1. The Fall of Two ‘Dragons’
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The Holy Land of Marijoa, 20 years before the Great Pirate Era began

“Starting today, I will be giving up my title as a World Noble and live out my life as a human. It will be the same for my daughter.” a middle-aged blonde man who was wearing shades to cover his eyes announced to all the ‘people’ currently gathered outside the large courtyard within the Holy Land.

Standing next to him and holding one of his legs was a young girl with dark green hair that was curled upward who was currently looking at the World Nobles in front of her with a nervous expression on her face.

“What is the meaning of this, Saint Hamilton?”

“Why would you throw away your divine right just to live alongside the rabble of this world?”

“Have one of the slaves infected you with their useless thoughts?”

These were the words that were thrown at the blonde man the moment he had renounced his title as a World Noble.

“But I see myself as a human. The rest of you are no different.” the middle-aged blonde man said to all the World Nobles that gathered in front of him and his daughter.

“You would dare compare us to such lowly beings?”

“This is blasphemy I say, blasphemy!”

“How could you betray your people in such a manner?”

The rest of the handful of World Nobles that were present now began to bombard the man by expressing their outrage for what they considered to be the words of a heretic.

Not wishing to hear any more of their complaints, the man held his daughter’s hand and began to walk out towards the massive staircase that led all the way to the strange shaped elevator-like device that travelled up and down the Red Line.

“You would dare leave us in the middle of our speech?” the World Nobles simultaneously shouted at the retreating man in outrage, to which the man simply ignored as he continued his walk to his destination along with his daughter.

As the man who was once known as Saint Hamilton left the premises of the gardens, another middle-aged blonde man was watching the events that were unfolding from afar.

‘To think that he gave up his title as a World Noble. You are a man full of surprises aren’t you Hamilton?’ the World Noble that was observing the scene that had unfolded before him thought to himself.

‘I am glad you left during the absence of your elder brother, old friend. Otherwise, you would have had to deal with an even more dramatic scene than the one you just were the center of.’ the blonde man continued to think to himself as he made his way back to his quarters.

Shortly after Saint Hamilton and his daughter left the Holy Land

“Did my brother abandon his status as a World Noble before taking my niece with him?” a tall and rotund World Noble with blond hair that was curled upwards yelled after hearing the events that had taken place, seeing as he had only recently returned from the land below after buying himself a new slave.

One of the guards of the castle that worked under the rotund World Noble who happened to be present when the man formerly known as Saint Hamilton made his declaration summarized the events that had unfolded during the Saint’s absence once more.

“That is correct, Saint Warren. He renounced his divine heritage in front of the other saints, before making a blasphemous statement on how all World Nobles are no different from humans before leaving the premises of the Holy Land along with his daughter.” the man dawning the standard metal armor which the guards of Pangaea Castle wore repeated what he had said to his master.

“And what did the other World Nobles say about me?” Saint Warren asked his guard with a stern look on his face.

"While most of the World Nobles feel pity for you, some of them have begun to doubt whether you or the rest of your family will share the sentiments of former Saint Hamilton.” the guard answered his master.

‘If that fool does not want to associate himself with us anymore, so be it. I will have to show my fellow Saints that I am nothing like that filthy human.’ the blonde World Noble thought to himself as soon as he heard the guard’s report.

“Hmm… Very well, If that is all, now leave. I wish to be alone.” the portly Saint said with a solemn look on his face.

“As you wish Saint Warren.” the guard responded to the Saint’s command before bowing his head and leaving the room.

Within the living quarters of the slaves of the World Nobles, Pangaea Castle

*What? One of the World Nobles has left the Holy Land of their own free will?* one of the larger slaves in the room who was wearing a brown tattered t-shirt and shorts whispered loudly due to the shock that the news he had just heard.

*That’s right. I had to listen to that damn monster Warren complain about ‘the fool of a man’ throughout the day from the moment I was summoned into his room. He wouldn’t stop talking about it, even as he rode my back when he left his room.* the young slave who had told the other slaves that were gathered around him of the things that he had heard regarding the events that had developed earlier in the day. 

*Ha! Serves him right! I hope that the fool suffers the worst possible pain imaginable!* an older fish-man slave with gray skin and sharp teeth whispered in glee the moment he heard what the young slave had said about the former World Noble.

*Why stop there? He should die in the most painful way possible!* a middle-aged slave with scars littered across his face added to the fish-man slave’s statement.

*That’s one less World Noble to worry about!* a man with an abnormally long neck whispered as he began to dance in joy from where he stood.

*What difference will that make for us you idiot? This isn’t something that we should be excited about! We’re still trapped in this hell after all.* a young female slave who was covered with bandages throughout her entire body while wearing a tattered knee-length dress gloomily said in response to the comment that the long-necked man had just said. 

This piece of information that the young slave relayed to the other slaves had given some of them something to be happy about. This of course, was because there was the possibility that one of the World Nobles may suffer a fate just as bad as themselves right now.

But while a majority of the slaves were quietly celebrating the fate that awaited the ignorant World Noble, some of the slaves who had seen the true nature of the man known as Hamilton did not share the same thoughts on the news that they had just heard as their fellow slaves.

‘So that’s why he wasn’t acting like he usually does recently? That idiot, what was he thinking doing something as reckless as this?’ a sickly old man who had shoulder-length gray hair with a scar across his left eye and wearing a tattered shirt and trousers thought to himself as he solemnly processed the news that he had just heard.

‘How am I going to break this news to the little ones who came to look up to such a nice man?’ a middle-aged slave with a shaven head thought to himself, sad that the little reprieve that the man brought with him was now gone for good.

‘Well, I am glad that those of us who have met him were able to have a few moments of peace under his watch. May you rest in peace, good sir.’ a malnourished, green-haired young woman with the right side of her face covered in burn marks who was wearing a dress that had seen better days gloomily thought to herself after hearing the shocking news.

An island located in the South Blue, a week after Saint Hamilton left the Holy Land

The large ship that was escorting Saint Hamilton and his daughter had finally reached its destination, having docked at the side of the island where nobody was living on. And only one agent of the World Government was standing with them at the moment.

The man was of average height with his purple hair styled in a buzz cut wearing a black suit along with a gray tie around his neck and a pair of black tinted shades covering his eyes.

“This is as far as we can take you, Mr. Hamilton. We have taken you to an island that is affiliated with the World Government as you have requested, where all the belongings that you have packed in advance have all been loaded into your new accommodations.” the agent that was escorting them briefed Saint Hamilton, who nodded in response to what the agent just said.

“Here is a simple map that will lead you towards your new home. Now I would ask that you hand over your World Noble I.D. chips.” the agent asked the former World Noble as he held out a sheet of paper in one hand while he held out his free hand to receive the identification chips that identified Hamilton and Valerie as World Nobles.

“Of course, good sir, how could I refuse your request?” Hamilton sarcastically said as he handed the agent the two I.D. chips that they had previously owned while also taking the sheet of paper that contained the location of their new place of residence.

But before the agent returned to the ship, he whispered something into Hamilton’s ear.

As the agent continued to whisper into the ear of the former World Noble, Hamilton smirked just a little before he changed his facial expression to that of a man being threatened.

The moment that the agent finished his words to Hamilton, he gave the man a small grin of his own before making his way back to the ship he came in.

Not long after the ship left, the blonde father looked at his daughter and gave her a soft smile before he led her to the place they would now call their home.

“Are you ready to see our new home, Valerie dear?” Saint Hamilton asked his daughter as they began to walk towards their destination.

“Yes Daddy!” the green-haired girl shouted with great excitement in response to her father’s question.

“I’m glad to hear that. Now, let’s go and see what our new house looks like!” the single father said to his daughter as they continued to make their way towards their new home and the place where a new chapter of their lives would begin.

And with this, the first chapter has ended!

Seeing as this is my first time writing a fanfiction, I would appreciate it if anyone reading this fanfic were to share their first impressions for the first chapter of this story. And if you have any suggestions for me that you think would improve this fanfic, then feel free to write them down in the comments.