Emerald Forest
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Asher laughs as he flies through the air, his yellow scarf flapping behind him.

"YEAHHAHAHAHA!" Asher cheers and he grabs his shotgun off his back and fires a few rounds in front of him, to slow his momentum. 

Asher then flips his shotgun around and stabs it into the side of the tree and swings down it. Asher lands on his feet with a thud and his scythe held out to his side.

Asher then stands up as he twirls his scythe around and rests it over his shoulder. "I'm such a baddass."

Asher then changes his scythe into a shotgun and loads several shells into it, before putting it on his back. 

"Now... where to go?" Asher questions as he starts moving north. He moves through several bushes and past many trees. "Where could Ruby be? RUBY?" A bush rustles next to him. "Ruby?" A pack of Beowolves come out of the large bush. "Wait a minute, you're not Ruby. She wears more red."

The Beowolves growl as they approach Asher.

"Well... I guess today is a good day to die." Asher pumps his shotgun, then runs towards the grimm. "YAHHHHHHHH!"

Asher's actions startle the grimm and Asher blows one of their heads up with a blast from his shotgun. A Beowolf lunges at Asher and he uses his semblance to get up in the air and fall on top of the Grimm, blowing its head off as well.

Then he jumps back with his semblance and changes his weapon into scythe form and slices another Grimm in half. He then stares at the last two Grimm in front of him, only for two blue things to stick to their heads.

"Are those spiders?" Asher questions, and the blue things blow up, killing the grimm. "Nope."

"I did it!" Donut yells from the side. He puts his hands up in the air. "I saved the day."

Asher looks to the side and makes eye contact with Donut. "Well, I guess that makes us partners."

"Good to see you, Asher!" Donut runs up.

"Call me Sarge."

"Okay. Good to see you, Sarge!"

Asher rests his scythe over his shoulder. "Well, let's head towards the temple."

Donut nods. "Right."



Asher and Donut walk through the Emerald Forest. Donut is talking while Asher has a bored look.

"Compost is rich in nutrients and therefore increases the fertility of the soil." Donut speaks. "Although fertilizers also increase fertility, they are artificial chemicals that can pass through the soil to the water, and these chemicals can be fatal for aquatic life. But It increases crop yield and disease resistance in plants."

"Donut." Asher looks towards him.

"Yes, sir?" Donut looks at Asher.

"Shut up."

"Yes, sir."

The two continue walking in silence as a bird chirps as it flies overhead. But then some yelling and gunshots echo nearby.

"Shoot it!" Grif shouts in panic. "Shoot it!"

"I'm trying!" Simmons shouts in panic. "I'm trying."

Asher glances at Donut. "You hear that?" Donut nods. "Let's go!"

The two start running towards the gunfire. When they reach the source of the panic, they see Grif running from a Boarbatusk with Simmons trying to shoot it.

Asher looks on in disbelief." What in the Sam Hell, is going on here?"

Simmons and Grif hear him and they look over, with Grif coming to a stop.

"Asher!" The two shout.

Only for Grif to get rammed by the Boarbatusk and sent flying. "Fuck!"

Asher sighs and shakes his head, as the Boarbatusk starts to charge at him. Asher chances his scythe into his shotgun and fires a shell at the grimm. The Boarbatusk falls to the ground dead, and slides over to Asher, with him putting a foot out to stop it from sliding into him.

The grimm starts to disintegrate as Asher ejects the spent shell from his weapon.

"What was the pathetic excuse of shooting, Simmons?" Asher asks.

Simmons sighs and reloads his weapon. "Sorry, Asher."

Grif is heard groaning in the background. "Yeah, I'm okay, thanks for asking."

"Shut up, Girf." Asher orders.

Grif grunts as he gets off the ground and everyone regroups.

"OK, if we keep heading north, we should reach the temple." Asher says.

"Good idea, Asher." Simmons says.

"Call me, Sarge."

"Got it."

"Ugh, I hope it's not far, my legs are killing me." Grif complains.

"It's only been an hour since the test started." Donut points out.

"So, my legs are tired."

"Fatass." Simmons mutters.

Grif dog ears twitch. "You got something say, kissass!"

"Hey!" Asher shouts at the two. "Now's not the time for fighting, we need to get going, before more Grimm show up."

Suddenly lots of growls are heard behind the group. They all turn to see a large pack of Beowolves, including several Ursai, walk towards them.

"Oh, shit..." Simmons blinks in surprise. "That's a lot of Grimm."

"Men..." Asher readies his shotgun. "Run away!"

Asher runs away and the rest follow him.

"A plan I can get behind!" Grif shouts.

"This is a great bonding experience!" Donut states.

"Shut up!" Simmons and Grif yell.

Up on a starting cliff, Glynda watches the four through her tablet. "I have a big feeling there going to cause a lot of trouble."

Ozpin takes a sip from his mug. "It'll be fine Glynda. I have a good feeling about them."

