10. A Glimpse of Power
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A week has passed since they had their argument. They decided to postpone project dandelion for another three days so that Sarah and Anna can have more time to prepare. Karla herself is more than willing to wait. Unlike her, they both had normal relationships and they’re willing to abandon all of that so they can go with Karla.

That wasn’t the only reason, of course. Karla cannot sneak out of the country right now.

The Palace is much busier than usual. The Emperor had called for a General Assembly. Assembled are every lord and noble throughout the realm, as well as many other guests and officials. With so many VIPs gathered in one place, the palace improved its security. Guards are standing outside doors and patrolling the halls nonstop. She expects the security will also extend to the streets and walls in the city.

Forget about leaving the country. She can’t even escape the city walls.

“Right… Father did mention that he was going to call for a General Assembly to discuss the incoming Peruvian invasion,” Karla mused, lamenting her rotten luck.

Even so, Karla didn’t panic. It merely put a delay on her plans. She just needed to wait for the storm to pass. No, it might have been a good thing, it allow Karla to refine her plans and double check everything. Karla hates to admit it, but both Anna and Sarah might have been correct. She has been too hasty.

So Karla took advantage of the busy palace and the even busier channels of communication to send more letters discreetly. Karla is particularly concerned over her “parting gifts”, which is a side project of hers. Since she’s leaving, she might as well leave with a bang, both figuratively and literally.

Who will receive these parting gifts? All those who wronged her, of course.

Someone knocks on the door, urgent and hurried. They knock seven times, which means it’s Anna or Sarah.

“Karla, this might be bad!” Anna didn’t bother to wait for Karla’s permission to enter.

“Ugh, what is it?” 

“You have a letter from the Emperor.“

Karla slammed the book she was holding onto her forehead. She has been doing her absolute best to avoid the emperor until now. In fact, she’s doing her best to avoid everyone. She hasn’t left her room once. Karla had received many invitations these past few days from people who will attend the general assembly. Mostly from her allies or political outcasts who are desperate enough to want her as an ally. She rejects them all, which only worsens her public image. 

“…did you open it?” Karla said meekly.

“I’m bold Karla, not stupid.” 

“Can you read it for me? I don’t want to look at it.” 

“No way, it’s scary. Besides, I’m so busy. Unlike you, I don’t have an entire year to prepare.”

Karla sighed in defeat as she took the letter. It was sealed using the imperial seal, proofing its authenticity. Karla channels her magic into the letter and the letter unfurls with a loud snap as the seal break in half. Written inside is just one sentence:

“Tomorrow you will attend the general assembly as a guest. Don’t wear a dress.”

It was an invitation. No, it was a command.


Today is Monday. A servant came and informed them the General Assembly was scheduled for noon. Karla is currently being fitted into her formal wear. It was a three-piece outfit; It consists of a jacket, matching vest, and trousers all made from black fabric that looks sleek and sophisticated. The jacket has notch lapels and two buttons in front for closure. Meanwhile, the vest has a V-neckline that hides most of the white shirt she had underneath.

This outfit is certainly eye-catching. It was a simple yet elegant design that seem out of place. No one except the imperial family worn such designs. It was said that this type of clothing was a favorite of the first emperor and he always wore it on formal occasions. Overtime it became a tradition of sorts for the imperial family. It was an obsession that Karla did not fully understand.

The imperial family also has a strange obsession over the color black, going as far as banning its use for anyone else. But that was understandable since there are the only people in the world with black eyes. It was an important branding meant to glorify the imperial bloodline.

“You look surprisingly good in this outfit, very dashing,” Sarah said as she tied Karla’s necktie.

“Really?” Karla knew she is of average looks, especially compared to her step-sisters.

“Absolutely.” Sarah pushes a standing mirror in front of her.

Karla can't help but feel shocked. With an air of confidence and style, the reflection staring back at her is captivating. The striking contrast between her white hair and dark attire adds a captivating dimension to her overall appearance. The snug fit of her jacket accentuates her slender frame, resulting in a sharp and polished look. It is unfortunate that only elderly gentlemen will bear witness to this stunning sight; had she attended a tea party dressed like this, she would have undoubtedly been a hit among the girls.

“I look…Handsome? Kind of weird to attribute that world to a girl,” Karla mutters.

“It will look better with this hairstyle, no?” Anna held up Karla’s hair with her hand. 

“True, it took away some of her sharpness. The gap between that cute hairstyle and her dashing looks is a bit too much, though…”

“Then how about this…Combined with this powder…” Since there is nothing much they can add to her clothing, Sarah and Anna obsess over her hair and makeup.

After an hour, they finally nodded with satisfaction. They decided on loose top that overflow, covering Karla's forehead under a curtain of white hair. In addition, they also braided both sides of her hair. Creating a neat line and exposing her ears and side profile. The braid ends as the base of a ponytail which extends to her back, exposing her neck. As for makeup, they decided to just add a light amount of neutral powder and an eyeliner to sharpen her eyes a little. 

Karla sighed in relief as they finally leave the room. Sarah and Anna had never been this enthusiastic before. She also notices that they spoke casually now. Well, Anna is always casual to her, but she never had that enthusiasm in serving her before. Sarah, too, has changed her demeanor. Gone are the decorum and distant respect she always had. Now, she always smiles warmly and seemed intent on treating Karla casually.

Both of them stopped calling Karla by her title or milady, just Karla. Honestly, Karla doesn’t know how to respond to this. She had this warm fuzzy feeling in her heart, but she choose to keep a close lid on it for now. Unfortunately, she can’t see her own emotions, She can’t analyze this feeling that is bugging her.

The general assembly is being held at the central palace. Karla, Sarah and Anna are currently heading there. At the entrance to the sky way Karla found a group of people waiting for her, ten knights and a servant. The servant approaches them. He bowed to Karla while the soldiers saluted.

“Princess Karla, allow me to escort you to the waiting room,” the servant spoke with a clear and respectful tone.

“State your affiliation” Karla tone’s meanwhile are authoritative, she’s standing tall with a raised head.

“I’m Matthew Rom from the chamberlain’s office”

“Very well Matthew, you may lead the way”

Matthew bowed once again before escorting Karla. Before they step out into the sky way bridge, the leading knight grip his sword with an offhand and started whispering.

Master of the sky and winds that blow, hear my call on this breezy glow. Carry my wishes and make them clear, let your power appear. Protect us from your whims and dance, let not a single hair flounce. I sacrifice two Muus in exchange,  give me permission to make a change

‘He’s chanting verbally without any routine…’ This is the first time Karla saw someone chanting manually, nowadays even mages only use precast spells. That minor surprise doesn’t last long, though. Something even more shocking happened then. Usually, they make the pommel of a knight's sword out of manatite, which are metals and minerals compatible with mana. People Carry them around so they can store excess mana for later use, essentially increasing one’s own mana pool.

Karla saw with her own two eyes two orbs of light emanating from the knight’s pommel. It floats freely in the air for a fleeting moment before scattering into nothing.

What was that?.... Is that mana?

Karla touched her right eye. She knows trained people can sense the flow of mana, but this is on a different level. Karla knows her second ability only affects her mind and nothing else. So this must be an effect of her first ability, since it affected her vision. Karla thought she can only see people’s emotion with it.

A week ago, a new ability had surprised her and now an ability Karla thought she understood surprised her. Karla realizes how little she knows about her awakening. She regrets not memorizing the text on that damned glass tablet.

“You’re feeling unwell, milady?” Anna asked her.

“I’m fine,” Karla said with a glance that say “we’ll talk about it later”.

They step into the sky way bridge in stunning silence. Not even a breeze or footsteps can be heard. It was as if the air itself was standing still. Even sound can’t pass through.

‘Talk about overkill’ Karla thought. She knew the spell was to protect her from the winds. ‘though I didn’t know wind magic can be used to block sound, I should try it later...’

As they proceed closer to the central palace, Karla can hear the buzzing noise of a crowd. Matthew guide them to a separate entry directly to the upper floor. They arrived in front of an ornate door, Matthew knock on the door three times before bowing and leaving them there. Karla took a moment to steel herself before asking Anna to open the door.

The room is a classic style waiting lounge. As she walked inside Karla can fell her nerves calming. The classic style of decor and furnishings gave the room an elegant feeling that was both welcoming and sophisticated. She couldn’t help but notice the high-backed leather chairs, the plush carpeting underfoot, and even a warming stone in the far corner. The cozy lighting added to the overall ambiance as Karla took a seat in one of the comfortable chairs and popped open the book she had been carrying. Sarah swiftly brought a cup of tea to her side as she basks in the inviting atmosphere.

Karla appreciate how inviting it was to spend some time alone here before the assembly began - just what she needed on this stressful day!


‘Hmm? there seems to be a sound of someone clearing their throat? Well, let’s just ignore it,’ Karla thought as she turns a page from her book.

“Ahem!” There’s that sound again, louder this time.

‘Oh my, to think Caspian failed in his first quest...’ Karla turned a page on her book.

“You rude woman! you don’t even greet us as you enter!”

“Don’t even bother, Frederick. That girl kinda loopy,” Peter said with a chuckle.

Karla took a sip of tea. In the past, Karla would get startled if Frederick yelled at her like that. Now that she had awakened her second ability, such trifling matter will not even break her concentration. Only half of her is preoccupied with the book, the other half is calmly watching the three people in front of her.

“Hmph... did father invite you? Why does he even bother? Might as well have a maid bring your portrait”

‘Exactly, why does he even bother,’ Karla thought.

“...” Lucius didn’t say a word, only glancing at Karla once before turning his attention to a chessboard.

Which he played by himself.

Karla wonders who among the two of them truly deserves the title of antisocial. It is so unfair, No one complained about Lucius tendencies. Why does everyone keep criticizing her? Why does Lucius get a free pass?

Then Karla looks at his feet. The shadows beneath him dance like an open flame. Looking at it gives a chilling feeling of dread. Not even Karla is immune to its effect. No, her newly awakened abilities make it even clearer to Karla just how terrifying her older brother is.

What Karla sees is pure darkness, non reflective black oozing out of Lucius like steam. It was like dropping a torch at a deep well at midnight. Every light that touches it is devoured with no way to escape.

‘that’s why no one criticizes him,’ Karla thought. ‘He can kill all of us here and the knights standing guard outside easily’

Is this what the emperor meant by having power? If she have it, would she finally be able to shut them up like Lucius did? Karla glanced at Lucius’ servants. Unlike Anna and Sarah, who are standing by her side, they are standing far away from Lucius. Karla can see the dark color of fear whenever they looked upon her stoic brother.

‘Seems lonely, having all that power,’ Karla observed. ‘As I thought, staying low and aiming for a peaceful life is the way to go’.

knock, knock, knock.

“great another family member arrived...” Karla muttered under her breath.

It wasn’t just another family member; it was the emperor himself. He looks ten times more intimidating with that formal suit. Karla closed her book and stood. Her brothers did the same.

“Good, everyone here early,” He said, glancing at the waiting room.

‘Everyone?’ Karla thought.

“Now, the assembly is delayed because of unforeseen circumstances. Why don’t we kill time with some family bonding” Said the emperor while pointing at Lucius’ chessboard.

‘Family bonding?!’ This time, all four siblings had the same thought.

The emperor directed the maids to arrange a set of table and chairs around him, then he took Lucius’ chessboard and put it in front of him. A butler came in at the perfect moment to place a chess clock on the table.

‘How did that butler know to bring a chess clock at this time?’ Karla hadn’t seen the emperor giving instructions to anyone outside the waiting room.

“How about a five minutes round robin tournament?” The emperor suggested.

“That would be great, father!” Peter agrees.

The emperor ignored him and looked Karla in the eye.

“A punishment seemed fitting to the one who scored the lowest. Don’t you think so, daughter?”

“... a game without stakes is just a waste of time” Karla said, a bad feeling creeping up her throat.

“Indeed, how about... the loser will be the scribe of the assembly?”

“That seemed hardly a punishment?” Asked Frederick incredulously.

‘It is to me,’ thought Karla.

Being the scribe means she had to make a note of everything said during the assembly and confirmed the contents with other people present. Then she had to get it approved by the overseeing committee and had the chief librarian signed it before sending it to be archived. The entire process will take a month at least. During which armed knights will continuously escort Karla to ensure no tampering of the records.

In short, it will delay her escape further.

“Gambling is for degenerates and the brainless. We, as the imperial family, shouldn’t set such a poor example.” The emperor moved a pawn. He chooses white.

“Now, who likes to go first?”


This chapter give a glimpse on the magic system of this world. The reason why I keep making the use of magic vague in previous chapters is because I'm not quite sure what magic system I'm gonna use. But now, I finish making up the basic rules and decided to abandon the usual skill/Level systems that is the bread and butter of the isekai genre.

So expect more magic going forward.