTED] was behaving in a manner considered to be violent was when multiple researchers were having a conversation but one the researchers involved was behaving in a manner that the other researchers described as "rude" and at the moment said researcher was behaving in such manner, SCP - [REDACTED] manifested a tentacle from it's side and hit the researcher behind their head, which the same researcher later reported that they felt pain upon being hit, despite not having any type of injure as a result of the hit received, they also later reported to feel as if they were being wordlessly reprimanded by SCP - [REDACTED] similarly to when his mom caught him doing something wrong like writing on the walls or trying to eat something bad.

Instances of a behavior considered "rude" by the personnel had a considerable decrease after this incident

Addendum 02

On the date of 12/▮▮/2▮▮▮ when the personnel of site-71 were having a party to commemorate the wedding between two researchers and after a year of initial containment of SCP - [REDACTED], the personnel present were in a line taking turns into giving the couple presents, SCP - [REDACTED] was also in the line and when it's turn came, it stopped in front of the couple and it's front side suddenly opened revealing a dark space which a tall woman came out from while wearing a long black dress that looked like a renaissance dress with a hat with a veil that made the entity's face hidden, it was seen to have a grey box in hand.

It was obvious but the personnel were not expecting this situation but the entity seemed to ignore the incredulous look it was receiving and simply walked closer to the couple and extended it's hand holding the box and gestured for them to take it, and they did as the curiosity of the couple and those present was " our curiosity was almost palpable, we could not wait to see the present as it was the first time "she" came out of the box" as described later by those present at the party.

The couple took the box and the woman went back inside SCP - [REDACTED]-B with it's "door" closing behind it. The couple were seen sharing a look of disbelief between each other upon seeing the gift inside the box and then hugging each other afterwards, the gift that was taken for examination and was shown by the couple to those present were 2 sets of pink baby clothes.

The party continued with a happy mood being shared by those present, especially the couple, and it was the only instance observed and recorded by the security cameras that day.

This whole event was recorded by the security cameras.

And a few months later after the party, the couple indeed gave birth to two girls that were twins, but is unclear how SCP - [REDACTED] knew of the pregnancy in advance.

Relationships with the personnel

As of the date of ▮▮/▮▮/2▮▮▮, SCP - [REDACTED] has show to have a friendly relationship with all the personnel it interacts with, the only exception being Dra. Diana, who appears to have a relationship that most personnel believes to be romantic in nature with the SCP - [REDACTED], normally such kind of interactions and relationships are strictly prohibited to happen between personnel and SCPs, however in cases where such interactions help in containing a SCP, help in keeping the SCP in a "docile" state, help maintain their mental stability or in cases that such relationship is beneficial to the foundation, they are allowed such as in this case.

However when such relationships proves to be something that would bring unwanted outcomes such as a site wide containment breach or would reveal to the public the existence of the anomalous, then such interactions and relationships are to be stopped immediately, be it by a simple separation of the parts involved or more forceful methods if proven to be necessary, varying from a simple reprimand for the personnel to a termination of said personnel if they become a high risk.  
