Chapter 4 – Awakening Conqueror’s Haki!
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Boom! Boom! Boom!

The sound of steel boots' soles clanking on the ship's plank echoed repeatedly.

"Captain Peter is finally here!"

"Great! These guys are dead."

"Captain Peter, you must avenge my brother Kevin!"

In the surprised eyes of the three slave traders, a man over two meters tall, wearing full-body medieval knight armor, holding a shield in his left hand and a longsword in his right hand, walked down the cabin corridor.

Behind him, a man wielded a long knife and had a pistol on his waist.

Wearing full body armor was time-consuming, and it was very difficult for one person to don it alone, so the two of them struggled before arriving late.

Captain Peter's thick armor covered him from head to toe.

The full-body armor, weighing more than thirty kilograms, made it challenging for ordinary people to move around, but Captain Peter was different. His strength and endurance were far beyond ordinary people. After donning the armor, it did not hinder him much.

Moreover, being fully armored, he could directly ignore bullets from ordinary firearms and slashes from swords!

Captain Peter glanced through the sight hole in the metal mask and saw the young man lying on the ground.

"Damn it! Was Kevin killed too? Those guys... I'm going to kill them!"

He angrily struck the wall with his shield, venting his anger before stepping into the cabin where the four of them were.

Sephiroth heard unusual footsteps and glanced quickly.

"Oops! There's a guy wearing full body armor coming towards our cabin!"

Hancock's eyebrows furrowed slightly, and she said in a deep voice:

"We need to find a way to knock him to the ground first!"

"That way, we can take advantage of him being unable to get up and give him a fatal blow through the gap in the armor."

Sandersonia and Marigold nodded slightly and listened carefully to the footsteps.

Soon, a tall figure wearing full body armor appeared before the four people.

The three Boa sisters each lifted a wooden bucket filled with water and struck Captain Peter on the head.


The armored man was already on guard. He quickly sidestepped and swung the longsword in his right hand, evading the three barrels.

Swish! Swish!

In a flash of cold light, the barrel was cut into two pieces by the longsword and fell onto the ship's board.

On the other side, Sephiroth also seized the opportunity and rushed towards Captain Peter, attempting to throw him to the ground.

However, the next moment...

The arm wrapped in armor struck the silver-haired boy's chest hard, sending him flying backward to hit the cabin wall with a muffled "bang" sound.

The intense pain in his chest nearly made Sephiroth lose consciousness. He could feel several ribs in his chest seemed to be broken...

He was unable to get up and lost the ability to continue fighting.

Seeing this, Captain Peter immediately raised his sword and prepared to slash at the silver-haired boy's throat.


The sound of metal and sword clashing reverberated. Hancock hastily waved her sword, managing to deflect the opponent's sword and rescue Sephiroth.

Marigold took the opportunity to thrust her longsword towards Captain Peter, aiming for the gap in his armor.


The opponent leveraged his armor, quickly adjusted his posture, and used the shield on his left hand to push hard towards the orange-haired girl, knocking her to the ground.

Sandersonia, from a distance, raised her pistol and repeatedly pulled the trigger at Captain Peter.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The bullets hit the armor one after another, causing several sparks to fly, but Captain Peter, donned in full body armor, was unfazed. He simply ignored the green-haired girl's shots.

As he swung his sword to suppress the longsword in Hancock's hand, he swung the shield backhand and struck the black-haired girl on the right side of her head.

At that moment, it was too late for the girl to dodge. She desperately channeled the few armament haki energies in her body, concentrating it on her forehead to minimize the impact of the blow.

Boom! Plop!

After receiving the blow, Hancock was immediately knocked onto the ship's deck, a trace of bright red blood flowing from her forehead.

Captain Peter's attack skills were not superb, and could even be considered a bit clumsy. However, the opponent relied on the defense provided by the armor and physical strength far beyond that of ordinary adults, and managed to suppress the four of them without any effective resistance.

"Go to hell, brats!"

Captain Peter held the longsword in his right hand, aiming it at the black-haired girl's chest, ready to stab her directly.

Meanwhile, Sephiroth, clutching his chest, was half-leaning against the wall, his eyes still dazed.

In fact, when he responded to Captain Peter's attack, he could have used bat transformation to dodge the blow, but in his subconscious, he had not fully adapted to the fact that he had become a Devil Fruit user.

That's when the mistake occurred...

If Hancock hadn't been dragged down by him, she wouldn't have had to rush to save him, and she wouldn't have been instantly suppressed by the enemy, falling into danger.

If Hancock died, he would be the reason for it!

Thinking this, the silver-haired boy's mind filled with regret and unwillingness.

"I don't want this!!!" The boy shouted with all his might.


A majestic force erupted from Sephiroth's body, an invisible dark red wave of thunder and lightning flashing in the cabin.

Plop! Plop! Plop! ...

Except for Sephiroth and Hancock, everyone on the ship, including Marigold and Sandersonia, lost consciousness and collapsed on the ship's deck.

"Conquerors... Conqueror's Haki...? Only one in a million possesses the qualifications of a king..."

Hancock slowly stood up, wiping the blood from her forehead. She looked at the silver-haired boy with surprise in her eyes.

On Amazon Lily, many people had observation and armament haki, and they even had a set of simple and easy-to-understand tips for practicing armament haki.


Conqueror's Haki, this kind of power that only existed in legends, this was the first time Hancock had witnessed it!

On the other side, under the ability of the vampire devil fruit, Sephiroth's cracked ribs on his chest quickly healed, the pain subsided, and he finally regained the strength to stand up.

"Is this the awakening of my Conqueror's Haki...?"

The silver-haired boy shook his head blankly, his eyes still somewhat dazed.

He felt something erupting in his mind under the stimulation of intense anger and regret.

But then, there was a sense of fatigue in his brain.

When he tried to recall the previous sensation, he found nothing.

If the people in the cabin hadn't fainted all over the floor, he wouldn't have believed that he had just unleashed his Conqueror's Haki!

After Sephiroth tried in vain, he was ready to wait until later to continue his research.

He and Hancock first worked together to tie up the slave traders with ropes and then called Marigold and Sandersonia.

The slave ship was a fast sailing ship, about 20 meters in length, divided into three cabins. It was only a small ship with a wolf's head on its bow.

On the deck of the ship, six unconscious slave traders were thrown together.

"What should we do with these six guys?" Sephiroth turned to look at Hancock beside him.

The right side of the girl's head was hit by the shield, and some blood flowed, so she wrapped a few circles of white bandage around her forehead. It seemed that the wound was still aching, and she would furrow her eyebrows from time to time and use her hands to touch her forehead.

Hearing this, the girl with long black hair snorted coldly before speaking, "These hateful guys... just throw them into the sea and feed them to the fish."

"Yes! If we hadn't been lucky, maybe we would have lived a life worse than death in the future," Marigold also nodded in agreement, fully supporting Hancock's proposal.

"But if we throw them all into the sea, there will be no one to help us steer the ship."

"Can the four of us sail the boat to the next island?" the silver-haired boy frowned.

Upon hearing this, the green-haired girl Sandersonia patted her chest, which was beginning to take shape, and said with a confident smile, "Don't worry! In terms of navigation, I still have confidence... After all, the Kuja Pirates have trained me as a navigator since I was a child, and the four of us are enough to pilot this sailing ship."

Sephiroth looked at the six human traffickers and thought that if he had not been lucky enough to eat the vampire devil fruit, then the three women and he would probably have been sold as slaves, lost all dignity, and had to endure all kinds of cruelty every day.

Enduring physical and mental torture and becoming someone else's plaything reminded him of how, in the original work, those who survived after being enslaved by the Celestial Dragons basically all had severe psychological trauma, and there were even some, such as Tesoro, Boa Hancock, and others, with distorted personalities.

Thinking of this, the silver-haired boy's eyes became fierce, and the remaining trace of empathy for these people in his heart disappeared in an instant.

This is the world of One Piece where human life is worthless. It is no longer the peaceful era he lived in in his previous life! It would be too ridiculous to deal with these scum and take their human rights into consideration!

Sephiroth, who had made up his mind, had no sympathy or mercy in his heart when he took action.

At his request, the three women gave him the task of dealing with the six slave traders, while the three women went below the cabin to carry the bodies and clean up the traces of the battle...

The silver-haired boy dragged the six slave traders one by one to the edge of the boat.

His rough movements caused several people to wake up from their coma.

"Wait! What are you going to do?"

"I'm sorry, I was wrong. Please let me go!"

Facing the pleas of several scumbags, Sephiroth remained unmoved.

He stretched out his slender white right hand and pressed down on the six people one by one.

Under the influence of the vampire devil fruit ability, the vitality of the six people was directly drained by him, and they turned into a group of gray-haired old men.

Plop! Plop! Plop! …

Every time Sephiroth threw a person over the edge of the boat, there was a big splash in the sea.

These six scumbags, their vitality drained and their hands tied, were definitely going to die unless a miracle happened!

The afternoon sun shone on the silver-haired boy, warming his body, but his heart was cold...