1: Back to the Past
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The waves surged high in the turbulent ocean, creating chaos all around. The atmosphere was filled with vibrations and tremors accompanying the scene of destruction. Rio Julian, the legendary Captain of the Ship, lay amidst the chaos, severely wounded with both his hands severed and his left leg missing.

In this dramatic moment, Rio pondered over his inevitable fate. Above him, the shadow of a giant creature loomed, ready to devour the entire planet. In his weakness, Rio assessed that this might be the end of his journey, even though he held the record as the longest-serving Captain among a hundred other captains. He finally faced a bit of irony related to the Dimensional World that might take him to a cross over between two worlds, DC and Marvel.

In his final moments, Rio remembered every wave he had traversed, every storm he had successfully faced, and every port that had been his destination. Despite his severely injured body, his spirit remained unshaken.

"At least, I have experienced the wonders and beauty of the oceans around the world," Rio whispered weakly. Though limited by his injured body, his eyes still held a glimmer of determination.

Amidst the destruction and the reality of his departure, Rio tried to accept his fate with a heroic side. He smiled, accepting that even though he might be the weakest among the other captains, his journey had given him invaluable experiences.

While the giant creature above him prepared to end it all, Rio Julian, the last Captain of a hundred captains, gazed at the sky filled with memories and took his final steps with his head held high.

Rio Julian was absorbed into the giant creature devouring the earth, as if sinking into endless darkness. However, suddenly, a blinding light emanated from Rio's clothes. Amidst the destruction, a brightly shining necklace appeared around his neck, emitting enchanting energy.

The light revealed a magical necklace that conveyed a message from the universe.

[Return necklace confirmed! The user will be forcibly returned before the Apocalypse, specifically one year before the Entertainment Apocalypse World begins! Prepare your ship! Strengthen your body! Become the Greatest Captain!]

A mysterious voice proclaimed the statement about the "Return Necklace," confirming that Rio would be forcibly returned one year before the Entertainment Apocalypse World began.

Rio, though still shocked, felt a new energy flowing into him. The mysterious voice provided instructions to prepare his ship and strengthen his body. In this grand moment, Rio Julian was presented with a new opportunity to become the Greatest Captain.

Rio Julian abruptly woke up in an unfamiliar room, gasping for breath. Fear reflected on his face, and cold sweat drenched his forehead. On an unfamiliar bed, his body trembled, still reeling from the extraordinary experience that had just occurred.

In the silence of this unknown room, Rio tried to piece together his blurry memories. With each passing second, memories of the ocean's destruction, the giant creature, and the magical necklace started to return to him. Fear on his face slowly gave way to understanding. This was not a dream; he had truly returned one year before the Entertainment Apocalypse World began.

Rio let out a sigh of relief and embraced this new reality. With a burning determination, he realized that he had precious time to prepare himself, rebuild his strength, and become the Greatest Captain desired by the universe. With a sharp gaze, Rio Julian was ready to face the new adventures that awaited him in a future that now seemed limitless.