Chapter 5
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Chapter 5 ~ Lord Snow part 2 ~

I bid farewell to Ros and some of the other whores, paying Ros for giving me the draft and left one of Little Fingers many establishments in Kings Landing, I walked out the front of the massive doors, with a thin shawl pulled up covering my hair and most of my face, just in time to see my father shove Little finger harshly against the stone wall of his whore house, "You're a funny man," father growled into Baelish's face, he looked ready to deck him "A very funny man" I stepped forward out from under the stone balcony came into view. 


"Father," I said, as much as I'd love to see him teach Baelish a lesson in manners it wasn't a good thing to have it happen out in the open. 


"Ned!" a voice shouted in a whisper from above us and we both looked to find my mother staring down at us "Anaris?" without looking to my father or Little Finger I rushed back into the brothel and raced to where I had seen my mother, she was there waiting for me with open arms with Ser Rodrik "what are you doing here Wolfling? This isn't a place for you"


I glanced behind me and saw that the coast was clear I spoke lowly, I didn't trust Baelish with anything "I was here to thank a whore named Ros, she made me a draft to stop pregnancy" I went to touch her hands but recoiled when I saw bandages covering her palms "your hands" I gently grabbed her fingertips and turned her hands over so I could assess the damage. 


"Nothing to worry your sweet head about Wolfing" she trailed her fingers over my cheek "so you've decided to not have children?" She asked and I nodded. 


"Jaime and I discussed it, we'll wait until we settle" mother hummed in agreement and I heard father clear his throat "I love you" I mumbled for only her to hear before leaning forward and kissing her on the cheek "stay safe" she smiled at me sadly when I pulled away and Ser Rodrik nodded at me as I left I patted my fathers chest gently and headed to Ember who was stabled close by. 



It had been a few days since my mother visit to Kings Landing, in the time since I've seen her I've done too many things, Syrio returned my raven telling me he was on his way and would be in the Capital by the end of the month, Ros was also keeping me informed of the goings-on in Baelish's brothel, Pyter had taken a shine to her apparently, and was letting her be responsible for more things which meant she was my eyes and ears. 


I sat at my writing desk replying to a letter from Robb when the door to my chambers burst open and Jaime stormed in, he was the angriest I'd ever seen him "What's wrong?" I stood and went to him as he sat on our bed trying to rip his white cloak from his shoulders, I undid the clasps quickly as he stopped and leant forward, leaning his face against the bodice of my dress that was clinched at my waist, I undid his armour as well and let it drop unceremoniously onto our bed before wrapping my arms around his shoulders and lacing my fingers into his hair. 


"The King" he answered as he took a deep breath and moved his head back so our eyes could meet, "decided to bring up the Mad King, asked me what his last words were" he sighed deeply and wrapped his arms around my body, bringing me closer to him,  this side of him, the vulnerable side, was one no one else saw he made sure of that, this side was saved for myself and Tyrion, not even Cersei saw him like this. 


I rubbed circles on the side of his head, where his hair met his skin and tried to think of words to say to that, surely I couldn't ask what the Mad King had said those last moments, I so badly wanted to know "he does these things to get a rise out if you Jaime" I mumbled as he once again buried his face into my stomach. 


"His last words were Burn them all" he grumbled into my stomach, "he had hidden caches of WildFire under the Keep, the Sept, Flea Bottom. He thought he was going to be reborn into a dragon but not before burning everybody in their beds" I stiffen at his words, WildFire, I'd read about it, toxic, green and it burned so hot that it rivalled Dragons fire, many Targaryen's before the Mad King used it to keep the realm under control after the last Dragons had died, Aerion Targaryen thought he would turn into a Dragon if he drank the stuff, now there was a reason they called him Brightflame and it wasn't because he became a dragon or because he was intelligent. 


"Do you regret it?" I asked quietly, I raked my nails through his scalp, removing the tangles as I went that his helm had left behind. 


"He demanded I bring him my fathers head, " there was a silence that I didn't want to break, "so no, I don't regret it, what I do regret is the name they gave me after, that Robert loves to throw around" I shifted my hold, tightening my arms around him. 


"Kingslayer" I mumbled making him freeze, his head snapped up and for the first time since I'd actually met Jaime, I saw anger directed at me burning in his gaze. 


"Do not call me that" he roughly shoved me away, for a moment I stumbled but I quickly gained my footing again, "Is that who I am to you, forget being your husband" he stood up and grabbed my shoulders tightly "a man without honour? The man who shoved his sword into his kings back?" 


"Oh for the sake of the Gods" I growled, it was my turn to be angry, I quickly and easily got out of his grip and shoved him onto the bed, I was on him before he could blink, my weight pressing down on his wrists my face close to his so it was all he could see "you are Ser Jaime Lannister, youngest man to be knighted, only Kings Guard to be allowed to have a wife and an arse when you want to be" he tried to swap our positions as he always did but I wasn't going to let him "you are not a Kingslayer to me" I tightened my grip on him and narrowed my eyes "and if you do what you just did again I will tell all your men that Ser Jaime Lannister likes to cuddle" my words startled a laugh out of him. 


"They wouldn't believe you," he remarked making me grin back, he went to kiss me but I pulled my head back so he couldn't reach my lips. 


"Oh perhaps they would not but the thought would be planted" I grinned wickedly at him before slamming my lips against his in a heated kiss, I released his hands and the immediately went to my hips, squeezing them roughly, his hands up to the ties of my corset and he began to untie it swiftly while I ripped at the ties of his shirt he tried to roll me onto my back.  


"Let me love you" he whispered against my neck when I planted my hands on his chest and made sure he couldn't get what he wanted, putting my hands under his now undone shirt I scrapped my nails down his chest causing him to take in a sharp breath. 


"No, I'm going to show you this wolf has claws" I scooted back on his legs and undid his britches, releasing him from them I moved up once more and sank down into him, my hands back onto his chest I gripped his shoulders and slowly began to move, Jaime growled beneath me and he sat up capturing my parted lips with his breathing in my gasps as we began to move faster, his hands were back in hips and he flipped me over onto my back, hooking one of my legs over his hips he grasped my other one and pushed it out so the side of my thigh was flat against the bed, he started to slam into me harshly, taking my breath away.




I opened the doors to where Syrio was waiting for Arya and stepped into the room with a grin on my face "Syrio" I said with a short curtsy before a wooden sword was thrown at me, I caught it with ease and twirled it in my hand for a moment, testing its heaviness, before falling into a defensive position. 


Syrio waited for me to strike first but I refused making him smile "good, Wolf, good" reading the way his muscles bunched, just like how Ser Rodrik taught me, I met his lightning fast form in the middle of the room and blocked his quick swing, "so you remember what I taught you wolf?" He raised before he tried to sweep my legs out from under me. 


I gracefully shoved him away before twirling out of reach and stopping only when I was at a safe distance, I dropped out of my defensive stance and put the blunt point of the sword onto the floor so I could lean on it slightly "haven't slowed down in your old age" I jeered with a cheeky smirk, he barked out a laugh. 


"And you Wolf are still as beautiful as the sun on the Braavosi sea" he replied as I dropped the wooden sword unceremoniously onto the ground and clapped him on his shoulder. 


"Thank you for coming" I said as he nodded he took in my clothing and shook his head. 


"A Wolf dresses as a Lion" I looked down at my dress, it resembled slightly what Cersei wore, only because of the heat, but the colour was more reminiscent of what my mother always wore. 


"I am blending into my surroundings" I told him with a roll of my eyes, I stooped and picked up the sword and handed it to him "Arya will be here soon," I looked at him as he hummed, Arya thought she was coming for dancing lessons, a tiny misguided lie on my part, she was going to be for quite the shock when she'd start her lessons with Syrio, "be kind to her Syrio" I kissed his cheek, getting a small reaction of a blush out of him before leaving, I was about to close the door when he called out to me. 


"What do we say to the God of Death, Wolf?" I met his eyes and I smiled brilliantly. 


"Not today" I replied before closing the door and leaving my old swords master to his new student.