Chapter 47: Greed and Resurgence (1)
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[ ???'s Interface ]


System Notification

Intrusion Report:

One thousand six hundred seventy-nine entities has invaded your dungeon domain. G.P safety compromised.



Secure G.P, put an end to the invasion.

Intercept and Slay the invaders


Estimated Reward:

- 32012 G.P

- Authorities: Greed and Resurgence




Having encountered two Authority wielders thus far, it was the first time in these encounters that I faced one accompanied by other people. The first lone invader, a mage, came on his own, acting like a one-man army tearing through my ranks like a madman. He was only stopped by the ambushing strategy I came up with, back then when I defeated him. While it could be said that the second lone invader wasn't exactly alone, he embodied roughly seven men with several different classes in one body. So, once again, technically, he was alone.

However, this time was different. The authority wielder was accompanied by some friends.



Name: Adriant

Level: 61

Race: HighBreed

Class: Warrior

Title: War Master / Monster Slaughterer / Demon Slayer / Champion

Experience: 25,000 / 180,000



- H.P: 2450 / 2450

- M.P: 700 / 750

- S.P: 2250 / 2400

- Fatigue: 10%

- Defense: 1600

- Offense: 2100



- Weapon Mastery: Level 20

- Power Strike: Level 18

- Combat Stance: Level 20

- Shield Block: Level 15

- Heavy Armor Proficiency: Level 18

- Counter-Attack: Level 16

- Quickdraw: Level 17

- Berserker's Fury: Level 15

- Endurance Training: Level 20

- Tactical Awareness: Level 18

- Warlord's Roar: Level 10



- War Cry: Unlocked

- Unyielding Fortitude: Unlocked

- Resilient Endurance: Unlocked

- Shield Wall: Unlocked

- Adrenaline Rush: Unlocked

- Veteran's Insight: Unlocked

- Slay Evil: Unlocked

- Iron Will: Unlocked

- Unbreakable Formation: Unlocked

- Warlord's Presence: Unlocked






Name: Seraphina

Level: 37

Race: HighBreed

Class: Healer

Title: Champion / Radiant Soul

Experience: 23,000 / 80,000



- H.P: 1450 / 1450

- M.P: 2500 / 3000

- S.P: 380 / 380

- Fatigue: 8%

- Defense: 480

- Offense: 600



- Healing Magic: Level 9

- Divine Light: Level 14

- Protective Aura: Level 13

- Purification: Level 12

- Revitalize: Level 11

- Cleansing Wave: Level 10

- Benediction: Level 9

- Restoration Magic: Level 7

- Aura of Renewal: Level 12

- Warding Prayer: Level 13

- Holy Affinity: Level 11

- Longevity: Level 1



- Divine Intervention: Unlocked

- Empathic Bond: Unlocked

- Serenity: Unlocked

- Purify Undead

- Sanctuary: Unlocked

- Divine Grace: Unlocked

- Celestial Harmony: Unlocked

- Banish Undead: Unlocked






Name: Pascal

Level: 49

Race: Highbreed

Class: Knight

Title: Holy Crusader / Demon Slayer / Champion

Experience: 112,000 / 147,000



- H.P: 1900 / 1900

- M.P: 600 / 700

- S.P: 2400 / 2800

- Fatigue: 8%

- Defense: 1300

- Offense: 1800



- Sword Mastery: Level 18

- Power Strike: Level 16

- Combat Stance: Level 18

- Shield Block: Level 14

- Heavy Armor Proficiency: Level 16

- Counter-Attack: Level 15

- Quickdraw: Level 16

- Holy Strike: Level 14

- Endurance Training: Level 18

- Tactical Awareness: Level 17

- Divine Shield: Level 12

- Longevity: Level 1



- Crusader's Zeal: Unlocked

- Demon Slayer: Unlocked

- Unyielding Fortitude: Unlocked

- Shield Wall: Unlocked

- Adrenaline Rush: Unlocked

- Veteran's Insight: Unlocked

- Divine Intervention: Unlocked

- Iron Will: Unlocked

- Unbreakable Formation: Unlocked

- Holy Presence: Unlocked






Name: Jaime

Level: 48

Race: Highbreed

Class: Monk

Title: Champion / Fisting Killer / Monster Slayer

Experience: 102,000 / 135,000



- H.P: 1800 / 1800

- M.P: 875 / 900

- S.P: 2300 / 2700

- Fatigue: 8%

- Defense: 1200

- Offense: 1600



- Martial Arts: Level 12

- Evasive Maneuvers: Level 15

- Unarmed Combat: Level 16

- Meditation: Level 12

- Acrobatic Flow: Level 14

- Healing Presence: Level 13

- Serenity Strike: Level 12

- Iron Body: Level 13

- Diamond Fist: Level 13

- Counterbalance: Level 16

- Spirit Walk: Level 13

- Astral Strike: Level 13

- Longevity: Level 4



- Divine Harmony: Unlocked

- Tranquil Spirit: Unlocked

- Ki Infusion: Unlocked

- Astral Projection: Unlocked

- Celestial Aura: Unlocked

- Unseen Force: Unlocked

- Enlightened Reflexes: Unlocked

- Inner Peace: Unlocked

- Master of Shadows: Unlocked

- Ascendant Spirit: Unlocked






Name: Jaimy

Level: 48

Race: Highbreed

Class: Monk

Title: Divine Acolyte / Spirit Whisperer

Experience: 102,000 / 135,000



- H.P: 1800 / 1800

- M.P: 880 / 900

- S.P: 2600 / 2700

- Fatigue: 7%

- Defense: 1200

- Offense: 1600



- Martial Arts: Level 12

- Evasive Maneuvers: Level 15

- Unarmed Combat: Level 16

- Ki Strike: Level 12

- Meditation: Level 12

- Acrobatic Flow: Level 14

- Healing Presence: Level 13

- Serenity Strike: Level 12

- Iron Body: Level 12

- Diamond Fist: Level 13

- Counterbalance: Level 16

- Spirit Walk: Level 13

- Astral Strike: Level 13

- Longevity: Level 4



- Divine Harmony: Unlocked

- Tranquil Spirit: Unlocked

- Ki Infusion: Unlocked

- Astral Projection: Unlocked

- Celestial Aura: Unlocked

- Unseen Force: Unlocked

- Enlightened Reflexes: Unlocked

- Inner Peace: Unlocked

- Master of Shadows: Unlocked

- Ascendant Spirit: Unlocked






Name: Elowen

Level: 50

Race: VerdenKind

Class: Mage

Title: Archmage / Elemental Adept / Champion

Experience: 180,000 / 225,000



- H.P: 850 / 850

- M.P: 2800 / 3200

- S.P: 1100 / 1300

- Fatigue: 12%

- Defense: 400

- Offense: 900



- Earth Magic: Level 7

- Water Magic: Level 8

- Elemental Infusion: Level 18

- Lightning Magic: Level 4

- Ice Magic: Level 6

- Fire Magic: Level 5

- Arcane Shield: Level 14

- Mana Surge: Level 16

- Blink: Level 15

- Radiance: Level 18

- Enchant Weapon: Level 17

- Telekinesis: Level 7

- Longevity: Level 2

- Healing Magic: Level 3



- Arcane Unity: Unlocked

- Elemental Fusion: Unlocked

- Astral Projection: Unlocked

- Mana Overload: Unlocked

- Arcane Empowerment: Unlocked

- Elemental Mastery: Unlocked

- Arcane Resilience: Unlocked

- Spellweaver's Insight: Unlocked

- Dimensional Rift: Unlocked

- Elemental Skin: Unlocked





This Authority wielder was no lone invader like the others; he came with friends, six of them, most of whom averaged around level 50 or so.

“Quite the party that he got here, right guys?”

“Quite the party indeed.”

“Especially so, if you account in our Authority wielder…”




Name: Kevin Karstark

Level: 63

Race: HighBreed

Class: Paladin

Title: Divine Crusader / Champion / Herald of the Light

Experience: 410,000 / 600,000



- H.P: 1550 / 1550

- M.P: 3200 / 3800

- S.P: 1500 / 1800

- Fatigue: 8%

- Defense: 700

- Offense: 1200



- Sword Mastery: Level 22

- Holy Strike: Level 20

- Divine Shield: Level 18

- Righteous Smite: Level 19

- Shield of Faith: Level 17

- Healing Light: Level 20

- Aura of Protection: Level 18

- Holy Radiance: Level 16

- Retribution: Level 19

- Divine Wrath: Level 20

- Vindicator's Stance: Level 17



- Divine Unity: Unlocked

- Crusader's Zeal: Unlocked

- Holy Resilience: Unlocked

- Guardian Angel: Unlocked

- Divine Intervention: Unlocked

- Celestial Aegis: Unlocked

- Beacon of Light: Unlocked

- Sanctified Ground: Unlocked

- Avenging Justice: Unlocked

- Celestial Blessing: Unlocked



- Greed and Resurgence





"That is why I’m withdrawing. I’m out. It’s between you guys,' Dungeon Master 06 declared with a resigned finality."

The authority wielder, much like each one of his friends, bore the title of a champion—a title that I, through Otherworldly synergy, had come to associate with dungeon slaying, if that’s even a word.

In the beginning, I wasn't sure if there were dungeons like me out there, but seeing more and more invaders with that "Champion" title made it clear that there were, in fact, other dungeons out there. This title was bestowed upon those who triumphed over a Dungeon Guardian, more precisely when one defeated a dungeon guardian with "Increase environmental hazard" in use.

The moment we saw those titles of champions and, of course, also their levels, we knew that our current invaders were something beyond the abilities of Dungeon Master 06's spawns or even his Guardian to handle. Dispatching them fell upon Dungeon Master 01, Dungeon Master 02, Dungeon Master 03, Dungeon Master 04, Dungeon Master 05, and me.

Being the highly motivated individual that I was, eager to take on the challenge, I offered, "Can't help you then, Dungeon Master 06. I'll deal with them for you."

"No, you don't," a disapproving voice immediately cut in.

"Did you already forget your whole thing?" followed another.

"Undead domain, Anti-life biome, that's all you."

"Oh, come on! Not that excuse again. I'll deal with them in a second with my Dungeon Guardian. Easy peasy."

"Yeah, and in that second, all the creatures, monsters, and animals in Dungeon Master 06 will die."

"Do you know how long it will take for them to repopulate to the current extent?"

"Not long."

"Okay, fair enough, not long, but still, the time wasted would be time that Dungeon Master 06 should be dedicating to harvesting."

"Just think about them, Dungeon Master 00. Think," Dungeon Master 01 whispered, suggestively.

"Those would be G.P. lost, never to be recovered," Dungeon Master 05 added, trying to guilt me.

"We know you know that we're right. Just give up."

"Tsk." Facing a logic I saw no flaws in, I was left with no other choice but to back down. "I'm withdrawing; they’re for you guys."

"Welcome to the club, Dungeon Master 00," Dungeon Master 06 said.

"I guess yeah."

I watched as the other Dungeon Masters battled over who would get to face the batch of invaders. Each presented arguments and counterarguments, and they eventually decided to settle the matter over a game of rock-paper-scissors. However, they soon realized that they were all going through the same thought process, leading them to the same answer in each game.

They considered leaving it up to luck, but we didn’t have many tools at our disposal for a luck test—no dice, no cards, or anything. The only unpredictable variable was the invaders themselves. They ended up betting on which invader would be the first to land a killing blow on one of Dungeon Master 06’s spawns. The task of handling the batch of invaders fell to Dungeon Master 02, not particularly because he won the bet, but rather because he got to choose the one with the highest level of fatigue compared to any other Dungeon Master.

One aspect of invasions that has always puzzled me is how I/my domain is perceived as a dungeon. One would think that a person entering a domain like mine, one that has claimed so many invaders, would make sure to be at the top of their strength before attempting an invasion. However, most invaders have, for some reason, accumulated a certain percentage of fatigue, usually with less than 10% or 25% missing from either their M.P or S.P.

Initially, I assumed that 5% was the average level of fatigue, but after acquiring a Verdenkind that we spawned into Dungeon Master 06's domain, we discovered that 0% was the idle state of fatigue for Verdenkind, as it was for all the other spawns aside from the Undead, who were completely immune to fatigue to an extent where they didn't even possess the status known as fatigue. Thanks to Dungeon Master 06’s domain and the strange effect it had on our whole dynamic, I finally understood why it was like that. There were not only monsters inside my domain but also outside, and in most cases, invaders had to make it through them to enter my domain, which is why they were always slightly exhausted.

Anyway, since Dungeon Master 02 was the one chosen to dispatch the batch of invaders, he spoke with a grinning voice, demanding, "Dungeon Master 06, I am ready. Relinquish the control to me."

"Right away," Dungeon Master 06 replied, "take good care of my cattle."

"Don't worry, they'll be safe outside my guardian chamber."

"Hmph, I'll trust your word," he declared, passing control over to Dungeon Master 02. The map interface before us almost immediately changed. The map transformed into a new layout, completely different from the previous one, with the red, white, and blue dots disappearing. Then, only the red and white dots reappeared on the new layout. However, another notification promptly popped up.




Dungeon Core Interface


System Notification:


[ Guardian Room Invasion Detected ]


Average level: 30

Invaders Races: HighBreed, Verdenkind

Classes: Healer, Monk, Mage, Knight, Warrior, Paladin


Warning: Boss room integrity compromised. Dungeon core defenses activated.


Defensive Countermeasures:

- Spawn Guardian

- Enhance Guardian abilities

- Strengthen environmental hazards



One other advantage that the Authority, Ethereal Echo, provided, aside from its splitting or cloning properties, was the ability to execute something like this—a tactic used by the authority's previous owner, Tusko Vagar as the trump card: Using his splits/clones, each with its own set of skills and abilities. In other words, a sort of shield or barrage that he both used defensively and offensively that one would have to cleave through before reaching the true him.

As a dungeon core, however, we did not have access to such a trump card. If I were a Verdenkind or HighBreed, I have the feeling that I would’ve. Instead, we had access to the Dungeon Core equivalent of that trump card: the unique ability to relinquish control over the space occupied by our domain. In this case, Dungeon Master 02 utilized this ability to transport the “cattle” to his domain and the current invaders directly to his Guardian Chamber, intending to put an end to the invasion in the most direct manner possible.

"Okay gentlemens, let’s get this done with."