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Disclaimer: I own nothing

I had gotten back now, seated across a drowsy Fleur Delacour, watching her half-lidded eyes trying to focus on me.


“mhhh” she smiled, her eyes crinkling as she leaned her head forward on her hand.

“You’re drunk.”

“Yeah” she chuckled, “the good kind of drunk. This party is the one time I get to unwind you know. I enjoy Beauxbatons a lot, but I have responsibilities there. Home will…home.”

“Can I ask you a question Fleur?” I began.

“Of course,” her half-lidded eyes gazed at me.

“Why did you invite me to this party? Don’t get me wrong. As much fun as I’m having now, you hardly knew me yet you invited me for a reason”

“Why?” I said finally, asking a question that had been on my mind all evening. In as much as I had been enjoying the night, I wanted to know before she got even more drunk.

She hummed, a breathy sound from her mouth, then turned to the party.

“Oh I love this song. You have to dance with me, Draco Malfoy.” She stood suddenly, already skipping to the dance floor.

I looked on, exasperated as she beckoned to me. She really was as french as they come.

Still, I stood and followed her to the dance floor.

She then led my arms to her waist and hers wrapped around my neck, pressing her chest against mine. She led my steps and we began dancing slowly to the tune,

“You asked me a question, and to answer that, I need you to answer one of mine.”

“A question for a question, is that it?”

“Just humor me”

“Very well.” I acquiesced, interested in hearing her out.

“Tell me Draco Malfoy, how are you an Incubus?”

“Incubus?” I blinked a couple of times, in surprise. The question gave me pause, my mind racing to what I knew of Incubus.

Incubi were the male counterparts of the Veela and Succubi. However they were largely considered extinct.

In late 1600s, the Dark Wizard Ekrizdiz had discovered that chimera and homunculus created from Incubus flesh, retained the ability to grow and reproduce offspring, completely identical to the originator parent.

As a wizard whose workforce comprised of artificially created servants, this was a big boon to him and his plan for world domination, he immediately began capturing as much Incubus as he could find. The hunt was brutal.

The various magical ministries tried to save as many incubi as they could but Ekrizdiz kept on winning and his army growing everyday. And with tensions rising everywhere, especially as any town or location that took in refugees found themselves beset with waves and waves of Homunculus and Chimera attack. Hate festered and the objective eventually changed from saving the incubi to hunting every last one of them, putting them to the death and burning their corpses.

Hunted on both ends, it didn’t take long before the incubi were considered extinct. The remnants of succubi and veela were unable to birth male children, which led to them being forgotten and devalued creating the myth that veela could only give birth to veela and succubus to succubus.

This was certainly not covered in history back at Hogwarts in the boring lessons of Professor Binns and I doubted I’d see it any history books which were basically dimly coated ministry propaganda.

I found this written in one of the many journals in the Malfoy library.


RaceHomo Magi
 is not an incubus.

“Before you begin to deny,” Fleur's contemplative gaze fixed on me, her words cutting across my thoughts "One of the reasons I had my suspicions , Draco Malfoy, is the amount of tantric energy you emanate, so raw and pure clearly evident of a magical creature possessing an inherent core. At first, I thought it was some kind of charm, an effect, but then Re’em blood didn't evoke any change in you.”

I tightened my grip on her waist, now glaring at her.

Did she actually poison me?

“Oh don’t worry. It would be harmless to you either way. However due to the volatile nature of the blood you ingested, any and all effects of a charm or even a potion on you would have been undone if you were under any.” Her gaze sharpened now.

“Imagine my surprise, when nothing changed. I studied you, observed you closely. I've seen no enchanted jewelry apart from the heirship ring on your finger. So how are you practically lit up and infused with so much tantric energy that it exudes in every breath you take. Then I had an epiphany, if it wasn’t an effect of a charm or potion or a spell even, it had to an effect of your biology. A real life incubus, standing before me.” she said, sounding awestruck.

SystemWhat does she meanExplain, now!

User is a patron of tantric manipulation. User has been setin tune with essence of want and desire. To this end, User was outfitted with a magical core of tantric magic, created by halving the user's natural magical reserves.

Halving my magical reserves, halving my fucking magical reserves! Was this system trying to make me a squib!

MP: 100/100

That meant my reserves should be double this. A magical reserve with a cap of 100 was shamefully little to boast about.
Still, I considered it a minor setback. Leveling up was set to increase my reserves even without any plans of increasing it through rituals.

Beneath the MP, showed a bar filled halfway. I had initially assumed it represented my MP but as I focused on it, I could see
TP: 40/100
Why is it this low, System?

User has been wasteful with tantric energy, no control exhibited. Tantric energy is not like other forms of magical energy. It possesses a semi-consciousness in that it exhibits the inherent trait to reach out and ensnare. This is the reason natural born creatures of tantric magic have a problem with controlling their allure. It is also the reason people sensitive to it have been able to detect its presence in you. User is neither an incubus nor a natural born creature of tantric energy. User has no excuse. User must learn control.

I was leaking tantric energy like a faucet.

How was I just discovering this now?

User has not been around the opposite sex long enough to observe its effect.

What about my mother?

Narcissa Malfoy is User’s progenitor and thus despite the close amount of time spent together is immune to the effects of host’s ensnarement.

So basically the only reason I hadn’t noticed this was because I hadn’t spent more time around the ladies other than Mother?


I clearly needed to get out more.

“Well?” Her words shook me from my reverie and I realized that I had been staring straight into her clear blue eyes. The expectancy and subtle desperation in them visible to me, now I had an idea of what brought about the question. My next course of action was easy.

“Who did you tell?” I said, glaring at her, my hands now gripping her waist tightly, it was bound to leave marks. “Who did you fucking tell?” Turned my head around, feigning as if checking for a trap. Hook.

“No, no, you misunderstand me Draco. I haven’t told anyone. I want to help. I can help you.” Oh, It’s Draco now. Good. I was getting to her. Line.

“Help me how? What do you mean?!” I seethed, getting right into her face.

“You do not have to hide who you are with me. You have no reason to be scared. I understand that you’ve probably had to hide this, in fear of who you are and what being discovered had to mean for you. You do not have to be that way with me.” She pleaded. “My family’s line can be traced fairly far back from Aphrodite. Trust me. Nobody understands more than I do.”

Aphrodite? The goddess? Interesting.

“The hate, the scorn, the fear. You don’t have to worry about that with me.”

“You know nothing. You can’t help me. No one can.” I stepped back, dropping my hands from her waist. “I thank you for the delightful evening but I have to go now.”

“Wait, please.” She took my palms into her hands, staring into my eyes. “I can help you, you can trust me. You just have to let me in, let me help you get a handle on your magic.”
I took a step forward, I could practically feel her breath “I do not need your help Fleur Delacour. I have been doing well on my own.”

“Really? You didn’t even know about the leak till I told you”
“You’re drunk Fleur. Forgive me but I cannot take you seriously ri-”

She snapped her fingers and I could see a pink glow behind her eyes as they brightened and lost the dull of inebriation. More than that, in view of my sensing, I could see her magic undoing the neurotoxin-like effect of the alcohol in her system, reversing the impaired function of her brain cells; regenerating them anew like she was never drunk in the first place, a brief plume of steam released as she exhaled.

My eyes widened. This was some kind of wandless regeneration. Even under the view of my sense, I could tell that recreating the effect would be impossible for me especially as I still didn’t have control over my tantric energy.

“I’m guessing I have your attention now. This is just the tip of the iceberg Draco. I can show you all carnal magic has to offer. You just have to let me.”

I bite my lip, looking like I was torn and visibly debating it.

“At least, let me show you how to get your leak in control. I can show you how to keep a firm handle on it.”

“How?” Making sure my tone was that of hopeless resignation and of course, daring hope. Sinker.

She visibly brightened up now and said,
“Follow me.”

I found myself following her upstairs to a secluded alcove, far removed from the revelry below. There, bathed in the soft glow of flickering sconces, stood a red door. The crimson door stood apart, its ornate carvings etched with hidden meaning. Silence enveloped us as we stepped in front of the door, and her wand moved with deliberate grace, tracing an invisible sigil upon the door’s surface. The air seemed to hold its breath as the wards yielded, and the door swung open.

I stepped in, following after her. I was in a room ringed by gold statues of unclad women. Flickers of candlelight danced across gilded curves of the statues, casting shadows that seem to writhe and pulse. Their forms, sculpted in lustrous gold, evoked both reverence and desire.

Each woman was a frozen moment of ecstasy-an ode to pleasure immortalized in metal. Their limbs intertwined, arching and yielding, caught in the rapture of intimacy. Their eyes, though unseeing, held secrets whispered by lovers in the darkest hours, all staring at the center of the room.

“It was here,” she said, her voice a melodic cadence, “that my sister and I honed our our control. Tantric magic, the gift and curse that binds us—can be both enchanting and perilous, This room is tantrically rich and designed with our kind in mind for those of us that have control issues.”

In the dimly lit room, her finger extended, pointing towards the heart of the space. “Stand there”.

I hesitated, my senses reaching out like tendrils, probing the air for any hidden disturbance apart from the ambient thickness. But there was nothing—nothing indicating that the spot she pointed at was any different than the rest of the space.

With a slow exhale, I stepped forward, my shoes brushing against the floorboards and sounding eerie in the space.

“Now Draco,” she began, her voice bore a gentle yet determined cadence, “When I said you emanate a lot of tantric magic, I meant it. Your aura pulses with it. Your lack of awareness of it tells me one thing; you aren’t in tune with your tantric core and such aren’t conscious enough to exercise control. I’m here to help you fix that, help you get more in tune with your tantric core. This is my tantric magic” She said, raising her palm.

It lit up, suffused in a radiant hue akin to the blush of dawn, an embodiment of her own potent tantric magic.
“This,” she explained, “is the essence I wield. A manifestation visible due to its concentrated force.”

She beckoned me to lay my palm against hers. It felt warm.

“Tantric magic has a semi-consciousness, you should feel your magic rushing to your palm, attracted by mine. It’s flowing, primal, carnal, a lustful essence, it wants to be complete, wants to reach that toe curling completion. Focus, focus on your breathing, In through your nose, out through your mouth. All that exists is your breath, any thoughts you have are clouds…they just drift away…instead immerse and feel.”

I didn’t know when I closed my eyes, but I followed her instructions, focusing on my palm. I felt the rush, a tingle from my head to my toes as I grazed the conceptual want. I opened my eyes, gasping.


It was like the quidditch cup again, I thought for the umpteenth time.

I realized now that this feeling wasn’t something the gamer’s mind could easily shield against. It was lust personified, an impression of raw, primal coitus, of gasps, moans and grunts of women and men, an ode to the inevitable moment in a being’s life, human or otherwise where they submit, weak and willingly led by forces beyond them. Like death inevitable, this was a concept.

Mastering control of my tantric core meant that I had to completely immerse myself in this feeling, in every pore in my body, every channel, every vein in my body, till my life essence flooded with it, before reigning it in. It was instinct intrinsic to magical creatures. However, like the hub said, I was not one. I lacked that instinct and so like a baby learning how to talk, I had to immerse myself in the environment and learn.

I closed my eyes, focusing again and now the rush was better to handle.

Meditation leveled up
 leveled up

“I feel it” I told Fleur, eyes still closed.

“Good, good.” I could hear her steps shuffling closer. “Now I want you to follow it, picture a river’s rushing waters, fierce but harsh with its currents. Feel the currents-the ebb and the flow. Follow it back to the source, your sou-”

Her voice was cut off by an encompassing silence. That was an indicator to me that something had changed.

As I opened my eyes, I found myself in a desert, gazing at a sea of rippling sand amidst dunes. The night sky, an expansive theater showcased the enchanting dance of the aurora borealis. From it, kaleidoscope of colors emerged, weaving ribbons of ethereal light across the heavens. The aurora's celestial choreography unfolded in hues of jade green, sapphire blue, and whispers of magenta that pirouetted across the vast expanse. It was as if the very heavens had decided to perform an iridescent ballet just for me.

The dunes, bathed in an otherworldly glow, cast elongated shadows that danced with the undulating colors above. Nature had painted an awe-inspiring masterpiece in the desert's secluded realm, a juxtaposition of barren land and cosmic artistry.

However what had my attention was the not the northern lights nor all the encompassing sea of sand. I stood spellbound by an ethereal figure’s mesmerizing dance. The figure’s movements echoed the hypnotic rhythm of the celestial spectacle, as if harmonizing with the mesmerizing display painted across the night sky. Her lithe silhouette shimmered with silvery luminescence, weaving an ethereal dance with every fluid movement, dancing to a tune only she could hear. Her serpentine undulations creating ripples across the sand.

Mesmerized, I found myself ensnared by the harmonious play of her swaying hips. As she danced, the wind was ever slowly picking up around her and the faintest zephyr caressed my skin particularly my nipples and then my cock, which brought my attention to the fact that I was stark naked and now sporting a huge erection.

I heard a swish of motion and looked back up and there she was, directly in front of me, breath against my skin, head tilted staring at me and glowing a brilliant silver.

She was beautiful.

I noted her delightfully meaty ass, compact with an enticingly curvy pair of hips.Her perfectly formed breasts appearing generous to her lithe frame, with subtle hypnotizing jiggles in every exhale and an audacious defiance of gravity. Her bare silver nipples jutted out as if they were begging for my touch and shimmering silver hair that undulated in shallow waves.

My cock throbbed in want now, and I watched as she followed the movement. She giggled, a tinkling sound and stretched out her hand to it.

I swear this was the longest few seconds of my life watching her stretch her hand to wrap around my shaft. Her slender fingers delicately wrapped around it, gripping the fat cock in her hand. It almost seemed out of place in her petite hands, its size a testament to the stark disparity between her lithe frame and my size.

I exhaled immediately and swallowed, feeling it so intense. Her grip was like a cooling balm to my slab of meat. I throbbed ever harder straining against her grip but her grip tightened. I moaned, almost falling against her. She giggled again, now stroking me slowly. I could feel her hand traveling the distance from the base drawing closer to the tip but then she removed her hand. I groaned in dismay.

Whywhy would she do that?

She then gripped my head and kissed me as if to comfort me and apologize for the sacrilege. Her lips moulded to mine. Her mouth was hot, moist as her tongue explored every part of my mouth and I responded in kind. I ran my tongue along the sides of her mouth in a sensitive caress and she mewled into my mouth.

Gazing directly into my eyes, she drooled into her hand, collecting a pool of saliva within her palm, using it to moisten my pipe with a swift, careful stroke. A jolt surged through my groin, causing me to instinctively recoil. Then she did it again, and again, and again. She was focusing on the tip at the end of every stroke. I gasped, weak to the sensations she was inflicting on me.

Fuck. I rallied. My hands went down, palms cupping her soft jiggly backside. Splayed fingers began to knead it, squeezing gently, then separating the cheeks and exposing the puckered hole between. A low squelch sound was heard and she moaned. I realized that the parting and closing of her asscheeks was also causing the parting of her pussy walls.

She was so wet.

I pulled her by the ass closer to me, closing the little gap between our bodies and raised my knee to her pussy still groping her ass. I felt the dampness, her wetness smeared on me as I ground my knee against it. She sucked in a deep breath as I made sure to grind her clit particularly. She doubled the pace of her stroking, churning her hips in slow circles and I could tell I was close now. I took a finger, lubing it from her wetness and began teasing her puckered asshole with little probs. It throbbed and twitched but my progress could not be stopped and finally it acquiesced to take in my finger.

Her butthole was superbly tight, clamping warmly but not so much that I could not feed it more and more of this finger with every passing moment.


She crooned, arching her back to better show off and let me reach deeper. Whoever this being was…she had the same pool of depravity in her as I did, and that realization pulled even more blood to my schlong.

As she kept stroking me, I noticed something peculiar. It was in the way sensations registered. The tactile embrace echoed through me twice- once at the initial caress and then it felt like the impact of the stroke had to travel a distance before it registered in my brain. I suspected that I wasn’t really here in this outworldly landscape.

Of course, this realization did nothing to stop me from cumming, my tip dilated to release a milky white fluid, my balls from drawing up and rhythmically contracting to release my cum.

She had not stopped stroking. My cum ran down her fingers as she kept milking me even in my throes of pleasure.

“Nnnngh” I could see that I wasn’t alone in my orgasm as she shuddered, gushing and releasing her love juice on my knee. The orgasm seemed to flood her like a wave. Said wave felt hot as it rolled down my leg and as she leaned her head back, still moaning, I had to hold her upright as she leaned a bit too far back that she looked like she was going to fall.

I’d imagine that we looked quite the artistic image to any observer watching us.

Lost to pleasure amongst dunes of sand under the aurora borealis.

All good things must come to an end of course, her abdominal muscles untightened as she came to an end of her climax.

We leaned against each other now. Her fingers traced my cock gathering the wads of semen on it.

“Oh it’s been a while since I have had a taste of my male progeny’s seed so you would have to forgive me this once.”

She brought it in front of her face and spread her fingers where the semen seperated into strands. She then took her cum-covered hand to her mouth and with puffy lips, sucked the clump of semen on it, her tongue licking all over her fingers and capturing every strand and swallowing.

“Unghh” a guttural sound escaped her lips.


“Who are you?” I asked.

“I am love, I am beauty, I am desire but you can call me Aphrodite, love. Your patron. I have been aware of you from the moment the first wisps of my essence began to flow in you and despite what the machine tells you. You have my essence in you, and now my recognition, oh child of mine. You’ll need it. Even now I see the hands of Fate trying to weave your tale. Be careful Draco Malfoy. I leave you with my blessing; go now and be an instrument of desire.”

I watched as she knelt down, holding unto my member and left a big soggy kiss on my tip. A pink glow from her mouth suffused into it and I awoke.

I found myself back in the room. It seemed no time had passed.

“-rce, it might prove difficult and…Draco, you’re glowing!” Fleur exclaimed.

I could see that.

A glowing silver light emerged from my crotch shinning through my dress pants, and up my torso till my entire being was lit up.

It wasn’t the only thing being lit up as my screen was filled with error codes.

Incubi Update Breach: Interface compromised, unable to sync with Hub main server.
Incubi Integration Error: Severed communication lines with Hub main server detected.
Critical Incubi Anomaly: Interface security compromised, disrupting server link.
Incubi Malfunction: Main server connection blocked by invasive update.
Incubi Protocol Disruption: Interface-server synchronization disrupted by intrusion.
Data Unpacking 
Equippable Race Change: Incubus
Racial traits unpacking 
3 STR 
System shut down in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1

You’re welcome,” I heard, whispered into my ear. Aphrodite “Now embrace your nature and fuck, Draco Malfoy.”

I looked at Fleur as a jolt traveled throughout my body and I knew then, that I was gonna empty my balls in her because it was only right.