Volume 1 Trailer
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A female narrator is heard. "Man, born from dust was strong, wise and resourceful. But he was born in an unforgiving world. So you may prepare your guardians, but take heed. There will be no victory in strength."

Roman stands at a counter, as his goons points their weapons at an old man behind the counter.

A male narrator is heart. "But perhaps victory is in the simpler things you've long forgotten. Things that require smaller, more honest souls."

Ruby and Asher sit at a table in a dark room, a single light shines above them. Asher touches the tips of his pointer fingers together with nervousness.

Ruby then starts doing karate. "Ahhh watcha!" She then accidentally hits her twin on the head.

"Ow..." Asher rubs his head.

"Ruby and Asher Rose." Ozpin is heard. "Where did you learn to do this." He shows them a table with the twins fighting on it.

Asher ducks under several bullets flying above him, before he aims his shotgun, Cataclysmic Edge, behind him and fires. Sending him shooting forward and he kicks a goon in the chest. Then he uses his semblance to get up into the air, after changing his shotgun into a scythe.

Then Asher slams the blunt end of his scythe onto the head of another goon as he falls to the ground.

Back inside the interrogation room Asher speaks. "Signal Academy?" He nervously chuckles.

We see Yang and Asher standing beside a Chibi Ruby at Beacon as Ozpin narrates.

"And what does two adorable children, such as yourselves, doing at a school designed to train warriors?"

We go back to the interrogation room.

"We want to be a Huntress/Huntsman." The twins say at the same time.

"You want to slay monsters?" Ozpin asks.

Ruby nods. "Yeah." Asher gives a slight so so hand motion.

"Well okay."

Ruby and Asher look at each other in excitement.

Then we see Yang hugging both Asher and Ruby.

"Oh, I can't believe my baby siblings are going to Beacon with me!" Yang cheers.

"Stop..." Ruby speaks in a strained voice, while Asher's face slowly turns blue.



We see Asher with his hands on his hips and giving a fierce look. "Asher Sarge Rose! You will address me as Sarge, got it?!"

Then we see Donut smiling with a an excited look on his face. "Franklin Delano Donut!"

Then we see Grif rub his tired eyes as his dog ears drop. "Dexter Grif."

Simmons gives a salute. "Dick Simmons... Sir!"

Then we see Asher standing in front of someone wearing a full suit of sci-fi looking space armor, that is brown.

Asher motions to the brown armored soldier. "This is Lopez!"

Then in an Auditorium we see a slightly dark skinned man, wearing a lab coat with purple pants. They have black hair with purple strands.

"I'm Medical Officer Frank DuFrense.... And I'm a pacifist." He announces.

Then we see DuFrense standing in front of Asher, Simmons, Grif and Donut.

"Alright, Doc, are we fine?" Asher asks.

"Uh, I'm not really comfortable with that." DuFrense states. "I'm not a doctor, I'm a medic."

"Well, what's the difference?" Grif asks.

"A doctor cures people. A medic just makes them more comfortable while they die."

"How are you even allowed to work here then?"

"It's settled, then." Asher starts. "Your name is now Doc."

"Alright, but I don't think It'll stick." Doc states.



Ozpin stands at the microphone on the auditorium stage. "You've traveled here today in search of knowledge. To hone your craft and new skills. But your time at this school will prove that knowledge can only carry you so far. It is up to you to take the first step."

Then we see Asher twirl his scythe onto his shoulders and smirk.


Lopez stares at Asher, Simmons, Grif and Donut, before he shakes his head.


Asher, Simmons, Grif and Donut watch Ruby cut the head off a Nevermore.

"Is that a Scythe?" Simmons asks.

"Sniper Rifle?" Grif questions.

"A Snythle!" Donut shouts.

The other three stare at Donut.

"What?" Donut asks.


Asher pumps his shotgun as he smirks, Simmons nervously laughs as he readies his Weapon, Grif whimpers as his ears drop and Donut grabs a couple blue grenades off his belt.

Asher yells as he charges towards a large group of Beowolves. The other three soon follow.

Then we see Asher and his team fighting against the Meta.

We see Pyrrha throwing Asher onto a training mat, and he groans in pain.

Asher is then driving his car with sunglasses on.

Then we see Asher standing next to Lopez as he aims a weird looking device at the armor solider's head.

Asher and his team enter a dorm, and their jaws drop at the pink colored walls.

Then Asher and his team, including Lopez, stand in front of the Warthog.

"So unless anybody has any more mythological creatures to suggest as a name for the vehicle, we're gonna stick with the Warthog." Asher then looks at Grif. "How about it Grif?"

"No sir." Grif speaks dejectedly. "No more suggestions."
