A New Weapon
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A young Kuino lays in a bed, a cloth rests on his head as he sweats.

"I remember that day, very vividly..." Kuino narrates. "I was very young then."

A tall elf, with golden eyes and long golden hair. She wears thin golden metal armor with leaf designs on it. The elf walks over to Kuino and rubs his head.

Young Kuino looks up at her and gives a smile. She smiles back down at him.

Suddenly the door bursts open and a short male with Fair skin, aqua green eyes, and short black-ish blue hair in shirt twin braids, bursts into the room.

"Myrrh!" The man shouts in panic. "We've got a problem!"

The male runs out of the room and Myrrh swiftly follows. Young Kuino props himself up and looks out his open door in question.

"Most of my old Familia went out to go take on a dragon. It wasn't an old or strong one, a young one. It had been recently terrorizing a village in some mountains and my Familia took on the job. The only reasons everyone went, was because my God wanted to take them to a nearby hot springs town for a small vacation."

Young Kuino slowly gets out of bed, nearly falling onto his face in the process.

"The only reason I didn't go, was because I grew deathly ill a few days before. So three of my Familia members stayed behind."

Young Kuino makes it to his door and peeks out into the large and glamorous hallway. The hallway is filled with paintings and expensive looking golden trinkets. Kuino's ears twitch as sweat falls down his brow.

"What happened?!" A high pitched voice screams out far into the building.

Kuino steps out of his room and makes his way down the hallway, he leans against the wall for support. His crimson eyes nervously look around as he slowly makes his way through the massive building.

Kuino makes it to the main entrance of the large building and peeks down some grand stairs. In the entrance to see Myrrh holding onto a very injured Hume Bunny. The male, with his clothes stained red, knees down to them.

Floating above them is what looks like a child petite body, giving her the look of a fairy. She has thick white hair cropped just above her shoulders, dark purple eyes, and light skin. 

She wears a long-sleeved white jumper and a night-blue cape flecked with stars, and white stockings with white boots. Rose-gold embroidery and shapes are attached to her jumper, boots, and sleeves.

The bunny is bleeding from many large wounds across his body and from his missing ear. The bunny whispers something as he raises his hand, but then he goes still as his hand falls.

"Everyone that went out to fight that dragon, had died. Haru said that the dragon was much stronger than what it was supposed to be, they lost several members while fighting it. And while they were regrouping and tending to the wounded, they were ambushed by another Familia. ...Haru had been the only survivor and ran back home, for two days he did nothing but run. But in the end, he succumbed to his wounds right in the doorway of our home."

Young Kuino's eyes shine in confusion and fear. Myrrh looks up the stairs, tears falling from her eyes, and she spots Kuino peaking around a corner. Her eyes widen and the other two look up and spot Kuino.

Kuino slowly makes it down the stares and reaches them, fear across his face as he sees blood pooling on the floor.

"Some would say that I was lucky to be sick that day... I... don't see it that way. I feel... I feel as if I wasn't sick, then maybe the others would have stood a chance with a little more help. That my... my mother and father wouldn't have died."

Days pass and the four surviving members of the Familia stand in a graveyard where a massive funeral service is held. Rain pours down on the hundreds of people that showed up. There are several gods there, including Kin, Dave, Hephaistos, Hermes, Freya and Loki.

Kuino just looks around in confusion at all the people, and all the newly made graves. Kuino then looks up to Myrrh, who's holding onto his hand, and asks. "Myrrh, what's going on?"

Myrrh looks down at Kuino, tears falling from her eyes.

"How do you tell a six year old, that his entire family won't be returning home?" Kuino narrates.

Many years go by and we see slightly younger than present Kuino. He walks through Orario with wonder in his eyes. A simple glaive rests on his back as he wears only a simple robe.

"I spent much of my childhood hiding in my room of my uncle's place. I... I was scared of the real world... It seems to child-ish to think about it now, but I was really scared back then. But I did do a lot of studying Draconic language. My god spoke it all the time, which always confused me. But I got the hang of it, and with that I also took up learning the Glaive. My uncle helped me learn fireball, which I love to use."

Kuino starts going around talking to people.

"When I first got to Orario I tried to get into a familia, but you know, most of them weren't accepting members at the time. And the others didn't want the kind of skills I had. So, I spent about six months doing odd jobs, just so I have a place to eat and sleep. A lot of it was at the Hostess of Fertility. But eventually... I found a goddess that took me in..."

Kuino stands in front of Hestia. She holds her hand out with a large smile. Kuino nervously grabs her hand and the two shake.

"Hestia... She's nice, sometimes quirky, but I don't think I want to be in another Familia. She's the perfect god/goddess for me. I am glad we got Bell a while later. He's one of the few friends I have."

"Come on, let me show you where we live!" Hestia happily drags Kuino through Orario.

"Everything was calm and peaceful for a while... Well until now."

Present Day Kuino hides in an alleyway, taking deep breaths and still holding onto Sophia in a princess carry.

"Oo rah! Druv los koros wah zey?!" Kuino whispers in draconic. He looks down at Sophia. "Miss Sophia, are you alright?"

She doesn't answer and he notices her face is all red.

"Um, Miss Sophia, why are you blushing." Kuino asks.

"Y-Your hands... are..." Steam pours from Sophia's ears.


Kuino then notices one of his hands is placed firmly onto her rear and the other is touching the side of her large bust. His face starts to turn red and he sets his friend on the ground. 

"Sorry, sorry!" Kuino shouts.

Sophia waves her hands. "It's fine... We were in danger, and you didn't notice." Her face turns more red. "It wasn't an unpleasant experience."


The buildings around them shake and they hear rumbling above them. The two look up and scream in panic as the Infant Dragon roars down at them.

"RUN!" Kuino yells as his ears tilt down.

The two take off down the alleyway as flames pour from the Infant Dragon's mouth. Sophia and Kuino turn down another Alleyway and barely avoid the flames.

"We need to get into more open ground." Kuino grabs Sophia's hand as they keep running. "We have a high chance to get burned in close quarters."

"Right!" Sophia's chest heaves up and down as she tries to control her breathing. 

Kuino's ears twitch as he hears rumbling above him. He looks up and spots the Infant Dragon above him, with its mouth open and a light shining in it. He grits his teeth and looks down the alleyway to spot a large metal lid.

Kuino lets go of Sophia's hand and shoots forward.

"Kuino?!" Sophia shouts in shock.

Kuino stomps on the edge of the lid, flipping it up into the air. He then spin kicks it up to the infant Dragon. The lid slices through the air and slams into the side of the Infant Dragon's face, making it shoot its flames into the side of the building. The Infant Dragon then stumbles and starts to fall.

Kuino grabs Sophia's hand and the two continue running, as the Infant Dragon falls into the large alleyway behind them. The Infant Dragon grumbles as it barely gets up in the tight squeeze it's in. It's red eyes stare down the alleyway and spots its prey far down it.

The Infant Dragon roars in anger and takes off running, cracking the buildings beside it as it moves.

Sophia whimpers in fear as she tightens her grip on Kuino's hand. Kuino sweats and his eyes look around in panic. He then spots an opening ahead and he gasps.

The two come out of an alleyway and into an empty clearing of buildings.

"We can't keep... running, Kuino." Sophia takes deep and heavy breathes.

"At least we made it to an open area." Kuino takes a few breaths.

"Um, Kuino... You can let go of my hand now." Sophia calls out with a blush on her face.

Kuino's cheeks gain a light dusting of red. "Sorry, but where is that Infant Dragon?"

Kuino looks back and his crimson eyes widen. The Infant Dragon bursts out of the alleyway and slams into the two. Both Kuino and Sophia go flying and crashing into the ground a little ways from the dragon and each other.

The back of Kuino's head slams onto the stone ground below him. His world flashes white for a second and he grunts in slight pain. 

"Ruth!" Kuino grunts as he speaks Draconic and he props himself up.

The Infant Dragon stares at Kuino as it stomps towards him. It lets out a loud roar as its tail slams into a few food carts behind it. It starts to run towards the Elf and his head droops in fear, but he notices that Sophia is in the path of the dragon. 

Sophia holds onto her right leg in pain, as some blood falls from the side of her head.

"Crap!" Kuino swiftly stands up and bends his knees. "With the swiftness of a dragon, I will catch you: Flame Burst!"

Flames shoots out the back of Kuino's legs and he zips forward towards Sophia. The Infant Dragon open's its mouth and flames pour out of it and towards the elf that's swiftly approaching it.

Kuino grunts in pain as he flies through a pillar of flames and grabs onto Sophia. Kuino and Sophia end up rolling along the ground and crashing through several creates before coming to a stop by Kuino's back hitting a wall.

Both Kuino and Sophia groan in pain. Some small flames around Kuino go out.

Kuino looks down at Sophia. "You okay?"

Sophia looks up. "Yeah, I think I sprained my leg." She then makes eye contact with Kuino. Ice Blue start into Crimson. Her face slowly starts to heat up.

"At least it's nothing too serious." Kuino looks up and spots the Infant Dragon roaring in anger and smashing several crates in anger, before turning to the two.

Kuino huffs as he stands up and lays Sophia against the wall.

"Stay here and keep quiet, I'll keep it away from you." Kuino says.

"But-" Sophia holds her hand out.

Kuino grabs Sophia's hand. "Miss Sophia, trust me. I know I may not look like it, but I am definitely a level 2 adventurer. I may not have my weapon, but I can hold it off until help arrives." He lets go of her hand and runs towards the Infant Dragon. 

Sophia brings her hand to her large chests, and feels her heart racing through it. 'Be safe, Kuino.'

Kuino runs past a box with a large chain on it and he swipes it as he passes. The Infant Dragon runs towards Kuino while it roars.

"Come on, you overgrown lizard!" Kuino yells as he runs towards the dragon. "Let's dance!"

The Infant Dragon rears up as it reaches our Elf and brings its jaws down onto him. Kuino slides just under the jaws as they snap at him. He throws the chain around it's mouth and climbs up its neck and onto its head.

Kuino pulls on the chain and the Dragon's head pulls up. The Infant Dragon starts to buck and swing around, trying to get Kuino off it.

But the elf aims a hand down at its right eye. "Feel the wrath of these heavenly flames: Fireball!"

A small fireball slams into the eyes of the Infant Dragon and it roars out in pain. Kuino grunts as the flames burn his hands and face slightly. The Infant Dragon starts to flail around and smashes the back of its head into the side of a building.

Kuino coughs up some blood, but keeps his grip strong around the chains. The Infant Dragon keeps flailing around and the sweat on Kuino's hands makes him lose his grip and he goes flying.

Kuino flips through the air and barely lands on his feet as he slides a few meters. He stands up and wipes the sweat off his hand and brow as the Infant Dragon tosses the chains to the side.

Kuino's chest rises up and down as he and the Infant Dragon have a stare down. Crimson stare into its one red eye, as the other is smoldering black from the fireball.

But then Kuino's ears twitch and he looks up to the side.

"KUINO!" Hestia shouts out as she and Bell stand at the top of a building. 

Bell looks a bit right up, though he's holding a black knife in his hands. Hestia waves a wrapped up glaive in her hands.

"CATCH!" Hestia shouts as she tosses the weapon towards Kuino.

The Infant Dragon roars and begins to run towards Kuino. Kuino runs towards the falling weapon.

The wrapped around the glaive fall off, letting the sunlight shine off its sliver blade with red and green jewels embedded into it. The Runes on the blade shine brightly as a red glow covers the edge of the blade.

The large blue crystal ball shines at the bottom of the glaive. Kuino jumps up to the weapon as the Infant Dragon reaches him and opens up its jaws.


Kuino grabs the bright red handle of the glaive and he feels power course through him and the weapon. The Infant Dragon snaps its jaws at Kuino, but he twists his body and barely avoids the jaws of death.

Kuino lands on the ground. "With the swiftness of a dragon, I will catch you, and end you: Flame Burst!"

Flames shoot out the back of Kuino's legs and he shoots forward. Then flames shoot out of his arms as he swings his weapon through the front left leg of the Infant Dragon.

Kuino lands a little ways behind the Infant Dragon as it lets out a pained roar and falls to the ground with a loud thud.

"Come on, Kuino!" Bell shouts. "You can do it!"

The Infant Dragon tries to stand up, but it can barley get off the ground. It turns its head towards Kuino and the elf flips his glaive around and points the curved end at the Infant Dragon as it opens its mouth.

"Feel the wrath of these heavenly flames: Fireball!"

A massive fireball shoots out from the blue crystal ball, nearly knocking over Kuino. The Fireball slams into the Infant Dragon, snapping its head back and it falls to the ground with a whimper.

Kuino blinks in surprise a few times, before he shakes his head and shoots forward. He flips his weapon around and shoves it straight into the dragon's stomach. 

The Infant Dragon lets out a dying roar, and then it vanishes, leaving behind a large purple stone. Kuino stays frozen as he takes several deep breaths.

"YEAH!" Hestia and Bell cheer.

"Yaaaay!" Sophia, who's limping over to Kuino, cheers.

People start to come out of their homes and cheer for Kuino. Said elf lowers his weapon and looks around at the people cheering for him.

Suddenly Hestia hugs Kuino from behind. "You did it!"

"Kuino, that was awesome!" Bell smiles as he reaches him.

"You're like a hero, Kuino!" Sophia reaches him. "Kinda like the Elven Hero Callon Aegnor."

Kuino chuckles and rubs the back of his head. "Oh, stop, you're all embarrassing me. Though, I think I'm nothing like Callon. He was taller, older, and much more powerful. Had weird jade green star eyes. I can't be compare to someone as great as him."

Sophia deadpans. "Kuino, take the compliment."

"Yes, ma'am."

Kuino smiles as he looks between his goddess and his friends, then down at his weapon. 

Kuino sighs. "What a day."

"Yeah, I guess so." Hestia's grip suddenly loosens on Kuino.

"Goddess?" Kuino calls out.

"Bell... Kuino... You two really..." Hestia starts to fall off Kuino. "...did a great job..." 

Hestia lands on the ground and goes still. Everyone goes quiet as Kuino and Bell's eyes widen.

"GODDESS!" Bell screams.

"Goddess!" Kuino shouts, but he suddenly feels something and he looks up to the rooftops and sees a figure in purple disappear.




The Hostess of Fertility is busy as night falls. Yet Kuino and Bell sits under a set of stairs that lead up, in front of a room that their goddess is sleeping in.

Kuino's new glaive is resting on the ground next to him. His ears twitch as he stares at the door.

"How is she?" Syr asks as she stands on the sets leading to the pub. The two look back at her. "Is the goddess alright?"

"It looks like she just passed out from exhaustion." Bell informs. "Sorry to trouble you. You even let her a bed."

"We help each other out in times of need. Mama Mia gave her permission, so don't be in any rush. Stay as long as you like." She frowns. "Besides, when you get down to it, if I hadn't forgotten my purse, you never would have gotten involved in all that, Bell. I'm sorry."

"N-no, it's not your fault, Miss Syr." Bell bows to Syr.

Syr then smiles. "Oh, yeah! Everyone in town's talking about you two! They're saying how gallant you two were, fighting those monsters."

"Oh, no I wasn't. I was juts running around him."

Kuino looks away as his ears droop. "I was just running away."

Sry glances away. "That's not true. Actually, I saw some of your fight, Bell." She leans up and whispers into Bell's ear. "And I liked what I saw."

Syr moves back and hies part of her face behind her tray, as a blush grows on Bell's face.

"I have to help serve." Syr informs. "I'll come check on you two later!" She walks off.

Bell glances at Kuino. "Was she teasing me, or...?"

Kuino shrugs his shoulders. "It's kinda hard to tell with the girls here."

"Bell? Kuino?" Hestia's voice echoes within her room.

The two smile. "Goddess!"



Bell and Kuino sit at the side of Hestia's bed as she's sits up on it.

"You really scared us, suddenly fainting like that." Bell says, and Kuino nods.

"I guess I was more tired than I thought." Hestia states. "Sorry for worrying you."

"Miss Syr and the others told us the other monsters aside from that Silverback and Infant Dragon were all defeated. Apparently, Miss Ais Wallenstein helped, too."

Hestia suddenly pouts. "Oh, you don't say."

"Oh!" Kuino's ears shoot slightly up, and he grabs his Glaive. "Goddess, what's with these weapons?" Bell holds up his knife.

"It's singed 'Hephasitos' on the handle of my weapon and the scabbard of Bell's. Is that as in..."

Hestia leans close to Kuino. "As in THE Hephaistos! The one and only." She leans back. "I know two you two are always pressing your face up against Hephaistos' shop window. It may not be exactly what you two wanted... But they're the only ones of their kind in the world. Isn't it great? I don't want to just watch. Just being taken care of... Just being saved... I hated it."

"But, where did you get the money?!" Bell asks. "Hephaistos Familia weapons are incredibly expensive!"

"That's all taken care of. You two said you wanted to be strong, right? Well, didn't I say I'd help you two? Let me help out this much, okay?" Hestia smiles at the two, and Bell starts to cry. Kuino has a large smile on his face as he piratically hugs his weapon. "I want to be your strength, more than anyone or anything else. Because I love you two."

Bell sobs. "Goddess... Goddess..." He hugs Hestia tightly. 

Hestia hugs Bell back. "Please, depend on  me always. Because I'm your goddess."

Bell continues to cry, and Kuino smiles as he's lost in thought.

'I remember that day, very vividly...'



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