Chapter 7 – The next few days
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Sorry if i often describe each step of the actions taken by  character, it happens because i am accustomed with computer logic and it goes over every step of the process it is using, so if i say the mc went do something outside it is implied that they locked the door when leaving and i will probably describe then doing so, but i am trying to leave these useless implicit details out for the sake of "show don't tell"  so i do not put in some details such as the fact that mc made a box to put their spare clothes that they wear and that they put their backpack on a corner when they aren't using it or the time the mc goes to sleep and what exactly they do on their spare time outside of training, but these old customs are hard to die :/, so if you have a questions about something that was supposed to be implicit or you noticed that i just did not mention it, give a comment or message me about it, like one of the readers that recently gave feedback

edit: My silly ass keeps doing this, 2870 words D_D

It was the morning of the 5º day of the week and i woke up, which was a weird situation waking up to to see a sleeping me facing myself, but i should get accustomed in a few days. 

I immediately got up and put my other mind to control the [Clone], and started doing my new trainning routine until i got both my reserves and the [Clone]'s reserve almost empty i made myself a new chair and baking tray using fire resistant [Silk] and put on the kitchen because i was planning to make some cookies.

My [Clone] went in my stead buy the ingredients on the stands outside and brought back home what was brought, this while my main body was checking the clothes stock and was making bed frame for the other room on the second floor.

When my [Clone] returned and started making the cookies, i used my main body and took the sign from outside my store and took it to the storage room and made some alterations using the [Threads] skill to change the material colors and as a result change what was written on it, adding "Socks and gloves ( 8 copper coins each pairs) , "leather" gloves ( 12 copper coins a pair )", and i started pondering:

'Should i start selling bags and backpacks earlier than planned? It could prove lucrative... well, let's start with shopping cloth bags, "leather" backpacks with multiple compartments and pockets with varying sizes, and a few "leather" belt-pouches of varying types.'

With decisions taken, i again added to the sign "Selling cloth bags used when shopping (15 copper coins each), "leather" backpacks each small sized backpacks(25 copper coins)  each medium sized backpacks(50 copper coins) and each big sized(75 copper coins), also selling belt-pouches."

On the other side i also put "Also accepting custom requests for backpacks and belt-pouches as long it is made using my materials, they will cost +25 copper coins on top of the base price. And as long the clothe is made by me, i can put pockets on them, however it will cost from 5 copper coins to 15 copper coins depending on the amount and size of the pockets"

After finishing with the sign i put it back outside in front of the door. But as soon i entered, i got the idea to buy something to drink while eating the cookies, so i quickly went to a nearby stand and brought some bags of different teas and returned home to the kitchen to make tea while the cookies were baking, but seeing i did not have a milk jug i made something like a kettle using [Silk] like i did with the baking tray and prepared hot water for the tea as i put the bags on a counter.


By the time the cookies and teas was ready i had made a few sets of plates and cups, until this point all my furniture are blackish or silvery in color and i would not be changing it to things like plates, cups and utensils. Putting the matter of style choices aside, i  was drinking tea while waiting the time to open the store seeing others pass by the window but this time i waited until the exact set time to open it.

The time came, and after a couple minutes of the usual lack of clients a familiar woman entered the store and greeted me while smiling:

"Hi Inanis, the shirt i brought was indeed ver y soft and comfortable, i even sleep wearing it! And the cupcake was simply perfect, this time around i came mostly to buy pants and see how your store is doing."

"Despite being pretty new i already got some customers, and i believe some of them will become a regular customers here. In regards to the pants, as you said that you liked to use the shirt to sleep i can definitely recommend the "sleeping pants" i sell, they are softer, more fluffy and made specially to wear while sleeping or just use while at home, if you are interested just tell me the color for it and i will bring it to you." I said to her and she responded happily:

"That seems like exactly what i was looking for, my favorite color is "scarlet" the one i chose for my clothes before." 

While still sitting behind the counter i said "Just a moment." and used my [Clone] that was in the storage room, changed the pants color and brought it to the store room, if her face was not enough to show how surprised and how full of curiosity she was, then her question made it pretty clear.

"What? i did not knew you had a twin sister! Each time i see you, you end up bringing a new surprise!"

I used the [Clone] and said as i walked and put the pants in the cloth bag to give to her "I am not a twin, I am Inanis, and i am sitting right in front of you" And said using my main body " but i also standing here holding the bag, not that really complicated."

She looked at both of us and tried to see if i was lying but despite not fully believing me she chose to play along, but i could tell that she somewhat believes me, and i think is because i am from outside the region with a unknown life history.

She gave me 25 copper coins from her pocket and as i gave her the bag i said using my [Clone]:

"I made some tea and cookies, you can stay if you want to talk a bit while we dink and eat, and as you can see, i can do that and still be able to operate the store."

She accepted and my [Clone] gestured for her to follow behind it, as my main body stayed to operate the store.

She soon arrived at the kitchen, it was smaller than the storage room but still wasn't that small of a room. The kitchen had the things i mentioned before but it also had a central table, a pedestal table made of silk, and by the table was the chair, because i used this chair mostly to operate and watch the oven it was a somewhat short one so she was able to sit on it easily as i pointed the chair to her.

With her seated i gently put a cup of tea and a plate with a few cookies, and she also took the cup gently to take a small sip as the tea was still somewhat hot. After taking a few  sips from the tea she asked with a bit of reluctance:

"Remember when i said that i came her "mostly" for the pants? Actually, the main reason is that after i discovered that all the clothes you sell are made from you silk, i started wondering from where they came out from and how you produce them, those thoughts came to me specially when i slept wearing one of your shirts, so to tell the truth, i am dying to know more about it, can you tell me how you do it? If necessary i can keep secret about it!"

I said to her in a teasing tone "I think we both already knows how and from where i produce the silk."

Her face and ears became slightly pink, but she shacked her head saying that she truly don't know, so with a small chuckle i said in the best sultry voice i could make:

"You truly don't knows hmmm? Let me show you then."

 Then i put the tea i was drinking on the table, and as i did that her face and ears were almost wine red, but as she was wide eyed expecting something, i simply brought my hands close to one another and started making another chair like the one she was sitting and it only toke around 20 seconds to have it completed, she looked at the chair surprised, amazed and i also could notice that she feels a little disappointed by my display as she stopped looking at the chair i put in front of the table and she started staring intently at her tea cup with a bit of shame and embarrassment.

After taking a few sips from the tea again, she finally calmed down but before she could ask anything, with another small chuckle i said something in a teasing tone that made she look away with a pink tint on her cheeks:

 "Where do you thought they came out from? Did you think i came from my mouth? Or..."

But instead of teasing her more, i simply took my tea and took a few sips before saying:

"Putting those silly things aside, i am probably going start doing missions a few missions to the Guild starting today when the store closes or early morning tomorrow, do you have any idea how are the missions for rank 1? Do you have any tips for them?"

Taking the opportunity to change subjects she said with confidence "Actually, the missions from rank 1 to 3 do mostly missions where they retrieve plants from the forest medicinal or a normal one, my only tip is to have a method to localize yourself easily, be it a skill, magic or ability, and have a [Appraisal] skill to identify the plants, and obviously have something to carry the plants. You can trust my advices, i have been in this job for 25 years"

I was not expecting that last part, so i said with a dou

"Thanks for the advice. But, did you start working as a mercenary when you were -5 years old? Because you look a maximum of 20 years old? Or you preserved you appearance very very well or you somehow is faking it, to look this beautiful"

She answered averting her gaze with a slightly pink face "I-i started working as a mercenary when i was 17 years old, and i just completed my 25 year of working as a mercenary this week, but i can barely be considered a adult? You talk as if you did not know about simple subjects like someone age and adulthood."

I said to clarify things a bit "It is because from what i know, people live up to 120 years and become adults at 18 years old, what is the life expectance here? Just to make things clear"

She answered with a raised eyebrow "We become adults at around 22 or 30 in some families, but the common life expectance for a normal person is a few centuries, for a weak mage it is a few millennia and for stronger mages and noble mages it ranges from a couple dozen millennia to one or two hundred millennia in the longest case, but often happens to somebody die for a reason or another before they die of old age. It is a piece of knowledge pretty common"

I jus gave a simple excuse hiding my surprise "I did not live around or interacted with other people until i arrived on this city" and after this she just continued talking about clothes, asking a thing or two about me, the which i answered vaguely or told half truths like i did earlier to the "Interactions with people" thing. After some time enjoying ourselves i had my first friend in this world and when she said that she had to go back i just said "see you next time" and "just go to the front, i will be there" to her and deactivated my [Clone] which turned into smoke that disappeared in instants surprising her, and when she went to the front room my main body was sitting there waiting for her. He face was full of curiosity but it appears that she choose to leave and ask about it another day, and as she leaved the store, i waved to her and said again to her "See you next time".


Today the customers flow was the same as before yesterday and nothing noteworthy happened, quite a few mercenaries came to buy clothes and some of them also brought my new products but also a few civilians came to take a look at the store and buy a few clothes. It appears that i am quite known on the city as shown by the fact that most of my customers said that they discovered my store because of a rumor or other, the most common is that a peculiar woman opened a new clothe store and is selling high quality clothes for only a few copper coins, but most of those that come to my store are the mercenaries that saw me at the Guild or their friends, not that matters that much as they are advertising my store for free.


For the next few days i started doing missions disponible on the guild to rank up my status at the Guild, it was just like Freya mentioned, all the missions were just a herb collecting mission or it was one to do some simple job at the city like unloading some carriage or taking the trash out.

I trained my skill every day but the one i used the most were [Hidden Fog], [Shadow Clone], [Parallel Processing], on the 6º day of leveling the [Parallel Processing] skill i gained a extra mind and on the 15º day since i arrived here my [Soul] attribute went up by 5 levels by itself and the [Mind] attribute went up to   on the 15º day now my attributes looked something like this:

Strength[Level 16]

Resistance[Level 15]

Agility[Level 14]

Mind[Level 21]

Soul[Level 28]

HP: 245/245 

Stamina: 225/225 

Energy: 448/448 

And i made a question or two to the system about the shop points and attributes points because until now i gained zero of them outside of the [Find Shelter] mission, and the system simply responded:

[Each time you level up, you gain each time 5 attribute points and for each 250 levels this amount is doubled but each proceeding level required experience amount is (previous required experience*1.5)+((previous required experience*1.5)*0.10) of the previous level, if the user is level 1 with a required amount of experience of 100, to go from level 2 to 3 then the required amount will be 165=((100*1.5) +((100*1.5)*0.10)).]

[The host can acquire experience from killing other entities or sometimes as a reward from missions issued by the system, the amount will vary based on the entity strength or the mission challenge level]

[To acquire shop points the user can gain them from killing entities with the amount dependent on how dangerous the creature is or how powerful they are, or the host can acquire them from rewards of missions issued by the system]

I knew that this world was a fantasy like world so it probably had monsters the Guild take care of, so i worked on making missions for my Guild rank and took care of my store on the 3º and 5º day of the week while working on my skills until i can take hunting or exterminations missions.

Every day my store was open, Freya would visite me and we often talked about our everyday things, missions tips and similar things, and as a result our friendship only deepened more and more as we both appreciated each other company.

After 2 weeks of me doings pretty successful missions with my skills on day 21 of arriving here on a 7 day of the week, i finally got promoted to rank 4 where the hunting missions started and by this day i had 2 extra minds and my skills levels looked something like this:

[Threads[Overall level 32][Control level 32, Shaping level 34]]

[Hidden Fog [Overall level 39][Control level 42, Shaping 39]]

[Map[Level 9]]

[Shadow Clone[Level 23]]

[Parallel Processing[Level 31]]