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Life can be hard, and to end it can be harder. The only choice I had was to trade my insignificant life to save others, at least I die as a hero that I loathe so much.


I have an illness, mental illness to be sure, only I have it, it's unique one not even doctor nor science can explain. I can't remember exactly when it starts to appear maybe it is inborn or at the beginning of my childhood it is happened when I accidentally drop an expensive wine bottle that my matron of orphanage put in communal dinner room cupboard, she is yelling at me angrily not only I can hear her hateful voice, but I can feel her feeling too its appearance was red miasma surrounding her body like aura.

" NOO CHARLIE, YOU'RE TOTALLY GROUNDED ONE WEEK OF CLEANING CLOTHES AND DISHES ". I can't even respond by saying sorry or anything in my defence. Her feelings are stabbing at me like swarms of cold needles repeatedly, and I cry and keep crying for hours. That's how I get the title of Charlie the crybaby.

Next I try to avoid social gathering because my abilities to sense feeling growing each year even if the feeling are not aimed at me, I can sense it albeit weak. I don't know how to think about this ability. Sometimes I wish it to be mind reading, at least it has no side effects right. When I think about this the only solution is the ability to switch it off and on heck even if it only to turn it off forever I can accept it, but life is not easy like that because it's not like light switch that can be turned off and on simply it was like some kind of mental switch that i try to find hardly.

I try mental exercise, self hypnotism, and even meditation and nothing works. Am I destined to live alone in the middle of nowhere forever or maybe shut in live but at this rate of my abilities progressing passively it will expand into city width and experiencing people's emotions constantly going to be torture for me, I cannot live alone in the modern world with all necessity, so I decided to end it peacefully when my power is beyond what I can handle.