HP2, Book 1, Chapter 01, Stupid Isekai.
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I got the idea of this fanfic after seeing the picture I used for the cover. (Great shout out for the artist, I love it)

Hermione as a Slytherin was already imagined by many, just like her in Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff in AI generated pictures and others.

But this particular picture with her with a crown, made me think : "What if ?"

As I was totally sleep deprived at the time (holidays for the kids and fever for my toddler who wouldn't sleep anywhere else than daddy's arms), I got some those strange ideas and decided to use them here.

I will only write for this novel occasionally, my main focus will still be "In Harry Potter, but on the wrong side" for now.

I really hope you will all love this.




Okrpio, Rilkre Rueqf, Gringotts.

Mogglewog WIK.

Bor krags leoprk sekls siruok werki.

Griyujk paersh maek hiuofre.

Luorgh deorihg eorikla...


In order to better please our readers, an instantaneous translation spell will be used as we go back to the start of this fanfic.


London, Diagon Alley, Gringotts.

Mogglewog POV.


It started with blurry visions and a shitty bad taste in my mouth.


Did I puke last night ?


Then my vision got clear, despite my headache.


Fucking hangover. How many bottles did I drank last night ?


I was next to a long raw of high desks, allowing their users to be at eye level with the clients.


How the hell did I remember that ? Where did this memory came from ?


The public stairs in the back leading to the vaults deep underground.


We kept the more direct ones hidden from their views. They didn't have ornaments and weren't in white marble.


The clients. Some were uptight, others simply dazzled by our building.

My colleagues were all seating on their high stools. Every single one of them as ugly as the others.

The gold and jewels was being appreciated and checked. The contracts checked for flaws and loopholes. The accounts verified twice by two different employees.


I'm in the Harry Potter Universe.




Oh, a reflexive surface, let's see who I ended up as.





Why didn't I reincarnate as Harry, Draco, Krum, Digory or some other good looking dude ? Even Bill Weasley would be acceptable seeing the hottie he ended up with.

What use does this Isekai have if I'm a freaking midget circus monster ?


Try dating one of them before treating me like a racist.


As my anger reached an higher and higher rate, I punched the glass I was looking at my reflection into. It was protecting some ancient relic of the past located on the right side of the hall behind the desks.


I didn't plan to knock it over.


Much less injure someone as it shattered everywhere. It was all bad luck, I swear.

- What in Ragnuk's name are you doing Mogglewog ?

 - Say what ?

I was really confused here. Who the hell is this Rag-dude that guy was talking about ? And what's that Mogthingy ?

My colleague turned toward the family of three that got caught in the glass sparks while some other goblin asserted the condition of the old clock on the floor.

- We deeply apologize for this incident Mr and Mrs Granger. Please follow me immediately, we will call a healer to tend to your daughter's injuries right now.

- It's ok, it could happen to anyone. But please, help my daughter.

The father was showing deep concern about his bleeding daughter. He didn't dare touch the debris on her face.

When I say bleeding, I didn't mean Kill-Bill-Tarentino-gore-level haemorrhage, ok ?

Wait, what was the name that dwarf use right now ?

The girl finally took her hands out of her face to allow a closer inspection from her mother.



As I involuntarily got closer to her, I bumped in the clock on the ground and stepped on the other creepy gnome's hand next to it, sending the artefact just below the girl's bleeding face.

- By Urgruff the Unwary, what is wrong with you today ?

What ? Come on. It wasn't my fault, please. 

The girl raised her face to look in my direction, not realizing this simple action would forever change the magical word.

One drop.

It really sound like nothing.

But that's all it took.

One single drop falling on it, reactivated what all believed to be a useless artefact only good for his historical value.

But the moment her blood touched it many reactions took place.

The clock's hands, that no one was able to jumpstart for centuries, resumed their revolutions around their axis.

Their colour, who seemed faded, now shined brilliantly, the silver and emerald green visible from all in the hall.

The most spectacular reaction was on the girl whose body shined like a beacon.

The shards embedded in her skin started to fall one by one, the process gaining speed more and more.

The wounds on her face and hands had healed by themselves, a powerful spell was at work, without anyone needing to cast it.

Her bushy brown hair had gone totally luminous white while her eyes were shining the purest emerald green all witness ever saw.

The head goblin Borkle immediately took charge after that, sending me to the central accounting office.

He explained to me that only the most skilled and trusted goblins were ever sent there as we would check all the coins the bank would receive as payments.

My new job was : "special goblin in charge of the accuracy and worthiness of the Knuts".

I would, under my colleague in charge of the whole accounting office, check if one of the Knuts presented to me were forgeries and count them. Then put them and package them in rolls of ten.

No magic was allowed as we had to be thorough.

A really important task that was given to me for the next ten years.

Do you think I could get a promotion and be placed to check the sickles if I pull a good enough job? 

While I was appreciating my new career change...


Hermione's POV.

(the rest of the chapter is in standard English).

I can't believe what happened to me this morning.

I mean, one moment my parents and I were at Gringotts to change pounds into wizard currency before going to Diagon Alley to shop for my school furnitures, then the next moment some clumsy goblin shattered a glass that almost scarred my face and hands, making me bleed all over the floor. Then the same goblin bumped some old clock in my direction making me bleed over it.

The moment some of my blood touched that clock, and some kind of spell got activated.

I really thought the goblins would be pissed off with my parents and me for that.

But now ?

My parents and I were seated in the private office of the bank's head goblin, being presented with the most expensive and exquisite tea and delicacies. A wizard from the bank came to clean our clothes. He checked if I had any remaining wounds that he could tend to as neither my muggles parents (who're dentists) nor me (as an underage witch) could do it. Fortunately my wounds had healed completely even if I didn't knew why or how.

The door opened and the head goblin, whose name was Borkle, came to us politely.

- I once again apologies for the inexcusable conduct of this employee. Please know that his behaviour lead to him being demoted and punished accordingly. Furthermore, he was sentenced to a dead end job for the next few years.

My parents and I were looking at each other at the time, not sure what was expected from us at this point.

- I see that the situation is still confusing for you right now. I will explain everything that happened earlier about your daughter.

He placed the clock on the desk in front of us.

- This artefact was under the protective glass, it's an old clock made by Ragnuk the first. It was bought by a wizard centuries ago and further bewitched by him. He was the very first client of our bank, nearly a millennia ago.

The goblin must have seen the confusion on my face as he exposed this fact.

- Miss Granger is showing confusion and I can easily guess why. It's of public record that our bank was founded by Gringott himself in 1474, but his family had been trusted with the smiting and keeping of a single safe five centuries before that. Our founder, seeing the charge entrusted upon his family, decided to open the very first bank of the magical word.

Unlike other artefacts made by my people that should have been returned to us after the death of the one that commissioned it but weren't. This clock was placed in our hands almost from it's creation. We goblins were it's keeper and waited for the person who would be revealed by it for nearly a little more than a millennia.

- What do you mean ? That the clock was waiting for my daughter ? That couldn't be possible. She's the very first witch of our family.

- I must here disagree with you sir. During the time of my absence from this office, as I made sure my colleagues took care of your family and your esteemed daughter, I was busy checking the remaining blood that your daughter unfortunately spilled and the effects it had on this clock.

He then showed us the clock and it's details. Specialty the hands that now showed my face and my father's.

- This clock works by showing the link between the person dropping some blood on it, his or her direct parent and, if you use the small crank on the side, every single past parent linking them to it's first owner. The fourth founder of Hogwarts, Salazar Slytherin.

As he was explaining all of this to us, he started to use the crank. First slowly, to let the faces of my father's family some time to appear, then faster and faster. My parents were watching it with fascination but for me, I could only look at it in shock. I'm a Griffindor. How could I be in my house if I was Salazar Slytherin's descendant ?

The hands on the front face were now spinning to fast to let us do anything more than glance at them until we heard this loud Ting, that resonated in the office.

A single face was visible on the hand that stopped at the top of the clock's front face.

Famous for his actions, contributions but also his choices.

- Acting under Salazar Slytherin's instructions, I must inform you that your family's name was changed the moment this verification was concluded. We already contacted the ministry of magic on the subject who will dispatch a team of obliviators who will help you deal with any problems it could cause on the muggle side.

- Change our name ? Why would we do that ? Asked my mother.

- I'm afraid it's linked to the way magic itself would see you madam. Try saying your old name, you will feel it yourself.

- What do you mean our old name ? We're the Slytherins, that never changed. No, wait. That's not what I meant. I wanted to say Slytherin. Slytherin. What the hell is wrong with me ?

- Please calm yourself madam. I will explain everything you need to know in your new situation. If you could just follow me. I need to guide you to your family's vault.

He rang a small bell and stood up, then with a gesture from his hand invited us to follow him. Three other goblin entered and each of them, head goblin included, placed one of his hand on an emplacement on the wall. A small section of it backed up, revealing a small corridor.

- This corridor can only be acceded with the simultaneous approval of the head goblin, chief of accounting, chief of security and chief of treasure hunting office. It's also protected with anti-apparating spells.

The corridor was well lighted with beautiful ornamented orbs on the sides. No windows were visible, and the walls were adorned with suits of armours who kept their heads focused on them as they walked. The cringing noise made by their hands on their weapons were disheartening.

- This vault is the most secure we ever had in the bank, mostly because only five goblins knew of it's existence.

- Five ? Asked my father.

- The ones here plus one unknown from any of us four. Should anything befall on the four of us, his task would be to explain their roles to our replacements.  He explained while walking.

At the end of the corridor, a small lift was installed, it's doors open.

As we all took place inside, Borkle explained that their long gone king Ragnuk was commissioned to make this vault, assuring this way the safety of all of Slytherin's possessions inside. Knowledge of this vault was transmitted from father to son for almost five centuries until Gringotts came and changed everything.

Their founder took the vault keeping to the next level by creating the first goblins' bank. Which later incorporated all the other banking establishments of Britain and developing offices in all the major countries in the world.

You could hear admiration and respect in every word of his speech.

The lift finally stopped, opening his doors to a corridor like cavern, drilled in the rocky bottom of London underground. As we walked along it, it's circular walls kept rotating around us, each section finally stopping in time to allow us to continue without slowing our walk. Each new section would lit itself with green flames burning on the torches placed on the walls.

We finally arrived to a huge cavern illuminated by green bright flames everywhere. Unlike the corridor, this flames came from the eyes of the snakes sculpted everywhere.

In front of us was the most massive and complex door I ever saw. It's mechanisms covered in gold, silver and jewels.


- Heir Slytherin Hermione, of the most noble and ancient house of Slytherin, it's my duty and honour to present you the Emerald Vault.


Two things :

- The chapter may be edited and changed later when I will have the time to think more about this story.

- The isekai character's having no further use, don't bother remembering his name, I don't think he will ever come back.

Plus he still have to serve his time...