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 Luna's pov

"Oh, Luna-sama, you are in Leon-sama's room, I see. "

 The maid calls out to me as I sit on a chair near the bed.

 It is unusual for me to be in Brother room, and I suppose she would like me to go back to my room, but that is not the case.

"It seems that my brother is not feeling well. I will keep an eye on him, so please don't let anyone enter his room."

 I am now fulfilling the mission given to me by my brother.

 My brother has given me the task of making everyone around believe that the pile of clothes shoved into the bed is him.

"Oh, my God, now please call the doctor ..."

"No need. I will take care of him."

"But ......"

"Don't make me repeat myself".

 As usual, just say it quickly, and no one will mention it.

"......, yes, I understand."

 The maid, with a slightly stern look on her face, hurriedly left the brother's room.

"I managed to fool ...... her."

 However, it's not possible to keep doing this forever, and there will come a time when the limit will be reached.

 When will the brother return?

 He said he had some business to attend to in the Loch Lake area, but I can't imagine what business he would have to attend this late in the evening.

Well, the later he comes back, the more I can enjoy his smell.

 I smiled and dragged out of the bed his pants, shirt, and underwear.

 I push it against my face and take a deep breath, the smell of that man fills my body.

"Soooo ...... oh, that nice smell ......... This is enough for me to ingest my brother directly so that I don't have to eat anything for a week...."

 The smell is pure and unmatched by anything I could smell around me

 It is often said that there are drugs in the world that make people addicted, but if I were to line up that with my brother's shirt, I would definitely jump to the second.

 Is there anything in the world that makes me more addicted to drugs than my brother?

After that, I would take this and this back to my room, and here are --"

 While I was gathering socks, pants, and other small things of my brother's to take back to my room, and sprinkling my regular perfume around the room, I heard a steady thumping sound.

 There is no mistaking these footsteps, it is my brother.

 I have to hide the harvest under my skirt before he comes into the room.

"I'm back, Luna."

 Just as I managed to push all the personal belongings into the room, my brother entered the room.

Welcome back, brother! Did your business end well?"

Thanks to you. I'm glad Luna took good care of things."

"I will do anything that my brother wishes me to do. I can cook, do housework, give massages, give you a bath and warm your bed. ......"

"Yes, sure, I. I'll take that as a compliment."

 I like being praised by my brother, but I don't like being left out like this.

 Whether he is aware of my feelings or not, I want him to accept it.

I am serious! For the sake of my brother, I'll do anything..."

"Anything" is not an easy thing to say."

 I was a little bit selfish and my brother put his hand on my shoulder.

, "Save those words for when one day I need to ask Luna to do something important for me. And when I ask you t I hope I can count on my sister to be my pride and joy."

 Instantly, my ears were hot as if they were burning.

 I understood the meaning of his words that were put between those two words.

"Brother, does that mean ......?"

 Before I could ask him, he pulled his hand away.

"I am so grateful for your help today, Luna. See you tomorrow."

'......Yes, I'll come back tomorrow to wake you up, brother."

You can wake me up, but please don't ride on me as a horse. Good night then."

 Waving to my smiling brother, I close the door and walk down the hallway.

 As I entered my room on the same floor and plopped down on the canopied bed, the conversation we had earlier ran through my mind.

"Save it for when I ask you to do something important for me one day,"

 Ask me for an important request.

 It must be a request that will affect his life, since my brother said so much about it.

 I can only think of one such request.

"Oh, my brother! That statement is almost like a marriage proposal!

 No doubt about it - my brother wants to marry me!

 If he didn't, there is no way he could say such a bold statement!

I knew my brother was different from any other man! He protects me, trusts me, loves only me, and he is the most wonderful brother in the world ......♪"

 It's inevitable that I would roll around on the bed and frolick around.

 The future with the person I have been in love with for so long is about to be confirmed.

 To be honest, up until now I have not been able to tell whether the feelings I have had for my brother were love or respect.

 I suspected that I might have misunderstood the affection we felt for each other as family.

 But at that moment when he protected me, I was convinced.

 The feelings I had for my brother for so long were unmistakably love!

"...... But engagement is coming up the day after tomorrow, isn't it?

 Even though my heart is burning with passionate feelings for my brother, reality cools me down.

 Father says, "It's for Luna's sake," and asks me to marry someone from somewhere.

 The last time it was the second son of the Marquis of Whatsapp, the time before it was the nephew of the Count of Honjara Frontier, and the day after tomorrow it will be ......, I'm not even interested in who it is from the very beginning.

'My heart and body belong only to my brother! Don't he still not understand that I would never bow my head to any other man, no matter what other men I might be matched up with!"

 My cheeks puffed out, and all I could think of were the empty love words of all the men in the world.

'Luna Ornstein! I love you from the bottom of my heart. ......"

I refuse."

 I turn my back on the man who brought me a mountain of flowers.

"You and I are about ten years apart in age, but I'm sure we'll be happy ......

Please leave."

 The man who whispered words of love to me was sent away by a servant.

'Why are you so attached to that brother of yours? You are much more talented than he is. ......"

"You! You! Don't insult my brother!"

 I beat up the man who made fun of my brother until the maid stopped me.

 But still, the marriage proposals kept coming.

 I can't help but feel that all the men in the world, including my father, who has never given up on me, except for my brother, are more and more ridiculous.

 If only I would have some good ideas, everyone would agree that my brother and I are in love.

How can I get them to approve of my brother and me ...... Yes!"

 I was lost in thought as I pulled the dragon hug pillow closer to me, when a plan suddenly popped into my mind.

I would become a 'mage' - a 'first class mage'!

 A mage is a skilled professional in magic who is well acquainted with magical powers.

 Mages are highly valued even in the empire, and as a first-class mage, the highest rank, a mage can earn a lot of money just by being invited to the imperial capital, even without having to work.

 If I make my brother my pimp and give him a luxurious life, he will never leave me.

 With his position and honor, father will not be able to resist me.

Please wait for me, brother! Luna Ornstein will do whatever it takes to be united with her brother.♪

 Once that is decided, "All is well that ends well.

 I jumped up from the bed in line with the thought about my brother ,

 Tomorrow - let's head to the town's "magic information center" right away.