To Fight For
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Mars slammed a biter to the ground, grunting as he surveyed the horde, the relentless creatures clawing at him as he maneuvered through the chaos.


The moon's glow highlighted his path as he pressed toward the forefront of the horde. “I can try luring these sacks of shit away,” he muttered to himself, panting.


Glancing at the stumbling, growling mass, he stretched and cracked his neck, only to hear a shuffle directly behind him.


Swiftly spinning around, Mars faced Doro, his bright orange eyes shimmering in the darkness as he swung a curved blade toward Mars.


Gasping, Mars backed up, narrowly dodging the blade. “You’re always fast!” Doro chuckled before making another swing. Mars sidestepped it quickly and delivered an elbow to Doro's side, causing a stumble. “Get him!” Doro grinned.


Spotting a broken wall nearby, multiple soldiers turned the corner within seconds, aiming their guns at Mars.


Ducking, Mars sprinted directly into the horde, bullets hitting the biters as they attempted to grab him. Some fell, and a few stumbled back.


“Get his ass.” Doro directed the soldiers, and they nodded before diving into the horde, mimicking Mars's tactic.


Doro couldn’t help but snicker. “Make sure they get their snack.” He observed as biters limped toward him.


Shoving biters aside, Mars evaded the pursuing soldiers. Grabbing a biter, he hurled it to the side and turned left, attempting to reroute.


The soldiers shoved biters in their confusion. Mars grabbed one from behind, thrusting it into a soldier who fell belly-first. A scream erupted as the biter sunk its teeth into the soldier's neck, blood spraying. Mars concealed himself within the horde as the remaining soldiers looked around, stunned.


Raising his knife, Mars slashed a biter's throat, causing black blood to splatter on his armor. Observing the confusion among the biters, he whispered to himself, “So these things immediately stop once you’re covered in their blood?” Making eye contact with a biter, he continued, “Let's put that theory to the test.” He said, letting out a biter-like growl and limping toward the soldiers.


Mars grinned, closing in on the soldiers. He clenched his knife and leaped, jabbing it into one soldier's throat, blood gushing out, gurgles echoing. “NO!” A soldier screamed, aiming at him.


Without hesitation, Mars ran over, lifting the gun and spraying bullets, hitting the biters. He body-checked the soldier into a tight group as they grabbed and pulled at him. 


“HELP ME!” The soldier screamed; his helmet fell off due to the grabbing. “No!” He tried to move, but a biter bit into his cheek, causing a loud scream of pain.


Mars faced the last soldier who pulled out a knife, a snicker growing on his face. Mars stared at the soldier, then began walking towards him.


Doro observed the biters, backing up as he heard his soldiers' screams. “Pain in my ass,” he groaned as silence took over.


Waiting for an answer, Doro spoke through his walkie, but no response. Spotting a helmet, he hollered, “Alright, come here! We got work to do!” No answer, just the helmet getting closer.


Doro tilted his head impatiently. “Come on, slow ass!” he kicked the ground. As the helmet approached, he saw more details.


Doro's eyes widened. “You fucking-“ he became enraged seeing Mars, holding what seemed to be the head of a soldier.


A knife stuck out of Mars's shoulder. “This bastard got me good,” he spoke calmly, looking at Doro, blood dribbling down.


Doro's heart raced as he backed up. Mars walked over. “You caused this,” Mars spoke. “You used the dead because you are weak,” he continued, stepping closer.


“Your men are just as weak and pathetic as you are,” Mars glared, tossing the decapitated head to him.


Suddenly stopping, Mars warned, “Tell Hora that if I see him, I will make sure he's the next head I cut off.” Mars growled.

Doro stared at Mars. “You could have joined us, you could have been part of a family.” Mars couldn’t help but laugh.


“That ain’t no family. You guys are killers.” Mars spoke. “We our doing our job!” Doro tried to justify.


“Your job?” Mars let out a loud laugh. “A job in a meaningless world.”


“You are stuck in the modern world. You’ll die because of it, just watch.” Mars spoke. “You aren’t going to kill me?” Doro spoke, holding his blade.


“No. Someone else has been wanting to for a long time.” Mars looked at the horde. “You better leave. You can’t handle your own horde.”


Doro clenched his blade, looking at his soldier's head on the ground. He then looked up at Mars. “You will pay for this one.” Doro pulled out his gun and aimed it at Mars.


Mars’ eyes widened as he immediately sprinted into the horde, Doro fired his shots, hearing a loud scream of pain emitting from Mars, Doro snickered and then walked over to the exit. “Fire it up boys!” He yelled, anger filling him.


Biters banged on the office door, Andy and Bob got prepared as Andy got paler within the second. “Andy.” Bob spoke, looking at him.


“Yes?” Andy slowly got up, pressing himself against the door in case they broke it. “Are you bit?” Bob asked.


Andy paused for a moment and shook his head before pulling him his shirt, revealing a scratch. “They still got me though.” He couldn’t help but smile a little.


Bob frowned. “Fuck.” He sighed. “Don’t be upset. This firework stunt is going to be hell for us. I’m already dying, you, boss, need to get out of here, find the others, and find someplace new.” Andy spoke.


Bob couldn’t help but tear up. “Fuck you’re fired for this.” Bob chuckled, wiping the tears away. “Been a pleasure working for you.” Andy let out a small laugh back, Bob handed him the fireworks and a lighter. “Give them hell boy.” Bob gave him a pat.


“I fucking will.” Andy responded and lined up the fireworks at a window. Andy used his spear to balance himself as he stood up.


Bob went over to the other side, opening the window. “Thank you, for everything kid. You showed me how to become a better man.” Bob smiled. Andy looked at him.


“No problem, little alcoholic.” Andy cracked a joke. “Oh piss off.” Bob responded and got ready, he let out a breath and looked at him. “Really, though. Thank you.”


Andy smiled and opened the window, a biter tried getting in but Andy shoved it away before clenching the lighter. “Tell them I died like a man.” Andy spoke.


Bob nodded. “You are a man, son.” Bob responded, tearing up even more before jumping out the window, a biter limping towards Bob as he swung the butt of the rifle against the biter and ran towards the cabins.


Andy flicked the lighter, casting a small glow. He looked at the approaching horde and weakly grinned. “Enjoy the show” he lit up the fireworks as the string got closer.


Suddenly, each firework rocket was sent hurtling towards the horde, exploding on impact and causing spectacular explosions. Black blood splattered around and body parts of biters flew into the air.


A firework flew into a biters head, entering it slightly as it growled, the growl was cut off with the explosion, black blood splattering as more rockets flew towards the horde.