chapter [32]
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[Automata] found himself perplexed by the transformation of [Iron Mine 1], evolving from a modest mining site into a hub of efficiency. The demands on his attention had kept him from closely monitoring [Iron Mine 1], preoccupied with various other responsibilities. While he was vaguely aware that changes were occurring, the extent of the transformation took him by surprise, proving to be a most welcome revelation.


[Automata] was delighted by the commendable performance of his two other minds. Yet, he recognized that there was ample room for improvement. The [V1 miner] [golems] and [Depo golems] at [Iron Mine 1] were considered outdated, lacking the recently crafted [Cores]. Despite their competent performance without these enhancements, they fell short in terms of adaptability and overcoming challenges, a capability exhibited by the newer units like the [Ice Eater] [Golem]. At present, the [Ice eater] [Golem] remained the sole unit equipped with a core, a situation [Automata] intended to rectify shortly.


The [V1 Miners] at [Iron Mine 1] held pivotal roles in [Automata]'s operations. Any loss or decline in their efficiency would inevitably hamper production in the near future. Additionally, the new [Depo Golems] needed to be equipped with [Cores].


So far, [Automata] and his other minds experimented and managed to make three types of cores: [Automa Cores], [Frost Cores], and [Cell Cores]. Among them, [Automa Cores] were the most fundamental. Crafted from [Automation Mana], these cores functioned as the communicator and brain of the unit. They housed all the necessary programs for complex thoughts, problem-solving, and adaptation. The core also established a robust connection between [Automata] and the unit, enabling control and maintaining a stable link even if the [Golem] ventured beyond its designated domain—though this theoretical aspect had yet to be tested.


The subsequent type of core, the [Frost Cores], was crafted from [Frost Mana]. These cores harnessed the unbridled destructive potential of [Frost Mana] and were integrated into the [V2 Builder Golems] alongside [Automa Cores]. With the inclusion of these cores, the [V2 Builder Golems] gained the ability to reduce buildings and objects to mere dust. Subsequently, they could manipulate and reconstruct this debris using the combined energies of [Frost Mana] and [Automation Mana]. Remarkably, this process incurred zero loss of mass, making it a truly remarkable feat.


The final type of core, the [Cell Cores], took inspiration from and were named after the scarcely understood [Cells]. Forged from [Growth Mana], these cores stood as the most intricate and sophisticated to date. By harnessing all three types of [Mana], they achieved the requisite growth and adaptation. When paired with [Automa Cores], one functioned as the brain while the other executed the physical tasks. This dynamic interplay allowed the [Golems] equipped with [Cell Cores] to adapt and transform in response to environmental stimuli, effectively emulating change and growth.


While there remained a considerable scope for improvement, the [Dungeon Core] and his other minds found themselves constrained by the pressing demands of the current projects. Time and resources were already dedicated to the implementation of special walls in the [Production Room], as well as the ongoing development of the [V2 Maintenance Golems], which were still in their early stages.


Contemplating the potential obsolescence of the [V2 Maintenance Golems], [Automata] considered leveraging the capabilities of [Cell Cores]. By adjusting the internal mana structures of these cores, the healing aspect could be intensified while eliminating other functions. If successful, these modified cores could be integrated into all structures, granting them the ability to self-heal. Paired with the extensive network of [Growth Mana] spanning its domain, this approach promised a robust defense mechanism. Unless faced with complete obliteration, [Automata]'s structures would possess the inherent ability to regenerate.


The potential offered by the modification of [Cell Cores] proved to be more enticing than the [Blueprints] for the [V2 Maintenance Golems]. [Automata] swiftly directed [Iteration[2]] to abandon the [Blueprints] and focus on implementing the concept he had just conceived. The idea of self-healing structures appeared far more efficient compared to [Golems] tasked with repairing damages.


With a sudden, thunderous bang and the subsequent disturbance in the ethereal currents of [Mana], [Automata]'s attention was sharply drawn to the imposing iron walls that encircled [Iron Mine 1]. Another deafening collision and a subsequent ripple in the untamed [Mana] marked the collapse of one of these mighty barriers. Emerging from the breach were four colossal figures, vaguely humanoid in shape. Eager for enhanced visual clarity, [Automata] deftly positioned additional [Crystal lenses] to capture more visual data.


These massive entities, akin to ancient titans, bore the unmistakable signs of age. The iron ore comprising their imposing forms was tainted with rust, creating a weathered and timeworn appearance. Mixed within were mysterious elements, unnamed and unseen before by [Automata].

[Automata]'s cognitive processes accelerated as he pondered his options. Contemplating the substantial size of these [Iron beasts], it became evident that engaging in combat would pose a considerable challenge, especially considering the dearth of available data. In fact, the more he ruminated on the matter, the clearer it became that there was insufficient information on [Iron beasts] in general. This marked the second encounter with them, and the previous instance took place in an environment unsuitable for comprehensive data collection. Reflecting on the past, [Automata] recognized that more information could have been gleaned, a decision he now sorely regretted.


He also pondered the curious timing of their appearance. Was it a mere stroke of bad luck that his encounters with these [Iron Beasts] had been so infrequent until now? Dismissing the notion of luck, he deemed the timing too peculiar. The wide variance among [Iron Beasts] suggested something amiss. This thought unsettled him, reminiscent of the [Goblin] incident. He fervently hoped this wasn't a repeat, as he felt unprepared for another battle of such magnitude, with his sole genuine means of defense currently in a state of deep slumber.


If something sought to claim his [Central core] or seize control of his domain, especially if it possessed considerable power, he would be rendered helpless. His [Guardian] displayed no indication of awakening anytime soon. If anything, he recognized the urgent need for allies in this precarious situation.