– Love embodies existence
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I wonder what could be the reason behind the statement she made. I hope that her words are not meant to indicate a negative change in our relationship. It is difficult to accept, considering we had just entered into this partnership.

"I am curious to know why you believe that love is the embodiment of existence," she said calmly, while I struggled to find the words to express my thoughts, as my mind was in disarray.  

"From my point of view, the idiom 'love embodies existence' has a lot of meanings," I respond.

"I see. However, I believe that the only obligation to others is to show love," she expressed. "The world is vast, and we don't know everything about its parts. We only have the information that we see, and our presence is crucial in supporting others so they will be open to us wherever they are," she further elaborated, which prompted me to make a choice to express myself.

"I understand that we may indeed owe things to others, as their feelings and perceptions are impacted by our actions. They will think and care about what you have just stated," I explained, about the obligation. "In my interpretation, the concept of love embodying existence extends beyond just people; there is a broader, more profound meaning to it," I clarified, maintaining a serious gaze as I intended to continue the discussion.

"A deity is responsible for creating everything in the world, including both living and non-living things." As a Roman Catholic, I hold the right to express my thoughts on this matter. 

"The world is full of wonders on every front, be it the passage of time, the cycle of days and seasons, the establishment of relationships, the spread of superstitious beliefs, and the inhabitants are in motion, indicating that their mere existence is the driving force behind everything. At some point, the people are naturally drawn towards love through their experiences of happiness and concerns that command their attention. In essence, love embodies existence as it elusively passes and comes to us." I spoke with determination while she listened attentively, caressing my cheeks. She gazed at me as I positioned my hands on either side of her while she lay down, and I sat before her. The unexpectedness of the moment, combined with our manner of speaking, enriched the morning.

"Then this existence is the reason for everything that occurs and the beginning that evokes a perspective of sense of longing and vigilance," she realized, and I nodded in response.

"Why are you able to speak in such a manner?" she inquired, momentarily causing me confusion. However, I chose to express my thoughts on the matter.

"Perhaps I am thinking about the things around me, feeling them, learning about them, and envisioning them with a similar disposition, which allows me to perceive emotions in a similar way," I replied.

We remained silent for a while, and during this period, I pondered what she might be thinking. 

As I slightly leaned forward, my head approached her face without hesitation. She did not respond, but ceased caressing my cheeks in response to my gentle approach. 

"Mm," a low sound escaped from her mouth. Her fair skin, along with her soft facial features, allowed my lips to make contact with her cheeks and forehead. 

After kissing her, she chuckled with a smile, and I looked at her. I couldn't get her earlier words out of my mind. 

"I'm curious about the intentions behind your statement."

"A-About the 'l-love is challenging for me'?" she stammered in realization, and I nodded.

"Now, I found myself consciously stuttering as I suddenly recalled your earlier joyous expression turning sorrowful. I can't bear to witness such a transformation, so I abruptly chose to change the subject. However, I was unable to evade the matter as you made it known to me." She acknowledges this, and I am inclined to listen further, as it surprises me. We shared a moment of silence, during which I noticed her eyes momentarily lower and then rise again.

"When you said 'do you love me?' it left me feeling complicated within myself. Hence, it became difficult for me to convey and respond, and I didn't mean for my words to cause your expression to become sad. This is why I decided to change the topic," she admitted while wearing a concerned expression. I was rendered speechless and unable to respond. Once again, silence enveloped our conversation for a brief moment.


Hello everyone, good day to you all. I would like to take this opportunity to wish each and every one of you a very happy new year. May this new year bring you the best of experiences and help you forget any unpleasant incidents that may have occurred in the past. 

Firstly, I would like to apologize for the delay in releasing the next chapter of this series. This story was meant to be a short one, but life has become quite busy lately, causing me to lose track of time. 

As an individual who enjoys reading outside of this website, I stumbled upon Scribblehub by chance. It appears to be a website dedicated to hosting various content, and writing happens to be one of my hobbies. I am grateful for your continued support in reading my work, and I am eager to share the next installment of this series with you. 

Aside from this, I have recently discovered the statistics feature on Scribblehub. This website seems to have many exciting aspects and hidden surprises, and I am filled with anticipation to explore more of what it has to offer. Although I feel a bit embarrassed to admit it, this platform has managed to capture my curiosity and I am eager to uncover its mysteries. ... Once again, I would like to express my gratitude for taking the time to read this message. I look forward to sharing more of this series.