Chapter 15: Rage of the beast
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I spent my time hunting small monsters instead of passively resting while waiting for my [Health] to recover completely. I reached level nine and was now closer to unlocking my first skill. The information from my human and monster memories conflicted; monsters had to enter an evolution stage to prepare their bodies for whatever skill they would receive.

Unlike humans, monsters didn't know about the skill they would unlock after evolution. Humans didn't have to go through evolutions. If they were lucky enough, the skill would show under [Class Skills] and be unlocked once they reached their required level. My situation was strange as I was a hybrid. Was I going to get the skill since I could see its name, or would I have to evolve to unlock it? I didn't know. The norm for monsters was a failed evolution, which worried me.

Any sentient entities I encountered were intentionally overlooked unless they had corpses they could sell or trade which could benefit me in some way. One of the humans I encountered had a level 19 corpse, which I bought for 8 gold coins. Maybe I was scammed; maybe I wasn't, and I didn't care as long as I got my benefits. Finally, the moment came, and my [Health] was full. Unfortunately, not much changed about this feeling, so I decided to eat the two monsters I stored leaving the one I bought for later.

Both gave me 15 [Attribute Points] and raised my [Dark Matter] by 245. The moment my [Dark Matter] increased, the hunger intensified again, confirming my suspicions. I added the [Attribute Points] to [Heal], making it 103 and boosting my [Health] limit to 515.

An idea was shoved into my mind, Just abuse the regeneration ability and get rid of the dark matter. I assumed it was probably by Atreus since I've done the same to him previously. I nodded in acknowledgment then I flew high into the sky looking for a strong monster that could pose a challenge, one that could help me both ways. I wish I had known this from earlier, I would have allowed the lizard to whip me a few times. I regretted not using the massive guy to its full potential before eating it. A few hours passed searching and I finally found a suitable target.

Before me stood a serpent, towering at a majestic 9 feet. Its upper body was a canvas of black, adorned with scaly, muscular contours. Two arms extended on either side, terminating in sharp claws. However, the ominous two-meter black blade projecting from its left arm caught my attention. The creature bore wings and a human-like head, prompting intrigue. Yet, I pondered the feasibility of flight, given its substantial body size to the seemingly undersized wings.

Morphing into my human form, I landed behind it, diverting its attention to me. Get a couple of hits, then leave to recover, and come back later to kill it I thought, hoping nothing unexpected would ruin my plan. I charged at it with my fists, only to get slammed against the floor with its tail. For the first time, I was happy to take damage; I needed one more hit and I'd be satisfied enough.

I shook my head ignoring the pain as I got off the floor, and charged back at it. This time I got slammed harder and It didn't end there; it charged at me, whipping me with its large tail sending me flying a few meters across the area. This made me wonder why it didn't use any of its arms against me, maybe it wasn't worth it.

(You've received 54 damage from a level 36 Gluttonous Serpent)
(Warning: Health is below 25%)

That was quite enough damage; it would at least drop my [Dark Matter] by two hundred. I crashed into the ground satisfied by the result as my [Health] should be around fifty now. I limped dragging my heavy body to the nearest rock I could lean against to recover as I watched the serpent turning around completely uninterested in me, maybe because I wasn't worth any [Exp] for it or too small to fill its stomach but it would regret this decision soon enough once I fully recover.

Maybe it is just some brainless monster like a certain someone. What a lame joke, so I responded to it with another joke, "At least It didn't take 6 years to respond, like a certain someone. Right, Atreus?".

"I didn't come since I wouldn't just follow a strange voice in my mind. Like hell, who would?" I heard as he appeared next to me.

"Okay, fair enough. I didn't consider the memories getting sealed through reincarnation, that one is on me."

"I still don't understand how falling into the abyss teleported me to your cave. What do you think?"

"I'm as clueless as you. I have no idea how that happened. Any torn souls have no chance to incarnate."

"Do you mean I was lucky or what?"

"Maybe. You weren't the first attempt after all. Either someone interfered, or you were just lucky." I shrugged my shoulders; I had no clue how that happened. First, his reincarnation, then his falling into an abyss that brought him to where I was sealed; that was suspicious for sure.

"What do you think about this feeling? I'm sure you feel it too." I changed the topic, considering he was smarter at least he would develop a better idea.

"Eh, I will just assume our [Dark Matter] has to be equal to [Health] for it to disappear."

"Do you mean the limit for value itself or its limit?"

"The value, let's assume the dark matter is our monster part and health is our human part. Of course, we would need to increase the limit as well."

"When one part overshadows the other we feel uncomfortable in some way, ah I'd like to know how we would feel if our human side won."

"No, thanks. Not bad, but I will assume these are just your speculations for now."

"Well, you could just continue what you—" Yet another strange event; he suddenly disappeared for some reason, but I understood what he wanted to say anyway. I would probably ask him the next time. I didn't know how much time had passed, but it started to get boring alone so I went hunting until I was completely healed. My [Exp] was 356 and my [Dark Matter] was 1080. The feeling calmed down; it was still there, but I could handle it for now. I took some time looking for the serpent, and shortly found it. At this moment, it was feasting on another monster a little less than its size.

I landed, taking my phantom form as my axes materialized into my hands. My footsteps grew louder, turning into stomps as my transformation was complete. It diverted its attention, slowly turning around to face me. It took a fighting stance, hissing at me, defending its prey. Finally willing to use those arms? My blood boiled with excitement for the battle; a level 36 monster was a good treat. Hopefully, it won't bore me...

The towering giant charged, slithering at me with speed beyond my imagination. In response, I shifted my stance into a defensive position just as it slashed its blade down upon me. The impact reverberated through my body, sending shivers down my spine. With every ounce of strength, I rebelled against the force, gritting my teeth as I finally managed to throw it back. Seizing the opportunity, I immediately lunged one of my axes at its lower body. The giant creature retaliated by whipping me with its tail. Fortunately, I reacted swiftly, blocking the attack by jumping back to avoid the full impact.

Oh shit! I grimaced as the massive creature tore the axe from its body and held it with its other arm, reminding me of my earlier mistake. I shouldn't have done that! Thinking quickly, I summoned my heavy sword from my domain, aware I would be at a disadvantage if I continued with just one axe. Clutching the sword firmly with both hands, I charged back at the behemoth that was advancing toward me.

The metallic clash reverberated through the air as our weapons clashed once again. The battle raged on then it altered its tactics as its attacks were repeatedly deflected. I found myself using the sword as a shield, protecting my body from the relentless blade stabs. Simultaneously, I had to maintain my momentum, dodging the occasional axe strike coming from the side.

Weariness crept through my body as the serpent overwhelmed me, its massive size that surpassed mine several times gave it a huge advantage against me. Unlike the Armored Vaaranus, this one had itself protected well. Maybe aim for one of its arms A pulp lit in my mind as a thought crept in. It was indeed a good idea. As time passed I waited patiently for an opening to execute my plan and then it arrived.

I managed to send the axe flying its arm as it went into an unbalanced state, and then I jumped high aiming at its blade. I mustered all my remaining strength as I slashed vertically aiming at the highest point of its arm. The sword made contact with a scaly arm failing the peirce it. Disappointed in this failed attempt, I decided to retreat quickly as this was a lost fight.

Suddenly as I attempted to retreat I was caught by it, its arm warped around me and held me tightly. Unable to free myself using my arms I resorted to biting it. I dug my teeth into the claws holding me which made it hiss loudly, it is not mad now, is it?... Then with sheer force, the serpent slammed hard against the floor. My bones creaked as I met the warm ground in an impact that sent cracks spreading through it as I spat a mouthful of blood caused by the injury.

A couple of slaps continued to rain down on me messing me up further, I was unable to move as I was completely fucked now. I gave up letting my conciseness fade slowly signaling my counterpart to take over the body as I was drained. I finally closed my eyes as I watched the snake turn around returning to its meal.


I took over as Darak's conciseness faded completely, my body refused to listen to me as I tried to act dead for a moment to recover some of my strength to escape. Not again... I felt what happened with Darak earlier was happening to me now. The body was acting on instinct and I knew I wouldn't be able to control it until the [Dark Energy] ran out. SHITMAN, it was around two hundred and fifty meaning it would take a while now. It wasn't a good thing, I prayed in silence that it wouldn't end up killing us, hopefully...

My body struggled in a couple of failed attempts to get up, and every time I collapsed to the terrain causing a light wave of pain to crawl through my body As if I was not hurting enough right now. After a few failed attempts, my body finally gave in, and I found contentment in the final result. Around five minutes passed before my body attempted to rise again. Surprisingly, this time it was successful; it seemed we healed faster in my phantom form. This revelation sparked an idea. Why not learn from it? However, a sudden realization struck me. Why was it leaning like that? I was puzzled as I felt my hands touch the surface, was I going to move on all fours? Maybe not everything it did was worth it.

I felt it inhale a massive amount of air as my vision was diverted slowly to the darkening sky above me then I suddenly felt my jaws split open as a terrifying scream echoed traveling through the abyss. Great, that's what I just needed! Now we can attract every sentient around us. I whimpered in annoyance, Darak spent most of his time avoiding Humans and Elves, and now our body just gave out our location. The serpent turned out facing me in displeasure, it was frustrated by the constant interruptions. I felt my body inhale once again in preparation for another one, and then the terrific roar came out once again, this time directed at the behemoth facing me which looked unfazed.

Loud growls escaped my mouth as my body clawed against the floor with my arms, and then it charged at the towering behemoth with incredible speed. Hell, I never knew I could run this fast. With a rough thrust, I flew in the air as I lunged at the serpent's chest. My right claw pierced through its scales like a drill that supported my body, then with a swift pull, I lifted my body until I was face to face with the lizard. Its claws came closing in an attempt to pull me off its chest only to be slapped off and repelled back by my free arm forcing it to bite my left side with its fangs.

This resulted in another failure as it failed to pierce my scales, Interesting, it seemed like we both underestimated this body. Despite the failed attempt, the pain coursed through my body. In response to the lizard's action, my body dug my teeth into the serpent's body easily piercing it. Then with great force, a chunk of meat was separated from its body which was swallowed directly by my stomach. It didn't take long and another failed attempt happened, the serpent that tried to stab me with its claw ended up piercing itself. My body took the chance to strike one of its eyes with my right claw rendering it completely useless.

Then with a couple more bites and a few stabs of my claw, the creature finally collapsed falling on the ground with a thud that shook the ground. No rest? My body started its meal directly the moment the enemy fell to the floor.

(You've killed a level 36 Gluttonous Serpent and gained 108 Exp)
(You've leveled up!)
(You've earned 5 Attribute Points)
(You've earned 1 Skill Point and 1 Ability Point)
(You've unlocked a new skill: Narco)

I felt refreshed. My purpose was complete, I could go home. The sight of the notification messages made me glad that our efforts didn't go to waste. A few minutes passed and finally, the transformation came to an end.

(Warning: Your Dark Energy is too low! Reverting to base form in 5 seconds)

I collapsed on top of the serpent once I was dried from [Dark Energy], I took it to the domain right before spotting a couple of humanoid figures closing in from far. I closed my eyes resetting on the warm ground keeping a little attention in case they had any sort of bad attentions.

Don't forget to follow, rate, or comment if you like this. The next chapter is on Wednesday, it will be an interlude for Narco.