Chapter 13: Along The Highroad Part 8 (Vol 1 End)
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I launched an onslaught of spells at the revolting creature while taking great pains to avoid setting the forest alight. It felt like even the forest was an enemy, preventing me from unleashing my most powerful spells.

‘Trying to overwhelm me with spells are we, not a bad strategy, lass, not bad all'

The nauseating creature remarked while weaving between my spells; it was evident by its tone that it didn’t view me as much of a threat at all, and that was starting to really get on my nerves.

‘Stand still and let me hit it already, damn it' I screamed, my frustrations finally boiling over.

‘As you wish' The creature said this, twisting its maw into a wide, unnerving grin.

I felt a cold shiver run down my body as a skeletal arm coiled itself around me like a viper, its gnarled fingers digging into my wrist and preventing me from raising my wand.

‘You really need to work on your situation awareness!' You’ve been battling a fake the entire time'. The creature cackled, digging its fingers deeper into my flesh.

The creature that I had been fighting began to fall apart, ending up as a puddle of muddy liquid on the forest ground.

"Did you think that you humans were the only ones who could do magic?”

‘Unhands me at once, you wretch or I'll…'

'You'll blast me with your magic. Please go ahead. I’m sure it’ll be a scrumptious meal.'

‘I struggled to raise my wand, but no matter how much strength I mustered, I couldn't move an inch. It felt like fighting against quicksand; the more you struggle, the deeper you sink.

‘Your mana is rich. You must come from quite a distinguished bloodline' The creature said, spilling bile from its running, my only dress. I can’t do anything; all the spells I know require oral incantation and wand movement.

Lydia thinks,If you don’t come up with a plan, this will be the end of you. You'll never get to see Tabitha or Ferris again, and I’ll never get to keep my promise to Lumi or Father.

I should have listened to Bel; I should have stayed in the damn carriage, but now, stupid Lydia, you once again put yourself in danger because you think you can handle everything on your own. Your pathetic excuse for a noble.

‘Hold still, lass; struggling will only make it hurt worse'

The creature snarked while preparing to take a bite out of my neck.

Perhaps this is what I deserve—the price of my hubris and naivety.

At the very least, I’ll get to see Mother again, I suppose.

‘Unhand my master, you bitch.'

That voice waits. Am I hallucinating? Bel….

As I opened my eyes, I saw Bel prying the creature's hand from around my wrist and preventing it from biting my neck with the other hand. Just how strong is Bel? I wondered.

'Master, get behind me now!'

‘Okay!’  was all I managed to say as I darted behind Bel, my entire body trembling like a leaf in a storm.

‘Akka’s always hunts in pairs. Thank you for saving me the trouble of hunting you down'

‘First it was the goblins. Now our horses are dead, and then you had the audacity to soil my master's perfect skin with your rancid touch. I'm going to kill you now.'

‘Bel?' I whimpered about the reality of the situation hitting me as tears streamed down my face.

‘Dry your tears, Master. You have nothing to fear anymore. Your trusty maid Bel is here to save the day.'

‘Could you close your eyes, block your ears, and count backwards from thirty for me?' Bel asked with a smile that didn’t reach her eyes.

‘An odd request, but alright, I’ll oblige' I said, wiping more tears from my stinging eyes.

I did as I was baying, stowing my wand back in my pocket, closing my eyes, and placing my hand over my eyes.

Though muffled, I could hear the sound of squashing and piercing screams through the numbers, and finally I reached zero, but I hesitated to close my eyes.

I felt two hands grab mine—two soft hands and two warm hands.

They gently pulled my hands away from my ears and held them with a sense of warmth and gentleness, like they were handling something brittle and delicate.

‘Master! You can open your eyes now; the monsters are gone.'

'No, I don’t want to.'

‘It’s scary'

‘But you have to'

‘I’m the master here; I don’t take orders.'

'Fine rather than stubborn, If you won’t open your eyes, I'll just have to improvise'.

In a swift motion, I was scooped up and was being cradled in Bel’s arms, like a princess would be carried in those old picture books Father would read to me when I was little.

‘Who gave you permission? To pick me up like that!'

I scolded, opening my eyes to see Bel’s smiling face looking down at me.

‘Shall we go, Master?'


Was all I could manage to muster after such an exhausting day of trouble.

Vol. 1 End

Author’s Note


Heya it’s Nina Thank you so much for reading Maid for Villainess's first volume. I know this arc was all over the place, and that’s because I started M4V as more of a concept piece with no overarching plot other than Bel being an assassin from a distinguished family.

I’ve outlined the rest of the plot, all the twists and turns and developments, so the next volume onwards should have tighter pacing, and the slow burn Yuri has finally started to well burn.

I wanted to throw in a few Lydia chapters, but I don't think her character voice is strong enough yet or distinguishable from Bels.

The next arc will see our girls traversing towards Helavisa on foot and entering the Windmill Village of Lullin for a totally nice and wholesome expedition. We won’t be reaching Helavisa Academy until volume three.

Who is your favorite character after volume 1?
  • Bel Crowett Votes: 15 88.2%
  • Lydia Redgrave Votes: 2 11.8%
  • Marquis Redgrave Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Petra Kreuger Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Ceres Aldaris Votes: 0 0.0%
Total voters: 17