Chapter 23: let’s fluff this Queen once and for all
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Suddenly Sentry calls me on the radio, and after a few moments, Hayes takes over. It's a bit surprising since I'm sitting in a tent near the portal, so they could just as easily ask me to walk over, but I guess Hayes still doesn't want me on Earth. 

"Essie, give me a sitrep." 

"Yes, sir. I am on BETA, in a tent near the portal. First wave of 2,000 flying Phantoms approaching. The Queen will attack us in wave 2 with about a million standard Phantoms protecting her. I'm waiting for Oscar to disable the Tripods and their shields."

"Understood. Any last-minute suggestions?"

"Yes, I suggest sealing the portal for now, sir. Shove something heavy in front of it on your side. That should prevent any Phantoms from entering ALPHA if we fail."

"Good thinking, will do. If you can spare a minute, try to reach out to the Phantoms on ALPHA. They are a major pain for our defenses."

"Understood, working on it. Em, sorry, she's jamming me, sir. None of the Phantoms on ALPHA seem willing to defect right now."

"Fuck, as expected. Keep me apprised of your situation, Essie."


"Hayes, out."

I am focusing on the approaching BETA Phantoms, begging them to break off their attack and join us. And fortunately some of these are willing to defect, meaning that a few hundred changed course to join Oscar. He will keep them safe until this is over. 

It's very strange to see one of our helicopters hovering in the distance, as seen through one of our Phantom's eyes.


"General, sir?"

"Yes, Essie, speak."

"Wave 1 is approaching in 3 minutes. A few hundred Phantoms have defected, they are leaving the area, but the rest won't budge. Wait...another update....Oscar just confirmed, two Tripods are down!!!"

"Yes!" The General just gave me the universal victory signal by making a fist.

"Sir, one Tripod remaining, all friendly Phantoms have left the area. Oh crap.......heavy friendly Phantom losses. At least a thousand have died in the attack. Enemy course unchanged. They will go through the lake. Suggesting warning the artillery now. I estimate that wave 2 will be in weapons' range in another five minutes."

"On it." 

After relaying the orders, the General says "Essie, we now see them on long-range radar and our birds are confirming visual target acquisition. Limit your updates to high-priority updates only. We can see their movements now."

"Understood, General."

Kara and Nanako only listened casually, and now follow me outside when I want to take a breather. I take a moment to tell Oscar that I feel the loss, but also that we are near a victory. And so far he agrees with me. There is no other choice. Mere survival isn't enough for these Phantoms anymore. They want freedom, and if we can pull it off, today they shall have it. 


Suddenly I hear weapons' fire in the distance, meaning that wave 1 has arrived. Most of our defenses seem to be using machine guns right now, and the short bursts of noise they make have a loud, deep sound. 


But surprisingly, only moments later, the heavy guns of the artillery are also firing non-stop, meaning wave 2 is ahead of schedule. The echoing sound is ominous, and gives me goosebumps.

BAM BAM BAM.....lots and lots of long range weapons' fire is hopefully wiping out many Phantoms. 

While the tank-mounted machine guns near the lake are already firing, now the ones closer to us start as well. They are shooting at everything that can fly.


The sounds all around us are unbelievably loud, and within seconds, us three Kitsune are taking cover underneath a table. Not really safe, I know, but at least it feels safe.

"Bingo! Wave 1 destroyed." The General shouts for all to hear. 

This is the signal for us to stop hiding and to rejoin him at his desk.

"Sir, Oscar confirms. Wave 1: gone. Wave 2: last Tripod is damaged and walking unsteadily. Course unchanged."

"Excellent news! Quickly, check these long range visuals!"

When we join the General, we can see visuals from a helicopter's perspective, zoomed in from afar. It's the Queen! She's actually walking this way! She's even taller than I had imagined. And that limping Tripod! Absolute horror!


At some point we hear the artillery cease fire, which means that they are evacuating the position right now. The M113 armored personnel carriers will drive the soldiers to safety.

It's now up to the tanks, the helicopters and the ground forces to kill what is about to attack us. One Queen, a damaged Tripod, and at least a million Phantoms! 

She must have thought that this would be an easy victory, or she would have sent more Tripods. Can't say I mind fighting only 3, and even those were nearly impossible to destroy. I don't know about her strategy in detail, but at least it's obvious that she doesn't have a human mind.

"Sir, as soon as the Tripod is down, suggest focussing on the Queen with all we got. If she dies, the rest will defect instantly."

"Understood."  It didn't take much time for me to convince him, since he immediately relayed the target priority. First the Tripod, then the Queen. 


Finally the moment has arrived. They are approaching the lake.

"Our UAVs will now engage the Tripod and the Queen. They are equipped with hellfire missiles, so it should sting at least. Hopefully it will keep them occupied." The General explained.

I nodded at his remark, after which I unexpectedly saw a Kitsune courier arriving on one of their weird horses. Our guards pull him from the horse and bring him in front of us, while he's screaming non-stop. They simply drop him in front of the General, where Nanako takes over.

"A courier? What are you doing here?" She shouts, probably realizing that this guy had incredible luck making his way through a battlefield.

"I'm sorry, Princess, but the King wants the humans to set-up camp next to the city's wall. There are more resources there and protection as well. The walls are perfect for their archers."

The General asked me to translate, and couldn't suppress a smile when I did. "This would be funny under other circumstances. Princess, please keep him away from me. I don't have the time for this. Not now."

"Yes...sir." She simply replies, not knowing what else to say. She must have heard me using "sir" as a military courtesy many times, and simply copied me.

The courier seems surprised that Nanako takes orders from "the humans," but doesn't comment on it. She pulls him aside and makes sure he won't bother anyone.


One more time I try to free more BETA Phantoms, knowing that Oscar is helping me. I don't care if the Queen hears it, she's coming this way whether I want to or not.

"Swarm beings! Listen to me! I will free you! All of you. Focus on my thoughts. You have the right to live in freedom. I will protect you as my family. Trust me....join me.....and I WILL set you free. Reject your Queen! Now is the time!"

Suddenly the Queen breaks into my communication. "You stubborn child! I have infinitely more experience than you do, and you still think that you can simply ignore me?!!! You are weak!!!"

"Me? Weak? have it all wrong. Surrender......or die." I said, really calmly.

"Never! There is no force strong enough to oppose me!"

"Alright, have it your way." I focus all my energy on her Swarm, feeling Oscar's mana supporting me, which helps me to overrule her. It's her mind against mine now. "TO ALL THE SWARM.. One last time. One last chance. Hear my thoughts. Join me and I will kill the Queen!"

It seems to be working as many Phantoms are leaving the area, feeling the freedom in our Swarm.


When my thoughts return to reality, many loud explosions can be heard in the distance.


The General shouts "it worked! The Tripod stepped on the mines! It's gone! All units target the Queen. She's a sitting duck! Fire at will ! Fire at will ! Fire at will !" When I looked at the long-range images shared by an Apache, I could see tanks firing from their main guns, and could even see stinger missiles flying towards her. It didn't take long for two Apaches to join the attacking force.

Many Phantoms are flying around her, like a tornado, trying to protect the Queen, but she now too discovered that stepping on mines is a very unpleasant experience.

BAM! BAM!  Every detonated mine causes a huge splash of water.


Suddenly the Queen contacts me again.

"Hello? Queen? How nice of you to call me. Are you ready to surrender?"

"I surrender! I surrender to your Swarm! ......noooooo!"

My mind-space connection with her suddenly stops, and I'm once more looking at the long-range images. Many of her own Phantoms are now attacking her, while still being bombarded by our defenses. It seems they don't want to offer her any mercy. Can't say I blame them, but I still don't want them to die.

When I break the connection, I immediately shout to the General.
"Sir, she's dead! Please cease fire! All Phantoms have defected!"

But he simply showed me his hand. He contacts a helicopter and asks for confirmation. Only then does he give the order to cease fire and look at me.

"It seems you are right. It's over. She's dead." He walks over to me and grabs my shoulders. "Essie! Wake up! We wooon!!"  

Suddenly a grin makes it to my face. "We did, didn't we?"

"Hell yes, we did!" He said with a big smile. He then takes a radio, but I ignore what he says.


I hear the soldiers outside cheering as well. Nothing better than an impossible battle won. Sweet, sweet victory!



Suddenly I hear the voices of millions of Phantoms speaking in my mind. They are all speaking as one single voice. "Our Queen. You have freed us. We pledge our loyalty to you."

"Thank you...but freedom more Queen. I want to be your friend....not your Queen. Call me Essie."

"We thank you, Essie. What are your commands?"

"No commands. Only my hopes. To live a fulfilling life. To live in peace. Don't let anyone abuse you any longer. Those who want, may visit me as many times as they want, for we are friends now. All of you. But true freedom means....choosing your own path in life. I won't tell you what to are truly more Go my friends...explore the world or wherever you wish to go. Don't harm anyone, unless they harm you. Show them the true nature of the Swarm.

While I won't force you, I would still hope that many of you could stay a while, to help kill the other Queen. There are still many of your family enslaved. But the decision is entirely yours to make."

I'm not sure, but I got some mixed feelings from this communication. I think many want to leave the planet now.



I take my radio and call Hayes. "Merlin for Viking."

"This is Hayes, we are busy, Essie." It seems he doesn't have the time to use call signs now.

"Sir, I know. The BETA Queen bitch is dead, sir. We won!"

"My god, that is good news. Now get your but over here, we can use your brain. Give me a moment to clear the portal."

"Yes, sir!"

He could hear the cheering all around me, no doubt about it. It's all the confirmation he should ever need. But I already hear him speaking to General Mills, so he's probably double checking. Smart.


Kara and Nanako finally dare to approach me and hug the life out of me, happy to still be alive. 


After our private moment, General Mills approaches me and salutes. Of course I need to return the gesture.

"Airman Whitfield, it has been an honor. Report to ALPHA at once." He's now wearing his hat, probably prepared to address his troops next. Only now, while he's standing, I can admire his uniform and chest candy from up close.

"Yes, sir! Likewise, a great honor. Oh, and please release the courier."

"Ha ha ha, will do." He then walks away, leaving the tent.


Nanako then says "sorry, Essie, but I need to return to the Palace." She looks very serious.

I nod and reply "of course. Please tell your father that peace has returned to your lands. Soon we can look forward to trade. But now....we have another Queen to kill. Be careful not to approach the tanks."

"I will be careful. May the goddess protect you and bring you a swift victory!" She then rushed out the tent, closely followed by the courier. 



Kara followed me to the portal, but we couldn't return to Earth yet, because the thing is still barricaded on the other side. 

We used this little delay to take a breather, but it wasn't meant to last. As many times as I've been here, it has never rained a single time, but now it's definitely starting to drizzle.

I guess in the grand scheme of things we should be really grateful that it didn't rain earlier. We had perfect visibility, but now we have a mostly overcast sky. The blue summer sky is being replaced by dark gray clouds and I bet it won't take much longer before it will start pouring.

While quickly taking cover underneath a tent's eave, I asked her a question.
"Kara, I have a strange question for you. Is rain...dangerous?" I mean, it's another world, right? Don't assume anything.

She blinks a few times, then seems to remember that I'm from Earth originally and starts smiling again. "Essie, no, it's safe. The worst thing that can happen is that you get wet."

I know that my mind sometimes works in mysterious ways, just like now, so right now I'm blushing and trying to avoid her eyes.

She however takes a step to compensate for that and makes eye contact. 
"Are you....blushing? What did I say?  Ooooh...nevermind." A blush quickly forms on her cheeks as well.

"I guess you have the same expression here?" I asked.

"Yup. No comment."

"Exactly. So....Kara? Would you please stay here for a while?" I asked, which sounded more like begging.

"What? Why?!"

"Shhh.....something's going on on Earth. Please stay here so I know that you're safe. I don't want anything to happen to you."

"That's not fair! Something could happen to you too! Maybe I could even heal you!"

"I know. But please...I'll be back here as soon as I can. But I don't know what's happening over there. Negawa is now my home, together with you. If something happens, I'll run back to you."

"Don't say that, Essie. I know you won't leave your post, even if it is the last thing you do." A tear forms in her eyes, and that made me swallow from guilt. I know when she's right, but I still want to keep her out of harm's way.

I let my hands gently touch her cheeks. "No, you don't get it, my love. Go home. Make sure the sleeper has arrived and prepare it for immediate fluffing." Then I gave her a quick kiss, while we both closed our eyelids.

"No...No I won't." She said, really softly, after enjoying the kiss, her eyelids open again.

"Huh?" I look confused. Is she angry with me?

She forcefully puts her hands around my cheeks and pulls me in for a long kiss. "I will wait here, if that helps you. But as soon as you can, return home with me. We will inspect the sleeper together." Her wonderful smile makes me melt from the inside.


"Ahem....Merlin?" I heard a male voice behind me. Maaaan, we were about to kiss a good one!

"Em...yes? I'm on my way." I said, only now noticing that I could step through the portal again.

I ignored Sentry and hugged Kara once more, while saying "I love you so much. Thank you for understanding. I will return as soon as I can. Stay safe."

"You too, my fluffy one." She gave me another peck on my cheek, then returned into the tent.


Right before stepping through the portal, I overheard a soldier speaking. 
"A pity our planes won't fit through the portal. We could have simply nuked her."

That would have been a blast, to just blow her to high heavens like that. I couldn't suppress a few laughs.


When I follow the Sentry guard back through the portal, I notice that the portal room is completely opened up, as if it had never even stood here. Lots of tire tracks and mud can be seen everywhere, probably from the tanks they pushed through. Those assets and supporting squads will probably remain on BETA for a while, until Earth is ready to receive them.

"Ma'am, Colonel Hayes wants to see you." The guard said, sounding impatient because I kept staring at the tracks for a few moments.

"What time is it?"

"4.10 pm, ma'am."

"Fuck, that means we're running out of daylight soon."

"Yes, ma'am." He simply replied. He's already very much aware of that fact, obviously.

The moment we approach the offices, I say "excuse me, I really need to use the toilet and get changed into my uniform too. I'll be out in a minute."

"Yes, ma'am." He simply said, standing there, waiting for me to return from my VIP room.


It's strange to be back in our room again and see an empty sleeper. There's nobody inside but me. After a few minutes I'm walking towards the guard, now dressed in my camouflage uniform.

I assumed he wanted me to enter Hayes' office, but he said that the officers are meeting in General Pearson's office. Something tells me that this is a bad sign.

The guard leaves me after he sees me entering the front part of the General's office, where his aide is already motioning me to go inside.

In the distance I can hear the air raid sirens of Purcellville starting. This is definitely not a good sign. Immediately the adrenaline starts flowing again, and I don't think that it will stop anytime soon.

The moment I enter the room, Hayes approaches me.
"Job well done on BETA. Are you okay?"

"Yes, sir, ready to help."

"That's the spirit!" He then points at my cap. "Don't bother hiding the fluff, nobody cares about that right now."

"Yes, sir!" I removed my Air Force cap, assuming he ordered me to do that. Moments later my tail was freed too.

Hayes gives me a thumbs up without saying a word, then motions me to sit down at a table against the wall furthest away from the General. This office is now buzzing with activity. About a dozen uniformed people, each with their own laptop, are coordinating efforts with the Pentagon from inside this very room. 


"Sir?" I'm trying to get Hayes' attention.

"Esssiieeeee......we are busyyyyy....." He said that in a singing voice. "Alright tell me. You're here for a reason. Talk to me."

"Oscar told me about another weakness a few minutes ago."

"Great....then by all means, don't keep it to yourself, Essie!"

"Oscar showed me lots and lots of ice."

"Essie...I don't have the time to play guessing games. Lots of ice....that could be the north pole, south pole, Alaska, heck, even our fridge back home. Assuming it is even on Earth. What's your point?"

"'s the ice itself. Think about it. The Phantoms are born in space, but the Queen....she might not. Who knows, she might really need the heat! There's lava on the subduction zones to keep her really warm."

"I hear a lot of ifs. Can Oscar confirm that the ice will truly be effective against her?"

"Yes, sir. He confirmed this, but he also said that there are always many Phantoms near her to keep her warm. He's not sure if luring her to either of the poles will help us, but it's all I could find!"

"I'll take it. Do it, lure her up north. It's time she meets Santa for an early Christmas gift."

"Yes, sir, working on it!"



When I try contacting Oscar, I see him limping into our mind-space.

"Oscar! What happened?"

"Oh, this? This is nothing. I didn't want to show you earlier, it will heal soon."

"My friend, I'm glad to see you alive. Are you really okay?"

"Sure, only a few scratches."

"Then let me care for you!"

"No need....we have all the mana of this world to ourselves now. I'll be healed soon."

"Okay. So....I sense you want to say something?"

"Yes, my family wanted me to personally thank you. They are preparing to leave the world, finding a home in the stars like so long ago. They didn't want to ask you, so I'm asking now. May they leave?"

"Em...honestly, I could use a bit of their help fighting this Queen."

"Of course."

"Oscar.....just give them the choice. They already suffered so much. I promised them freedom, so if they want to leave now, simply let them. I'm not a Queen. That was the deal."

A smile forms on his face again. "You are true to your word. I will tell them. But I will also ask them to help fight one last Queen."

"Thank you my friend. You are the only thing keeping this Swarm together."

"No....we are, Essie." He then started limping again, away from me. 

"Oh, Oscar, wait. Could you please help me?"

"Sure." He stopped and looked at me again.

"We want to lure this Queen all the way up north towards the ice. It should weaken her. Can you help to plant the suggestion?"

He smiled and then he simply left me. I sincerely hope that was a "yes."

While waiting inside the General's office, I'm trying to invite more ALPHA Phantoms to join our Swarm. And for some reason it's working this time. I feel the numbers in our Swarm increasing. I can reach more Phantoms now....more range because of the millions on the other side who help me focus. And while focusing on them, they are breaking free. More and more....more and more!


-chest candy: ribbons and medals worn on a uniform