Chapter 41: Returning to Base, ICU, I Mean
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Bell slowly opened his eyes, finding himself surrounded by an array of medical equipment. In the sterile and softly lit Intensive Care Unit (ICU), Bell remained still, with numerous medical devices emitting a gentle hum and occasional beeps.

His chest rose and fell in a steady rhythm, thanks to a mechanical ventilator, which produced a constant hiss and whir, serving as a reminder of his fragile condition. The mechanical ventilator covered his face, with its tubes and wires extending across the bed, connecting to various monitors. On a nearby screen, Bell's vital signs flickered, displaying his heart rate, blood pressure, and oxygen saturation.

The room remained eerily quiet, except for the occasional footsteps of medical personnel passing by the glass partition. Nurses, doctors, and other healthcare professionals moved with a sense of urgency, their faces concealed behind masks, and their eyes revealing signs of fatigue. By Bell's side, an elf, appearing to be in a deep slumber, sat patiently in a chair. The elf gradually opened his eyes, fixing his gaze on Bell.

"Good morning, Bell," Eldrin mumbled, still half-awake.

In his semi-conscious state, Bell could hear the hushed conversations of the medical team discussing his condition. Phrases like "critical but stable" and "pulmonary hypertension" drifted through his mind, blending with the machine's beeps and alarms. His mouth was filled with the ventilator tubing, and he remained sedated.

"The doctor mentioned acute cor pulmonale, though I'm not entirely sure what it means. But you've been in slumber for quite a while now. The treatment was administered a week ago," Eldrin explained. Bell could only nod weakly, uncertain about the extent of his time spent in that hospital bed. "There was also an effusion detected in your lung. The doctor will provide more details."

Unexpectedly, a familiar voice cut through the haze. "Bell, thank goodness that demonic cells transform into regular tissues instead of scar tissues. If not, I doubt you'd even wake up. If you were human to begin with, you'd probably be in a vegetative state. Heck, we all might have been vegetables," said Lisa, donning a doctor's coat over her usual uniform.

‘Vegetables? Food’ Bell wondered, but he chose not to dwell on it, suspecting it was a medical term. The most crucial news he'd heard in what felt like weeks, or perhaps even months, was that a cure had been found. As for the duration of his coma, it didn't matter. His people were safe, and that was the most important thing.

"The cure, Lomidivir," Lisa replied in a hushed tone. "It's a groundbreaking development, thanks to the collaborative efforts of both our field and research teams. It has proven highly effective in reversing symptoms in all patients, including yourself. However, because of the damage to your heart, the cardiologist recommended keeping you sedated a bit longer."

Bell simply nodded, his greatest concern now resolved during his comatose state. His eagerness to assess the progress at the main base consumed him. Perhaps the main base had already seen significant expansion, or other significant developments had occurred. Bell couldn't wait.

"And Bell, we'll have the financial reports sent to your desk. We've had quite a bit of spending," Eldrin muttered.

"Infrastructure is always a worthy investment; you can count on Bell's approval," Lisa chimed in.

He could review the financial reports at a later time. For now, his priority was to get out of this hospital bed and begin exploring the changes that had taken place.

===5 Days later===

Bell stepped out of the hospital, his energy renewed. It had been quite some time since he had breathed without the constraint of a gas mask, and the air felt remarkably fresh. According to Lisa, he had spent two weeks in the ICU. The temperature remained the same, with a chill reminiscent of an Alaskan winter, as Lukas jokingly put it.

In his hand, he held a file containing details about the expenditures, along with other reports. Bell settled onto a nearby bench to peruse the report, which had been compiled by the Federation Emergency Council, consisting of Lisa, Amelia, Eldrin, and Aurora.

[Total Expenditure: 60,000,000 EP]

  • Military Expenditure: 17,000,000 EP
  • Infrastructure Expenditure: 25,000,000 EP
  • Medical Research and Facilities: 8,000,000 EP
  • Logistics and Supplies: 3,000,000 EP
  • Emergency Relief Funds: 2,000,000 EP
  • Technological Development and Upgrades: 3,500,000 EP
  • Environmental Conservation Efforts: 1,000,000 EP
  • Community Outreach and Support Programs: 500,000 EP

Bell meticulously examined each item, his mind dissecting the implications of every expenditure. The substantial investments in infrastructure and medical facilities underscored his organization's priorities in the aftermath of the previous attack, as well as their commitment to rebuilding, all while contending with the LIHV virus.

Of particular interest to Bell were the allocations for technological advancements and environmental conservation efforts. It hinted that the R&D team had reclaimed The Facility, potentially signaling a renewed effort to restore the forest that had been decimated by the dragon. At present, there were vast empty spaces surrounding the base, a grim prove to the dragon's devastation.

The military expenditures came as no surprise, considering the near destruction of his base. Funds were evidently needed to reconstruct the air defense systems and enhance the arsenal. Bell could already spot several new point-defense weapons positioned throughout the base, including improved Surface-to-Air Missiles and the pricier Counter Rocket, Artillery, and Mortar weapon systems, replacing the manned Vulcan Air Defense System.

Curiously, there were peculiar cylindrical devices situated atop vital buildings such as the command center and the hospital—structures susceptible to attacks. These devices featured large lenses at their ends, leaving Bell perplexed about their purpose. They might very well be experimental weaponry.

Additionally, the presence of two extensive runways raised questions about the possibility of accommodating bombers or aircraft. Fortunately, the budget situation appeared to be managed efficiently, thanks to the diligent work of the hunter team, now bolstered by helicopters serving as their Erhatz gunships.

With this continued progress, Bell harbored confidence that funds would flow more abundantly, enabling him to embark on ambitious infrastructure projects that could further fortify the base's economy. Perhaps an ammunition factory could be on the horizon, where the purchase of raw materials would be the sole necessity, leaving the rest to his capable team. The possibilities were vast and promising.

Bell also learned of the addition of several more elven villages joining the Federation, to the point where the elves had surpassed the demons in civilian population. However, when it came to military strength, the demons still held dominance. What raised concern was the recent signing of a total mobilization draft by the council.

Feeling the cold wind bite even harder, Bell decided to leave the detailed reading of the file for later in the warmth of his office. Equipped with an air conditioner and a steaming cup of coffee, he could dedicate his time to understanding the nuances of these developments.

Rising from the bench, he made his way to the command center. He would have to revise the draft, and the council's request for an air force meant he had a critical decision to make soon.

Within the documents, alongside the draft, he found a collection of promotional brochures from various companies like Dassault Aviation, Lockheed Martin, Boeing, General Dynamics, Eurofighter, Saab, and more. In short, not even a day had passed since leaving the hospital before he was tasked with reviewing a report of utmost importance.


Gavil loaded all his luggage onto his horse, while the rest of the troops packed their belongings into their carriages. The central command vehemently protested against his decision, going to great lengths, even threatening to demote the magician from a court magician to a regular one, and strip him of his captaincy, but Gavil's trust in Aya outweighed everything else, despite the initial insanity of her claims. However, as he listened to her explanations about the demons' capabilities, he felt compelled to defy the central command and withdraw from this far-flung fort.

It was undoubtedly a risky gamble, and the odds were not in Aya's favor due to the sheer outlandishness of her assertions. Nevertheless, if there was even a shred of truth in what Aya was saying, the lives of his men were hanging in the balance.

Gavil himself couldn't quite grasp the woman's ramblings—aircraft flying faster than the speed of sound, a faction obliterating the world's fourth-largest military in under a month, a device capable of effortlessly slaying dragons—the list of her seemingly insane claims went on and on when it came to the demons.

In theory, it should have been impossible; the virus should have wiped out the demons by now. Gavil hadn't sent any reconnaissance teams back to the Northern Continent, nor had his human scouts reported anything out of the ordinary. However, there was an alarming increase in scout casualties from the Northern Continent.

To make matters worse, those sent to investigate had also vanished. Yet, the central command remained unconvinced, attributing the scout casualties to the extreme cold. Since no one could provide firsthand accounts of what transpired, some eyewitnesses confessed to witnessing strange phenomena that correlated with Aya's bizarre claims.

“Sir Gavil, have you seen Miss Hoshino?” A soldier asked him.

“Was she still packing up in the command room?” Gavil asked. “You know, I’ll check on her myself.”

Gavil walked to the center building of that star-shaped fort. When he arrived here, he and his company fought the undeads with musket and magic, with the help of Aya controlling them into their kill zone. The fort was abandoned with many dead bodies scattered left and right, and now, he had to abandon all of that hard work.

As he entered Aya’s office, there was no sign of anyone packing up or anything, all of the belongings were already in the carriage, and Aya told him that she needed to fetch something important. This was the only room that she entered, which other direction she could be gone to? There was a piece of envelope on the table, Gavil picked it up.

[To: Captain Albert Gavil]

As you hold this letter in your hands, know that I have already embarked on a journey that may well be my last. I am setting out on what you might see as a suicide charge towards the demon stronghold. To you, and to those of our era, this might seem like an act of madness.

But from where I stand, with the knowledge and experiences of a time far ahead, I see this as the only viable option left to us. If I don’t do so, then this fortress would be destroyed before our troops manage to escape the demonic onslaught without even seeing them with their own eyes.

I don't expect you to understand fully the reasons behind my actions. After all, how could one fully grasp the nuances of a world centuries two centuries ahead of yours? Frankly, I do, and with the strength of our enemies, may my death buy you enough valuable time to escape this fort. If someday you encounter these demons, you have two options, either run or fight to your death.

To you, Captain Gavil, I entrust that you follow my suggestion of retreating from this fort, and I hope that you follow it to the end, for the safety of your own men. By the time you read this letter, I hope you have left the fort with all of our troops.

Aya Hoshino

“Sir? Where is she?” His second-in-command followed him from behind.

“Let’s make haste, we need this fort to be abandoned as soon as possible.” Gavil commanded.

“Already done sir, the first convoy has moved out of this fort.”

“Good, let’s make sure that woman sacrifice is not in vain.”