To be honest…
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ladies, gentlemen, enbies, and Kinky Freaks of all ages...We're back. I had a slight fever for a few days, because of a sudden Bout of snowfall and a Downed powerline... i was wothout heating for 16 hours, in 6°F weather, With a Windchill factor of -9(meaning it was 6°, but felt like -3°...)... So yeah... i got sick. To make it up, Its a Double Release... in which i Realized, upon Re-Reading the original Text, That I predicted two Future bands. Sorta. So heres part one of the "dinner with a friend"


I was waiting at the Central Fountain of the undersea plaza, A Marvel of modern technology... For some reason, my mom's had me wait here for Candy, like she couldn't find the restaurant. They also made me dress up nice, because the place is apparently pretty fancy. We had originally planned on Italian food, but the Athens Orchard was closed, So they made a reservation at some High-end Seafood place called the Blue Crab. Being located in the Undersea plaza, Which was actually more of a man-made Salt Lake/Aquarium meant you could Eat Fish while Seeing Fish. A bit Weird, but A beautiful Vista, i had to admit. In fact, id never see anything more breathtaking. Or so I thought, Until I looked back down.

While I had been Watching Sealife through the giant dome, Candy had arrived... and my Lungs stopped working. She was... incredible. Forget the Sealife, THIS was beauty.

She was wearing a Black Sundress, but it had Quite a bit of lace, and was lower cut than the average Sundress, With part of the Chest Coverage Replaced with Lace. She Had that Cute little Choker on her neck, with the little Charm hanging from it, Black Mesh Gloves that left her fingers and most of her hands Uncovered, seeming to Be held on by a silver Ring on the middle finger(I have no idea what these are called.), Matching Leggings... And 4-inch Heels. Someone had Applied some light makeup to her face, A dusting of Purple around her eyes, But nothing else. Her nails matched the Eye color, And her hair had been Styled To look like waves... I still couldn't breathe...

"Sorry I'm a bit late. I texted you, buy didn't get a reply."

I nodded... 

"Red? You okay?"

I nodded... 

"So... Where are we going?"

I nodded...

"Red? HOLY SHIT! RED!" A soft hand delivered a hard slap to my back... and I gasped in air!

"Cough... Gasp... wheeze..."

"Are You Okay? You weren't breathing! Do we need to call an ambulance?"

"No... cough... I'm fine..."

"What was blocking your airways anyway?"

"I uh... I dunno... um... let's uh. . . Let's go to the restaurant."

"Okay... if you're sure your okay."

Turning so she couldn't see my face, I mumbled... "you... took my breath away." But luckily she didn't hear me. "It's this way."

"The Blue Crab? Wow. I haven't been since i was 7."

We made small talk, until we got inside. An employee asked for the name, and I gave it.

"Ah, Mister Scarlette, Yes... your table is prepared, and the meal prepaid in full, Order to your hearts desire. Also, I was asked to give you this by the Ladies who so graciously Paid Beforehand. Please, Enjoy your meal."

The man handed me aletter... and only then noticed he had led us to a two person table... I was about to Complain, when I noticed my mom's handwriting on the letter.

I swiftly read it... then let out an exasperated sigh.

"Whats wrong?"

"Read it." I handed Candy the letter... and she started laughing.

{YO! We dont wanna be third wheels, so We're going elsewhere for dinner. Enjoy your date! -Your personal Cupids!}

"Pfft. Personal... cupids... pff."

"Sigh. My stupid moms... why?"


Ellis and Ema POV.

Two shady figures watched the young soon-to-be lovers, giggling between bites of their burgers abd fries... 

"Our little Boy is so cute, when he stopped breathing! Just one look at her nearly killed him. So Adorable!"

"Ema, we might have gone a bit too far... I mean... look at the Poor kid. He's out of his league! I'm not saying our boy is Unattractive but... Damn. That Girl is Murder. He's DEFINITELY punching Up."

"Ellis! Are you looking at other women!"

"You looked too! He'll, you were drooling."

"Can you blame me? Our Boy has Damn good Tastes!"





Candy POV

Red was a bit odd tonight. I've never seen someone just stop breathing before. He was Wearing a White Shirt, Blue jeans, and a Leather jacket... And seemed to be nervous.

When we arrived at the Restaurant, we learned his mom's had ditched us. Still, it was a nice dinner. The Shrimp Scampi was delicious, as were the Cheddar and Lobster Puffs, Batter dipped Lobster encased in cheese, served with a Sweet Sauce. After our meal, Red and I took a walk... The Sound of Waves drew our eyes upward, and we found ourselves on a raised terrace above the plaza... a species of bioluminescent Fish swam on schools, looking like a sky of shifting stars... 

"Look, Candy... umm... My mom's are weird. Im sorry if this was weird for you."

"What? Red, this was Amazing!"

"Really? Because... well... To tell you the truth, i..."