Chapter 12: Entering the portal
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Jack watched the soldiers salute the black woman and she just glared at Jack. “What happened to this soldier?” She pointed to the Barry.

“Well the Trials are dangerous my first trial only me and two others survived. Your survivability increases as you power up” the woman just accepted this. “So what did you guys choose as your jobs” all nine in unison said one thing.

“Solider” Jack wasn’t surprised at all and didn’t question the job at all. 

“Now me and my group will be entering the portal near the Daily Planet any objections” the woman shook her head. “Good I will be seeing you Miss” Jack quickly left and the woman just looked at the soldiers.

“I want a full debriefing immediately” the woman was angry.

“Yes Miss Waller” the soldiers saluted.


Jack soon arrived at the portal the cultists bowed slightly when he approached. He saw Superman waiting beside it as well this raised a few questions for him. “Has any one entered the portal” the cultists nodded.

“Some military people they came back quickly as guns and tanks can’t function inside the world. Superman as well he came back with a few members who had powers they didn’t work either.” Jack laughed a bit and nodded before summoning Ignis and Cocytus. Jack pulled out the spiritual feed for his elemental. The packet was brown like most animal feed with spiritual feed written on the front in big green letters. He ripped the bag open and found that the feed was small  colourful pebbles. He gave the bag to Ignis and Cocytus and they greedily devoured the pebbles. They glowed and shimmered slightly before looking at each other with hostile intent.

“That hit the spot, now you icy bastard let’s see who’s stronger now” Ignis flared up with black flame.

“Sure you hot headed imbecile let’s see who’s stronger” the temperature around Cocytus plummeted so much Jack could see his own breath.

“Now you two get over this little lovers quarrel we’re about to enter the portal” both of his elementals glared at Jack. Their auras flared even more and unison they both yelled.

“WE’RE NOT HAVING A LOVERS QUARREL!” icy shards formed in the air around Cocytus and black wisps of flame formed around Ignis. 

Jack raised both of his arms up in surrender “okay, okay you’re not having a lovers quarrel but could we get on with the portal now?” Both elementals glared at each other one last time and nodded. The cultists prepared their equipment and Dick leaned against a crooked lamppost. Jack approached him with a smile on his face “Brother Juria are you prepared?”

Dick nodded “yes Brother Jack I am ready” with this Jack signalled for the rest of the cultists to follow him. The cultist pulled out their weapons and put on their various pieces of armour. They entered the portal shortly after Jack and Dick. Jack and Dick gipped as they were pelted with a putrid stench. The fellow cultists did the same as their nostrils were assaulted by a smell only comparable to a gym sock that had been left in sour milk in the sun and then a dog shitted on it. 

Some cultists shoved pieces of chewing gum up their noses to block out the smell. “Fucking hell this place reeks worse than my old gym locker” cried one of the cultists. One of the cultists walked forward and began to speak.

“Remember everyone everything on this planet is poisonous. We received this information from the government sent scouting party. May we remember that one idiot that ate some strawberries from this place and died.” The cultist bowed their heads slightly and began chopping some trees down. Jack and Dick helped, those with martial skills that were good for cutting used them to cut down several trees at once. 

“I wanted some defences yesterday ladies and gentlemen” Jack called out as he began sharpening and carving the trees.


Keres watched from her realm as the cultists began to construct a wooden wall around the portal entrance. Keres watched them for a few more minutes before eyeing her new recruits. Well recruit there was only one. A female with long curly bright blonde hair and emerald green eyes the female was shortish about five foot three. The woman seemed very confused about where she was. The woman wore a blue short dress and black tights with blue shoes. A camera rested around her neck on a cord Keres gust glared at this woman.

The woman looked around frantically and scratched her head. This was Juli’s crazed fan and Keres was slightly unimpressed. She was kind of expecting she didn’t know some creepy dude in a hoodie or something. Keres knew this woman was Juli’s stalker as the camera was full of pictures of Juli. One of the photos was literally of Juli sleeping and it was taken from her bedroom window. Keres approached the woman with a fairly straight forward ultimatum. Do a trial and become better or die where she stood her choice was fairly obvious. “Well I wish you the best of look the goblins were getting anixxy.”


Max was enjoying the privileges of being the undisputed ruler of the Detroit criminal underworld. He got to kill people he didn’t like, he got the respect he deserved and he could fuck who he pleased. He was currently following the man that was stalking Frenchie. He was exactly what Max expected him to be, some fat sleaze balding jackass. He was wearing a suit you would only see a used car salesman in. 

He stopped and entered an apartment complex Max chuckled and followed him in. The man had barely reached the lift when Max struck. Max kicked the man in the side of his left leg breaking it. The man screamed out and Max began raining blow after blow after blow onto the man. Max’s fists were caked in blood, skull fragments and brain matter. He checked the man’s pulse and he was definitely dead. 

Max quietly left the scene and began walking back to the club. A man suddenly confronted him with a tire iron “your reign of villainy ends now fiend!” The man screamed and lunged towards Max. The tire iron bent as it collided with Max’s head and Max chuckled. 

“That was pathetic Detroit Man, here is how you hit someone” Max pulled back his right arm quickly. Detroit Man had no chance to dodge as the fist plunged deep into his stomach. Blood spewed out of his mouth as Max took a step backwards and groaned. The hero now laid sprawled on the floor but Max’s white suit now had blood on it. “You mother fucker do you know how much this suit costs!” Max kicked the hero in the head and began to stomp on him. 

Max soon regained his composure and kicked the barely breathing hero in the stomach and watched him fly into a lamppost. “Now I have to buy a new fucking suit” Max quickly left but not before tying Detroit Man to the Lamppost by bending the tire iron around his neck. 

Max huffed slightly and hoped that Detroit Man had learned a lesson. If he had killed him or unmasked him it could lead to problems. He gave the hero a chance and a message the message was don’t try to fuck with him again. Keres giggled slightly as Max strutted down the streets. Max had been grinding on the trials and any missions she had given him Keres glimpsed at his status page.

Name: Maximilian Maximus

Race: Half human half Red Oni   Age: 31

Racial bonuses: Strengthened Skin, Alcoholic Strength

Level: Trained     Items: Heavy Skull Breaker Club, Mad Oni Vambraces, Greaves of Swift Wind, Oni Belt of Lesser Strength, Demonic Oni Mask

Titles: To Angry To Die

Job: Rage Warrior LV1

Underlings: Mathew Clawford (Rookie), Angus Clawford (Rookie) … 235 more

Skills: Agro (Upgraded from Lesser Agro), Greater Melee Weapon Proficiency (Upgraded from Melee Weapon Proficiency), (New) Lesser Unarmed Combat Proficiency, (New obtained from Job Advancement) Lesser Pain Nullification

Martial Skills: Triple Slice (Upgraded from Double Slice), Chain Strike X5 (Upgraded from Chain Strike X3), (New) Battle Valour, (New) Frenzied Strike, (New) Intimidating Roar, (New obtained from Job Advancement) Battle Frenzy

Boons: Minor Red Oni Strength, Peak Human Stamina, Peak Human Dexterity

SP: 3200

Keres knew when someone levelled up a Job to level ten they could advance it for a better one. They would gain all some additional starting skills for their new Job. The Warrior Job usual focused on melee combat and could advance to a veteran warrior or even a knight job. Certain jobs required pre met conditions such as the Rage Warrior that required you to be very angry and aggressive as a person. Keres thought Max would have chosen something more related to his current gang leader position. Max did have the opportunity to chose a Corrupted Knight job which was much better than a Rage Warrior.


Keres decided to check up on the progress of Juil’s crazed fan and wasn’t happy with what she saw. The crazed fan was slicing and dicing her way through the goblins with a fucking chainsaw. Keres definitely knew she hadn’t included a chainsaw in the selectable weapons. Keres demanded an explanation from the system and apparently she pre-awoke a Job which was a one in a billion chance of actually happening.

Name: Samatha Jackson

Race: Human   Age: 20

Level: Rookie

Title: Creepy Stalker

Job: Yandere (Obsessive Stalker)

Skills: Obsession Location Detection (Target: Juil Smith), Soul Weapon (Chainsaw), Obsession Scent Recognition (Target: Juli Smith), Presence Erasion, Madden Rage

Boons: None

SP: 0

Keres learned from the system that the Yandere Job was an extremely difficult Job to acquire. She also found out that each Yandere had a sub grouping that gave them different skills and options compared to a Yandere with a different grouping. But some things with a Yandere was always the same. These were the Obsession Location Detection and Soul Weapon.

Keres felt slightly sorry for Juli as her stalker was now much stronger and could find her where ever she went. Keres waited for the yandere to finish the trial before sending her to her previous location. Keres watched on before sensing Jack and his group encountering the Naga.


“Hold formation!” Jack yelled as the Naga began to try and climb the hastily constructed walls. They had only been in the portal world for about six hours but they were able to create a small wooden wall if you could call it that. It only reached a height of ten feet and was barely constructed properly. They had already nearly lost eight members who had been on lookout duty. The Naga attacked without warning and had completely caught them off guard. Jack had to dodge one of the Naga that had tried to eat his head and he sighed. “At least now I can try out the Awakened Level One Necronomicon”

A large black book with a strange twisted face cover appeared in his hands. “Buy me enough time!” he yelled as he began chanting. “I summon from the forked paths that winds around the worlds of here and beyond. Heed my call ow creatures of the beyond who observe. This book is the door and our pact is the key I call you forth to help defeat my enemies. The payment for this deal is the corpses of the fallen so feast to your hearts content!” The air began to grow heavy and cold and a violent wind began to whip everyone.

Jack felt his energy begin sapped and nearly passed out as a giant glowing black glyph appeared on the floor next to him. Keres watched this and received a notification from Yeenoghu that he was accepting this summons. Keres just watched as a large black door bound in red chains appeared before the book.

Jack just watched on as these chains begin to break with explosive force. Something began to push the doors open and that is when he saw the notification.

Yeenoghu father of Gnolls has answered your call.

Temporary contract formed 

Yeenoghu will slay all enemies in the nearby area.

Yeenoghu will get the corpses of the fallen as payment.

This contract is finished when Yeenaoghu has slayed all the enemies in the nearby area or till he has been killed.

Beware mortal for Yeenoghu father of the Gnoll kind is approaching and with him a primordial hunger is awakened inside of you. Be wary summoner for the abyss has gazed upon you and with it comes side-effects.

I would like to thank you all for waiting an additional day for this chapter. So here it is I hope it lives up to your expectations. I want to thank everyone for their comments and please if you have an idea for the story let me hear it you’ll be thanked in the end of the chapter that they appear in.