Battle Aboard the S.S Anne
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It was two days after Luneth had received the Thunder Badge from Lt. Surge. At the moment, Luneth and her friends were at the Vermilion City harbor. Luneth knew that if they went aboard the S.S. Anne, they would run into Team Rocket again. But she couldn't let those guys take those trainers' Pokémon. So, she'll hop on board for their sakes.

"Wow." Luneth blinked slowly at the large cruise ship in front of them.

"Beautiful." Mairin breathed.

Ginko nodded, "Eevui."

"That's quite a large ship." Alain commented.

"I'd love to cross the ocean on a ship like this." Luneth confessed.

"Yeah, just imagine all the Pokémon we'd be able to see along the way." Alain smiled.

"Aw, for sure!" Mairin clasped her hands together, going to lala land. "Just imagine, sunbathing on deck all day...just a nice, long relaxing cruise."

"We could never afford a cruise like that, Mairin." Alain leaned over, bursting Mairin's fantasy.

"Ough..." Mairin groaned despondently as Chespie patted her head in comfort.

"Sometimes reality can really bum you out." Luneth sighed, with Ginko and Chespie sighing too as their friends followed dejectedly. Suddenly they were showered in confetti from poppers.

"Congratulations!" Their vision was assaulted by two familiar figures wearing school uniforms and way, way too much makeup. "You guys are way lucky! You can go on a super deluxe sea cruise~!" They chorused.

"A sea cruise?" The three trainers repeated, Luneth took a step back when the orange haired one came closer.

"Well, it's like, you know, we have these incredible super cool tickets for you!" The Orange head pulled tickets from her pocket.

"Co~ol!" The blond behind her sang.

"Cool, huh?" Orange head grinned.

"What?" Mairin blinked.

"These are tickets for the biggest party ever aboard the S.S. Anne cruise liner!" The Orange head displayed the ticket.

"The famous S.S. Anne?" Luneth questioned, blinking up at the girl.

"Co~ol!" Blondie repeated.

"The coolest ship on the sea!" Orange assured.

"Everyone's going to be together and, like, have the coolest party!"


"And the party's for Pokémon trainers only!"


Luneth and Alain were getting a little sick of hearing that word.

"Step this way!" Orange invited, Blondie giggling. "It'll be a radical party! All of the most radical Pokémon trainers will be there!"

"Do you know anyone who says 'radical' anymore?" Luneth whispered to Alain, who shrugged in response.

"Okay, dudes, here are your tickets!" Orange offered them up.

"We'd love to go on the Pokémon trainer cruise, but we really don't have the money to pay for it." Luneth replied politely.

"Oh, whoa, like, you don't understand!" Orange said.

"Co~ol!" Blondie squealed.

"They're totally free!" Orange informed them.

"Free?" Alain repeated, blinking.

"Totally free! To-ta-lly free!" Blondie repeated.

"For free, huh... so why are you giving them away?" Luneth asked skeptically.

"Well, like, we had to go out with our boyfriends, but we wanted to give our tickets to cool Pokémon fans!" Orange replied.

"Co~ol!" Blondie squealed.

"We saw you and thought you looked really cool. Just take these and have a really cool time!" Orange handed the tickets to Luneth.

"Thank you very much." Luneth smiled politely, taking the offered tickets.

"No sweat!"


"Have a nice day, for sure!" And with that, the two took off running, disappearing quickly. Luneth knew it was suspicious considering who gave them to her, but free tickets were free tickets, and she was sure she could handle any scheme they threw at her anyway.

Luneth smirked. "Well, looks like it's our lucky day, huh guys?"

"Yeah! The S.S. Anne, wow!" Mairin grinned, Alain smiling as a ship horn blew.

"And that cool Pokémon party..." Luneth murmured. "I wonder which one of these ships is the S.S. Anne."

"I think that's it." Alain called, bringing to attention a large cruise ship.

"Hm?" Luneth blinked.

"It's huge!" Mairin smiled.



"What an amazing ship." Alain muttered as they climbed the steps to board.

"I'd like to travel the whole world in this." Mairin dreamed.

"Welcome aboard the S.S. Anne," a man in costume bowed after glancing at the ticket in Luneth's hand. "This way." He outstretched his hand to direct them to an open room on the deck.

"Wow, look at this." Luneth breathed taking in the ridiculously large ballroom with glimmering red orange floors, light studded high ceilings and white dressed tables scattered between crowds of what looked to be everyday people. Unusual, since ritzy cruise ships like this were more geared towards the higher classes. There were stands set up all around like a local fair.

"How cute." Mairin cooed when she spotted an accessory stand.

"It's like a giant Pokémon convention." Luneth breathed, unable to help her smile at all the Pokémon among the people.

"Everyone's a Pokémon trainer here." Alain smiled.

"Hey, how about we split up and look around? We'll meet up in an hour?" Luneth suggested.

"Sounds like a good idea." Alain agreed to the idea.

The three split up and looked around the ballroom. Luneth made sure not to battle the guy with the Raticate because he might get interested in one of her Pokémon which was something she didn't want. So she decided to check out the stands. She and Ginko went over to a few game stands where someone could try and win the grand prize which interested Luneth. Funny enough she won in all of them. She got a small set of evolution stones (water, fire, thunder, sun, and moon), a Keystone, a few Mega Stones and a Pokémon egg. She had to admit that they were good prizes. She also managed to find a jewelry making kit which would be handy for her to make a bracelet for her Keystone and when she'll find more Mega Stones for her Pokémon. She didn't know why, but she felt really lucky when it came to games or finding something rare in this world. Wonder why?

Then she spotted Alain nearby, "Alain!" She called out to him.

Alain turned to her when he heard her voice. He smiled as he walked over to her.

"Find anything you like?" Alain asked when he stood in front of Luneth.

"Yup, I went to a game stall and managed to win a Pokémon egg, a Keystone and some Mega Stones." Luneth replied.

"I got a Pokémon egg as well. Also, some evolution stones and Mega stones." Alain said, "You're lucky."

"I might be." Luneth stated, shrugged.

"Hey Luneth." Alain said with a serious expression.

"Yeah?" Luneth asked.

"I know I seemed paranoid, but I feel uneasy around this ship." Alain admitted, glancing around him.

"I feel the same. Almost like it seemed too good to be true that we got free tickets for this ship?" Luneth questioned.

Alain nodded, "Yeah. For some strange reason, I feel like this is a trap." He whispered the last part to her.

"I have a hunch of who it could be." Luneth said.

"Team Rocket." Alain inquired.

Luneth nodded, "We'll have to be careful. Don't know when they'll launch their attack." She stated.

"You're right about that." Alain agreed.

The time to meet up had arrived and the group had found a table. Then began consuming all of the plates of food they got from the buffet.

"Hey Luneth!" A female voice called out.

Luneth, Alain and Mairin saw Misty, Brock and Ash coming towards them who also had plates of food with them.

"Hey guys! I see you got tickets to the ship as well." Luneth said.

"Yeah, we were lucky that they were free too." Brock said as they all began eating.

"Wait, free? You got free tickets?" Luneth questioned.

"Yeah, we did." Misty confirmed.

"Is something wrong?" Brock asked.

"We got our tickets for free as well." Alain replied.

"Really? That's odd." Brock commented.

"You know, something doesn't feel right." Luneth stated.

"What do you mean?" Misty asked.

"All of the trainers here must have gotten free tickets to come aboard a very expensive cruise liner with no expends. Doesn't that seem odd?" Luneth questioned.

"I agree that it does." Alain agreed.

"You got a point." Brock agreed as well.

"What do you mean by that, Brock?" Ash questioned.

"Like Luneth said. Every trainer here was given free tickets to an expensive cruise and we don't need to pay for anything. That seems a little suspicious." Brock explained.

"So?" Ash asked.

"Somehow this feels like a setup of some sort." Alain replied.

"What? That's ridiculous." Ash denied.

All of a sudden, the ballroom got into lockdown, causing everyone to panic.

"What in the-" Luneth cut off.

"That can't be good." Alain said with narrow eyes.

The lights black out for a second, then they turned back on to reveal Team Rockets grunts in front of the trainers in the room. The Team Rocket grunts all had a suction tank on their backs.

Two familiar looking people stood on one of the tables.

"Team Rocket." Luneth muttered in annoyance.

James looked gloomy while Jessie was standing confident.

"To protect the world from devastation."

"To unite all peoples within our nation."

"To denounce the evils of truth and love."

"To extend our reaches to the stars above."


"Team Rocket blasts off at the speed of light."

"Surrender now or prepare to fight!"

Meowth jumped over, "Meowth! That's right!"

"Team Rocket will now take possession of your Pokémon." Jessie announced.

People all around them started to talk all together before Team Rocket members started to surrender them, and activated their suction tanks, starting to steal the Pokéballs from everyone. The gang held onto their Pokéballs as Luneth held onto Ginko and Mairin held onto Chespie.

Two members walked toward them. "Hand over your Pokéballs!" One of them demanded.

"No way!" Mairin snapped.

"Don't make me take 'em!" A grunt came up behind and threatened Luneth.

"Ginko." Luneth said.

That was all the word Ginko needed to tackle the grunt in back of her and Alain punched the grunt in front of Mairin.

"EVERYONE!" Luneth shouted, catching the trainers that were near the gang, "Release your Pokémon and show these Team Rocket grunts not to mess with Pokémon trainers!"

"RIGHT!" All the trainers nodded and called out their Pokémon, fighting back.

There was a massive battle going on the ship. All the water Pokémon joined together. So did the fire types, the grass types, the rock types, the ground types, the flying types, the normal types and the bug types. Luneth spotted Jessie, James, and Meowth, so she told Cardinal (Pidgeot) to send a Gust attack towards the trio, sending them out of the ship. Then at last the electric types sent all the Team Rocket members away with their Thunderbolt attacks. The trainers had won.

"WE DID IT!" A random trainer shouted.

All of the trainers happily cheered, realizing that they won against Team Rocket.

The gang was happy as well and returned all of their Pokémon, telling them a job well done.

However...the celebration didn't last long.

During the battle they somehow ended up right in the middle of a storm and it was a nasty one too. It kept making the boat rock back and forth.

The captain ran out to the ball room trying to get everyone to calm down by saying the ship is unsinkable which turned out to be a lie because when another wave hit the ship it slowly but surely began to sink. All of the trainers were scared when they saw the dangerous storm.

Luneth had to think of something quick before everyone sinks along with the ship. Then she got an idea and took the megaphone that was nearby, "Everyone listen!" The people on the ship stopped their hysterics and listened to the girl that helped them keep their Pokémon, even the captain.

"If you have any Flying or Water-type Pokémon, send them out now and have them carry you to shore!" Luneth yelled. "For the rest of you, if there are any lifeboats on this ship, get on them quickly!"

The captain turned to the passengers, "You heard her! Get moving already!"

They didn't need to be told twice because soon enough everyone was sending out Flying and Water type Pokémon and headed out of the ship meanwhile those who didn't own those types of Pokémon ran to lifeboats which thankfully there were some available and big enough to fit some people in.

Then Luneth noticed a gray metal suitcase, a net full of over 30 Pokéballs and six Pokémon Eggs in a pile.

"What the heck?!" Luneth exclaimed.

Alain and Mairin stopped, "Luneth?" They questioned her.

Luneth pointed towards the Pokéball and Pokémon Eggs, "Get two each and hurry!" She ordered.

The two nodded and the three carefully picked up the Pokémon Eggs. Mairin picked up two Pokémon eggs and put them in her bag, Alain put two Pokémon Eggs in his backpack and took hold of the net full of Pokéballs, and Luneth put two Pokémon Eggs in her bag and took the gray metal suitcase.

Luneth quickly let out Freya (Shiny Charizard) and the gang quickly got onto her and followed the trainers and crew to shore. Once they got there, they went to the Pokémon Center to sleep for the night. They shared one room and instantly fell asleep once they hit the mattress.

The next day, the gang woke up and went to the cafeteria for food, after that they spotted Officer Jenny asking trainers what happened aboard the S.S. Anne. They went towards Nurse Joy asking her about the Pokémon Eggs and Pokéballs they found, along with the suitcase that Luneth grabbed.

"Those Pokémon Eggs are prizes when Team Rocket ambushed everyone. They must've thought to take them." Nurse Joy explained. "Also, those Pokéballs did belong to some trainers who got caught before Team Rocket appeared, there are six Pokéballs that nobody owns."

"So nobody really owns them?" Alain asked, making sure.

Nurse Joy shook her head, "No."

Luneth then got an idea, "Nurse Joy, you don't mind if we take the Pokémon Eggs and Pokéballs?" She asked.

"Of course not, you saved them, and I was about to ask you all if you wanted them." Nurse Joy smiled and called out her helper Pokémon.

Chansey came out with a stretcher that contained the six Pokémon Eggs in incubators and six Pokéballs.

"So..." Mairin trailed.

"Pick two Pokéball each and two Pokémon Eggs, take the two you've picked up at the beginning." Alain suggested.

"That works." Luneth smiled.

So the three each took two Pokéballs and two Pokémon eggs. Luckily, Nurse Joy gave them more egg incubators.

"How about we see what's in the Pokéballs?" Mairin suggested.

"Sounds good." Alain agreed.

The three released the Pokémon.







"Wow." Everyone awed at the Pokémon.

"Wow, I got a Dratini and an Hatenna." Luneth smiled.

"I got an Rookidee and an Sandile." Alain added.

"And I got a Cherubi and a Maractus!" Mairin beamed happily.

Luneth took out her Pokédex and scanned the Pokémon.

[Dratini, the Dragon Pokémon. Dratini sheds its skin as it grows, often doing so while hidden behind large powerful waterfalls.]

[Hatenna, the Calm Pokémon. Hatenna senses creatures' emotions with that thing on its head, but it only opens its heart to calm people.]

[Sandile, the Desert Croc Pokémon. A dark membrane protects its eyes from the sun, and it buries itself in the sand with its eyes and nose sticking out.]

[Rookidee, the Tiny Bird Pokémon. Although Rookidee has a small body, it confronts Pokémon of any size. Corviknight is its final evolved form.]

[Cherubi, the Cherry Pokémon. All of the nutrients needed for evolution are contained in its small ball. Cherubi becomes redder as it is exposed to sunlight and is almost ready to evolve once the smaller ball buds.]

[Maractus, the Cactus Pokémon. When Maractus dance in rhythm, they sound like maracas shaking. They make their homes in dry desert-like areas.]

"To think that these Pokémon were almost taken by Team Rocket." Alain commented.

Luneth nodded, "Yeah."

"They're all amazing!" Mairin squealed as Cherubi jumped into her arms.

As the gang introduced themselves and their Pokémon to each other, they were returned back to their Pokéballs.

Then Luneth remembered the suitcase, "I almost forgot something..." She walked towards Nurse Joy, "Nurse Joy, what about the suitcase I found?"

Nurse Joy blinked, "Oh, the suitcase, I'm not sure what they are. Hold on a minute." She went to the back and grabbed the suitcase, "Here you go. We were able to open them." She opened it and inside was...

"Mega Stones!" Luneth and Alain exclaimed, shocked.

"Eevui!/Chespin! (No way!)" Ginko and Chespie exclaimed.

"That's a lot of Mega Stones." Mairin looked at all the DNA stones. "Why so many though?"

"My guess is that whoever the Leader of Team Rocket is must've wanted all the Mega Stones for themselves." Alain answered.

Luneth nodded, "I agree, look at them all. There's like one for every Pokémon that is capable of Mega Evolve." She added. "Mega Stones are still being discovered as well."

"True, but the real question is; is the Leader of Team Rocket capable of Mega Evolution?" Alain pondered.

Luneth shrugged, "Don't know. They must have a strong bond with their Pokémon."

"But their leader only interested in taking or stealing Pokémon." Mairin frowned.

"I see." Nurse Joy nodded, "How about you take them as well? Besides, they'll be in good hands and use, instead of leaving them here."

"Really, Nurse Joy?" Luneth asked, surprised.

"Yes." Nurse Joy nodded and closed the suitcase, handing it over to Luneth, "Good luck."

Alain nodded, "Thank you."

"You're welcome." Nurse Joy smiled.

With everything all settled, Nurse Joy suggested that they go to Port Vista for some relaxing time. Mairin immediately agreed that they should go, so the others followed after her. Before leaving, Luneth switched out her Pokémon. She sent Cardinal (Pidgeot) and Minerva (Shiny Snivy) to the lab for rest. Then she brought Moana (Shiny Feebas), Jasper (Gengar) onto her team to do some training. 

Pokémon Obtained:

Luneth: Shiny Eevee (Ginko)(F), Scyther (Hecate)(F), Shiny Riolu (Cairo)(M), Shiny Charizard (Freya)(F), Pokémon Eggs (3), Moana (Shiny Feebas), Jasper (Gengar)

Alain: Charizard (M), Metagross (Genderless), Steelix (M), Zubat (M), Shiny Zorua (M), Frigibax (M), Pokémon Eggs (3)

Mairin: Chespin (Chespie)(M), Gogoat (Grazer)(F), Paras (Kinoko)(F), Clefairy (Pixie)(F), Petilil (Lily)(F), Sewaddle (Taylor)(F), Pokémon Eggs (2)

Professor Oak's Lab:

Luneth: Nidoran (Fonda)(F), Beautifly (Choko)(F), Swablu (Avaley)(F), Mankey (Bruce)(M), Buizel (Itachi)(M), Clefable (Shayla)(F), Shiny Fennekin (Rogue)(F), Mienfoo (Mulan)(F), Glaceon (Aira)(F), Leafeon (Patia)(F),  Shiny Chimchar (Pyro)(F), Galarian Ponyta (Nelia)(F), Shiny Chespin (Eithne)(F), Rockruff (Remus)(M), Meowstic (Yuki)(F), Oshawott (Morrow)(M), Sylveon (Stella)(F), Espeon (Solana)(F), Shiny Umbreon (Zunair)(M), Eevee (F), Eevee (F), Eevee (M), Sandslash (Digger)(M), Alolan Raichu (Capala)(M), Pidgeot (Cardinal)(M), Shiny Snivy (Minerva)(F), Dratini (Amaru)(F), Hatenna (Mirela)(F)

Alain: Beedrill (M), Nidoran (M), Scyther (M), Tyranitar (M), Chestnaught (M), Hisuian Braviary (M), Shiny Squirtle (M), Piplup (M), Cufant (F), Lokix (M), Magby (M), Axew (M), Rockruff (M), Alakazam (M), Meowstic (M), Unfezant (M), Sandile (M), Rookidee (M)

Mairin: Butterfree (Nabi)(M), Clefairy (Pixie)(F), Flabébé (Bébé)(F), Grookey (Hiro)(M), Pansage (Sage)(M), Turtwig (Ardan)(M), Skitty (Kissa)(F), Cherubi (Cereza)(F), Maractus (Rebutia)(F)